/* * Copyright 1998-2003 VIA Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2001-2003 S3 Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * VIA, S3 GRAPHICS, AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "glheader.h" #include "mtypes.h" #include "macros.h" #include "dd.h" #include "swrast/swrast.h" #include "mm.h" #include "via_context.h" #include "via_tris.h" #include "via_ioctl.h" #include "via_state.h" #include "via_fb.h" #include "via_3d_reg.h" #include "vblank.h" #include "drm.h" #include "xf86drm.h" #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <errno.h> #define VIA_REG_STATUS 0x400 #define VIA_REG_GEMODE 0x004 #define VIA_REG_SRCBASE 0x030 #define VIA_REG_DSTBASE 0x034 #define VIA_REG_PITCH 0x038 #define VIA_REG_SRCCOLORKEY 0x01C #define VIA_REG_KEYCONTROL 0x02C #define VIA_REG_SRCPOS 0x008 #define VIA_REG_DSTPOS 0x00C #define VIA_REG_GECMD 0x000 #define VIA_REG_DIMENSION 0x010 /* width and height */ #define VIA_REG_FGCOLOR 0x018 #define VIA_GEM_8bpp 0x00000000 #define VIA_GEM_16bpp 0x00000100 #define VIA_GEM_32bpp 0x00000300 #define VIA_GEC_BLT 0x00000001 #define VIA_PITCH_ENABLE 0x80000000 #define VIA_GEC_INCX 0x00000000 #define VIA_GEC_DECY 0x00004000 #define VIA_GEC_INCY 0x00000000 #define VIA_GEC_DECX 0x00008000 #define VIA_GEC_FIXCOLOR_PAT 0x00002000 #define VIA_BLIT_CLEAR 0x00 #define VIA_BLIT_COPY 0xCC #define VIA_BLIT_FILL 0xF0 #define VIA_BLIT_SET 0xFF static void dump_dma( struct via_context *vmesa ) { GLuint i; GLuint *data = (GLuint *)vmesa->dma; for (i = 0; i < vmesa->dmaLow; i += 16) { fprintf(stderr, "%04x: ", i); fprintf(stderr, "%08x ", *data++); fprintf(stderr, "%08x ", *data++); fprintf(stderr, "%08x ", *data++); fprintf(stderr, "%08x\n", *data++); } fprintf(stderr, "******************************************\n"); } void viaCheckDma(struct via_context *vmesa, GLuint bytes) { VIA_FINISH_PRIM( vmesa ); if (vmesa->dmaLow + bytes > VIA_DMA_HIGHWATER) { viaFlushDma(vmesa); } } #define SetReg2DAGP(nReg, nData) do { \ OUT_RING( ((nReg) >> 2) | 0xF0000000 ); \ OUT_RING( nData ); \ } while (0) static void viaBlit(struct via_context *vmesa, GLuint bpp, GLuint srcBase, GLuint srcPitch, GLuint dstBase, GLuint dstPitch, GLuint w, GLuint h, GLuint blitMode, GLuint color, GLuint nMask ) { GLuint dwGEMode, srcX, dstX, cmd; RING_VARS; if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_2D) fprintf(stderr, "%s bpp %d src %x/%x dst %x/%x w %d h %d " " mode: %x color: 0x%08x mask 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, bpp, srcBase, srcPitch, dstBase, dstPitch, w,h, blitMode, color, nMask); if (!w || !h) return; switch (bpp) { case 16: dwGEMode = VIA_GEM_16bpp; srcX = (srcBase & 0x1f) >> 1; dstX = (dstBase & 0x1f) >> 1; break; case 32: dwGEMode = VIA_GEM_32bpp; srcX = (srcBase & 0x1f) >> 2; dstX = (dstBase & 0x1f) >> 2; break; default: return; } switch(blitMode) { case VIA_BLIT_FILL: cmd = VIA_GEC_BLT | VIA_GEC_FIXCOLOR_PAT | (VIA_BLIT_FILL << 24); break; case VIA_BLIT_COPY: cmd = VIA_GEC_BLT | (VIA_BLIT_COPY << 24); break; default: return; } BEGIN_RING(22); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_GEMODE, dwGEMode); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_FGCOLOR, color); SetReg2DAGP( 0x2C, nMask); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_SRCBASE, (srcBase & ~0x1f) >> 3); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_DSTBASE, (dstBase & ~0x1f) >> 3); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_PITCH, VIA_PITCH_ENABLE | (srcPitch >> 3) | ((dstPitch >> 3) << 16)); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_SRCPOS, srcX); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_DSTPOS, dstX); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_DIMENSION, (((h - 1) << 16) | (w - 1))); SetReg2DAGP( VIA_REG_GECMD, cmd); SetReg2DAGP( 0x2C, 0x00000000); ADVANCE_RING(); } static void viaFillBuffer(struct via_context *vmesa, struct via_buffer *buffer, drm_clip_rect_t *pbox, int nboxes, GLuint pixel, GLuint mask) { GLuint bytePerPixel = buffer->bpp >> 3; GLuint i; for (i = 0; i < nboxes ; i++) { int x = pbox[i].x1 - vmesa->drawX; int y = pbox[i].y1 - vmesa->drawY; int w = pbox[i].x2 - pbox[i].x1; int h = pbox[i].y2 - pbox[i].y1; int offset = (buffer->orig + y * buffer->pitch + x * bytePerPixel); viaBlit(vmesa, buffer->bpp, offset, buffer->pitch, offset, buffer->pitch, w, h, VIA_BLIT_FILL, pixel, mask); } } static void viaClear(GLcontext *ctx, GLbitfield mask, GLboolean all, GLint cx, GLint cy, GLint cw, GLint ch) { struct via_context *vmesa = VIA_CONTEXT(ctx); __DRIdrawablePrivate *dPriv = vmesa->driDrawable; int flag = 0; GLuint i = 0; GLuint clear_depth_mask = 0xf << 28; GLuint clear_depth = 0; VIA_FLUSH_DMA(vmesa); if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_LEFT) { flag |= VIA_FRONT; mask &= ~BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_LEFT; } if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_BACK_LEFT) { flag |= VIA_BACK; mask &= ~BUFFER_BIT_BACK_LEFT; } if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_DEPTH) { flag |= VIA_DEPTH; clear_depth = (GLuint)(ctx->Depth.Clear * vmesa->ClearDepth); clear_depth_mask &= ~vmesa->depth_clear_mask; mask &= ~BUFFER_BIT_DEPTH; } if (mask & BUFFER_BIT_STENCIL) { if (vmesa->have_hw_stencil) { if (ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[0] == 0xff) { flag |= VIA_DEPTH; clear_depth &= ~0xff; clear_depth |= (ctx->Stencil.Clear & 0xff); clear_depth_mask &= ~vmesa->stencil_clear_mask; mask &= ~BUFFER_BIT_STENCIL; } else { if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_2D) fprintf(stderr, "Clear stencil writemask %x\n", ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[0]); } } } /* 16bpp doesn't support masked clears */ if (vmesa->viaScreen->bytesPerPixel == 2 && vmesa->ClearMask & 0xf0000000) { if (flag & VIA_FRONT) mask |= BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_LEFT; if (flag & VIA_BACK) mask |= BUFFER_BIT_BACK_LEFT; flag &= ~(VIA_FRONT | VIA_BACK); } if (flag) { drm_clip_rect_t *boxes, *tmp_boxes = 0; int nr = 0; LOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); /* flip top to bottom */ cy = dPriv->h - cy - ch; cx += vmesa->drawX + vmesa->drawXoff; cy += vmesa->drawY; if (!all) { drm_clip_rect_t *b = vmesa->pClipRects; boxes = tmp_boxes = (drm_clip_rect_t *)malloc(vmesa->numClipRects * sizeof(drm_clip_rect_t)); if (!boxes) { UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); return; } for (; i < vmesa->numClipRects; i++) { GLint x = b[i].x1; GLint y = b[i].y1; GLint w = b[i].x2 - x; GLint h = b[i].y2 - y; if (x < cx) w -= cx - x, x = cx; if (y < cy) h -= cy - y, y = cy; if (x + w > cx + cw) w = cx + cw - x; if (y + h > cy + ch) h = cy + ch - y; if (w <= 0) continue; if (h <= 0) continue; boxes[nr].x1 = x; boxes[nr].y1 = y; boxes[nr].x2 = x + w; boxes[nr].y2 = y + h; nr++; } } else { boxes = vmesa->pClipRects; nr = vmesa->numClipRects; } if (flag & VIA_FRONT) { viaFillBuffer(vmesa, &vmesa->front, boxes, nr, vmesa->ClearColor, vmesa->ClearMask); } if (flag & VIA_BACK) { viaFillBuffer(vmesa, &vmesa->back, boxes, nr, vmesa->ClearColor, vmesa->ClearMask); } if (flag & VIA_DEPTH) { viaFillBuffer(vmesa, &vmesa->depth, boxes, nr, clear_depth, clear_depth_mask); } viaFlushDmaLocked(vmesa, VIA_NO_CLIPRECTS); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); if (tmp_boxes) free(tmp_boxes); } if (mask) _swrast_Clear(ctx, mask, all, cx, cy, cw, ch); } static void viaDoSwapBuffers(struct via_context *vmesa, drm_clip_rect_t *b, GLuint nbox) { GLuint bytePerPixel = vmesa->viaScreen->bitsPerPixel >> 3; struct via_buffer *front = &vmesa->front; struct via_buffer *back = &vmesa->back; GLuint i; for (i = 0; i < nbox; i++, b++) { GLint x = b->x1 - vmesa->drawX; GLint y = b->y1 - vmesa->drawY; GLint w = b->x2 - b->x1; GLint h = b->y2 - b->y1; GLuint src = back->orig + y * back->pitch + x * bytePerPixel; GLuint dest = front->orig + y * front->pitch + x * bytePerPixel; viaBlit(vmesa, bytePerPixel << 3, src, back->pitch, dest, front->pitch, w, h, VIA_BLIT_COPY, 0, 0); } viaFlushDmaLocked(vmesa, VIA_NO_CLIPRECTS); /* redundant */ } static void viaEmitBreadcrumbLocked( struct via_context *vmesa ) { struct via_buffer *buffer = &vmesa->breadcrumb; GLuint value = vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite + 1; if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_IOCTL) fprintf(stderr, "%s %d\n", __FUNCTION__, value); assert(!vmesa->dmaLow); viaBlit(vmesa, buffer->bpp, buffer->offset, buffer->pitch, buffer->offset, buffer->pitch, 1, 1, VIA_BLIT_FILL, value, 0); viaFlushDmaLocked(vmesa, VIA_NO_CLIPRECTS); /* often redundant */ vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite = value; } void viaEmitBreadcrumb( struct via_context *vmesa ) { LOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); if (vmesa->dmaLow) viaFlushDmaLocked(vmesa, 0); viaEmitBreadcrumbLocked( vmesa ); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); } static GLboolean viaCheckIdle( struct via_context *vmesa ) { if ((vmesa->regEngineStatus[0] & 0xFFFEFFFF) == 0x00020000) { return GL_TRUE; } return GL_FALSE; } GLboolean viaCheckBreadcrumb( struct via_context *vmesa, GLuint value ) { GLuint *buf = (GLuint *)vmesa->breadcrumb.map; vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead = *buf; if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_IOCTL) fprintf(stderr, "%s %d < %d: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, value, vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead, value < vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead); return value < vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead; } static void viaWaitBreadcrumb( struct via_context *vmesa, GLuint value ) { if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_IOCTL) fprintf(stderr, "%s %d\n", __FUNCTION__, value); assert(value < vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite); while (!viaCheckBreadcrumb( vmesa, value )) { viaSwapOutWork( vmesa ); via_release_pending_textures( vmesa ); } } void viaWaitIdle( struct via_context *vmesa ) { VIA_FLUSH_DMA(vmesa); if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_IOCTL) fprintf(stderr, "%s lastDma %d lastBreadcrumbWrite %d\n", __FUNCTION__, vmesa->lastDma, vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite); /* Need to emit a new breadcrumb? */ if (vmesa->lastDma == vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite) { LOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); viaEmitBreadcrumbLocked( vmesa ); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); } /* Need to wait? */ if (vmesa->lastDma >= vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead) viaWaitBreadcrumb( vmesa, vmesa->lastDma ); while(!viaCheckIdle(vmesa)) ; via_release_pending_textures(vmesa); } void viaWaitIdleLocked( struct via_context *vmesa ) { if (vmesa->dmaLow) viaFlushDmaLocked(vmesa, 0); if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_IOCTL) fprintf(stderr, "%s lastDma %d lastBreadcrumbWrite %d\n", __FUNCTION__, vmesa->lastDma, vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite); /* Need to emit a new breadcrumb? */ if (vmesa->lastDma == vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite) { viaEmitBreadcrumbLocked( vmesa ); } /* Need to wait? */ if (vmesa->lastDma >= vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead) viaWaitBreadcrumb( vmesa, vmesa->lastDma ); while(!viaCheckIdle(vmesa)) ; via_release_pending_textures(vmesa); } /* Wait for command stream to be processed *and* the next vblank to * occur. Equivalent to calling WAIT_IDLE() and then WaitVBlank, * except that WAIT_IDLE() will spin the CPU polling, while this is * IRQ driven. */ static void viaWaitIdleVBlank( const __DRIdrawablePrivate *dPriv, struct via_context *vmesa, GLuint value ) { GLboolean missed_target; VIA_FLUSH_DMA(vmesa); if (!value) return; do { if (value < vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead || vmesa->thrashing) viaSwapOutWork(vmesa); driWaitForVBlank( dPriv, & vmesa->vbl_seq, vmesa->vblank_flags, & missed_target ); if ( missed_target ) { vmesa->swap_missed_count++; vmesa->get_ust( &vmesa->swap_missed_ust ); } } while (!viaCheckBreadcrumb(vmesa, value)); vmesa->thrashing = 0; /* reset flag on swap */ vmesa->swap_count++; via_release_pending_textures( vmesa ); } static void viaDoPageFlipLocked(struct via_context *vmesa, GLuint offset) { RING_VARS; if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_2D) fprintf(stderr, "%s %x\n", __FUNCTION__, offset); if (!vmesa->nDoneFirstFlip) { vmesa->nDoneFirstFlip = GL_TRUE; BEGIN_RING(4); OUT_RING(HALCYON_HEADER2); OUT_RING(0x00fe0000); OUT_RING(0x0000000e); OUT_RING(0x0000000e); ADVANCE_RING(); } BEGIN_RING(4); OUT_RING( HALCYON_HEADER2 ); OUT_RING( 0x00fe0000 ); OUT_RING((HC_SubA_HFBBasL << 24) | (offset & 0xFFFFF8) | 0x2); OUT_RING((HC_SubA_HFBDrawFirst << 24) | ((offset & 0xFF000000) >> 24) | 0x0100); ADVANCE_RING(); vmesa->pfCurrentOffset = vmesa->sarea->pfCurrentOffset = offset; viaFlushDmaLocked(vmesa, VIA_NO_CLIPRECTS); /* often redundant */ } void viaResetPageFlippingLocked(struct via_context *vmesa) { if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_2D) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__); viaDoPageFlipLocked( vmesa, 