$Id: KNOWN_BUGS,v 1.2 2000/02/06 17:04:56 brianp Exp $ Performance issues with EXT_point_parameters & quake2 Using glPolygonMode() where the front and back modes aren't the same causes poor performance on 3Dfx. Broken drivers: some of the Mesa device drivers (such as BeOS, D3D, etc) haven't been updated for Mesa 3.3's device driver changes. Separate specular color interpolation isn't implemented for points and lines. Also, will have to add specular color add to pb.c (pixel buffer code). Joe Bronkema reported a bug when drawing a series of long GL_LINE_STRIP primitives. Putting a glFlush() between the primitives is a work-around. glDrawRangeElements() should use vertex array locking to improve performance but trying to do so causes a rendering error. Reported by Scott McMillan. Fixed by disabling locking in glDrawRangeElements (varray.c) but that's really just hiding a bug in array locking.