.syntax program; /* This value must be incremented every time emit code values or structure of the production array changes. This value is placed at the beginning of the production array. The loader compares the value with its REVISION value. If they do not match, the loader is not up to date. */ .emtcode REVISION 0x07 /* program type */ .emtcode FRAGMENT_PROGRAM 0x01 .emtcode VERTEX_PROGRAM 0x02 /* program section */ .emtcode OPTION 0x01 .emtcode INSTRUCTION 0x02 .emtcode DECLARATION 0x03 .emtcode END 0x04 /* GL_ARB_fragment_program option flags */ .emtcode ARB_PRECISION_HINT_FASTEST 0x01 .emtcode ARB_PRECISION_HINT_NICEST 0x02 .emtcode ARB_FOG_EXP 0x04 .emtcode ARB_FOG_EXP2 0x08 .emtcode ARB_FOG_LINEAR 0x10 /* GL_ARB_vertex_program option flags */ .emtcode ARB_POSITION_INVARIANT 0x20 /* GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow option flags */ .emtcode ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_SHADOW 0x40 /* GL_ARB_fragment_program instruction class */ .emtcode OP_ALU_INST 0x00 .emtcode OP_TEX_INST 0x01 /* GL_ARB_vertex_program instruction class */ /* OP_ALU_INST */ /* GL_ARB_fragment_program instruction type */ .emtcode OP_ALU_VECTOR 0x00 .emtcode OP_ALU_SCALAR 0x01 .emtcode OP_ALU_BINSC 0x02 .emtcode OP_ALU_BIN 0x03 .emtcode OP_ALU_TRI 0x04 .emtcode OP_ALU_SWZ 0x05 .emtcode OP_TEX_SAMPLE 0x06 .emtcode OP_TEX_KIL 0x07 /* GL_ARB_vertex_program instruction type */ .emtcode OP_ALU_ARL 0x08 /* OP_ALU_VECTOR */ /* OP_ALU_SCALAR */ /* OP_ALU_BINSC */ /* OP_ALU_BIN */ /* OP_ALU_TRI */ /* OP_ALU_SWZ */ /* GL_ARB_fragment_program instruction code */ .emtcode OP_ABS 0x00 .emtcode OP_ABS_SAT 0x1B .emtcode OP_FLR 0x09 .emtcode OP_FLR_SAT 0x26 .emtcode OP_FRC 0x0A .emtcode OP_FRC_SAT 0x27 .emtcode OP_LIT 0x0C .emtcode OP_LIT_SAT 0x2A .emtcode OP_MOV 0x11 .emtcode OP_MOV_SAT 0x30 .emtcode OP_COS 0x1F .emtcode OP_COS_SAT 0x20 .emtcode OP_EX2 0x07 .emtcode OP_EX2_SAT 0x25 .emtcode OP_LG2 0x0B .emtcode OP_LG2_SAT 0x29 .emtcode OP_RCP 0x14 .emtcode OP_RCP_SAT 0x33 .emtcode OP_RSQ 0x15 .emtcode OP_RSQ_SAT 0x34 .emtcode OP_SIN 0x38 .emtcode OP_SIN_SAT 0x39 .emtcode OP_SCS 0x35 .emtcode OP_SCS_SAT 0x36 .emtcode OP_POW 0x13 .emtcode OP_POW_SAT 0x32 .emtcode OP_ADD 0x01 .emtcode OP_ADD_SAT 0x1C .emtcode OP_DP3 0x03 .emtcode OP_DP3_SAT 0x21 .emtcode OP_DP4 0x04 .emtcode OP_DP4_SAT 0x22 .emtcode OP_DPH 0x05 .emtcode OP_DPH_SAT 0x23 .emtcode OP_DST 0x06 .emtcode OP_DST_SAT 0x24 .emtcode OP_MAX 0x0F .emtcode OP_MAX_SAT 0x2E .emtcode OP_MIN 0x10 .emtcode OP_MIN_SAT 0x2F .emtcode OP_MUL 0x12 .emtcode OP_MUL_SAT 0x31 .emtcode OP_SGE 0x16 .emtcode OP_SGE_SAT 0x37 .emtcode OP_SLT 0x17 .emtcode OP_SLT_SAT 0x3A .emtcode OP_SUB 0x18 .emtcode OP_SUB_SAT 0x3B .emtcode OP_XPD 0x1A .emtcode OP_XPD_SAT 0x43 .emtcode OP_CMP 0x1D .emtcode OP_CMP_SAT 0x1E .emtcode OP_LRP 0x2B .emtcode OP_LRP_SAT 0x2C .emtcode OP_MAD 0x0E .emtcode OP_MAD_SAT 0x2D .emtcode OP_SWZ 0x19 .emtcode OP_SWZ_SAT 0x3C .emtcode OP_TEX 0x3D .emtcode OP_TEX_SAT 0x3E .emtcode OP_TXB 0x3F .emtcode OP_TXB_SAT 0x40 .emtcode OP_TXP 0x41 .emtcode OP_TXP_SAT 0x42 .emtcode OP_KIL 0x28 /* GL_ARB_vertex_program instruction code */ .emtcode OP_ARL 0x02 /* OP_ABS */ /* OP_FLR */ /* OP_FRC */ /* OP_LIT */ /* OP_MOV */ /* OP_EX2 */ .emtcode OP_EXP 0x08 /* OP_LG2 */ .emtcode OP_LOG 0x0D /* OP_RCP */ /* OP_RSQ */ /* OP_POW */ /* OP_ADD */ /* OP_DP3 */ /* OP_DP4 */ /* OP_DPH */ /* OP_DST */ /* OP_MAX */ /* OP_MIN */ /* OP_MUL */ /* OP_SGE */ /* OP_SLT */ /* OP_SUB */ /* OP_XPD */ /* OP_MAD */ /* OP_SWZ */ /* fragment attribute binding */ .emtcode FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_COLOR 0x01 .emtcode FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD 0x02 .emtcode FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_FOGCOORD 0x03 .emtcode FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_POSITION 0x04 /* vertex attribute binding */ .