0 ); if (vmesa->front.offset != 0) { struct via_buffer buffer_tmp; memcpy(&buffer_tmp, &vmesa->back, sizeof(struct via_buffer)); memcpy(&vmesa->back, &vmesa->front, sizeof(struct via_buffer)); memcpy(&vmesa->front, &buffer_tmp, sizeof(struct via_buffer)); } assert(vmesa->front.offset == 0); vmesa->doPageFlip = vmesa->allowPageFlip = 0; } /* * Copy the back buffer to the front buffer. */ void viaCopyBuffer(const __DRIdrawablePrivate *dPriv) { struct via_context *vmesa = (struct via_context *)dPriv->driContextPriv->driverPrivate; if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_IOCTL) fprintf(stderr, "%s: lastSwap[1] %d lastSwap[0] %d lastWrite %d lastRead %d\n", __FUNCTION__, vmesa->lastSwap[1], vmesa->lastSwap[0], vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite, vmesa->lastBreadcrumbRead); VIA_FLUSH_DMA(vmesa); if (vmesa->vblank_flags == VBLANK_FLAG_SYNC && vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite > 1) viaWaitIdleVBlank(dPriv, vmesa, vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite-1); else viaWaitIdleVBlank(dPriv, vmesa, vmesa->lastSwap[1]); LOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); /* Catch and cleanup situation where we were pageflipping but have * stopped. */ if (dPriv->numClipRects && vmesa->sarea->pfCurrentOffset != 0) { viaResetPageFlippingLocked(vmesa); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); return; } viaDoSwapBuffers(vmesa, dPriv->pClipRects, dPriv->numClipRects); vmesa->lastSwap[1] = vmesa->lastSwap[0]; vmesa->lastSwap[0] = vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite; viaEmitBreadcrumbLocked(vmesa); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); vmesa->get_ust( &vmesa->swap_ust ); } void viaPageFlip(const __DRIdrawablePrivate *dPriv) { struct via_context *vmesa = (struct via_context *)dPriv->driContextPriv->driverPrivate; struct via_buffer buffer_tmp; VIA_FLUSH_DMA(vmesa); if (vmesa->vblank_flags == VBLANK_FLAG_SYNC && vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite > 1) viaWaitIdleVBlank(dPriv, vmesa, vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite - 1); else viaWaitIdleVBlank(dPriv, vmesa, vmesa->lastSwap[0]); LOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); viaDoPageFlipLocked(vmesa, vmesa->back.offset); vmesa->lastSwap[1] = vmesa->lastSwap[0]; vmesa->lastSwap[0] = vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite; viaEmitBreadcrumbLocked(vmesa); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); vmesa->get_ust( &vmesa->swap_ust ); /* KW: FIXME: When buffers are freed, could free frontbuffer by * accident: */ memcpy(&buffer_tmp, &vmesa->back, sizeof(struct via_buffer)); memcpy(&vmesa->back, &vmesa->front, sizeof(struct via_buffer)); memcpy(&vmesa->front, &buffer_tmp, sizeof(struct via_buffer)); } #define VIA_CMDBUF_MAX_LAG 50000 static int fire_buffer(struct via_context *vmesa) { drm_via_cmdbuffer_t bufI; int ret; bufI.buf = (char *)vmesa->dma; bufI.size = vmesa->dmaLow; if (vmesa->useAgp) { drm_via_cmdbuf_size_t bSiz; /* Do the CMDBUF_SIZE ioctl: */ bSiz.func = VIA_CMDBUF_LAG; bSiz.wait = 1; bSiz.size = VIA_CMDBUF_MAX_LAG; do { ret = drmCommandWriteRead(vmesa->driFd, DRM_VIA_CMDBUF_SIZE, &bSiz, sizeof(bSiz)); } while (ret == -EAGAIN); if (ret) { UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); fprintf(stderr, "%s: DRM_VIA_CMDBUF_SIZE returned %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret); abort(); return ret; } /* Actually fire the buffer: */ do { ret = drmCommandWrite(vmesa->driFd, DRM_VIA_CMDBUFFER, &bufI, sizeof(bufI)); } while (ret == -EAGAIN); if (ret) { UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); fprintf(stderr, "%s: DRM_VIA_CMDBUFFER returned %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret); abort(); /* If this fails, the original code fell back to the PCI path. */ } else return 0; /* Fall through to PCI handling?!? */ viaWaitIdleLocked(vmesa); } ret = drmCommandWrite(vmesa->driFd, DRM_VIA_PCICMD, &bufI, sizeof(bufI)); if (ret) { UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); dump_dma(vmesa); fprintf(stderr, "%s: DRM_VIA_PCICMD returned %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret); abort(); } return ret; } /* Inserts the surface addresss and active cliprects one at a time * into the head of the DMA buffer being flushed. Fires the buffer * for each cliprect. */ static void via_emit_cliprect(struct via_context *vmesa, drm_clip_rect_t *b) { struct via_buffer *buffer = vmesa->drawBuffer; GLuint *vb = (GLuint *)(vmesa->dma + vmesa->dmaCliprectAddr); GLuint format = (vmesa->viaScreen->bitsPerPixel == 0x20 ? HC_HDBFM_ARGB8888 : HC_HDBFM_RGB565); GLuint pitch = buffer->pitch; GLuint offset = buffer->orig; if (0) fprintf(stderr, "emit cliprect for box %d,%d %d,%d\n", b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2); vb[0] = HC_HEADER2; vb[1] = (HC_ParaType_NotTex << 16); if (vmesa->driDrawable->w == 0 || vmesa->driDrawable->h == 0) { vb[2] = (HC_SubA_HClipTB << 24) | 0x0; vb[3] = (HC_SubA_HClipLR << 24) | 0x0; } else { vb[2] = (HC_SubA_HClipTB << 24) | (b->y1 << 12) | b->y2; vb[3] = (HC_SubA_HClipLR << 24) | (b->x1 << 12) | b->x2; } vb[4] = (HC_SubA_HDBBasL << 24) | (offset & 0xFFFFFF); vb[5] = (HC_SubA_HDBBasH << 24) | ((offset & 0xFF000000) >> 24); vb[6] = (HC_SubA_HSPXYOS << 24) | ((31-vmesa->drawXoff) << HC_HSPXOS_SHIFT); vb[7] = (HC_SubA_HDBFM << 24) | HC_HDBLoc_Local | format | pitch; } static int intersect_rect(drm_clip_rect_t *out, drm_clip_rect_t *a, drm_clip_rect_t *b) { *out = *a; if (0) fprintf(stderr, "intersect %d,%d %d,%d and %d,%d %d,%d\n", a->x1, a->y1, a->x2, a->y2, b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2); if (b->x1 > out->x1) out->x1 = b->x1; if (b->x2 < out->x2) out->x2 = b->x2; if (out->x1 >= out->x2) return 0; if (b->y1 > out->y1) out->y1 = b->y1; if (b->y2 < out->y2) out->y2 = b->y2; if (out->y1 >= out->y2) return 0; return 1; } void viaFlushDmaLocked(struct via_context *vmesa, GLuint flags) { int i; RING_VARS; if (VIA_DEBUG & (DEBUG_IOCTL|DEBUG_DMA)) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (*(GLuint *)vmesa->driHwLock != (DRM_LOCK_HELD|vmesa->hHWContext) && *(GLuint *)vmesa->driHwLock != (DRM_LOCK_HELD|DRM_LOCK_CONT|vmesa->hHWContext)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s called without lock held\n", __FUNCTION__); abort(); } if (vmesa->dmaLow == 0) { return; } assert(vmesa->dmaLastPrim == 0); /* viaFinishPrimitive can add up to 8 bytes beyond VIA_DMA_HIGHWATER: */ if (vmesa->dmaLow > VIA_DMA_HIGHWATER + 8) { fprintf(stderr, "buffer overflow in