 * Mesa 3-D graphics library
 * Version:  3.3
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2000  Brian Paul   All Rights Reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
 * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#ifdef PC_HEADER
#include "all.h"
#include "glheader.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "texutil.h"
#include "types.h"

 * Texture utilities which may be useful to device drivers.
 * See the texutil.h for the list of supported internal formats.
 * It's expected that new formats will be added for new hardware.

 * If the system is little endian and can do 4-byte word stores on
 * non 4-byte-aligned addresses then we can use this optimization.
#if defined(__i386__)
#define DO_32BIT_STORES000

 * Convert texture image data into one a specific internal format.
 * Input:
 *   dstFormat - the destination internal format
 *   dstWidth, dstHeight - the destination image size
 *   dstImage - pointer to destination image buffer
 *   dstRowStride - bytes to jump between image rows
 *   srcWidth, srcHeight - size of texture image
 *   srcFormat, srcType - format and datatype of source image
 *   srcImage - pointer to user's texture image
 *   packing - describes how user's texture image is packed.
 * Return: pointer to resulting image data or NULL if error or out of memory
 *   or NULL if we can't process the given image format/type/internalFormat
 *   combination.
 * Supported type conversions:
 *   srcFormat           srcType                          dstFormat
 *   GL_INTENSITY        GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                 MESA_I8
 *   GL_LUMINANCE        GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                 MESA_L8
 *   GL_ALPHA            GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                 MESA_A8
 *   GL_COLOR_INDEX      GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                 MESA_C8
 *   GL_RGB              GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                 MESA_R5_G6_B5
 *   GL_RGB              GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5          MESA_R5_G6_B5
 *   GL_RGBA             GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                 MESA_A4_R4_G4_B4
 *   GL_BGRA             GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV    MESA_A4_R4_G4_B4
 *   GL_BGRA             GL_UNSIGHED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV    MESA_A1_R5_G5_B5
 *   GL_BGRA             GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV      MESA_A8_R8_G8_B8
 *   more to be added for new drivers...
 * Notes:
 *   Some hardware only supports texture images of specific aspect ratios.
 *   This code will do power-of-two image up-scaling if that's needed.
_mesa_convert_teximage(MesaIntTexFormat dstFormat,
                       GLint dstWidth, GLint dstHeight, GLvoid *dstImage,
                       GLint dstRowStride,
                       GLint srcWidth, GLint srcHeight,
                       GLenum srcFormat, GLenum srcType,
                       const GLvoid *srcImage,
                       const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
   const GLint wScale = dstWidth / srcWidth;   /* must be power of two */
   const GLint hScale = dstHeight / srcHeight; /* must be power of two */
   ASSERT(dstWidth >= srcWidth);
   ASSERT(dstHeight >= srcHeight);

   switch (dstFormat) {
      case MESA_I8:
      case MESA_L8:
      case MESA_A8:
      case MESA_C8:
         if (srcType != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ||
             ((srcFormat != GL_INTENSITY) &&
              (srcFormat != GL_LUMINANCE) &&
              (srcFormat != GL_ALPHA) &&
              (srcFormat != GL_COLOR_INDEX))) {
            /* bad internal format / srcFormat combination */
            return GL_FALSE;
         else {
            /* store as 8-bit texels */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               /* no scaling needed - fast case */
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLubyte *dst = (GLubyte *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, dstWidth * sizeof(GLubyte));
                  dst += dstRowStride;
                  src += srcStride;
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLubyte *dst = (GLubyte *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst += dstRowStride;

      case MESA_A8_L8:
         if (srcType != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || srcFormat != GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA) {
            return GL_FALSE;
         else {
            /* store as 16-bit texels */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row, col;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     GLubyte luminance = src[col * 2 + 0];
                     GLubyte alpha = src[col * 2 + 1];
                     dst[col] = ((GLushort) alpha << 8) | luminance;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
                  src += srcStride;
            else {
               /* must rescale */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row, col;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     GLint srcCol = col / wScale;
                     GLubyte luminance = src[srcCol * 2 + 0];
                     GLubyte alpha = src[srcCol * 2 + 1];
                     dst[col] = ((GLushort) alpha << 8) | luminance;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
                  src += srcStride;

