/* -*- mode: C; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2 -*- */ /* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 3.1 * * Copyright (C) 1999 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * * Original Mesa / 3Dfx device driver (C) 1999 David Bucciarelli, by the * terms stated above. * * Thank you for your contribution, David! * * Please make note of the above copyright/license statement. If you * contributed code or bug fixes to this code under the previous (GNU * Library) license and object to the new license, your code will be * removed at your request. Please see the Mesa docs/COPYRIGHT file * for more information. * * Additional Mesa/3Dfx driver developers: * Daryll Strauss <daryll@precisioninsight.com> * Keith Whitwell <keith@precisioninsight.com> * * See fxapi.h for more revision/author details. */ /* fxddtex.c - 3Dfx VooDoo Texture mapping functions */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "conf.h" #endif #if defined(FX) #include "fxdrv.h" void fxPrintTextureData(tfxTexInfo *ti) { fprintf(stderr, "Texture Data:\n"); if (ti->tObj) { fprintf(stderr, "\tName: %d\n", ti->tObj->Name); fprintf(stderr, "\tBaseLevel: %d\n", ti->tObj->BaseLevel); fprintf(stderr, "\tSize: %d x %d\n", ti->tObj->Image[ti->tObj->BaseLevel]->Width, ti->tObj->Image[ti->tObj->BaseLevel]->Height); } else fprintf(stderr, "\tName: UNNAMED\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tLast used: %d\n", ti->lastTimeUsed); fprintf(stderr, "\tTMU: %d\n", ti->whichTMU); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", (ti->isInTM)?"In TMU":"Not in TMU"); if (ti->tm[0]) fprintf(stderr, "\tMem0: %x-%x\n", ti->tm[0]->startAddr, ti->tm[0]->endAddr); if (ti->tm[1]) fprintf(stderr, "\tMem1: %x-%x\n", ti->tm[1]->startAddr, ti->tm[1]->endAddr); fprintf(stderr, "\tMipmaps: %d-%d\n", ti->minLevel, ti->maxLevel); fprintf(stderr, "\tFilters: min %d min %d\n", ti->minFilt, ti->maxFilt); fprintf(stderr, "\tClamps: s %d t %d\n", ti->sClamp, ti->tClamp); fprintf(stderr, "\tScales: s %f t %f\n", ti->sScale, ti->tScale); fprintf(stderr, "\tInt Scales: s %d t %d\n", ti->int_sScale/0x800000, ti->int_tScale/0x800000); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", (ti->fixedPalette)?"Fixed palette":"Non fixed palette"); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", (ti->validated)?"Validated":"Not validated"); } /************************************************************************/ /*************************** Texture Mapping ****************************/ /************************************************************************/ void fxTexInvalidate(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; tfxTexInfo *ti; fxTMMoveOutTM(fxMesa,tObj); /* TO DO: SLOW but easy to write */ ti=fxTMGetTexInfo(tObj); ti->validated=GL_FALSE; fxMesa->new_state|=FX_NEW_TEXTURING; ctx->Driver.RenderStart = fxSetupFXUnits; } static tfxTexInfo *fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesaContext fxMesa) { tfxTexInfo *ti; int i; if(!(ti=CALLOC(sizeof(tfxTexInfo)))) { fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: out of memory !\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); } ti->validated=GL_FALSE; ti->isInTM=GL_FALSE; ti->whichTMU=FX_TMU_NONE; ti->tm[FX_TMU0]=NULL; ti->tm[FX_TMU1]=NULL; ti->minFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; ti->maxFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; ti->sClamp=GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; ti->tClamp=GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; if(fxMesa->haveTwoTMUs) { ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->LODblend=FXTRUE; } else { ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST_DITHER; ti->LODblend=FXFALSE; } for(i=0;i<MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS;i++) { ti->mipmapLevel[i].used=GL_FALSE; ti->mipmapLevel[i].data=NULL; } return ti; } void fxDDTexBind(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; tfxTexInfo *ti; if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: fxDDTexBind(%d,%x)\n",tObj->Name,(GLuint)tObj->DriverData); } if(target!