Flush Prims = %d\n",vmesa->dmaLow); abort(); } switch (vmesa->dmaLow & 0x1F) { case 8: BEGIN_RING_NOCHECK( 6 ); OUT_RING( HC_HEADER2 ); OUT_RING( (HC_ParaType_NotTex << 16) ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); ADVANCE_RING(); break; case 16: BEGIN_RING_NOCHECK( 4 ); OUT_RING( HC_HEADER2 ); OUT_RING( (HC_ParaType_NotTex << 16) ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); ADVANCE_RING(); break; case 24: BEGIN_RING_NOCHECK( 10 ); OUT_RING( HC_HEADER2 ); OUT_RING( (HC_ParaType_NotTex << 16) ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); OUT_RING( HC_DUMMY ); ADVANCE_RING(); break; case 0: break; default: if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_IOCTL) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unaligned value for vmesa->dmaLow: %x\n", __FUNCTION__, vmesa->dmaLow); } vmesa->lastDma = vmesa->lastBreadcrumbWrite; if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_DMA) dump_dma( vmesa ); if (flags & VIA_NO_CLIPRECTS) { if (0) fprintf(stderr, "%s VIA_NO_CLIPRECTS\n", __FUNCTION__); assert(vmesa->dmaCliprectAddr == ~0); fire_buffer( vmesa ); } else if (vmesa->dmaCliprectAddr == ~0) { /* Contains only state. Could just dump the packet? */ if (0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no dmaCliprectAddr\n", __FUNCTION__); if (0) fire_buffer( vmesa ); } else if (vmesa->numClipRects) { drm_clip_rect_t *pbox = vmesa->pClipRects; for (i = 0; i < vmesa->numClipRects; i++) { drm_clip_rect_t b; b.x1 = pbox[i].x1 - (vmesa->drawX + vmesa->drawXoff); b.x2 = pbox[i].x2 - (vmesa->drawX + vmesa->drawXoff); b.y1 = pbox[i].y1 - vmesa->drawY; b.y2 = pbox[i].y2 - vmesa->drawY; if (vmesa->scissor && !intersect_rect(&b, &b, &vmesa->scissorRect)) continue; b.x1 += vmesa->drawXoff; b.x2 += vmesa->drawXoff; via_emit_cliprect(vmesa, &b); if (fire_buffer(vmesa) != 0) { dump_dma( vmesa ); goto done; } } } else { if (0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no cliprects\n", __FUNCTION__); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); sched_yield(); LOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); } done: /* Reset vmesa vars: */ vmesa->dmaLow = 0; vmesa->dmaCliprectAddr = ~0; vmesa->newEmitState = ~0; } void viaWrapPrimitive( struct via_context *vmesa ) { GLenum renderPrimitive = vmesa->renderPrimitive; GLenum hwPrimitive = vmesa->hwPrimitive; if (VIA_DEBUG & DEBUG_PRIMS) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (vmesa->dmaLastPrim) viaFinishPrimitive( vmesa ); viaFlushDma(vmesa); if (renderPrimitive != GL_POLYGON + 1) viaRasterPrimitive( vmesa->glCtx, renderPrimitive, hwPrimitive ); } void viaFlushDma(struct via_context *vmesa) { if (vmesa->dmaLow) { assert(!vmesa->dmaLastPrim); LOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); viaFlushDmaLocked(vmesa, 0); UNLOCK_HARDWARE(vmesa); } } static void viaFlush(GLcontext *ctx) { struct via_context *vmesa = VIA_CONTEXT(ctx); VIA_FLUSH_DMA(vmesa); } static void viaFinish(GLcontext *ctx) { struct via_context *vmesa = VIA_CONTEXT(ctx); VIA_FLUSH_DMA(vmesa); viaWaitIdle(vmesa); } static void viaClearStencil(GLcontext *ctx, int s) { return; } void viaInitIoctlFuncs(GLcontext *ctx) { ctx->Driver.Flush = viaFlush; ctx->Driver.Clear = viaClear; ctx->Driver.Finish = viaFinish; ctx->Driver.ClearStencil = viaClearStencil; }