/* * Copyright 2009 Nicolai Hähnle <nhaehnle@gmail.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "radeon_emulate_branches.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "radeon_compiler.h" #include "radeon_dataflow.h" #define VERBOSE 0 #define DBG(...) do { if (VERBOSE) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0) struct proxy_info { unsigned int Proxied:1; unsigned int Index:RC_REGISTER_INDEX_BITS; }; struct register_proxies { struct proxy_info Temporary[RC_REGISTER_MAX_INDEX]; }; struct branch_info { struct rc_instruction * If; struct rc_instruction * Else; }; struct emulate_branch_state { struct radeon_compiler * C; struct branch_info * Branches; unsigned int BranchCount; unsigned int BranchReserved; }; static void handle_if(struct emulate_branch_state * s, struct rc_instruction * inst) { memory_pool_array_reserve(&s->C->Pool, struct branch_info, s->Branches, s->BranchCount, s->BranchReserved, 1); DBG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); struct branch_info * branch = &s->Branches[s->BranchCount++]; memset(branch, 0, sizeof(struct branch_info)); branch->If = inst; /* Make a safety copy of the decision register, because we will need * it at ENDIF time and it might be overwritten in both branches. */ struct rc_instruction * inst_mov = rc_insert_new_instruction(s->C, inst->Prev); inst_mov->U.I.Opcode = RC_OPCODE_MOV; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.Index = rc_find_free_temporary(s->C); inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask = RC_MASK_X; inst_mov->U.I.SrcReg[0] = inst->U.I.SrcReg[0]; inst->U.I.SrcReg[0].File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; inst->U.I.SrcReg[0].Index = inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.Index; inst->U.I.SrcReg[0].Swizzle = 0; inst->U.I.SrcReg[0].Abs = 0; inst->U.I.SrcReg[0].Negate = 0; } static void handle_else(struct emulate_branch_state * s, struct rc_instruction * inst) { if (!s->BranchCount) { rc_error(s->C, "Encountered ELSE outside of branches"); return; } DBG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); struct branch_info * branch = &s->Branches[s->BranchCount - 1]; branch->Else = inst; } struct state_and_proxies { struct emulate_branch_state * S; struct register_proxies * Proxies; }; static struct proxy_info * get_proxy_info(struct state_and_proxies * sap, rc_register_file file, unsigned int index) { if (file == RC_FILE_TEMPORARY) { return &sap->Proxies->Temporary[index]; } else { return 0; } } static void scan_write(void * userdata, struct rc_instruction * inst, rc_register_file file, unsigned int index, unsigned int comp) { struct state_and_proxies * sap = userdata; struct proxy_info * proxy = get_proxy_info(sap, file, index); if (proxy && !proxy->Proxied) { proxy->Proxied = 1; proxy->Index = rc_find_free_temporary(sap->S->C); } } static void remap_proxy_function(void * userdata, struct rc_instruction * inst, rc_register_file * pfile, unsigned int * pindex) { struct state_and_proxies * sap = userdata; struct proxy_info * proxy = get_proxy_info(sap, *pfile, *pindex); if (proxy && proxy->Proxied) { *pfile = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; *pindex = proxy->Index; } } /** * Redirect all writes in the instruction range [begin, end) to proxy * temporary registers. */ static void allocate_and_insert_proxies(struct emulate_branch_state * s, struct register_proxies * proxies, struct rc_instruction * begin, struct rc_instruction * end) { struct state_and_proxies sap; sap.S = s; sap.Proxies = proxies; for(struct rc_instruction * inst = begin; inst != end; inst = inst->Next) { rc_for_all_writes(inst, scan_write, &sap); rc_remap_registers(inst, remap_proxy_function, &sap); } for(unsigned int index = 0; index < RC_REGISTER_MAX_INDEX; ++index) { if (proxies->Temporary[index].Proxied) { struct rc_instruction * inst_mov = rc_insert_new_instruction(s->C, begin->Prev); inst_mov->U.I.Opcode = RC_OPCODE_MOV; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.Index = proxies->Temporary[index].Index; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask = RC_MASK_XYZW; inst_mov->U.I.SrcReg[0].File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; inst_mov->U.I.SrcReg[0].Index = index; } } } static void inject_cmp(struct emulate_branch_state * s, struct rc_instruction * inst_if, struct rc_instruction * inst_endif, rc_register_file file, unsigned int index, struct proxy_info ifproxy, struct proxy_info elseproxy) { struct rc_instruction * inst_cmp = rc_insert_new_instruction(s->C, inst_endif); inst_cmp->U.I.Opcode = RC_OPCODE_CMP; inst_cmp->U.I.DstReg.File = file; inst_cmp->U.I.DstReg.Index = index; inst_cmp->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask = RC_MASK_XYZW; inst_cmp->U.I.SrcReg[0] = inst_if->U.I.SrcReg[0]; inst_cmp->U.I.SrcReg[0].Abs = 1; inst_cmp->U.I.SrcReg[0].Negate = RC_MASK_XYZW; inst_cmp->U.I.SrcReg[1].File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; inst_cmp->U.I.SrcReg[1].Index = ifproxy.Proxied ? ifproxy.Index : index; inst_cmp->U.I.SrcReg[2].File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; inst_cmp->U.I.SrcReg[2].Index = elseproxy.Proxied ? elseproxy.Index : index; } static void handle_endif(struct emulate_branch_state * s, struct rc_instruction * inst) { if (!s->BranchCount) { rc_error(s->C, "Encountered ENDIF outside of branches"); return; } DBG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); struct branch_info * branch = &s->Branches[s->BranchCount - 1]; struct register_proxies IfProxies; struct register_proxies ElseProxies; memset(&IfProxies, 0, sizeof(IfProxies)); memset(&ElseProxies, 0, sizeof(ElseProxies)); allocate_and_insert_proxies(s, &IfProxies, branch->If->Next, branch->Else ? branch->Else : inst); if (branch->Else) allocate_and_insert_proxies(s, &ElseProxies, branch->Else->Next, inst); /* Insert the CMP instructions at the end. */ for(unsigned int index = 0; index < RC_REGISTER_MAX_INDEX; ++index) { if (IfProxies.Temporary[index].Proxied || ElseProxies.Temporary[index].Proxied) { inject_cmp(s, branch->If, inst, RC_FILE_TEMPORARY, index, IfProxies.Temporary[index], ElseProxies.Temporary[index]); } } /* Remove all traces of the branch instructions */ rc_remove_instruction(branch->If); if (branch->Else) rc_remove_instruction(branch->Else); rc_remove_instruction(inst); s->BranchCount--; if (VERBOSE) { DBG("Program after ENDIF handling:\n"); rc_print_program(&s->C->Program); } } struct remap_output_data { unsigned int Output:RC_REGISTER_INDEX_BITS; unsigned int Temporary:RC_REGISTER_INDEX_BITS; }; static void remap_output_function(void * userdata, struct rc_instruction * inst, rc_register_file * pfile, unsigned int * pindex) { struct remap_output_data * data = userdata; if (*pfile == RC_FILE_OUTPUT && *pindex == data->Output) { *pfile = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; *pindex = data->Temporary; } } /** * Output registers cannot be read from and so cannot be dealt with like * temporary registers. * * We do the simplest thing: If an output registers is written within * a branch, then *all* writes to this register are proxied to a * temporary register, and a final MOV is appended to the end of * the program. */ static void fix_output_writes(struct emulate_branch_state * s, struct rc_instruction * inst) { if (!s->BranchCount) return; const struct rc_opcode_info * opcode = rc_get_opcode_info(inst->U.I.Opcode); if (!opcode->HasDstReg) return; if (inst->U.I.DstReg.File == RC_FILE_OUTPUT) { struct remap_output_data remap; remap.Output = inst->U.I.DstReg.Index; remap.Temporary = rc_find_free_temporary(s->C); for(struct rc_instruction * inst = s->C->Program.Instructions.Next; inst != &s->C->Program.Instructions; inst = inst->Next) { rc_remap_registers(inst, &remap_output_function, &remap); } struct rc_instruction * inst_mov = rc_insert_new_instruction(s->C, s->C->Program.Instructions.Prev); inst_mov->U.I.Opcode = RC_OPCODE_MOV; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.File = RC_FILE_OUTPUT; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.Index = remap.Output; inst_mov->U.I.DstReg.WriteMask = RC_MASK_XYZW; inst_mov->U.I.SrcReg[0].File = RC_FILE_TEMPORARY; inst_mov->U.I.SrcReg[0].Index = remap.Temporary; } } /** * Remove branch instructions; instead, execute both branches * on different register sets and choose between their results * using CMP instructions in place of the original ENDIF. */ void rc_emulate_branches(struct radeon_compiler * c) { struct emulate_branch_state s; memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); s.C = c; /* Untypical loop because we may remove the current instruction */ struct rc_instruction * ptr = c->Program.Instructions.Next; while(ptr != &c->Program.Instructions) { struct rc_instruction * inst = ptr; ptr = ptr->Next; if (inst->Type == RC_INSTRUCTION_NORMAL) { switch(inst->U.I.Opcode) { case RC_OPCODE_IF: handle_if(&s, inst); break; case RC_OPCODE_ELSE: handle_else(&s, inst); break; case RC_OPCODE_ENDIF: handle_endif(&s, inst); break; default: fix_output_writes(&s, inst); break; } } else { rc_error(c, "%s: unhandled instruction type\n", __FUNCTION__); } } }