/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 3 -*- * * Copyright 2000 VA Linux Systems Inc., Fremont, California. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * VA LINUX SYSTEMS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/GL/mesa/src/drv/tdfx/tdfx_tex.c,v 1.7 2002/11/05 17:46:10 tsi Exp $ */ /* * New fixes: * Daniel Borca <dborca@users.sourceforge.net>, 19 Jul 2004 * * Original rewrite: * Gareth Hughes <gareth@valinux.com>, 29 Sep - 1 Oct 2000 * * Authors: * Gareth Hughes <gareth@valinux.com> * Brian Paul <brianp@valinux.com> * */ #include "enums.h" #include "image.h" #include "mipmap.h" #include "texcompress.h" #include "texformat.h" #include "teximage.h" #include "texstore.h" #include "texobj.h" #include "tdfx_context.h" #include "tdfx_tex.h" #include "tdfx_texman.h" /* no borders! can't halve 1x1! (stride > width * comp) not allowed */ static void _mesa_halve2x2_teximage2d ( GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLuint bytesPerPixel, GLint srcWidth, GLint srcHeight, const GLvoid *srcImage, GLvoid *dstImage ) { GLint i, j, k; GLint dstWidth = srcWidth / 2; GLint dstHeight = srcHeight / 2; GLint srcRowStride = srcWidth * bytesPerPixel; GLubyte *src = (GLubyte *)srcImage; GLubyte *dst = dstImage; GLuint dstImageOffsets = 0; GLuint bpt = 0; GLubyte *_s = NULL; GLubyte *_d = NULL; GLenum _t = 0; if (texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat == MESA_FORMAT_RGB565) { _t = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV; bpt = bytesPerPixel; } else if (texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat == MESA_FORMAT_ARGB4444) { _t = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV; bpt = bytesPerPixel; } else if (texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat == MESA_FORMAT_ARGB1555) { _t = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV; bpt = bytesPerPixel; } if (bpt) { bytesPerPixel = 4; srcRowStride = srcWidth * bytesPerPixel; if (dstWidth == 0) { dstWidth = 1; } if (dstHeight == 0) { dstHeight = 1; } _s = src = MALLOC(srcRowStride * srcHeight); _d = dst = MALLOC(dstWidth * bytesPerPixel * dstHeight); _mesa_texstore_rgba8888(ctx, 2, GL_RGBA, &_mesa_texformat_rgba8888_rev, src, 0, 0, 0, /* dstX/Y/Zoffset */ srcRowStride, /* dstRowStride */ &dstImageOffsets, srcWidth, srcHeight, 1, texImage->_BaseFormat, _t, srcImage, &ctx->DefaultPacking); } if (srcHeight == 1) { for (i = 0; i < dstWidth; i++) { for (k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++) { dst[0] = (src[0] + src[bytesPerPixel] + 1) / 2; src++; dst++; } src += bytesPerPixel; } } else if (srcWidth == 1) { for (j = 0; j < dstHeight; j++) { for (k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++) { dst[0] = (src[0] + src[srcRowStride] + 1) / 2; src++; dst++; } src += srcRowStride; } } else { for (j = 0; j < dstHeight; j++) { for (i = 0; i < dstWidth; i++) { for (k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++) { dst[0] = (src[0] + src[bytesPerPixel] + src[srcRowStride] + src[srcRowStride + bytesPerPixel] + 2) / 4; src++; dst++; } src += bytesPerPixel; } src += srcRowStride; } } if (bpt) { src = _s; dst = _d; texImage->TexFormat->StoreImage(ctx, 2, texImage->_BaseFormat, texImage->TexFormat, dstImage, 0, 0, 0, /* dstX/Y/Zoffset */ dstWidth * bpt, &dstImageOffsets, dstWidth, dstHeight, 1, GL_BGRA, CHAN_TYPE, dst, &ctx->DefaultPacking); FREE(dst); FREE(src); } } static int logbase2(int n) { GLint i = 1; GLint log2 = 0; if (n < 0) { return -1; } while (n > i) { i *= 2; log2++; } if (i != n) { return -1; } else { return log2; } } /* * Compute various texture image parameters. * Input: w, h - source texture width and height * Output: lodlevel - Glide lod level token for the larger texture dimension * aspectratio - Glide aspect ratio token * sscale - S scale factor used during triangle setup * tscale - T scale factor used during triangle setup * wscale - OpenGL -> Glide image width scale factor * hscale - OpenGL -> Glide image height scale factor * * Sample results: * w h lodlevel aspectRatio * 128 128 GR_LOD_LOG2_128 (=7) GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x1 (=0) * 64 64 GR_LOD_LOG2_64 (=6) GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x1 (=0) * 64 32 GR_LOD_LOG2_64 (=6) GR_ASPECT_LOG2_2x1 (=1) * 32 64 GR_LOD_LOG2_64 (=6) GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x2 (=-1) * 32 32 GR_LOD_LOG2_32 (=5) GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x1 (=0) */ static void tdfxTexGetInfo(const GLcontext *ctx, int w, int h, GrLOD_t *lodlevel, GrAspectRatio_t *aspectratio, float *sscale, float *tscale, int *wscale, int *hscale) { int logw, logh, ar, lod, ws, hs; float s, t; ASSERT(w >= 1); ASSERT(h >= 1); logw = logbase2(w); logh = logbase2(h); ar = logw - logh; /* aspect ratio = difference in log dimensions */ s = t = 256.0; ws = hs = 1; /* Hardware only allows a maximum aspect ratio of 8x1, so handle |ar| > 3 by scaling the image and using an 8x1 aspect ratio */ if (ar >= 0) { ASSERT(w >= h); lod = logw; if (ar <= GR_ASPECT_LOG2_8x1) { t = 256 >> ar; } else { /* have to stretch image height */ t = 32.0; hs = 1 << (ar - 3); ar = GR_ASPECT_LOG2_8x1; } } else { ASSERT(w < h); lod = logh; if (ar >= GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x8) { s = 256 >> -ar; } else { /* have to stretch image width */ s = 32.0; ws = 1 << (-ar - 3); ar = GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x8; } } if (lodlevel) *lodlevel = (GrLOD_t) lod; if (aspectratio) *aspectratio = (GrAspectRatio_t) ar; if (sscale) *sscale = s; if (tscale) *tscale = t; if (wscale) *wscale = ws; if (hscale) *hscale = hs; } /* * We need to call this when a texture object's minification filter * or texture image sizes change. */ static void RevalidateTexture(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { tdfxTexInfo *ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(tObj); GLint minl, maxl; if (!ti) return; minl = maxl = tObj->BaseLevel; if (tObj->Image[0][minl]) { maxl = MIN2(tObj->MaxLevel, tObj->Image[0][minl]->MaxLog2); /* compute largeLodLog2, aspect ratio and texcoord scale factors */ tdfxTexGetInfo(ctx, tObj->Image[0][minl]->Width, tObj->Image[0][minl]->Height, &ti->info.largeLodLog2, &ti->info.aspectRatioLog2, &(ti->sScale), &(ti->tScale), NULL, NULL); } if (tObj->Image[0][maxl] && (tObj->MinFilter != GL_NEAREST) && (tObj->MinFilter != GL_LINEAR)) { /* mipmapping: need to compute smallLodLog2 */ tdfxTexGetInfo(ctx, tObj->Image[0][maxl]->Width, tObj->Image[0][maxl]->Height, &ti->info.smallLodLog2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { /* not mipmapping: smallLodLog2 = largeLodLog2 */ ti->info.smallLodLog2 = ti->info.largeLodLog2; maxl = minl; } ti->minLevel = minl; ti->maxLevel = maxl; ti->info.data = NULL; /* this is necessary because of fxDDCompressedTexImage2D */ if (ti->padded) { struct gl_texture_image *texImage = tObj->Image[0][minl]; tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); if (mml->wScale != 1 || mml->hScale != 1) { ti->sScale /= mml->wScale; ti->tScale /= mml->hScale; } } } static tdfxTexInfo * fxAllocTexObjData(tdfxContextPtr fxMesa) { tdfxTexInfo *ti; if (!