#ifndef _VIA_PRIV_H_
#define _VIA_PRIV_H_ 1

//#include "ddmpeg.h"
#include "via_common.h"

#define MEM_BLOCKS		4

typedef struct {
    unsigned long   base;		/* Offset into fb */
    int    pool;			/* Pool we drew from */
    int    drm_fd;			/* Fd in DRM mode */
    drm_via_mem_t drm;			/* DRM management object */
    int    slot;			/* Pool 3 slot */
    void  *pVia;			/* VIA driver pointer */
    //FBLinearPtr linear;			/* X linear pool info ptr */
} VIAMem;

typedef VIAMem *VIAMemPtr;

#if 0
typedef struct  {
    unsigned long   gdwVideoFlagTV1;
    unsigned long   gdwVideoFlagSW;
    unsigned long   gdwVideoFlagMPEG;
    unsigned long   gdwAlphaEnabled;		/* For Alpha blending use*/

    VIAMem SWOVMem;
    VIAMem HQVMem;
    VIAMem SWfbMem;

    DDUPDATEOVERLAY UpdateOverlayBackup;    /* For HQVcontrol func use
					    // To save MPEG updateoverlay info.*/

/* device struct */
    SWDEVICE   SWDevice;
    SUBDEVICE   SUBDevice;
    MPGDEVICE   MPGDevice;
    OVERLAYRECORD   overlayRecordV1;
    OVERLAYRECORD   overlayRecordV3;

    BoxRec  AvailFBArea;
    FBLinearPtr   SWOVlinear;

    int MPEG_ON;
    int SWVideo_ON;

/*To solve the bandwidth issue */
    unsigned long   gdwUseExtendedFIFO;

/* For panning mode use */
    int panning_old_x;
    int panning_old_y;
    int panning_x;
    int panning_y;

/*To solve the bandwidth issue */
    unsigned char Save_3C4_16;
    unsigned char Save_3C4_17;
    unsigned char Save_3C4_18;

} swovRec, *swovPtr;

#endif /* _VIA_PRIV_H_ */