      case MESA_R5_G6_B5:
         if (srcFormat == GL_RGB && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5) {
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, dstWidth * sizeof(GLushort));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLushort *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGB && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
#ifdef DO_32BIT_STORES
               GLuint *dst = (GLuint *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col3;
                  GLint halfDstWidth = dstWidth >> 1;
                  for (col = col3 = 0; col < halfDstWidth; col++, col3 += 6) {
                     GLubyte r0 = src[col3 + 0];
                     GLubyte g0 = src[col3 + 1];
                     GLubyte b0 = src[col3 + 2];
                     GLubyte r1 = src[col3 + 3];
                     GLubyte g1 = src[col3 + 4];
                     GLubyte b1 = src[col3 + 5];
                     GLuint d0 = ((r0 & 0xf8) << 8)
                               | ((g0 & 0xfc) << 3)
                               | ((b0 & 0xf8) >> 3);
                     GLuint d1 = ((r1 & 0xf8) << 8)
                               | ((g1 & 0xfc) << 3)
                               | ((b1 & 0xf8) >> 3);
                     dst[col] = (d1 << 16) | d0;
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
#else /* 16-bit stores */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col3;
                  for (col = col3 = 0; col < dstWidth; col++, col3 += 3) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col3 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col3 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col3 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     GLint col3 = (col / wScale) * 3;
                     GLubyte r = src[col3 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col3 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col3 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case (used by Quake3) */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
#ifdef DO_32BIT_STORES
               GLuint *dst = dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  GLint halfDstWidth = dstWidth >> 1;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < halfDstWidth; col++, col4 += 8) {
                     GLubyte r0 = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g0 = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b0 = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte r1 = src[col4 + 4];
                     GLubyte g1 = src[col4 + 5];
                     GLubyte b1 = src[col4 + 6];
                     GLuint d0 = ((r0 & 0xf8) << 8)
                               | ((g0 & 0xfc) << 3)
                               | ((b0 & 0xf8) >> 3);
                     GLuint d1 = ((r1 & 0xf8) << 8)
                               | ((g1 & 0xfc) << 3)
                               | ((b1 & 0xf8) >> 3);
                     dst[col] = (d1 << 16) | d0;
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
#else /* 16-bit stores */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < dstWidth; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this srcFormat/srcType combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

      case MESA_A4_R4_G4_B4:
         /* store as 16-bit texels (GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_4444) */
         if (srcFormat == GL_BGRA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV){
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, dstWidth * sizeof(GLushort));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLushort *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
#ifdef DO_32BIT_STORES
               GLuint *dst = dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  GLint halfDstWidth = dstWidth >> 1;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < halfDstWidth; col++, col4 += 8) {
                     GLubyte r0 = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g0 = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b0 = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a0 = src[col4 + 3];
                     GLubyte r1 = src[col4 + 4];
                     GLubyte g1 = src[col4 + 5];
                     GLubyte b1 = src[col4 + 6];
                     GLubyte a1 = src[col4 + 7];
                     GLuint d0 = ((a0 & 0xf0) << 8)
                               | ((r0 & 0xf0) << 4)
                               | ((g0 & 0xf0)     )
                               | ((b0 & 0xf0) >> 4);
                     GLuint d1 = ((a1 & 0xf0) << 8)
                               | ((r1 & 0xf0) << 4)
                               | ((g1 & 0xf0)     )
                               | ((b1 & 0xf0) >> 4);
                     dst[col] = (d1 << 16) | d0;
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
#else /* 16-bit stores */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < dstWidth; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0xf0) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf0) << 4)
                              | ((g & 0xf0)     )
                              | ((b & 0xf0) >> 4);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0xf0) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf0) << 4)
                              | ((g & 0xf0)     )
                              | ((b & 0xf0) >> 4);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this format/srcType combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

      case MESA_A1_R5_G5_B5:
         /* store as 16-bit texels (GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_1555) */
         if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV){
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, dstWidth * sizeof(GLushort));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLushort *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < dstWidth; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0x80) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf8) << 7)
                              | ((g & 0xf8) << 2)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0x80) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf8) << 7)
                              | ((g & 0xf8) << 2)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this source format/type combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

      case MESA_A8_R8_G8_B8:
         /* 32-bit texels */
         if (srcFormat == GL_BGRA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV){
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLuint *dst = dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, dstWidth * sizeof(GLuint));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLuint *dst = dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLuint *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 srcWidth, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLuint *dst = dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < dstWidth; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLuint *dst = dstImage;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this source format/type combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