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION 0x01 .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_WEIGHT 0x02 .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_NORMAL 0x03 .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR 0x04 .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_FOGCOORD 0x05 .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD 0x06 .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_MATRIXINDEX 0x07 .emtcode VERTEX_ATTRIB_GENERIC 0x08 /* fragment result binding */ .emtcode FRAGMENT_RESULT_COLOR 0x01 .emtcode FRAGMENT_RESULT_DEPTH 0x02 /* vertex result binding */ .emtcode VERTEX_RESULT_POSITION 0x01 .emtcode VERTEX_RESULT_COLOR 0x02 .emtcode VERTEX_RESULT_FOGCOORD 0x03 .emtcode VERTEX_RESULT_POINTSIZE 0x04 .emtcode VERTEX_RESULT_TEXCOORD 0x05 /* texture target */ .emtcode TEXTARGET_1D 0x01 .emtcode TEXTARGET_2D 0x02 .emtcode TEXTARGET_3D 0x03 .emtcode TEXTARGET_RECT 0x04 .emtcode TEXTARGET_CUBE 0x05 /* GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow */ .emtcode TEXTARGET_SHADOW1D 0x06 .emtcode TEXTARGET_SHADOW2D 0x07 .emtcode TEXTARGET_SHADOWRECT 0x08 /* face type */ .emtcode FACE_FRONT 0x00 .emtcode FACE_BACK 0x01 /* color type */ .emtcode COLOR_PRIMARY 0x00 .emtcode COLOR_SECONDARY 0x01 /* component */ .emtcode COMPONENT_X 0x00 .emtcode COMPONENT_Y 0x01 .emtcode COMPONENT_Z 0x02 .emtcode COMPONENT_W 0x03 .emtcode COMPONENT_0 0x04 .emtcode COMPONENT_1 0x05 /* array index type */ .emtcode ARRAY_INDEX_ABSOLUTE 0x00 .emtcode ARRAY_INDEX_RELATIVE 0x01 /* matrix name */ .emtcode MATRIX_MODELVIEW 0x01 .emtcode MATRIX_PROJECTION 0x02 .emtcode MATRIX_MVP 0x03 .emtcode MATRIX_TEXTURE 0x04 .emtcode MATRIX_PALETTE 0x05 .emtcode MATRIX_PROGRAM 0x06 /* matrix modifier */ .emtcode MATRIX_MODIFIER_IDENTITY 0x00 .emtcode MATRIX_MODIFIER_INVERSE 0x01 .emtcode MATRIX_MODIFIER_TRANSPOSE 0x02 .emtcode MATRIX_MODIFIER_INVTRANS 0x03 /* constant type */ .emtcode CONSTANT_SCALAR 0x01 .emtcode CONSTANT_VECTOR 0x02 /* program param type */ .emtcode PROGRAM_PARAM_ENV 0x01 .emtcode PROGRAM_PARAM_LOCAL 0x02 /* register type */ .emtcode REGISTER_ATTRIB 0x01 .emtcode REGISTER_PARAM 0x02 .emtcode REGISTER_RESULT 0x03 .emtcode REGISTER_ESTABLISHED_NAME 0x04 /* param binding */ .emtcode PARAM_NULL 0x00 .emtcode PARAM_ARRAY_ELEMENT 0x01 .emtcode PARAM_STATE_ELEMENT 0x02 .emtcode PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENT 0x03 .emtcode PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENTS 0x04 .emtcode PARAM_CONSTANT 0x05 /* param state property */ .emtcode STATE_MATERIAL 0x01 .emtcode STATE_LIGHT 0x02 .emtcode STATE_LIGHT_MODEL 0x03 .emtcode STATE_LIGHT_PROD 0x04 .emtcode STATE_FOG 0x05 .emtcode STATE_MATRIX_ROWS 0x06 /* GL_ARB_fragment_program */ .emtcode STATE_TEX_ENV 0x07 .emtcode STATE_DEPTH 0x08 /* GL_ARB_vertex_program */ .emtcode STATE_TEX_GEN 0x09 .emtcode STATE_CLIP_PLANE 0x0A .emtcode STATE_POINT 0x0B /* state material property */ .emtcode MATERIAL_AMBIENT 0x01 .emtcode MATERIAL_DIFFUSE 0x02 .emtcode MATERIAL_SPECULAR 0x03 .emtcode MATERIAL_EMISSION 0x04 .emtcode MATERIAL_SHININESS 0x05 /* state light property */ .emtcode LIGHT_AMBIENT 0x01 .emtcode LIGHT_DIFFUSE 0x02 .emtcode LIGHT_SPECULAR 0x03 .emtcode LIGHT_POSITION 0x04 .emtcode LIGHT_ATTENUATION 0x05 .emtcode LIGHT_HALF 0x06 .emtcode LIGHT_SPOT_DIRECTION 0x07 /* state light model property */ .emtcode LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT 0x01 .emtcode LIGHT_MODEL_SCENECOLOR 0x02 /* state light product property */ .emtcode LIGHT_PROD_AMBIENT 0x01 .emtcode LIGHT_PROD_DIFFUSE 