=GL_TEXTURE_2D) return; if (!tObj->DriverData) { tObj->DriverData=fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); } ti=fxTMGetTexInfo(tObj); fxMesa->texBindNumber++; ti->lastTimeUsed=fxMesa->texBindNumber; fxMesa->new_state|=FX_NEW_TEXTURING; ctx->Driver.RenderStart = fxSetupFXUnits; } void fxDDTexEnv(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *param) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { if(param) fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: texenv(%x,%x)\n",pname,(GLint)(*param)); else fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: texenv(%x)\n",pname); } fxMesa->new_state|=FX_NEW_TEXTURING; ctx->Driver.RenderStart = fxSetupFXUnits; } void fxDDTexParam(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, struct gl_texture_object *tObj, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; GLenum param=(GLenum)(GLint)params[0]; tfxTexInfo *ti; if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: fxDDTexParam(%d,%x,%x,%x)\n",tObj->Name,(GLuint)tObj->DriverData,pname,param); } if(target!=GL_TEXTURE_2D) return; if (!tObj->DriverData) tObj->DriverData=fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); ti=fxTMGetTexInfo(tObj); switch(pname) { case GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: switch(param) { case GL_NEAREST: ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_DISABLE; ti->minFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; ti->LODblend=FXFALSE; break; case GL_LINEAR: ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_DISABLE; ti->minFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; ti->LODblend=FXFALSE; break; case GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->minFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; ti->LODblend=FXFALSE; break; case GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->minFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; ti->LODblend=FXFALSE; break; case GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: if(fxMesa->haveTwoTMUs) { ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->LODblend=FXTRUE; } else { ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST_DITHER; ti->LODblend=FXFALSE; } ti->minFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; break; case GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: if(fxMesa->haveTwoTMUs) { ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; ti->LODblend=FXTRUE; } else { ti->mmMode=GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST_DITHER; ti->LODblend=FXFALSE; } ti->minFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; break; default: break; } fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); break; case GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: switch(param) { case GL_NEAREST: ti->maxFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED; break; case GL_LINEAR: ti->maxFilt=GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR; break; default: break; } fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); break; case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S: switch(param) { case GL_CLAMP: ti->sClamp=GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP; break; case GL_REPEAT: ti->sClamp=GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; break; default: break; } fxMesa->new_state|=FX_NEW_TEXTURING; ctx->Driver.RenderStart = fxSetupFXUnits; break; case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T: switch(param) { case GL_CLAMP: ti->tClamp=GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP; break; case GL_REPEAT: ti->tClamp=GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP; break; default: break; } fxMesa->new_state|=FX_NEW_TEXTURING; ctx->Driver.RenderStart = fxSetupFXUnits; break; case GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR: /* TO DO */ break; case GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: /* TO DO */ break; case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD: /* TO DO */ break; case GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL: fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); break; case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL: fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); break; default: break; } } void fxDDTexDel(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; tfxTexInfo *ti=fxTMGetTexInfo(tObj); if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: fxDDTexDel(%d,%x)\n",tObj->Name,(GLuint)ti); } if(!ti) return; fxTMFreeTexture(fxMesa,tObj); FREE(ti); tObj->DriverData=NULL; ctx->NewState|=NEW_TEXTURING; } void fxDDTexPalette(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_texture_object *tObj) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; int i; FxU32 r,g,b,a; tfxTexInfo *ti; if(tObj) { if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: fxDDTexPalette(%d,%x)\n",tObj->Name,(GLuint)tObj->DriverData); } if(tObj->Palette.Format!=GL_RGBA) { #ifndef FX_SILENT fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: unsupported palette format in texpalette()\n"); #endif return; } if(tObj->Palette.Size>256) { #ifndef FX_SILENT fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: unsupported palette size in texpalette()\n"); #endif return; } if (!tObj->DriverData) tObj->DriverData=fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); ti=fxTMGetTexInfo(tObj); for(i=0;i<tObj->Palette.Size;i++) { r=tObj->Palette.Table[i*4]; g=tObj->Palette.Table[i*4+1]; b=tObj->Palette.Table[i*4+2]; a=tObj->Palette.Table[i*4+3]; ti->palette.data[i]=(a<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b; } fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); } else { if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: fxDDTexPalette(global)\n"); } if(ctx->Texture.Palette.Format!=GL_RGBA) { #ifndef FX_SILENT fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: unsupported palette format in texpalette()\n"); #endif return; } if(ctx->Texture.Palette.Size>256) { #ifndef FX_SILENT fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: unsupported palette size in texpalette()\n"); #endif return; } for(i=0;i<ctx->Texture.Palette.Size;i++) { r=ctx->Texture.Palette.Table[i*4]; g=ctx->Texture.Palette.Table[i*4+1]; b=ctx->Texture.Palette.Table[i*4+2]; a=ctx->Texture.Palette.Table[i*4+3]; fxMesa->glbPalette.data[i]=(a<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b; } fxMesa->new_state|=FX_NEW_TEXTURING; ctx->Driver.RenderStart = fxSetupFXUnits; } } void fxDDTexUseGlbPalette(GLcontext *ctx, GLboolean state) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: fxDDTexUseGlbPalette(%d)\n",state); } if(state) { fxMesa->haveGlobalPaletteTexture=1; FX_grTexDownloadTable(GR_TMU0,GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE,&(fxMesa->glbPalette)); if (fxMesa->haveTwoTMUs) FX_grTexDownloadTable(GR_TMU1,GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE,&(fxMesa->glbPalette)); } else { fxMesa->haveGlobalPaletteTexture=0; if((ctx->Texture.Unit[0].Current==ctx->Texture.Unit[0].CurrentD[2]) && (ctx->Texture.Unit[0].Current!=NULL)) { struct gl_texture_object *tObj=ctx->Texture.Unit[0].Current; if (!tObj->DriverData) tObj->DriverData=fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); } } } static int logbase2(int n) { GLint i = 1; GLint log2 = 0; if (n<0) { return -1; } while (n > i) { i *= 2; log2++; } if (i != n) { return -1; } else { return log2; } } /* Need different versions for different cpus. */ #define INT_TRICK(l2) (0x800000 * l2) int fxTexGetInfo(int w, int h, GrLOD_t *lodlevel, GrAspectRatio_t *ar, float *sscale, float *tscale, int *i_sscale, int *i_tscale, int *wscale, int *hscale) { static GrLOD_t lod[9]={GR_LOD_256,GR_LOD_128,GR_LOD_64,GR_LOD_32, GR_LOD_16,GR_LOD_8,GR_LOD_4,GR_LOD_2,GR_LOD_1}; int logw,logh,ws,hs; GrLOD_t l; GrAspectRatio_t aspectratio; float s,t; int is,it; logw=logbase2(w); logh=logbase2(h); switch(logw-logh) { case 0: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=t=256.0f; is=it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=hs=1; break; case 1: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_2x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=128.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(7); ws=1; hs=1; break; case 2: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_4x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=64.