         /* unexpected internal format! */
         return GL_FALSE;
   return GL_TRUE;

 * Replace a subregion of a texture image with new data.
 * Input:
 *   dstFormat - destination image format
 *   dstXoffset, dstYoffset - destination for new subregion
 *   dstWidth, dstHeight - total size of dest image
 *   dstImage - pointer to dest image
 *   dstRowStride - bytes to jump between image rows
 *   width, height - size of region to copy/replace
 *   srcWidth, srcHeight - size of the corresponding gl_texture_image
 *   srcFormat, srcType - source image format and datatype
 *   srcImage - source image
 *   packing - source image packing information.
 * Return:  GL_TRUE or GL_FALSE for success, failure
 * Notes:
 *   Like _mesa_convert_teximage(), we can do power-of-two image scaling
 *   to accomodate hardware with texture image aspect ratio constraints.
 *   dstWidth / srcWidth is used to compute the horizontal scaling factor and
 *   dstHeight / srcHeight is used to compute the vertical scaling factor.
_mesa_convert_texsubimage(MesaIntTexFormat dstFormat,
                          GLint dstXoffset, GLint dstYoffset,
                          GLint dstWidth, GLint dstHeight, GLvoid *dstImage,
                          GLint dstRowStride,
                          GLint width, GLint height,
                          GLint srcWidth, GLint srcHeight,
                          GLenum srcFormat, GLenum srcType,
                          const GLvoid *srcImage,
                          const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
   const GLint wScale = dstWidth / srcWidth;   /* must be power of two */
   const GLint hScale = dstHeight / srcHeight; /* must be power of two */
   ASSERT(dstWidth >= srcWidth);
   ASSERT(dstHeight >= srcHeight);

   width *= wScale;
   height *= hScale;
   dstXoffset *= wScale;
   dstYoffset *= hScale;

   /* XXX hscale != 1 and wscale != 1 not tested!!!! */
   switch (dstFormat) {
      case MESA_I8:
      case MESA_L8:
      case MESA_A8:
      case MESA_C8:
         if (srcType != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ||
             ((srcFormat != GL_INTENSITY) &&
              (srcFormat != GL_LUMINANCE) &&
              (srcFormat != GL_ALPHA) &&
              (srcFormat != GL_COLOR_INDEX))) {
            /* bad internal format / srcFormat combination */
            return GL_FALSE;
         else {
            /* store as 8-bit texels */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               /* no scaling needed - fast case */
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                  width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLubyte *dst = (GLubyte *) dstImage
                            + dstYoffset * dstRowStride + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, width * sizeof(GLubyte));
                  dst += dstRowStride;
                  src += srcStride;
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLubyte *dst = (GLubyte *) dstImage
                            + dstYoffset * dstRowStride + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst += dstRowStride;

      case MESA_A8_L8:
         if (srcType != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || srcFormat != GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA) {
            return GL_FALSE;
         else {
            /* store as 16-bit texels */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row, col;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     GLubyte luminance = src[col * 2 + 0];
                     GLubyte alpha = src[col * 2 + 1];
                     dst[col] = ((GLushort) alpha << 8) | luminance;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
                  src += srcStride;
            else {
               /* must rescale */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row, col;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     GLint srcCol = col / wScale;
                     GLubyte luminance = src[srcCol * 2 + 0];
                     GLubyte alpha = src[srcCol * 2 + 1];
                     dst[col] = ((GLushort) alpha << 8) | luminance;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
                  src += srcStride;

      case MESA_R5_G6_B5:
         if (srcFormat == GL_RGB && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5) {
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, width * sizeof(GLushort));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLushort *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGB && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint col, col3;
                  for (col = col3 = 0; col < width; col++, col3 += 3) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col3 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col3 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col3 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     GLint col3 = (col / wScale) * 3;
                     GLubyte r = src[col3 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col3 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col3 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case (used by Quake3) */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < width; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     dst[col] = ((r & 0xf8) << 8)
                              | ((g & 0xfc) << 3)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this srcFormat/srcType combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

