#include "radeon_bocs_wrapper.h"

GLboolean rcommonEnsureCmdBufSpace(radeonContextPtr rmesa, int dwords, const char *caller);
int rcommonFlushCmdBuf(radeonContextPtr rmesa, const char *caller);
int rcommonFlushCmdBufLocked(radeonContextPtr rmesa, const char *caller);
void rcommonInitCmdBuf(radeonContextPtr rmesa);
void rcommonDestroyCmdBuf(radeonContextPtr rmesa);

void rcommonBeginBatch(radeonContextPtr rmesa,
		       int n,
		       int dostate,
		       const char *file,
		       const char *function,
		       int line);

/* +r6/r7 : code here moved */

#define CP_PACKET2  (2 << 30)
#define CP_PACKET0(reg, n)	(RADEON_CP_PACKET0 | ((n)<<16) | ((reg)>>2))
#define CP_PACKET0_ONE(reg, n)	(RADEON_CP_PACKET0 | RADEON_CP_PACKET0_ONE_REG_WR | ((n)<<16) | ((reg)>>2))
#define CP_PACKET3(pkt, n)	(RADEON_CP_PACKET3 | (pkt) | ((n) << 16))

 * Every function writing to the command buffer needs to declare this
 * to get the necessary local variables.
#define BATCH_LOCALS(rmesa) \
	const radeonContextPtr b_l_rmesa = rmesa

 * Prepare writing n dwords to the command buffer,
 * including producing any necessary state emits on buffer wraparound.
#define BEGIN_BATCH(n) rcommonBeginBatch(b_l_rmesa, n, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)

 * Same as BEGIN_BATCH, but do not cause automatic state emits.
#define BEGIN_BATCH_NO_AUTOSTATE(n) rcommonBeginBatch(b_l_rmesa, n, 0, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)

 * Write one dword to the command buffer.
#define OUT_BATCH(data) \
	do { \
        radeon_cs_write_dword(b_l_rmesa->cmdbuf.cs, data);\
	} while(0)

 * Write a relocated dword to the command buffer.
#define OUT_BATCH_RELOC(data, bo, offset, rd, wd, flags) 	\
	do { 							\
	int  __offset = (offset);				\
        if (0 && __offset) {					\
            fprintf(stderr, "(%s:%s:%d) offset : %d\n",		\
            __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, __offset);	\
        }							\
        radeon_cs_write_dword(b_l_rmesa->cmdbuf.cs, __offset);	\
        radeon_cs_write_reloc(b_l_rmesa->cmdbuf.cs, 		\
                              bo, rd, wd, flags);		\
	if (!b_l_rmesa->radeonScreen->kernel_mm) 		\
		b_l_rmesa->cmdbuf.cs->section_cdw += 2;		\
	} while(0)

 * Write n dwords from ptr to the command buffer.
#define OUT_BATCH_TABLE(ptr,n) \
	do { \
		radeon_cs_write_table(b_l_rmesa->cmdbuf.cs, (ptr), (n));\
	} while(0)

 * Finish writing dwords to the command buffer.
 * The number of (direct or indirect) OUT_BATCH calls between the previous
 * BEGIN_BATCH and END_BATCH must match the number specified at BEGIN_BATCH time.
#define END_BATCH() \
	do { \
        radeon_cs_end(b_l_rmesa->cmdbuf.cs, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);\
	} while(0)

 * After the last END_BATCH() of rendering, this indicates that flushing
 * the command buffer now is okay.
#define COMMIT_BATCH() \
	do { \
	} while(0)

/** Single register write to command buffer; requires 2 dwords. */
#define OUT_BATCH_REGVAL(reg, val) \
	OUT_BATCH(cmdpacket0(b_l_rmesa->radeonScreen, (reg), 1)); \

/** Continuous register range write to command buffer; requires 1 dword,
 * expects count dwords afterwards for register contents. */
#define OUT_BATCH_REGSEQ(reg, count) \
	OUT_BATCH(cmdpacket0(b_l_rmesa->radeonScreen, (reg), (count)))

/** Write a 32 bit float to the ring; requires 1 dword. */
#define OUT_BATCH_FLOAT32(f) \

/* +r6/r7 : code here moved */

/* Fire the buffered vertices no matter what.
static INLINE void radeon_firevertices(radeonContextPtr radeon)
   if (radeon->cmdbuf.cs->cdw || radeon->dma.flush )
      radeon->glCtx->Driver.Flush(radeon->glCtx); /* +r6/r7 */