(ti = CALLOC(sizeof(tdfxTexInfo)))) { _mesa_problem(NULL, "tdfx driver: out of memory"); return NULL; } ti->isInTM = GL_FALSE; ti->whichTMU = TDFX_TMU_NONE; ti->tm[TDFX_TMU0] = NULL; ti->tm[TDFX_TMU1] = NULL; ti->minFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; ti->magFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; ti->sClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; ti->tClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->LODblend = FXFALSE; return ti; } /* * Called via glBindTexture. */ static void tdfxBindTexture(GLcontext * ctx, GLenum target, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); tdfxTexInfo *ti; if (MESA_VERBOSE & VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr, "fxmesa: fxDDTexBind(%d,%p)\n", tObj->Name, tObj->DriverData); } if ((target != GL_TEXTURE_1D) && (target != GL_TEXTURE_2D)) return; if (!tObj->DriverData) { tObj->DriverData = fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); } ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(tObj); ti->lastTimeUsed = fxMesa->texBindNumber++; fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; } /* * Called via glTexEnv. */ static void tdfxTexEnv(GLcontext * ctx, GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * param) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); if ( TDFX_DEBUG & DEBUG_VERBOSE_API ) { if (param) fprintf(stderr, "fxmesa: texenv(%x,%x)\n", pname, (GLint) (*param)); else fprintf(stderr, "fxmesa: texenv(%x)\n", pname); } /* XXX this is a bit of a hack to force the Glide texture * state to be updated. */ fxMesa->TexState.EnvMode[ctx->Texture.CurrentUnit] = 0; fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; } /* * Called via glTexParameter. */ static void tdfxTexParameter(GLcontext * ctx, GLenum target, struct gl_texture_object *tObj, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); GLenum param = (GLenum) (GLint) params[0]; tdfxTexInfo *ti; if (MESA_VERBOSE & VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr, "fxmesa: fxDDTexParam(%d,%p,%x,%x)\n", tObj->Name, tObj->DriverData, pname, param); } if ((target != GL_TEXTURE_1D) && (target != GL_TEXTURE_2D)) return; if (!tObj->DriverData) tObj->DriverData = fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(tObj); switch (pname) { case GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: switch (param) { case GL_NEAREST: ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_DISABLE; ti->minFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; ti->LODblend = FXFALSE; break; case GL_LINEAR: ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_DISABLE; ti->minFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; ti->LODblend = FXFALSE; break; case GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: if (!fxMesa->Glide.HaveCombineExt) { if (fxMesa->haveTwoTMUs) { ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->LODblend = FXTRUE; } else { ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST_DITHER; ti->LODblend = FXFALSE; } ti->minFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; break; } /* XXX Voodoo3/Banshee mipmap blending seems to produce * incorrectly filtered colors for the smallest mipmap levels. * To work-around we fall-through here and use a different filter. */ case GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->minFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; ti->LODblend = FXFALSE; break; case GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: if (!fxMesa->Glide.HaveCombineExt) { if (fxMesa->haveTwoTMUs) { ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->LODblend = FXTRUE; } else { ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST_DITHER; ti->LODblend = FXFALSE; } ti->minFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; break; } /* XXX Voodoo3/Banshee mipmap blending seems to produce * incorrectly filtered colors for the smallest mipmap levels. * To work-around we fall-through here and use a different filter. */ case GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: ti->mmMode = GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->minFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; ti->LODblend = FXFALSE; break; default: break; } ti->reloadImages = GL_TRUE; RevalidateTexture(ctx, tObj); fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; break; case GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: switch (param) { case GL_NEAREST: ti->magFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; break; case GL_LINEAR: ti->magFilt = GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; break; default: break; } fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; break; case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S: switch (param) { case GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: case GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: case GL_CLAMP: ti->sClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP; break; case GL_REPEAT: ti->sClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; break; case GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: ti->sClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_MIRROR_EXT; break; default: break; } fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; break; case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T: switch (param) { case GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: case GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: case GL_CLAMP: ti->tClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP; break; case GL_REPEAT: ti->tClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; break; case GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: ti->tClamp = GR_TEXTURECLAMP_MIRROR_EXT; break; default: break; } fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; break; case GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR: /* TO DO */ break; case GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: /* TO DO */ break; case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD: /* TO DO */ break; case GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL: RevalidateTexture(ctx, tObj); break; case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL: RevalidateTexture(ctx, tObj); break; default: break; } } /* * Called via glDeleteTextures to delete a texture object. * Here, we delete the Glide data associated with the texture. */ static void tdfxDeleteTexture(GLcontext * ctx, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { if (ctx && ctx->DriverCtx) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); tdfxTMFreeTexture(fxMesa, tObj); fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; /* Free mipmap images and the texture object itself */ _mesa_delete_texture_object(ctx, tObj); } } /* * Return true if texture is resident, false otherwise. */ static GLboolean tdfxIsTextureResident(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { tdfxTexInfo *ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(tObj); return (GLboolean) (ti && ti->isInTM); } /* * Convert a gl_color_table texture palette to Glide's format. */ static GrTexTable_t convertPalette(FxU32 data[256], const struct gl_color_table *table) { const GLubyte *tableUB = table->TableUB; GLint width = table->Size; FxU32 r, g, b, a; GLint i; switch (table->_BaseFormat) { case GL_INTENSITY: for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { r = tableUB[i]; g = tableUB[i]; b = tableUB[i]; a = tableUB[i]; data[i] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } return GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE_6666_EXT; case GL_LUMINANCE: for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { r = tableUB[i]; g = tableUB[i]; b = tableUB[i]; a = 255; data[i] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } return GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE; case GL_ALPHA: for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { r = g = b = 255; a = tableUB[i]; data[i] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } return GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE_6666_EXT; case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { r = g = b = tableUB[i * 2 + 0]; a = tableUB[i * 2 + 1]; data[i] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } return GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE_6666_EXT; case GL_RGB: for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { r = tableUB[i * 3 + 0]; g = tableUB[i * 3 + 1]; b = tableUB[i * 3 + 2]; a = 255; data[i] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } return GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE; case GL_RGBA: for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { r = tableUB[i * 4 + 0]; g = tableUB[i * 4 + 1]; b = tableUB[i * 4 + 2]; a = tableUB[i * 4 + 3]; data[i] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } return GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE_6666_EXT; default: /* XXX fixme: how can this happen? */ _mesa_error(NULL, GL_INVALID_ENUM, "convertPalette: table->Format == %s", _mesa_lookup_enum_by_nr(table->Format)); return GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE; } } static void tdfxUpdateTexturePalette(GLcontext * ctx, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); if (tObj) { /* per-texture palette */ tdfxTexInfo *ti; /* This might be a proxy texture. */ if (!tObj->Palette.TableUB) return; if (!tObj->DriverData) tObj->DriverData = fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(tObj); assert(ti); ti->paltype = convertPalette(ti->palette.data, &tObj->Palette); /*tdfxTexInvalidate(ctx, tObj);*/ } else { /* global texture palette */ fxMesa->TexPalette.Type = convertPalette(fxMesa->glbPalette.data, &ctx->Texture.Palette); fxMesa->TexPalette.Data = &(fxMesa->glbPalette.data); fxMesa->dirty |= TDFX_UPLOAD_TEXTURE_PALETTE; } fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; /* XXX too heavy-handed */ } /**********************************************************************/ /**** NEW TEXTURE IMAGE FUNCTIONS ****/ /**********************************************************************/ #if 000 static FxBool TexusFatalError = FXFALSE; static FxBool TexusError = FXFALSE; #define TX_DITHER_NONE 0x00000000 static void fxTexusError(const char *string, FxBool fatal) { _mesa_problem(NULL, string); /* * Just propagate the fatal value up. */ TexusError = FXTRUE; TexusFatalError = fatal; } #endif static const struct gl_texture_format * tdfxChooseTextureFormat( GLcontext *ctx, GLint internalFormat, GLenum srcFormat, GLenum srcType ) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); const GLboolean allow32bpt = TDFX_IS_NAPALM(fxMesa); switch (internalFormat) { case GL_ALPHA: case GL_ALPHA4: case GL_ALPHA8: case GL_ALPHA12: case GL_ALPHA16: case GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA: return &_mesa_texformat_a8; case 1: case GL_LUMINANCE: case GL_LUMINANCE4: case GL_LUMINANCE8: case GL_LUMINANCE12: case GL_LUMINANCE16: case GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE: return &_mesa_texformat_l8; case 2: case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2: case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12: case GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16: case GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: return &_mesa_texformat_al88; case GL_INTENSITY: case GL_INTENSITY4: case GL_INTENSITY8: case GL_INTENSITY12: case GL_INTENSITY16: case GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY: return &_mesa_texformat_i8; case