      case MESA_A4_R4_G4_B4:
         /* store as 16-bit texels (GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_4444) */
         if (srcFormat == GL_BGRA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV){
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, width * sizeof(GLushort));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLushort *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < width; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0xf0) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf0) << 4)
                              | ((g & 0xf0)     )
                              | ((b & 0xf0) >> 4);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0xf0) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf0) << 4)
                              | ((g & 0xf0)     )
                              | ((b & 0xf0) >> 4);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this format/srcType combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

      case MESA_A1_R5_G5_B5:
         /* store as 16-bit texels (GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_1555) */
         if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV){
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, width * sizeof(GLushort));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLushort *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < width; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0x80) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf8) << 7)
                              | ((g & 0xf8) << 2)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLushort *dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                             + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = ((a & 0x80) << 8)
                              | ((r & 0xf8) << 7)
                              | ((g & 0xf8) << 2)
                              | ((b & 0xf8) >> 3);
                  dst = (GLushort *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this source format/type combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

      case MESA_A8_R8_G8_B8:
         /* 32-bit texels */
         if (srcFormat == GL_BGRA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV){
            /* special, optimized case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLuint *dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                           + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  MEMCPY(dst, src, width * sizeof(GLuint));
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLuint *dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                           + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLuint *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     dst[col] = src[col / wScale];
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else if (srcFormat == GL_RGBA && srcType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) {
            /* general case */
            if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
               const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                             srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, 0, 0);
               const GLint srcStride = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing,
                                                 width, srcFormat, srcType);
               GLuint *dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                           + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint col, col4;
                  for (col = col4 = 0; col < width; col++, col4 += 4) {
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                  src += srcStride;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
            else {
               /* must rescale image */
               GLuint *dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dstImage
                           + dstYoffset * dstRowStride) + dstXoffset;
               GLint row;
               for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                  GLint srcRow = row / hScale;
                  const GLubyte *src = _mesa_image_address(packing, srcImage,
                        srcWidth, srcHeight, srcFormat, srcType, 0, srcRow, 0);
                  GLint col;
                  for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                     GLint col4 = (col / wScale) * 4;
                     GLubyte r = src[col4 + 0];
                     GLubyte g = src[col4 + 1];
                     GLubyte b = src[col4 + 2];
                     GLubyte a = src[col4 + 3];
                     dst[col] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                  dst = (GLuint *) ((GLubyte *) dst + dstRowStride);
         else {
            /* can't handle this source format/type combination */
            return GL_FALSE;

         /* unexpected internal format! */
         return GL_FALSE;
   return GL_TRUE;

 * Used to convert 16-bit texels into GLubyte color components.
static GLubyte R5G6B5toRed[0xffff];
static GLubyte R5G6B5toGreen[0xffff];
static GLubyte R5G6B5toBlue[0xffff];

static GLubyte A4R4G4B4toRed[0xffff];
static GLubyte A4R4G4B4toGreen[0xffff];
static GLubyte A4R4G4B4toBlue[0xffff];
static GLubyte A4R4G4B4toAlpha[0xffff];

static GLubyte A1R5G5B5toRed[0xffff];
static GLubyte A1R5G5B5toGreen[0xffff];
static GLubyte A1R5G5B5toBlue[0xffff];
static GLubyte A1R5G5B5toAlpha[0xffff];

static void
   GLint i;
   for (i = 0; i <= 0xffff; i++) {
      GLint r = (i >> 8) & 0xf8;
      GLint g = (i >> 3) & 0xfc;
      GLint b = (i << 3) & 0xf8;
      r = r * 255 / 0xf8;
      g = g * 255 / 0xfc;
      b = b * 255 / 0xf8;
      R5G6B5toRed[i]   = r;
      R5G6B5toGreen[i] = g;
      R5G6B5toBlue[i]  = b;

   for (i = 0; i <= 0xffff; i++) {
      GLint r = (i >>  8) & 0xf;
      GLint g = (i >>  4) & 0xf;
      GLint b = (i      ) & 0xf;
      GLint a = (i >> 12) & 0xf;
      r = r * 255 / 0xf;
      g = g * 255 / 0xf;
      b = b * 255 / 0xf;
      a = a * 255 / 0xf;
      A4R4G4B4toRed[i]   = r;
      A4R4G4B4toGreen[i] = g;
      A4R4G4B4toBlue[i]  = b;
      A4R4G4B4toAlpha[i] = a;