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(6); ws=1; hs=1; break; case 3: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_8x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=32.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(5); ws=1; hs=1; break; case 4: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_8x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=32.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(5); ws=1; hs=2; break; case 5: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_8x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=32.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(5); ws=1; hs=4; break; case 6: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_8x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=32.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(5); ws=1; hs=8; break; case 7: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_8x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=32.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(5); ws=1; hs=16; break; case 8: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_8x1; l=lod[8-logw]; s=256.0f; t=32.0f; is=INT_TRICK(8);it=INT_TRICK(5); ws=1; hs=32; break; case -1: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x2; l=lod[8-logh]; s=128.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(7);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=1; hs=1; break; case -2: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x4; l=lod[8-logh]; s=64.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(6);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=1; hs=1; break; case -3: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x8; l=lod[8-logh]; s=32.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(5);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=1; hs=1; break; case -4: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x8; l=lod[8-logh]; s=32.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(5);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=2; hs=1; break; case -5: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x8; l=lod[8-logh]; s=32.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(5);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=4; hs=1; break; case -6: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x8; l=lod[8-logh]; s=32.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(5);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=8; hs=1; break; case -7: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x8; l=lod[8-logh]; s=32.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(5);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=16; hs=1; break; case -8: aspectratio=GR_ASPECT_1x8; l=lod[8-logh]; s=32.0f; t=256.0f; is=INT_TRICK(5);it=INT_TRICK(8); ws=32; hs=1; break; default: return 0; break; } if(lodlevel) (*lodlevel)=l; if(ar) (*ar)=aspectratio; if(sscale) (*sscale)=s; if(tscale) (*tscale)=t; if(wscale) (*wscale)=ws; if(hscale) (*hscale)=hs; if (i_sscale) *i_sscale = is; if (i_tscale) *i_tscale = it; return 1; } void fxTexGetFormat(GLenum glformat, GrTextureFormat_t *tfmt, GLint *ifmt) { switch(glformat) { case 1: case GL_LUMINANCE: case GL_LUMINANCE4: case GL_LUMINANCE8: case GL_LUMINANCE12: case GL_LUMINANCE16: if(tfmt) (*tfmt)=GR_TEXFMT_INTENSITY_8; if(ifmt) (*ifmt)=GL_LUMINANCE; break; case 2: case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2: case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12: case GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16: if(tfmt) (*tfmt)=GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_INTENSITY_88; if(ifmt) (*ifmt)=GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; break; case GL_INTENSITY: case GL_INTENSITY4: case GL_INTENSITY8: case GL_INTENSITY12: case GL_INTENSITY16: if(tfmt) (*tfmt)=GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_8; if(ifmt) (*ifmt)=GL_INTENSITY; break; case GL_ALPHA: case GL_ALPHA4: case GL_ALPHA8: case GL_ALPHA12: case GL_ALPHA16: if(tfmt) (*tfmt)=GR_TEXFMT_ALPHA_8; if(ifmt) (*ifmt)=GL_ALPHA; break; case 3: case