GL_R3_G3_B2: case GL_RGB4: case GL_RGB5: return &_mesa_texformat_rgb565; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB: /* intentional fall-through */ case 3: case GL_RGB: if ( srcFormat == GL_RGB && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 ) { return &_mesa_texformat_rgb565; } /* intentional fall through */ case GL_RGB8: case GL_RGB10: case GL_RGB12: case GL_RGB16: return (allow32bpt) ? &_mesa_texformat_argb8888 : &_mesa_texformat_rgb565; case GL_RGBA2: case GL_RGBA4: return &_mesa_texformat_argb4444; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA: /* intentional fall-through */ case 4: case GL_RGBA: if ( srcFormat == GL_BGRA ) { if ( srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV ) { return &_mesa_texformat_argb8888; } else if ( srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV ) { return &_mesa_texformat_argb4444; } else if ( srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV ) { return &_mesa_texformat_argb1555; } } /* intentional fall through */ case GL_RGBA8: case GL_RGB10_A2: case GL_RGBA12: case GL_RGBA16: return allow32bpt ? &_mesa_texformat_argb8888 : &_mesa_texformat_argb4444; case GL_RGB5_A1: return &_mesa_texformat_argb1555; case GL_COLOR_INDEX: case GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT: return &_mesa_texformat_ci8; /* GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc */ /* GL_S3_s3tc */ case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case GL_RGB_S3TC: case GL_RGB4_S3TC: return &_mesa_texformat_rgb_dxt1; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: return &_mesa_texformat_rgba_dxt1; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: case GL_RGBA_S3TC: case GL_RGBA4_S3TC: return &_mesa_texformat_rgba_dxt3; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: return &_mesa_texformat_rgba_dxt5; /* GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 */ case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_FXT1_3DFX: return &_mesa_texformat_rgb_fxt1; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_FXT1_3DFX: return &_mesa_texformat_rgba_fxt1; default: _mesa_problem(ctx, "unexpected format in tdfxChooseTextureFormat"); return NULL; } } /* * Return the Glide format for the given mesa texture format. */ static GrTextureFormat_t fxGlideFormat(GLint mesaFormat) { switch (mesaFormat) { case MESA_FORMAT_I8: return GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_8; case MESA_FORMAT_A8: return GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_8; case MESA_FORMAT_L8: return GR_TEXFMT_INTENSITY_8; case MESA_FORMAT_CI8: return GR_TEXFMT_P_8; case MESA_FORMAT_AL88: return GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_INTENSITY_88; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB565: return GR_TEXFMT_RGB_565; case MESA_FORMAT_ARGB4444: return GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_4444; case MESA_FORMAT_ARGB1555: return GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_1555; case MESA_FORMAT_ARGB8888: return GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_8888; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB_FXT1: case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_FXT1: return GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_FXT1; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB_DXT1: case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT1: return GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT1; case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT3: return GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT3; case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT5: return GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT5; default: _mesa_problem(NULL, "Unexpected format in fxGlideFormat"); return 0; } } /* Texel-fetch functions for software texturing and glGetTexImage(). * We should have been able to use some "standard" fetch functions (which * may get defined in texutil.c) but we have to account for scaled texture * images on tdfx hardware (the 8:1 aspect ratio limit). * Hence, we need special functions here. */ extern void fxt1_decode_1 (const void *texture, int width, int i, int j, unsigned char *rgba); static void fetch_intensity8(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLubyte *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLubyte *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; rgba[RCOMP] = *texel; rgba[GCOMP] = *texel; rgba[BCOMP] = *texel; rgba[ACOMP] = *texel; } static void fetch_luminance8(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLubyte *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLubyte *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; rgba[RCOMP] = *texel; rgba[GCOMP] = *texel; rgba[BCOMP] = *texel; rgba[ACOMP] = 255; } static void fetch_alpha8(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLubyte *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLubyte *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; rgba[RCOMP] = 255; rgba[GCOMP] = 255; rgba[BCOMP] = 255; rgba[ACOMP] = *texel; } static void fetch_index8(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * indexOut) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLubyte *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLubyte *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; *indexOut = *texel; } static void fetch_luminance8_alpha8(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLubyte *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLubyte *) texImage->Data) + (j * mml->width + i) * 2; rgba[RCOMP] = texel[0]; rgba[GCOMP] = texel[0]; rgba[BCOMP] = texel[0]; rgba[ACOMP] = texel[1]; } static void fetch_r5g6b5(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLushort *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLushort *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; rgba[RCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 11) & 0x1f) * 255 / 31; rgba[GCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 5) & 0x3f) * 255 / 63; rgba[BCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 0) & 0x1f) * 255 / 31; rgba[ACOMP] = 255; } static void fetch_r4g4b4a4(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLushort *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLushort *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; rgba[RCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 12) & 0xf) * 255 / 15; rgba[GCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 8) & 0xf) * 255 / 15; rgba[BCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 4) & 0xf) * 255 / 15; rgba[ACOMP] = (((*texel) >> 0) & 0xf) * 255 / 15; } static void fetch_r5g5b5a1(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLushort *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLushort *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; rgba[RCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 11) & 0x1f) * 255 / 31; rgba[GCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 6) & 0x1f) * 255 / 31; rgba[BCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 1) & 0x1f) * 255 / 31; rgba[ACOMP] = (((*texel) >> 0) & 0x01) * 255; } static void fetch_a8r8g8b8(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan * rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); const GLuint *texel; i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; texel = ((GLuint *) texImage->Data) + j * mml->width + i; rgba[RCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 16) & 0xff); rgba[GCOMP] = (((*texel) >> 8) & 0xff); rgba[BCOMP] = (((*texel) ) & 0xff); rgba[ACOMP] = (((*texel) >> 24) & 0xff); } static void fetch_rgb_fxt1(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan *rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; fxt1_decode_1(texImage->Data, mml->width, i, j, rgba); rgba[ACOMP] = 255; } static void fetch_rgba_fxt1(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan *rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; fxt1_decode_1(texImage->Data, mml->width, i, j, rgba); } static void fetch_rgb_dxt1(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan *rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; _mesa_texformat_rgb_dxt1.FetchTexel2D(texImage, i, j, k, rgba); } static void fetch_rgba_dxt1(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan *rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; _mesa_texformat_rgba_dxt1.FetchTexel2D(texImage, i, j, k, rgba); } static void fetch_rgba_dxt3(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan *rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; _mesa_texformat_rgba_dxt3.FetchTexel2D(texImage, i, j, k, rgba); } static void fetch_rgba_dxt5(const struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint i, GLint j, GLint k, GLchan *rgba) { const tdfxMipMapLevel *mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); i = i * mml->wScale; j = j * mml->hScale; _mesa_texformat_rgba_dxt5.FetchTexel2D(texImage, i, j, k, rgba); } static FetchTexelFuncC fxFetchFunction(GLint mesaFormat) { switch (mesaFormat) { case MESA_FORMAT_I8: return &fetch_intensity8; case MESA_FORMAT_A8: return &fetch_alpha8; case MESA_FORMAT_L8: return &fetch_luminance8; case MESA_FORMAT_CI8: return &fetch_index8; case MESA_FORMAT_AL88: return &fetch_luminance8_alpha8; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB565: return &fetch_r5g6b5; case MESA_FORMAT_ARGB4444: return &fetch_r4g4b4a4; case MESA_FORMAT_ARGB1555: return &fetch_r5g5b5a1; case MESA_FORMAT_ARGB8888: return &fetch_a8r8g8b8; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB_FXT1: return &fetch_rgb_fxt1; case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_FXT1: return &fetch_rgba_fxt1; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB_DXT1: return &fetch_rgb_dxt1; case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT1: return &fetch_rgba_dxt1; case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT3: return &fetch_rgba_dxt3; case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA_DXT5: return &fetch_rgba_dxt5; default: _mesa_problem(NULL, "Unexpected format in fxFetchFunction"); return NULL; } } static GLboolean adjust2DRatio (GLcontext *ctx, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint width, GLint height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels, const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing, tdfxMipMapLevel *mml, struct gl_texture_image *texImage, GLint texelBytes, GLint dstRowStride) { const GLint newWidth = width * mml->wScale; const GLint newHeight = height * mml->hScale; GLvoid *tempImage; GLuint dstImageOffsets = 0; if (!texImage->IsCompressed) { GLubyte *destAddr; tempImage = MALLOC(width * height * texelBytes); if (!tempImage) { return GL_FALSE; } texImage->TexFormat->StoreImage(ctx, 2, texImage->_BaseFormat, texImage->TexFormat, tempImage, 0, 0, 0, /* dstX/Y/Zoffset */ width * texelBytes, /* dstRowStride */ &dstImageOffsets, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, packing); /* now rescale */ /* compute address of dest subimage within the overal tex image */ destAddr = (GLubyte *) texImage->Data + (yoffset * mml->hScale * mml->width + xoffset * mml->wScale) * texelBytes; _mesa_rescale_teximage2d(texelBytes, width, dstRowStride, /* dst stride */ width, height, newWidth, newHeight, tempImage, destAddr); } else { const GLint rawBytes = 4; GLvoid *rawImage = MALLOC(width * height * rawBytes); if (!rawImage) { return GL_FALSE; } tempImage = MALLOC(newWidth * newHeight * rawBytes); if (!tempImage) { FREE(rawImage); return GL_FALSE; } /* unpack image, apply transfer ops and store in rawImage */ _mesa_texstore_rgba8888(ctx, 2, GL_RGBA, &_mesa_texformat_rgba8888_rev, rawImage, 0, 0, 0, /* dstX/Y/Zoffset */ width * rawBytes, /* dstRowStride */ &dstImageOffsets, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, packing); _mesa_rescale_teximage2d(rawBytes, width, newWidth * rawBytes, /* dst stride */ width, height, /* src */ newWidth, newHeight, /* dst */ rawImage /*src*/, tempImage /*dst*/ ); texImage->TexFormat->StoreImage(ctx, 2, texImage->_BaseFormat, texImage->TexFormat, texImage->Data, xoffset * mml->wScale, yoffset * mml->hScale, 0, /* dstX/Y/Zoffset */ dstRowStride, &dstImageOffsets, newWidth, newHeight, 1, GL_RGBA, CHAN_TYPE, tempImage, &ctx->DefaultPacking); FREE(rawImage); } FREE(tempImage); return GL_TRUE; } static void tdfxTexImage2D(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat, GLint