   for (i = 0; i <= 0xffff; i++) {
      GLint r = (i >> 10) & 0xf8;
      GLint g = (i >>  5) & 0xf8;
      GLint b = (i      ) & 0xf8;
      GLint a = (i >> 15) & 0x1;
      r = r * 255 / 0xf8;
      g = g * 255 / 0xf8;
      b = b * 255 / 0xf8;
      a = a * 255;
      A1R5G5B5toRed[i]   = r;
      A1R5G5B5toGreen[i] = g;
      A1R5G5B5toBlue[i]  = b;
      A1R5G5B5toAlpha[i] = a;

 * Convert a texture image from an internal format to one of Mesa's
 * core internal formats.  This is likely to be used by glGetTexImage
 * and for fetching texture images when falling back to software rendering.
 * Input:
 *   srcFormat - source image format
 *   srcWidth, srcHeight - source image size
 *   srcImage - source image pointer
 *   srcRowStride - bytes to jump between image rows
 *   dstWidth, dstHeight - size of dest image
 *   dstFormat - format of dest image (must be one of Mesa's IntFormat values)
 *   dstImage - pointer to dest image
 * Notes:
 *   This function will do power of two image down-scaling to accomodate
 *   drivers with limited texture image aspect ratios.
 *   The implicit dest data type is GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
_mesa_unconvert_teximage(MesaIntTexFormat srcFormat,
                         GLint srcWidth, GLint srcHeight,
                         const GLvoid *srcImage, GLint srcRowStride,
                         GLint dstWidth, GLint dstHeight,
                         GLenum dstFormat, GLubyte *dstImage)
   static GLboolean firstCall = GL_TRUE;
   const GLint wScale = srcWidth / dstWidth;   /* must be power of two */
   const GLint hScale = srcHeight / dstHeight; /* must be power of two */
   ASSERT(srcWidth >= dstWidth);
   ASSERT(srcHeight >= dstHeight);

   if (firstCall) {
      firstCall = GL_FALSE;