GL_RGB: case GL_R3_G3_B2: case GL_RGB4: case GL_RGB5: case GL_RGB8: case GL_RGB10: case GL_RGB12: case GL_RGB16: if(tfmt) (*tfmt)=GR_TEXFMT_RGB_565; if(ifmt) (*ifmt)=GL_RGB; break; case 4: case GL_RGBA: case GL_RGBA2: case GL_RGBA4: case GL_RGB5_A1: case GL_RGBA8: case GL_RGB10_A2: case GL_RGBA12: case GL_RGBA16: if(tfmt) (*tfmt)=GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_4444; if(ifmt) (*ifmt)=GL_RGBA; break; case GL_COLOR_INDEX: case GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT: if(tfmt) (*tfmt)=GR_TEXFMT_P_8; if(ifmt) (*ifmt)=GL_RGBA; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: unsupported internalFormat in fxTexGetFormat()\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); break; } } static int fxIsTexSupported(GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, const struct gl_texture_image *image) { if(target!=GL_TEXTURE_2D) return GL_FALSE; switch(internalFormat) { case GL_INTENSITY: case GL_INTENSITY4: case GL_INTENSITY8: case GL_INTENSITY12: case GL_INTENSITY16: case 1: case GL_LUMINANCE: case GL_LUMINANCE4: case GL_LUMINANCE8: case GL_LUMINANCE12: case GL_LUMINANCE16: case 2: case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2: case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12: case GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16: case GL_ALPHA: case GL_ALPHA4: case GL_ALPHA8: case GL_ALPHA12: case GL_ALPHA16: case 3: case GL_RGB: case GL_R3_G3_B2: case GL_RGB4: case GL_RGB5: case GL_RGB8: case GL_RGB10: case GL_RGB12: case GL_RGB16: case 4: case GL_RGBA: case GL_RGBA2: case GL_RGBA4: case GL_RGB5_A1: case GL_RGBA8: case GL_RGB10_A2: case GL_RGBA12: case GL_RGBA16: case GL_COLOR_INDEX: case GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT: break; default: return GL_FALSE; } if(image->Width>256) return GL_FALSE; if(image->Height>256) return GL_FALSE; if(!fxTexGetInfo(image->Width,image->Height,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL)) return GL_FALSE; return GL_TRUE; } static void fxTexBuildImageMap(const struct gl_texture_image *image, GLint internalFormat, unsigned short **dest, GLboolean *istranslate) { unsigned short *src; unsigned char *data; int x,y,w,h,wscale,hscale,idx; fxTexGetInfo(image->Width,image->Height,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, &wscale,&hscale); w=image->Width*wscale; h=image->Height*hscale; data=image->Data; switch(internalFormat) { case GL_INTENSITY: case GL_INTENSITY4: case GL_INTENSITY8: case GL_INTENSITY12: case GL_INTENSITY16: case 1: case GL_LUMINANCE: case GL_LUMINANCE4: case GL_LUMINANCE8: case GL_LUMINANCE12: case GL_LUMINANCE16: case GL_ALPHA: case GL_ALPHA4: case GL_ALPHA8: case GL_ALPHA12: case GL_ALPHA16: case GL_COLOR_INDEX: case GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT: /* Optimized for GLQuake */ if(wscale==hscale==1) { (*istranslate)=GL_FALSE; (*dest)=(unsigned short *)data; } else { unsigned char *srcb; (*istranslate)=GL_TRUE; if(!(*dest)) { if(!((*dest)=src=(unsigned short *)MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned char)*w*h))) { fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: out of memory !\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); } } else src=(*dest); srcb=(unsigned char *)src; for(y=0;y<h;y++) for(x=0;x<w;x++) { idx=(x/wscale+(y/hscale)*(w/wscale)); srcb[x+y*w]=data[idx]; } } break; case 2: case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2: case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12: case GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16: (*istranslate)=GL_TRUE; if(!(*dest)) { if(!((*dest)=src=(unsigned short *)MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned short)*w*h))) { fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: out of memory !\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); } } else src=(*dest); if(wscale==hscale==1) { int i=0; int lenght=h*w; unsigned short a,l; while(i++<lenght) { l=*data++; a=*data++; *src++=(a << 8) | l; } } else { unsigned short a,l; for(y=0;y<h;y++) for(x=0;x<w;x++) { idx=(x/wscale+(y/hscale)*(w/wscale))*2; l=data[idx]; a=data[idx+1]; src[x+y*w]=(a << 8) | l; } } break; case 3: case GL_RGB: case GL_R3_G3_B2: case GL_RGB4: case GL_RGB5: case GL_RGB8: case GL_RGB10: case GL_RGB12: case GL_RGB16: (*istranslate)=GL_TRUE; if(!