/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 6.5 * * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "mtypes.h" #include "colormac.h" #include "context.h" #include "hash.h" #include "imports.h" #include "debug.h" #include "get.h" #include "texobj.h" #include "texformat.h" /** * Primitive names */ const char *_mesa_prim_name[GL_POLYGON+4] = { "GL_POINTS", "GL_LINES", "GL_LINE_LOOP", "GL_LINE_STRIP", "GL_TRIANGLES", "GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP", "GL_TRIANGLE_FAN", "GL_QUADS", "GL_QUAD_STRIP", "GL_POLYGON", "outside begin/end", "inside unkown primitive", "unknown state" }; void _mesa_print_state( const char *msg, GLuint state ) { _mesa_debug(NULL, "%s: (0x%x) %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", msg, state, (state & _NEW_MODELVIEW) ? "ctx->ModelView, " : "", (state & _NEW_PROJECTION) ? "ctx->Projection, " : "", (state & _NEW_TEXTURE_MATRIX) ? "ctx->TextureMatrix, " : "", (state & _NEW_COLOR_MATRIX) ? "ctx->ColorMatrix, " : "", (state & _NEW_ACCUM) ? "ctx->Accum, " : "", (state & _NEW_COLOR) ? "ctx->Color, " : "", (state & _NEW_DEPTH) ? "ctx->Depth, " : "", (state & _NEW_EVAL) ? "ctx->Eval/EvalMap, " : "", (state & _NEW_FOG) ? "ctx->Fog, " : "", (state & _NEW_HINT) ? "ctx->Hint, " : "", (state & _NEW_LIGHT) ? "ctx->Light, " : "", (state & _NEW_LINE) ? "ctx->Line, " : "", (state & _NEW_PIXEL) ? "ctx->Pixel, " : "", (state & _NEW_POINT) ? "ctx->Point, " : "", (state & _NEW_POLYGON) ? "ctx->Polygon, " : "", (state & _NEW_POLYGONSTIPPLE) ? "ctx->PolygonStipple, " : "", (state & _NEW_SCISSOR) ? "ctx->Scissor, " : "", (state & _NEW_TEXTURE) ? "ctx->Texture, " : "", (state & _NEW_TRANSFORM) ? "ctx->Transform, " : "", (state & _NEW_VIEWPORT) ? "ctx->Viewport, " : "", (state & _NEW_PACKUNPACK) ? "ctx->Pack/Unpack, " : "", (state & _NEW_ARRAY) ? "ctx->Array, " : "", (state & _NEW_RENDERMODE) ? "ctx->RenderMode, " : "", (state & _NEW_BUFFERS) ? "ctx->Visual, ctx->DrawBuffer,, " : ""); } void _mesa_print_tri_caps( const char *name, GLuint flags ) { _mesa_debug(NULL, "%s: (0x%x) %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", name, flags, (flags & DD_FLATSHADE) ? "flat-shade, " : "", (flags & DD_SEPARATE_SPECULAR) ? "separate-specular, " : "", (flags & DD_TRI_LIGHT_TWOSIDE) ? "tri-light-twoside, " : "", (flags & DD_TRI_TWOSTENCIL) ? "tri-twostencil, " : "", (flags & DD_TRI_UNFILLED) ? "tri-unfilled, " : "", (flags & DD_TRI_STIPPLE) ? "tri-stipple, " : "", (flags & DD_TRI_OFFSET) ? "tri-offset, " : "", (flags & DD_TRI_SMOOTH) ? "tri-smooth, " : "", (flags & DD_LINE_SMOOTH) ? "line-smooth, " : "", (flags & DD_LINE_STIPPLE) ? "line-stipple, " : "", (flags & DD_LINE_WIDTH) ? "line-wide, " : "", (flags & DD_POINT_SMOOTH) ? "point-smooth, " : "", (flags & DD_POINT_SIZE) ? "point-size, " : "", (flags & DD_POINT_ATTEN) ? "point-atten, " : "", (flags & DD_TRI_CULL_FRONT_BACK) ? "cull-all, " : "" ); } /** * Print information about this Mesa version and build options. */ void _mesa_print_info( void ) { _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa GL_VERSION = %s\n", (char *) _mesa_GetString(GL_VERSION)); _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa GL_RENDERER = %s\n", (char *) _mesa_GetString(GL_RENDERER)); _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa GL_VENDOR = %s\n", (char *) _mesa_GetString(GL_VENDOR)); _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa GL_EXTENSIONS = %s\n", (char *) _mesa_GetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); #if defined(THREADS) _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa thread-safe: YES\n"); #else _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa thread-safe: NO\n"); #endif #if defined(USE_X86_ASM) _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa x86-optimized: YES\n"); #else _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa x86-optimized: NO\n"); #endif #if defined(USE_SPARC_ASM) _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa sparc-optimized: YES\n"); #else _mesa_debug(NULL, "Mesa sparc-optimized: NO\n"); #endif } /** * Set the debugging flags. * * \param debug debug string * * If compiled with debugging support then search for keywords in \p debug and * enables the verbose debug output of the respective feature. */ static void add_debug_flags( const