#!/usr/bin/env python # (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005 # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub # license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom # the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # IBM AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Authors: # Ian Romanick <idr@us.ibm.com> import gl_XML import license import sys, getopt, string class glx_item_factory(gl_XML.gl_item_factory): """Factory to create GLX protocol oriented objects derived from gl_item.""" def create_item(self, name, element, context): if name == "function": return glx_function(element, context) elif name == "enum": return glx_enum(element, context) elif name == "api": return glx_api(self) else: return gl_XML.gl_item_factory.create_item(self, name, element, context) class glx_enum(gl_XML.gl_enum): def __init__(self, element, context): gl_XML.gl_enum.__init__(self, element, context) self.functions = {} child = element.children while child: if child.type == "element" and child.name == "size": n = child.nsProp( "name", None ) c = child.nsProp( "count", None ) m = child.nsProp( "mode", None ) if not c: c = self.default_count else: c = int(c) if m == "get": mode = 0 else: mode = 1 if not self.functions.has_key(n): self.functions[ n ] = [c, mode] child = child.next return class glx_function(gl_XML.gl_function): def __init__(self, element, context): self.glx_rop = 0 self.glx_sop = 0 self.glx_vendorpriv = 0 # If this is set to true, it means that GLdouble parameters should be # written to the GLX protocol packet in the order they appear in the # prototype. This is different from the "classic" ordering. In the # classic ordering GLdoubles are written to the protocol packet first, # followed by non-doubles. NV_vertex_program was the first extension # to break with this tradition. self.glx_doubles_in_order = 0 self.vectorequiv = None self.output = None self.can_be_large = 0 self.reply_always_array = 0 self.dimensions_in_reply = 0 self.img_reset = None self.server_handcode = 0 self.client_handcode = 0 self.ignore = 0 self.count_parameter_list = [] self.counter_list = [] self.parameters_by_name = {} self.offsets_calculated = 0 gl_XML.gl_function.__init__(self, element, context) return def process_element(self, element): gl_XML.gl_function.process_element(self, element) self.vectorequiv = element.nsProp( "vectorequiv", None ) if element.nsProp( "name", None ) == self.name: for param in self.parameters: self.parameters_by_name[ param.name ] = param if len(param.count_parameter_list): self.count_parameter_list.extend( param.count_parameter_list ) if param.counter and param.counter not in self.counter_list: self.counter_list.append(param.counter) child = element.children while child: if child.type == "element": if child.name == "glx": rop = child.nsProp( 'rop', None ) sop = child.nsProp( 'sop', None ) vop = child.nsProp( 'vendorpriv', None ) if rop: self.glx_rop = int(rop) else: self.glx_rop = 0 if sop: self.glx_sop = int(sop) else: self.glx_sop = 0 if vop: self.glx_vendorpriv = int(vop) else: self.glx_vendorpriv = 0 self.img_reset = child.nsProp( 'img_reset', None ) # The 'handcode' attribute can be one of 'true', # 'false', 'client', or 'server'. handcode = child.nsProp( 'handcode', None ) if handcode == "false": self.server_handcode = 0 self.client_handcode = 0 elif handcode == "true": self.server_handcode = 1 self.client_handcode = 1 elif handcode == "client": self.server_handcode = 0 self.client_handcode = 1 elif handcode == "server": self.server_handcode = 1 self.client_handcode = 0 else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid handcode mode "%s" in function "%s".' % (handcode, self.name)) self.ignore = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'ignore' ) self.can_be_large = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'large' ) self.glx_doubles_in_order = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'doubles_in_order' ) self.reply_always_array = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'always_array' ) self.dimensions_in_reply = gl_XML.is_attr_true( child, 'dimensions_in_reply' ) child = child.next # Do some validation of the GLX protocol information. As # new tests are discovered, they should be added here. for param in self.parameters: if param.is_output and self.glx_rop != 0: raise RuntimeError("Render / RenderLarge commands cannot have outputs (%s)." % (self.name)) return def has_variable_size_request(self): """Determine if the GLX request packet is variable sized. The GLX request packet is variable sized in several common situations. 1. The function has a non-output parameter that is counted by another parameter (e.g., the 'textures' parameter of glDeleteTextures). 2. The function has a non-output parameter whose count is determined by another parameter that is an enum (e.g., the 'params' parameter of glLightfv). 3. The function has a non-output parameter that is an image. 4. The function must be hand-coded on the server. """ if self.glx_rop == 0: return 0 if self.server_handcode or self.images: return 1 for param in self.parameters: if not param.is_output: if param.counter or len(param.count_parameter_list): return 1 return 0 def variable_length_parameter(self): for param in self.parameters: if not param.is_output: if param.counter or len(param.count_parameter_list): return param return None def calculate_offsets(self): if not self.offsets_calculated: # Calculate the offset of the first function parameter # in the GLX command packet. This byte offset is # measured from the end of the Render / RenderLarge # header. The offset for all non-pixel commends is # zero. The offset for pixel commands depends on the # number of dimensions of the pixel data. if len(self.images) and not self.images[0].is_output: [dim, junk, junk, junk, junk] = self.images[0].get_dimensions() # The base size is the size of the pixel pack info # header used by images with the specified number # of dimensions. if dim <= 2: offset = 20 elif dim <= 4: offset = 36 else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of dimensions %u for parameter "%s" in function "%s".' % (dim, self.image.name, self.name)) else: offset = 0 for param in self.parameterIterateGlxSend(): if param.img_null_flag: offset += 4 if param.name != self.img_reset: param.offset = offset if not param.is_variable_length(): offset += param.size() if self.pad_after( param ): offset += 4 self.offsets_calculated = 1 return def offset_of(self, param_name): self.calculate_offsets() return self.parameters_by_name[ param_name ].offset def parameterIterateGlxSend(self, include_variable_parameters = 1): """Create an iterator for parameters in GLX request order.""" # The parameter lists are usually quite short, so it's easier # (i.e., less code) to just generate a new list with the # required elements than it is to create a new iterator class. temp = [ [], [], [] ] for param in self.parameters: if param.is_output: continue if param.is_variable_length(): temp[2].append( param ) elif not self.glx_doubles_in_order and param.is_64_bit(): temp[0].append( param ) else: temp[1].append( param ) parameters = temp[0] parameters.extend( temp[1] ) if include_variable_parameters: parameters.extend( temp[2] ) return parameters.__iter__() def parameterIterateCounters(self): temp = [] for name in self.counter_list: temp.append( self.parameters_by_name[ name ] ) return temp.__iter__() def parameterIterateOutputs(self): temp = [] for p in self.parameters: if p.is_output: temp.append( p ) return temp def command_fixed_length(self): """Return the length, in bytes as an integer, of the fixed-size portion of the command.""" if len(self.parameters) == 0: return 0 self.calculate_offsets() size = 0 for param in self.parameterIterateGlxSend(0): if param.name != self.img_reset: if size == 0: size = param.offset + param.size() else: size += param.size() if self.pad_after( param ): size += 4 for param in self.images: if param.img_null_flag or param.is_output: size += 4 return size def command_variable_length(self): """Return the length, as a string, of the variable-sized portion of the command.""" size_string = "" for p in self.parameterIterateGlxSend(): if (not p.is_output) and (p.is_variable_length() or p.is_image()): # FIXME Replace the 1 in the size_string call # FIXME w/0 to eliminate some un-needed parnes # FIXME This would already be done, but it # FIXME adds some extra diffs to the generated # FIXME code. size_string = size_string + " + __GLX_PAD(%s)" % (p.size_string(1)) return size_string def command_length(self): size = self.command_fixed_length() if self.glx_rop != 0: size += 4 size = ((size + 3) & ~3) return "%u%s" % (size, self.command_variable_length()) def opcode_real_value(self): """Get the true numeric value of the GLX opcode Behaves similarly to opcode_value, except for X_GLXVendorPrivate and X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply commands. In these cases the value for the GLX opcode field (i.e., 16 for X_GLXVendorPrivate or 17 for X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply) is returned. For other 'single' commands, the opcode for the command (e.g., 101 for X_GLsop_NewList) is returned.""" if self.glx_vendorpriv != 0: if self.needs_reply(): return 17 else: return 16 else: return self.opcode_value() def opcode_value(self): """Get the unique protocol opcode for the glXFunction""" if (self.glx_rop == 0) and self.vectorequiv: equiv = self.context.functions_by_name[ self.vectorequiv ] self.glx_rop = equiv.glx_rop if self.glx_rop != 0: return self.glx_rop elif self.glx_sop != 0: return self.glx_sop elif self.glx_vendorpriv != 0: return self.glx_vendorpriv else: return -1 def opcode_rop_basename(self): """Return either the name to be used for GLX protocol enum. Returns either the name of the function or the name of the name of the equivalent vector (e.g., glVertex3fv for glVertex3f) function.""" if self.vectorequiv == None: return self.name else: return self.vectorequiv def opcode_name(self): """Get the unique protocol enum name for the glXFunction""" if (self.glx_rop == 0) and self.vectorequiv: equiv = self.context.functions_by_name[ self.vectorequiv ] self.glx_rop = equiv.glx_rop self.glx_doubles_in_order = equiv.glx_doubles_in_order if self.glx_rop != 0: return "X_GLrop_%s" % (self.opcode_rop_basename()) elif self.glx_sop != 0: return "X_GLsop_%s" % (self.name) elif self.glx_vendorpriv != 0: return "X_GLvop_%s" % (self.name) else: raise RuntimeError('Function "%s" has no opcode.' % (self.name)) def opcode_real_name(self): """Get the true protocol enum name for the GLX opcode Behaves similarly to opcode_name, except for X_GLXVendorPrivate and X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply commands. In these cases the string 'X_GLXVendorPrivate' or 'X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply' is returned. For other single or render commands 'X_GLsop' or 'X_GLrop' plus the name of the function returned.""" if self.glx_vendorpriv != 0: if self.needs_reply(): return "X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply" else: return "X_GLXVendorPrivate" else: return self.opcode_name() def needs_reply(self): try: x = self._needs_reply except Exception, e: x = 0 if self.return_type != 'void': x = 1 for param in self.parameters: if param.is_output: x = 1 break self._needs_reply = x return x def pad_after(self, p): """Returns the name of the field inserted after the specified field to pad out the command header.""" for image in self.images: if image.img_pad_dimensions: if not image.height: if p.name == image.width: return "height" elif p.name == image.img_xoff: return "yoffset" elif not image.extent: if p.name == image.depth: # Should this be "size4d"? return "extent" elif p.name == image.img_zoff: return "woffset" return None class glx_function_iterator: """Class to iterate over a list of glXFunctions""" def __init__(self, context): self.iterator = context.functionIterateByOffset() return def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): f = self.iterator.next() if f.ignore or not (f.glx_rop or f.glx_sop or f.glx_vendorpriv or f.vectorequiv or f.client_handcode): return self.next() else: return f class glx_api(gl_XML.gl_api): def functionIterateGlx(self): return glx_function_iterator(self)