width, GLint height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels, const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing, struct gl_texture_object *texObj, struct gl_texture_image *texImage) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); tdfxTexInfo *ti; tdfxMipMapLevel *mml; GLint texelBytes, dstRowStride; GLuint mesaFormat; /* printf("TexImage id=%d int 0x%x format 0x%x type 0x%x %dx%d\n", texObj->Name, texImage->InternalFormat, format, type, texImage->Width, texImage->Height); */ ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(texObj); if (!ti) { texObj->DriverData = fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); if (!texObj->DriverData) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glTexImage2D"); return; } ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(texObj); } assert(ti); mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); if (!mml) { texImage->DriverData = CALLOC(sizeof(tdfxMipMapLevel)); if (!texImage->DriverData) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glTexImage2D"); return; } mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); } /* Determine width and height scale factors for texture. * Remember, Glide is limited to 8:1 aspect ratios. */ tdfxTexGetInfo(ctx, texImage->Width, texImage->Height, NULL, /* lod level */ NULL, /* aspect ratio */ NULL, NULL, /* sscale, tscale */ &mml->wScale, &mml->hScale); /* rescaled size: */ mml->width = width * mml->wScale; mml->height = height * mml->hScale; #if FX_COMPRESS_S3TC_AS_FXT1_HACK /* [koolsmoky] substitute FXT1 for DXTn and Legacy S3TC */ /* [dBorca] we should update texture's attribute, then, * because if the application asks us to decompress, we * have to know the REAL format! Also, DXT3/5 might not * be correct, since it would mess with "compressedSize". * Ditto for GL_RGBA[4]_S3TC, which is always mapped to DXT3. */ if (texImage->IsCompressed) { switch (internalFormat) { case GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case GL_RGB_S3TC: case GL_RGB4_S3TC: internalFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_FXT1_3DFX; break; case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: case GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: case GL_RGBA_S3TC: case GL_RGBA4_S3TC: internalFormat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_FXT1_3DFX; } texImage->InternalFormat = internalFormat; } #endif #if FX_TC_NAPALM if (fxMesa->type >= GR_SSTTYPE_Voodoo4) { GLenum texNapalm = 0; if (internalFormat == GL_COMPRESSED_RGB) { texNapalm = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_FXT1_3DFX; } else if (internalFormat == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA) { texNapalm = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_FXT1_3DFX; } if (texNapalm) { texImage->InternalFormat = internalFormat = texNapalm; texImage->IsCompressed = GL_TRUE; } } #endif /* choose the texture format */ assert(ctx->Driver.ChooseTextureFormat); texImage->TexFormat = (*ctx->Driver.ChooseTextureFormat)(ctx, internalFormat, format, type); assert(texImage->TexFormat); mesaFormat = texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat; mml->glideFormat = fxGlideFormat(mesaFormat); ti->info.format = mml->glideFormat; texImage->FetchTexelc = fxFetchFunction(mesaFormat); texelBytes = texImage->TexFormat->TexelBytes; if (texImage->IsCompressed) { texImage->CompressedSize = _mesa_compressed_texture_size(ctx, mml->width, mml->height, 1, mesaFormat); dstRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat, mml->width); texImage->Data = _mesa_alloc_texmemory(texImage->CompressedSize); } else { dstRowStride = mml->width * texelBytes; texImage->Data = _mesa_alloc_texmemory(mml->width * mml->height * texelBytes); } if (!texImage->Data) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glTexImage2D"); return; } if (pixels != NULL) { if (mml->wScale != 1 || mml->hScale != 1) { /* rescale image to overcome 1:8 aspect limitation */ if (!adjust2DRatio(ctx, 0, 0, width, height, format, type, pixels, packing, mml, texImage, texelBytes, dstRowStride) ) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glTexImage2D"); return; } } else { /* no rescaling needed */ /* unpack image, apply transfer ops and store in texImage->Data */ texImage->TexFormat->StoreImage(ctx, 2, texImage->_BaseFormat, texImage->TexFormat, texImage->Data, 0, 0, 0, /* dstX/Y/Zoffset */ dstRowStride, texImage->ImageOffsets, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, packing); } /* GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap */ if (level == texObj->BaseLevel && texObj->GenerateMipmap) { GLint mipWidth, mipHeight; tdfxMipMapLevel *mip; struct gl_texture_image *mipImage; const GLint maxLevels = _mesa_max_texture_levels(ctx, texObj->Target); assert(!texImage->IsCompressed); while (level < texObj->MaxLevel && level < maxLevels - 1) { mipWidth = width / 2; if (!mipWidth) { mipWidth = 1; } mipHeight = height / 2; if (!mipHeight) { mipHeight = 1; } if ((mipWidth == width) && (mipHeight == height)) { break; } _mesa_TexImage2D(target, ++level, internalFormat, mipWidth, mipHeight, border, format, type, NULL); mipImage = _mesa_select_tex_image(ctx, texObj, target, level); mip = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(mipImage); _mesa_halve2x2_teximage2d(ctx, texImage, texelBytes, mml->width, mml->height, texImage->Data, mipImage->Data); texImage = mipImage; mml = mip; width = mipWidth; height = mipHeight; } } } RevalidateTexture(ctx, texObj); ti->reloadImages = GL_TRUE; fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; } static void tdfxTexSubImage2D(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels, const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing, struct gl_texture_object *texObj, struct gl_texture_image *texImage ) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); tdfxTexInfo *ti; tdfxMipMapLevel *mml; GLint texelBytes, dstRowStride; if (!texObj->DriverData) { _mesa_problem(ctx, "problem in fxDDTexSubImage2D"); return; } ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(texObj); assert(ti); mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); assert(mml); assert(texImage->Data); /* must have an existing texture image! */ assert(texImage->_BaseFormat); texelBytes = texImage->TexFormat->TexelBytes; if (texImage->IsCompressed) { dstRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat, mml->width); } else { dstRowStride = mml->width * texelBytes; } if (mml->wScale != 1 || mml->hScale != 1) { /* need to rescale subimage to match mipmap level's rescale factors */ if (!adjust2DRatio(ctx, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels, packing, mml, texImage, texelBytes, dstRowStride) ) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glTexSubImage2D"); return; } } else { /* no rescaling needed */ texImage->TexFormat->StoreImage(ctx, 2, texImage->_BaseFormat, texImage->TexFormat, texImage->Data, xoffset, yoffset, 0, dstRowStride, texImage->ImageOffsets, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, packing); } /* GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap */ if (level == texObj->BaseLevel && texObj->GenerateMipmap) { GLint mipWidth, mipHeight; tdfxMipMapLevel *mip; struct gl_texture_image *mipImage; const GLint maxLevels = _mesa_max_texture_levels(ctx, texObj->Target); assert(!texImage->IsCompressed); width = texImage->Width; height = texImage->Height; while (level < texObj->MaxLevel && level < maxLevels - 1) { mipWidth = width / 2; if (!mipWidth) { mipWidth = 1; } mipHeight = height / 2; if (!mipHeight) { mipHeight = 1; } if ((mipWidth == width) && (mipHeight == height)) { break; } ++level; mipImage = _mesa_select_tex_image(ctx, texObj, target, level); mip = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(mipImage); _mesa_halve2x2_teximage2d(ctx, texImage, texelBytes, mml->width, mml->height, texImage->Data, mipImage->Data); texImage = mipImage; mml = mip; width = mipWidth; height = mipHeight; } } ti->reloadImages = GL_TRUE; /* signal the image needs to be reloaded */ fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; /* XXX this might be a bit much */ } static void tdfxTexImage1D(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat, GLint width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels, const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing, struct gl_texture_object *texObj, struct gl_texture_image *texImage) { tdfxTexImage2D(ctx, target, level, internalFormat, width, 1, border, format, type, pixels, packing, texObj, texImage); } static void tdfxTexSubImage1D(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels, const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing, struct gl_texture_object *texObj, struct gl_texture_image *texImage ) { tdfxTexSubImage2D(ctx, target, level, xoffset, 0, width, 1, format, type, pixels, packing, texObj, texImage); } /**********************************************************************/ /**** COMPRESSED TEXTURE IMAGE FUNCTIONS ****/ /**********************************************************************/ static void tdfxCompressedTexImage2D (GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data, struct gl_texture_object *texObj, struct gl_texture_image *texImage) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); tdfxTexInfo *ti; tdfxMipMapLevel *mml; GLuint mesaFormat; if (TDFX_DEBUG & DEBUG_VERBOSE_DRI) { fprintf(stderr, "tdfxCompressedTexImage2D: id=%d int 0x%x %dx%d\n", texObj->Name, internalFormat, width, height); } if ((target != GL_TEXTURE_1D && target != GL_TEXTURE_2D) || texImage->Border > 0) { _mesa_problem(NULL, "tdfx: unsupported texture in tdfxCompressedTexImg()\n"); return; } assert(texImage->IsCompressed); ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(texObj); if (!ti) { texObj->DriverData = fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); if (!texObj->DriverData) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glCompressedTexImage2D"); return; } ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(texObj); } assert(ti); mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); if (!mml) { texImage->DriverData = CALLOC(sizeof(tdfxMipMapLevel)); if (!texImage->DriverData) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glCompressedTexImage2D"); return; } mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); } tdfxTexGetInfo(ctx, width, height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &mml->wScale, &mml->hScale); mml->width = width * mml->wScale; mml->height = height * mml->hScale; /* choose the texture format */ assert(ctx->Driver.ChooseTextureFormat); texImage->TexFormat = (*ctx->Driver.ChooseTextureFormat)(ctx, internalFormat, -1/*format*/, -1/*type*/); assert(texImage->TexFormat); /* Determine the appropriate Glide texel format, * given the user's internal texture format hint. */ mesaFormat = texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat; mml->glideFormat = fxGlideFormat(mesaFormat); ti->info.format = mml->glideFormat; texImage->FetchTexelc = fxFetchFunction(mesaFormat); /* allocate new storage for texture image, if needed */ if (!texImage->Data) { texImage->CompressedSize = _mesa_compressed_texture_size(ctx, mml->width, mml->height, 1, mesaFormat); texImage->Data = _mesa_alloc_texmemory(texImage->CompressedSize); if (!texImage->Data) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glCompressedTexImage2D"); return; } } /* save the texture data */ if (mml->wScale != 1 || mml->hScale != 1) { /* [dBorca] Hack alert: * now we're screwed. We can't decompress, * unless we do it in HW (via textureBuffer). * We still have some chances: * 1) we got FXT1 textures - we CAN decompress, rescale for * aspectratio, then compress back. * 2) there is a chance that MIN("s", "t") won't be overflowed. * Thus, we don't care about textureclamp and we could lower * MIN("uscale", "vscale") below 32. We still have to have * our data aligned inside a 8:1 rectangle. * 3) just in case if MIN("s", "t") gets overflowed with GL_REPEAT, * we replicate the data over the padded area. * For now, we take 2) + 3) but texelfetchers will be wrong! */ const GLuint mesaFormat = texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat; GLuint srcRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(mesaFormat, width); GLuint destRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(mesaFormat, mml->width); _mesa_upscale_teximage2d(srcRowStride, (height+3) / 4, destRowStride, (mml->height+3) / 