char *debug ) { #ifdef DEBUG struct debug_option { const char *name; GLbitfield flag; }; static const struct debug_option debug_opt[] = { { "varray", VERBOSE_VARRAY }, { "tex", VERBOSE_TEXTURE }, { "imm", VERBOSE_IMMEDIATE }, { "pipe", VERBOSE_PIPELINE }, { "driver", VERBOSE_DRIVER }, { "state", VERBOSE_STATE }, { "api", VERBOSE_API }, { "list", VERBOSE_DISPLAY_LIST }, { "lighting", VERBOSE_LIGHTING }, { "disassem", VERBOSE_DISASSEM } }; GLuint i; MESA_VERBOSE = 0x0; for (i = 0; i < Elements(debug_opt); i++) { if (_mesa_strstr(debug, debug_opt[i].name)) MESA_VERBOSE |= debug_opt[i].flag; } /* Debug flag: */ if (_mesa_strstr(debug, "flush")) MESA_DEBUG_FLAGS |= DEBUG_ALWAYS_FLUSH; #if defined(_FPU_GETCW) && defined(_FPU_SETCW) if (_mesa_strstr(debug, "fpexceptions")) { /* raise FP exceptions */ fpu_control_t mask; _FPU_GETCW(mask); mask &= ~(_FPU_MASK_IM | _FPU_MASK_DM | _FPU_MASK_ZM | _FPU_MASK_OM | _FPU_MASK_UM); _FPU_SETCW(mask); } #endif #else (void) debug; #endif } void _mesa_init_debug( GLcontext *ctx ) { char *c; /* Dither disable */ ctx->NoDither = _mesa_getenv("MESA_NO_DITHER") ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; if (ctx->NoDither) { if (_mesa_getenv("MESA_DEBUG")) { _mesa_debug(ctx, "MESA_NO_DITHER set - dithering disabled\n"); } ctx->Color.DitherFlag = GL_FALSE; } c = _mesa_getenv("MESA_DEBUG"); if (c) add_debug_flags(c); c = _mesa_getenv("MESA_VERBOSE"); if (c) add_debug_flags(c); } /* * Write ppm file */ static void write_ppm(const char *filename, const GLubyte *buffer, int width, int height, int comps, int rcomp, int gcomp, int bcomp) { FILE *f = fopen( filename, "w" ); if (f) { int i, x, y; const GLubyte *ptr = buffer; fprintf(f,"P6\n"); fprintf(f,"# ppm-file created by osdemo.c\n"); fprintf(f,"%i %i\n", width,height); fprintf(f,"255\n"); fclose(f); f = fopen( filename, "ab" ); /* reopen in binary append mode */ for (y=height-1; y>=0; y--) { for (x=0; x<width; x++) { i = (y*width + x) * comps; fputc(ptr[i+rcomp], f); /* write red */ fputc(ptr[i+gcomp], f); /* write green */ fputc(ptr[i+bcomp], f); /* write blue */ } } fclose(f); } } /** * Write level[0] image to a ppm file. */ static void write_texture_image(struct gl_texture_object *texObj) { const struct gl_texture_image *img = texObj->Image[0][0]; if (img && img->Data) { char s[100]; /* make filename */ sprintf(s, "/tmp/teximage%u.ppm", texObj->Name); switch (img->TexFormat->MesaFormat) { case MESA_FORMAT_RGBA8888: write_ppm(s, img->Data, img->Width, img->Height, 4, 3, 2, 1); break; case MESA_FORMAT_ARGB8888: write_ppm(s, img->Data, img->Width, img->Height, 4, 2, 1, 0); break; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB888: write_ppm(s, img->Data, img->Width, img->Height, 3, 2, 1, 0); break; case MESA_FORMAT_RGB565: { GLubyte *buf2 = (GLubyte *) _mesa_malloc(img->Width * img->Height * 3); GLuint i; for (i = 0; i < img->Width * img->Height; i++) { GLint r, g, b; GLushort s = ((GLushort *) img->Data)[i]; r = UBYTE_TO_CHAN( ((s >> 8) & 0xf8) | ((s >> 13) & 0x7) ); g = UBYTE_TO_CHAN( ((s >> 3) & 0xfc) | ((s >> 9) & 0x3) ); b = UBYTE_TO_CHAN( ((s << 3) & 0xf8) | ((s >> 2) & 0x7) ); buf2[i*3+1] = r; buf2[i*3+2] = g; buf2[i*3+3] = b; } write_ppm(s, buf2, img->Width, img->Height, 3, 2, 1, 0); _mesa_free(buf2); } break; default: printf("XXXX unsupported mesa tex format %d in %s\n", img->TexFormat->MesaFormat, __FUNCTION__); } } } static GLboolean DumpImages; static void dump_texture_cb(GLuint id, void *data, void *userData) { struct gl_texture_object *texObj = (struct gl_texture_object *) data; int i; (void) userData; printf("Texture %u\n", texObj->Name); printf(" Target 0x%x\n", texObj->Target); for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS; i++) { struct gl_texture_image *texImg = texObj->Image[0][i]; if (texImg) { printf(" Image %u: %d x %d x %d at %p\n", i, texImg->Width, texImg->Height, texImg->Depth, texImg->Data); if (DumpImages && i == 0) { write_texture_image(texObj); } } } } /** * Print basic info about all texture objext to stdout. * If dumpImages is true, write PPM of level[0] image to a file. */ void _mesa_dump_textures(GLboolean dumpImages) { GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(ctx); DumpImages = dumpImages; _mesa_HashWalk(ctx->Shared->TexObjects, dump_texture_cb, ctx); }