#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Chia-I Wu # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub # license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom # the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # IBM AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Minimal apiutil.py interface for use by es_generator.py. """ import sys import libxml2 import APIspec __spec = {} __functions = {} __aliases = {} def _ParseXML(filename, apiname): conversions = { # from to 'GLfloat': [ 'GLdouble' ], 'GLclampf': [ 'GLclampd' ], 'GLubyte': [ 'GLfloat', 'GLdouble' ], 'GLint': [ 'GLfloat', 'GLdouble' ], 'GLfixed': [ 'GLfloat', 'GLdouble' ], 'GLclampx': [ 'GLclampf', 'GLclampd' ], } doc = libxml2.readFile(filename, None, libxml2.XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD + libxml2.XML_PARSE_DTDVALID + libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS) spec = APIspec.Spec(doc) impl = spec.get_impl() api = spec.get_api(apiname) doc.freeDoc() __spec["impl"] = impl __spec["api"] = api for func in api.functions: alias, need_conv = impl.match(func, conversions) if not alias: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: unable to dispatch %s" % func.name alias = func __functions[func.name] = func __aliases[func.name] = (alias, need_conv) def AllSpecials(notused=None): """Return a list of all external functions in the API.""" api = __spec["api"] specials = [] for func in api.functions: if func.is_external: specials.append(func.name) return specials def GetAllFunctions(filename, api): """Return sorted list of all functions in the API.""" if not __spec: _ParseXML(filename, api) api = __spec["api"] names = [] for func in api.functions: names.append(func.name) names.sort() return names def ReturnType(funcname): """Return the C return type of named function.""" func = __functions[funcname] return func.return_type def Properties(funcname): """Return list of properties of the named GL function.""" func = __functions[funcname] return [func.direction] def _ValidValues(func, param): """Return the valid values of a parameter.""" valid_values = [] switch = func.checker.switches.get(param.name, []) for desc in switch: # no dependent vector if not desc.checker.switches: for val in desc.values: valid_values.append((val, None, None, [], desc.error, None)) continue items = desc.checker.switches.items() if len(items) > 1: print >>sys.stderr, "%s: more than one parameter depend on %s" % \ (func.name, desc.name) dep_name, dep_switch = items[0] for dep_desc in dep_switch: if dep_desc.index >= 0 and dep_desc.index != 0: print >>sys.stderr, "%s: not first element of a vector" % func.name if dep_desc.checker.switches: print >>sys.stderr, "%s: deep nested dependence" % func.name convert = None if dep_desc.convert else "noconvert" for val in desc.values: valid_values.append((val, dep_desc.size_str, dep_desc.name, dep_desc.values, dep_desc.error, convert)) return valid_values def _Conversion(func, src_param): """Return the destination type of the conversion, or None.""" alias, need_conv = __aliases[func.name] if need_conv: dst_param = alias.get_param(src_param.name) if src_param.type == dst_param.type: need_conv = False if not need_conv: return (None, "none") converts = { True: 0, False: 0 } # In Fogx, for example, pname may be GL_FOG_DENSITY/GL_FOG_START/GL_FOG_END # or GL_FOG_MODE. In the former three cases, param is not checked and the # default is to convert. if not func.checker.always_check(src_param.name): converts[True] += 1 for desc in func.checker.flatten(src_param.name): converts[desc.convert] += 1 if converts[True] and converts[False]: break # it should be "never", "sometimes", and "always"... if converts[False]: if converts[True]: conversion = "some" else: conversion = "none" else: conversion = "all" return (dst_param.base_type(), conversion) def _MaxVecSize(func, param): """Return the largest possible size of a vector.""" if not param.is_vector: return 0 if param.size: return param.size # need to look at all descriptions size = 0 for desc in func.checker.flatten(param.name): if desc.size_str and desc.size_str.isdigit(): s = int(desc.size_str) if s > size: size = s if not size: need_conv = __aliases[func.name][1] if need_conv: print >>sys.stderr, \ "Error: unable to dicide the max size of %s in %s" % \ (param.name, func.name) return size def _ParameterTuple(func, param): """Return a parameter tuple. [0] -- parameter name [1] -- parameter type [2] -- max vector size or 0 [3] -- dest type the parameter converts to, or None [4] -- valid values [5] -- how often does the conversion happen """ vec_size = _MaxVecSize(func, param) dst_type, conversion = _Conversion(func, param) valid_values = _ValidValues(func, param) return (param.name, param.type, vec_size, dst_type, valid_values, conversion) def Parameters(funcname): """Return list of tuples of function parameters.""" func = __functions[funcname] params = [] for param in func.params: params.append(_ParameterTuple(func, param)) return params def FindParamIndex(params, paramname): """Find the index of a named parameter.""" for i in xrange(len(params)): if params[i][0] == paramname: return i return None def MakeDeclarationString(params): """Return a C-style parameter declaration string.""" string = [] for p in params: sep = "" if p[1].endswith("*") else " " string.append("%s%s%s" % (p[1], sep, p[0])) if not string: return "void" return ", ".join(string) def AliasPrefix(funcname): """Return the prefix of the function the named function is an alias of.""" alias = __aliases[funcname][0] return alias.prefix def Alias(funcname): """Return the name of the function the named function is an alias of.""" alias, need_conv = __aliases[funcname] return alias.name if not need_conv else None def ConversionFunction(funcname): """Return the name of the function the named function converts to.""" alias, need_conv = __aliases[funcname] return alias.name if need_conv else None def Categories(funcname): """Return all the categories of the named GL function.""" api = __spec["api"] return [api.name]