4, 1, data, srcRowStride, texImage->Data); ti->padded = GL_TRUE; } else { MEMCPY(texImage->Data, data, texImage->CompressedSize); } /* GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap */ if (level == texObj->BaseLevel && texObj->GenerateMipmap) { assert(!texImage->IsCompressed); } RevalidateTexture(ctx, texObj); ti->reloadImages = GL_TRUE; fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; } static void tdfxCompressedTexSubImage2D( GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLint height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data, struct gl_texture_object *texObj, struct gl_texture_image *texImage ) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); tdfxTexInfo *ti; tdfxMipMapLevel *mml; GLint destRowStride, srcRowStride; GLint i, rows; GLubyte *dest; const GLuint mesaFormat = texImage->TexFormat->MesaFormat; if (TDFX_DEBUG & DEBUG_VERBOSE_DRI) { fprintf(stderr, "tdfxCompressedTexSubImage2D: id=%d\n", texObj->Name); } ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(texObj); assert(ti); mml = TDFX_TEXIMAGE_DATA(texImage); assert(mml); srcRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(mesaFormat, width); destRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(mesaFormat, mml->width); dest = _mesa_compressed_image_address(xoffset, yoffset, 0, mesaFormat, mml->width, (GLubyte*) texImage->Data); rows = height / 4; /* [dBorca] hardcoded 4, but works for FXT1/DXTC */ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { MEMCPY(dest, data, srcRowStride); dest += destRowStride; data = (GLvoid *)((intptr_t)data + (intptr_t)srcRowStride); } /* [dBorca] Hack alert: * see fxDDCompressedTexImage2D for caveats */ if (mml->wScale != 1 || mml->hScale != 1) { srcRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(mesaFormat, texImage->Width); destRowStride = _mesa_compressed_row_stride(mesaFormat, mml->width); _mesa_upscale_teximage2d(srcRowStride, texImage->Height / 4, destRowStride, mml->height / 4, 1, texImage->Data, destRowStride, texImage->Data); } /* GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap */ if (level == texObj->BaseLevel && texObj->GenerateMipmap) { assert(!texImage->IsCompressed); } RevalidateTexture(ctx, texObj); ti->reloadImages = GL_TRUE; fxMesa->new_state |= TDFX_NEW_TEXTURE; } #if 0 static void PrintTexture(int w, int h, int c, const GLubyte * data) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { if (c == 2) printf("%02x %02x ", data[0], data[1]); else if (c == 3) printf("%02x %02x %02x ", data[0], data[1], data[2]); data += c; } printf("\n"); } } #endif GLboolean tdfxTestProxyTexImage(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLint width, GLint height, GLint depth, GLint border) { tdfxContextPtr fxMesa = TDFX_CONTEXT(ctx); struct gl_shared_state *mesaShared = fxMesa->glCtx->Shared; struct tdfxSharedState *shared = (struct tdfxSharedState *) mesaShared->DriverData; switch (target) { case GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D: /*JJJ wrong*/ case GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D: { struct gl_texture_object *tObj; tdfxTexInfo *ti; int memNeeded; tObj = ctx->Texture.Proxy2D; if (!tObj->DriverData) tObj->DriverData = fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); ti = TDFX_TEXTURE_DATA(tObj); assert(ti); /* assign the parameters to test against */ tObj->Image[0][level]->Width = width; tObj->Image[0][level]->Height = height; tObj->Image[0][level]->Border = border; #if 0 tObj->Image[0][level]->InternalFormat = internalFormat; #endif if (level == 0) { /* don't use mipmap levels > 0 */ tObj->MinFilter = tObj->MagFilter = GL_NEAREST; } else { /* test with all mipmap levels */ tObj->MinFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; tObj->MagFilter = GL_NEAREST; } RevalidateTexture(ctx, tObj); /* printf("small lodlog2 0x%x\n", ti->info.smallLodLog2); printf("large lodlog2 0x%x\n", ti->info.largeLodLog2); printf("aspect ratio 0x%x\n", ti->info.aspectRatioLog2); printf("glide format 0x%x\n", ti->info.format); printf("data %p\n", ti->info.data); printf("lodblend %d\n", (int) ti->LODblend); */ /* determine where texture will reside */ if (ti->LODblend && !shared->umaTexMemory) { /* XXX GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH might not be right, but works */ memNeeded = fxMesa->Glide.grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &(ti->info)); } else { /* XXX GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH might not be right, but works */ memNeeded = fxMesa->Glide.grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &(ti->info)); } /* printf("Proxy test %d > %d\n", memNeeded, shared->totalTexMem[0]); */ if (memNeeded > shared->totalTexMem[0]) return GL_FALSE; else return GL_TRUE; } case GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D: return GL_TRUE; /* software rendering */ default: return GL_TRUE; /* never happens, silence compiler */ } } /** * Allocate a new texture object. * Called via ctx->Driver.NewTextureObject. * Note: this function will be called during context creation to * allocate the default texture objects. * Note: we could use containment here to 'derive' the driver-specific * texture object from the core mesa gl_texture_object. Not done at this time. */ static struct gl_texture_object * tdfxNewTextureObject( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint name, GLenum target ) { struct gl_texture_object *obj; obj = _mesa_new_texture_object(ctx, name, target); return obj; } void tdfxInitTextureFuncs( struct dd_function_table *functions ) { functions->BindTexture = tdfxBindTexture; functions->NewTextureObject = tdfxNewTextureObject; functions->DeleteTexture = tdfxDeleteTexture; functions->TexEnv = tdfxTexEnv; functions->TexParameter = tdfxTexParameter; functions->ChooseTextureFormat = tdfxChooseTextureFormat; functions->TexImage1D = tdfxTexImage1D; functions->TexSubImage1D = tdfxTexSubImage1D; functions->TexImage2D = tdfxTexImage2D; functions->TexSubImage2D = tdfxTexSubImage2D; functions->IsTextureResident = tdfxIsTextureResident; functions->CompressedTexImage2D = tdfxCompressedTexImage2D; functions->CompressedTexSubImage2D = tdfxCompressedTexSubImage2D; functions->UpdateTexturePalette = tdfxUpdateTexturePalette; }