   switch (srcFormat) {
      case MESA_I8:
      case MESA_L8:
      case MESA_A8:
      case MESA_C8:
#ifdef DEBUG
         if (srcFormat == MESA_I8) {
            ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_INTENSITY);
         else if (srcFormat == MESA_L8) {
            ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_LUMINANCE);
         else if (srcFormat == MESA_A8) {
            ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_ALPHA);
         else if (srcFormat == MESA_C8) {
            ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_COLOR_INDEX);
         if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
            /* easy! */
            MEMCPY(dstImage, srcImage, dstWidth * dstHeight * sizeof(GLubyte));
         else {
            /* rescale */
            const GLubyte *src8 = (const GLubyte *) srcImage;
            GLint row, col;
            for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
               GLint srcRow = row * hScale;
               for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                  GLint srcCol = col * wScale;
                  *dstImage++ = src8[srcRow * srcWidth + srcCol];
      case MESA_A8_L8:
         ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA);
         if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
            GLint i, n = dstWidth * dstHeight;
            const GLushort *texel = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
               const GLushort tex = *texel++;
               *dstImage++ = (tex & 0xff); /* luminance */
               *dstImage++ = (tex >> 8);   /* alpha */
         else {
            /* rescale */
            const GLushort *src16 = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            GLint row, col;
            for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
               GLint srcRow = row * hScale;
               for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                  GLint srcCol = col * wScale;
                  const GLushort tex = src16[srcRow * srcWidth + srcCol];
                  *dstImage++ = (tex & 0xff); /* luminance */
                  *dstImage++ = (tex >> 8);   /* alpha */
      case MESA_R5_G6_B5:
         ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_RGB);
         if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
            GLint i, n = dstWidth * dstHeight;
            const GLushort *texel = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
               const GLushort tex = *texel++;
               *dstImage++ = R5G6B5toRed[tex];
               *dstImage++ = R5G6B5toGreen[tex];
               *dstImage++ = R5G6B5toBlue[tex];
         else {
            /* rescale */
            const GLushort *src16 = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            GLint row, col;
            for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
               GLint srcRow = row * hScale;
               for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                  GLint srcCol = col * wScale;
                  const GLushort tex = src16[srcRow * srcWidth + srcCol];
                  *dstImage++ = R5G6B5toRed[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = R5G6B5toGreen[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = R5G6B5toBlue[tex];
      case MESA_A4_R4_G4_B4:
         ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_RGBA);
         if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
            GLint i, n = dstWidth * dstHeight;
            const GLushort *texel = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
               const GLushort tex = *texel++;
               *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toRed[tex];
               *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toGreen[tex];
               *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toBlue[tex];
               *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toAlpha[tex];
         else {
            /* rescale */
            const GLushort *src16 = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            GLint row, col;
            for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
               GLint srcRow = row * hScale;
               for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                  GLint srcCol = col * wScale;
                  const GLushort tex = src16[srcRow * srcWidth + srcCol];
                  *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toRed[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toGreen[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toBlue[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = A4R4G4B4toAlpha[tex];
      case MESA_A1_R5_G5_B5:
         ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_RGBA);
         if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
            GLint i, n = dstWidth * dstHeight;
            const GLushort *texel = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
               const GLushort tex = *texel++;
               *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toRed[tex];
               *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toGreen[tex];
               *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toBlue[tex];
               *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toAlpha[tex];
         else {
            /* rescale */
            const GLushort *src16 = (const GLushort *) srcImage;
            GLint row, col;
            for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
               GLint srcRow = row * hScale;
               for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                  GLint srcCol = col * wScale;
                  const GLushort tex = src16[srcRow * srcWidth + srcCol];
                  *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toRed[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toGreen[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toBlue[tex];
                  *dstImage++ = A1R5G5B5toAlpha[tex];
      case MESA_A8_R8_G8_B8:
         ASSERT(dstFormat == GL_RGBA);
         if (wScale == 1 && hScale == 1) {
            GLint i, n = dstWidth * dstHeight;
            const GLuint *texel = (const GLuint *) srcImage;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
               const GLuint tex = *texel++;
               *dstImage++ = (tex >> 16) & 0xff; /* R */
               *dstImage++ = (tex >>  8) & 0xff; /* G */
               *dstImage++ = (tex      ) & 0xff; /* B */
               *dstImage++ = (tex >> 24) & 0xff; /* A */
         else {
            /* rescale */
            const GLuint *src = (const GLuint *) srcImage;
            GLint row, col;
            for (row = 0; row < dstHeight; row++) {
               GLint srcRow = row * hScale;
               for (col = 0; col < dstWidth; col++) {
                  GLint srcCol = col * wScale;
                  const GLuint tex = src[srcRow * srcWidth + srcCol];
                  *dstImage++ = (tex >> 16) & 0xff; /* R */
                  *dstImage++ = (tex >>  8) & 0xff; /* G */
                  *dstImage++ = (tex      ) & 0xff; /* B */
                  *dstImage++ = (tex >> 24) & 0xff; /* A */
         gl_problem(NULL, "bad srcFormat in _mesa_uncovert_teximage()");

 * Given an internal Mesa driver texture format, fill in the component
 * bit sizes in the given texture image struct.
_mesa_set_teximage_component_sizes(MesaIntTexFormat mesaFormat,
                                   struct gl_texture_image *texImage)
   static const GLint bitSizes [][8] = {
      /* format            R  G  B  A  I  L  C */
      { MESA_I8,           0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0 },
      { MESA_L8,           0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0 },
      { MESA_A8,           0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0 },
      { MESA_C8,           0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8 },
      { MESA_A8_L8,        0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 8, 0 },
      { MESA_R5_G6_B5,     5, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
      { MESA_A4_R4_G4_B4,  4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0 },
      { MESA_A1_R5_G5_B5,  5, 5, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
      { MESA_A8_R8_G8_B8,  8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0 },
      { -1,                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
   GLint i;
   for (i = 0; i < bitSizes[i][0] >= 0; i++) {
      if (bitSizes[i][0] == mesaFormat) {
         texImage->RedBits       = bitSizes[i][1];
         texImage->GreenBits     = bitSizes[i][2];
         texImage->BlueBits      = bitSizes[i][3];
         texImage->AlphaBits     = bitSizes[i][4];
         texImage->IntensityBits = bitSizes[i][5];
         texImage->LuminanceBits = bitSizes[i][6];
         texImage->IndexBits     = bitSizes[i][7];
   gl_problem(NULL, "bad format in _mesa_set_teximage_component_sizes");