(*dest)) { if(!((*dest)=src=(unsigned short *)MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned short)*w*h))) { fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: out of memory !\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); } } else src=(*dest); if(wscale==hscale==1) { int i=0; int lenght=h*w; unsigned short r,g,b; while(i++<lenght) { r=*data++; g=*data++; b=*data++; *src++=((0xf8 & r) << (11-3)) | ((0xfc & g) << (5-3+1)) | ((0xf8 & b) >> 3); } } else { unsigned short r,g,b; for(y=0;y<h;y++) for(x=0;x<w;x++) { idx=(x/wscale+(y/hscale)*(w/wscale))*3; r=data[idx]; g=data[idx+1]; b=data[idx+2]; src[x+y*w]=((0xf8 & r) << (11-3)) | ((0xfc & g) << (5-3+1)) | ((0xf8 & b) >> 3); } } break; case 4: case GL_RGBA: case GL_RGBA2: case GL_RGBA4: case GL_RGB5_A1: case GL_RGBA8: case GL_RGB10_A2: case GL_RGBA12: case GL_RGBA16: (*istranslate)=GL_TRUE; if(!(*dest)) { if(!((*dest)=src=(unsigned short *)MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned short)*w*h))) { fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: out of memory !\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); } } else src=(*dest); if(wscale==hscale==1) { int i=0; int lenght=h*w; unsigned short r,g,b,a; while(i++<lenght) { r=*data++; g=*data++; b=*data++; a=*data++; *src++=((0xf0 & a) << 8) | ((0xf0 & r) << 4) | (0xf0 & g) | ((0xf0 & b) >> 4); } } else { unsigned short r,g,b,a; for(y=0;y<h;y++) for(x=0;x<w;x++) { idx=(x/wscale+(y/hscale)*(w/wscale))*4; r=data[idx]; g=data[idx+1]; b=data[idx+2]; a=data[idx+3]; src[x+y*w]=((0xf0 & a) << 8) | ((0xf0 & r) << 4) | (0xf0 & g) | ((0xf0 & b) >> 4); } } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: wrong internalFormat in texbuildimagemap()\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); break; } } void fxDDTexImg(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, struct gl_texture_object *tObj, GLint level, GLint internalFormat, const struct gl_texture_image *image) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; tfxTexInfo *ti; if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr, "fxmesa: (%d) fxDDTexImg(...,level=%d,target=%d,format=%x,width=%d,height=%d...)\n", tObj->Name, level, target, internalFormat, image->Width, image->Height); } if(target!=GL_TEXTURE_2D) return; if (!tObj->DriverData) tObj->DriverData=fxAllocTexObjData(fxMesa); ti=fxTMGetTexInfo(tObj); if(fxIsTexSupported(target,internalFormat,image)) { GrTextureFormat_t gldformat; tfxMipMapLevel *mml=&ti->mipmapLevel[level]; fxTexGetFormat(internalFormat,&gldformat,NULL); if(mml->used) { if((mml->glideFormat==gldformat) && (mml->width==image->Width) && (mml->height==image->Height)) { fxTexBuildImageMap(image,internalFormat,&(mml->data), &(mml->translated)); if(ti->validated && ti->isInTM) fxTMReloadMipMapLevel(fxMesa,tObj,level); else fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); return; } else { if(mml->translated) FREE(mml->data); mml->data=NULL; } } mml->glideFormat=gldformat; mml->width=image->Width; mml->height=image->Height; mml->used=GL_TRUE; fxTexBuildImageMap(image,internalFormat,&(mml->data), &(mml->translated)); fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); } #ifndef FX_SILENT else fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: unsupported texture in fxDDTexImg()\n"); #endif } static void fxTexBuildSubImageMap(const struct gl_texture_image *image, GLint internalFormat, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint width, GLint height, unsigned short *destimg) { fxTexGetInfo(image->Width,image->Height,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL); switch(internalFormat) { case GL_INTENSITY: case GL_INTENSITY4: case GL_INTENSITY8: case GL_INTENSITY12: case GL_INTENSITY16: case 1: case GL_LUMINANCE: case GL_LUMINANCE4: case GL_LUMINANCE8: case GL_LUMINANCE12: case GL_LUMINANCE16: case GL_ALPHA: case GL_ALPHA4: case GL_ALPHA8: case GL_ALPHA12: case GL_ALPHA16: case GL_COLOR_INDEX: case GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT: case GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT: { int y; unsigned char *bsrc,*bdst; bsrc=(unsigned char *)(image->Data+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset)); bdst=((unsigned char *)destimg)+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset); for(y=0;y<height;y++) { MEMCPY(bdst,bsrc,width); bsrc += image->Width; bdst += image->Width; } } break; case 2: case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2: case GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4: case GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12: case GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16: { int x,y; unsigned char *src; unsigned short *dst,a,l; int simgw,dimgw; src=(unsigned char *)(image->Data+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset)*2); dst=destimg+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset); simgw=(image->Width-width)*2; dimgw=image->Width-width; for(y=0;y<height;y++) { for(x=0;x<width;x++) { l=*src++; a=*src++; *dst++=(a << 8) | l; } src += simgw; dst += dimgw; } } break; case 3: case GL_RGB: case GL_R3_G3_B2: case GL_RGB4: case GL_RGB5: case GL_RGB8: case GL_RGB10: case GL_RGB12: case GL_RGB16: { int x,y; unsigned char *src; unsigned short *dst,r,g,b; int simgw,dimgw; src=(unsigned char *)(image->Data+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset)*3); dst=destimg+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset); simgw=(image->Width-width)*3; dimgw=image->Width-width; for(y=0;y<height;y++) { for(x=0;x<width;x++) { r=*src++; g=*src++; b=*src++; *dst++=((0xf8 & r) << (11-3)) | ((0xfc & g) << (5-3+1)) | ((0xf8 & b) >> 3); } src += simgw; dst += dimgw; } } break; case 4: case GL_RGBA: case GL_RGBA2: case GL_RGBA4: case GL_RGB5_A1: case GL_RGBA8: case GL_RGB10_A2: case GL_RGBA12: case GL_RGBA16: { int x,y; unsigned char *src; unsigned short *dst,r,g,b,a; int simgw,dimgw; src=(unsigned char *)(image->Data+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset)*4); dst=destimg+(yoffset*image->Width+xoffset); simgw=(image->Width-width)*4; dimgw=image->Width-width; for(y=0;y<height;y++) { for(x=0;x<width;x++) { r=*src++; g=*src++; b=*src++; a=*src++; *dst++=((0xf0 & a) << 8) | ((0xf0 & r) << 4) | (0xf0 & g) | ((0xf0 & b) >> 4); } src += simgw; dst += dimgw; } } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"fx Driver: wrong internalFormat in fxTexBuildSubImageMap()\n"); fxCloseHardware(); exit(-1); break; } } void fxDDTexSubImg(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum target, struct gl_texture_object *tObj, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint width, GLint height, GLint internalFormat, const struct gl_texture_image *image) { fxMesaContext fxMesa=(fxMesaContext)ctx->DriverCtx; tfxTexInfo *ti; GrTextureFormat_t gldformat; int wscale,hscale; tfxMipMapLevel *mml; if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr, "fxmesa: (%d) fxDDTexSubImg(level=%d,target=%d,format=%x,width=%d,height=%d)\n", tObj->Name, level, target, internalFormat, image->Width, image->Height); } if(target!=GL_TEXTURE_2D) return; if (!tObj->DriverData) return; ti=fxTMGetTexInfo(tObj); mml=&ti->mipmapLevel[level]; fxTexGetFormat(internalFormat,&gldformat,NULL); if(mml->glideFormat!=gldformat) { if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: ti->info.format!=format in fxDDTexSubImg()\n"); } fxDDTexImg(ctx,target,tObj,level,internalFormat,image); return; } fxTexGetInfo(image->Width,image->Height,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&wscale,&hscale); if((wscale!=1) || (hscale!=1)) { if (MESA_VERBOSE&VERBOSE_DRIVER) { fprintf(stderr,"fxmesa: (wscale!=1) || (hscale!=1) in fxDDTexSubImg()\n"); } fxDDTexImg(ctx,target,tObj,level,internalFormat,image); return; } if(mml->translated) fxTexBuildSubImageMap(image,internalFormat,xoffset,yoffset, width,height,mml->data); if(ti->validated && ti->isInTM) fxTMReloadSubMipMapLevel(fxMesa,tObj,level,yoffset,height); else fxTexInvalidate(ctx,tObj); } #else /* * Need this to provide at least one external definition. */ int gl_fx_dummy_function_ddtex(void) { return 0; } #endif /* FX */