0x02 .emtcode LIGHT_PROD_SPECULAR 0x03 /* state texture environment property */ .emtcode TEX_ENV_COLOR 0x01 /* state texture generation coord property */ .emtcode TEX_GEN_EYE 0x01 .emtcode TEX_GEN_OBJECT 0x02 /* state fog property */ .emtcode FOG_COLOR 0x01 .emtcode FOG_PARAMS 0x02 /* state depth property */ .emtcode DEPTH_RANGE 0x01 /* state point parameters property */ .emtcode POINT_SIZE 0x01 .emtcode POINT_ATTENUATION 0x02 /* declaration */ .emtcode ATTRIB 0x01 .emtcode PARAM 0x02 .emtcode TEMP 0x03 .emtcode OUTPUT 0x04 .emtcode ALIAS 0x05 /* GL_ARB_vertex_program */ .emtcode ADDRESS 0x06 /* error messages */ .errtext UNKNOWN_PROGRAM_SIGNATURE "1001: '$e_signature$': unknown program signature" .errtext MISSING_END_OR_INVALID_STATEMENT "1002: '$e_statement$': invalid statement" .errtext CODE_AFTER_END "1003: '$e_statement$': code after 'END' keyword" .errtext INVALID_PROGRAM_OPTION "1004: '$e_identifier$': invalid program option" .errtext EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED "1005: extended swizzle component expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext TEX_TARGET_EXPECTED "1006: texture target expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext TEXTURE_EXPECTED "1007: 'texture' expected but '$e_identifier$' found" .errtext SOURCE_REGISTER_EXPECTED "1008: source register expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext DESTINATION_REGISTER_EXPECTED "1009: destination register expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext INVALID_ADDRESS_COMPONENT "1010: '$e_identifier$': invalid address component" .errtext INVALID_ADDRESS_WRITEMASK "1011: '$e_identifier$': invalid address writemask" .errtext INVALID_COMPONENT "1012: '$e_charordigit$': invalid component" .errtext INVALID_SUFFIX "1013: '$e_identifier$': invalid suffix" .errtext INVALID_WRITEMASK "1014: '$e_identifier$': invalid writemask" .errtext FRAGMENT_EXPECTED "1015: 'fragment' expected but '$e_identifier$' found" .errtext VERTEX_EXPECTED "1016: 'vertex' expected but '$e_identifier$' found" .errtext INVALID_FRAGMENT_PROPERTY "1017: '$e_identifier$': invalid fragment property" .errtext INVALID_VERTEX_PROPERTY "1018: '$e_identifier$': invalid vertex property" .errtext INVALID_STATE_PROPERTY "1019: '$e_identifier$': invalid state property" .errtext INVALID_MATERIAL_PROPERTY "1020: '$e_identifier$': invalid material property" .errtext INVALID_LIGHT_PROPERTY "1021: '$e_identifier$': invalid light property" .errtext INVALID_SPOT_PROPERTY "1022: '$e_identifier$': invalid spot property" .errtext INVALID_LIGHTMODEL_PROPERTY "1023: '$e_identifier$': invalid light model property" .errtext INVALID_LIGHTPROD_PROPERTY "1024: '$e_identifier$': invalid light product property" .errtext INVALID_TEXENV_PROPERTY "1025: '$e_identifier$': invalid texture environment property" .errtext INVALID_TEXGEN_PROPERTY "1026: '$e_identifier$': invalid texture generating property" .errtext INVALID_TEXGEN_COORD "1027: '$e_identifier$': invalid texture generating coord" .errtext INVALID_FOG_PROPERTY "1028: '$e_identifier$': invalid fog property" .errtext INVALID_DEPTH_PROPERTY "1029: '$e_identifier$': invalid depth property" .errtext INVALID_CLIPPLANE_PROPERTY "1030: '$e_identifier$': invalid clip plane property" .errtext INVALID_POINT_PROPERTY "1031: '$e_identifier$': invalid point property" .errtext MATRIX_ROW_SELECTOR_OR_MODIFIER_EXPECTED "1032: matrix row selector or modifier expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext INVALID_MATRIX_NAME "1033: '$e_identifier$': invalid matrix name" .errtext INVALID_PROGRAM_PROPERTY "1034: '$e_identifier$': invalid program property" .errtext RESULT_EXPECTED "1035: 'result' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext INVALID_RESULT_PROPERTY "1036: '$e_identifier$': invalid result property" .errtext INVALID_FACE_PROPERTY "1037: '$e_identifier$': invalid face property" .errtext INVALID_COLOR_PROPERTY "1038: '$e_identifier$': invalid color property" .errtext IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED "1039: identifier expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext RESERVED_KEYWORD "1040: use of reserved keyword as an identifier" .errtext INTEGER_EXPECTED "1041: integer value expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_SEMICOLON "1042: ';' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_COMMA "1043: ',' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_LBRACKET "1044: '[' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_RBRACKET "1045: ']' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_DOT "1046: '.' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_EQUAL "1047: '=' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_LBRACE "1048: '{' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_RBRACE "1049: '}' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_DOTDOT "1050: '..' expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext MISSING_FRACTION_OR_EXPONENT "1051: missing fraction part or exponent" .errtext MISSING_DOT_OR_EXPONENT "1052: missing '.' or exponent" .errtext EXPONENT_VALUE_EXPECTED "1053: exponent value expected" .errtext INTEGER_OUT_OF_RANGE "1054: integer value out of range" .errtext OPERATION_NEEDS_DESTINATION_VARIABLE "1055: operation needs destination variable" .errtext OPERATION_NEEDS_SOURCE_VARIABLE "1056: operation needs source variable" .errtext ADDRESS_REGISTER_EXPECTED "1057: address register expected but '$e_token$' found" .errtext ADDRESS_REGISTER_OR_INTEGER_EXPECTED "1058: address register or integer literal expected but '$e_token$' found" /* extension presence condition registers */ /* GL_ARB_vertex_blend */ /* GL_EXT_vertex_weighting */ .regbyte vertex_blend 0x00 /* GL_ARB_matrix_palette */ .regbyte matrix_palette 0x00 /* GL_ARB_point_parameters */ /* GL_EXT_point_parameters */ .regbyte point_parameters 0x00 /* GL_EXT_secondary_color */ .regbyte secondary_color 0x00 /* GL_EXT_fog_coord */ .regbyte fog_coord 0x00 /* GL_EXT_texture_rectangle */ /* GL_NV_texture_rectangle */ .regbyte texture_rectangle 0x00 /* GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow */ .regbyte fragment_program_shadow 0x00 /* option presence condition registers */ /* they are all initially set to zero - when a particular OPTION is encountered, the appropriate */ /* register is set to 1 to indicate that the OPTION was specified. */ /* GL_ARB_fragment_program */ .regbyte ARB_precision_hint_fastest 0x00 .regbyte ARB_precision_hint_nicest 0x00 .regbyte ARB_fog_exp 0x00 .regbyte ARB_fog_exp2 0x00 .regbyte ARB_fog_linear 0x00 /* GL_ARB_vertex_program */ .regbyte ARB_position_invariant 0x00 /* GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow */ .regbyte ARB_fragment_program_shadow 0x00 /* program target condition register */ /* this syntax script deals with two program targets - VERTEX_PROGRAM and FRAGMENT_PROGRAM. */ /* to distinguish between them we need a register that will store for us the current target. */ /* the client will typically set the register to apropriate value before parsing a particular */ /* program. the mapping between program targets and their values is listed below. */ /* */ /* program target register value */ /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* FRAGMENT_PROGRAM 0x10 */ /* VERTEX_PROGRAM 0x20 */ /* */ /* the initial value of the register is 0 to catch potential errors with not setting the register */ /* with the proper value. */ .regbyte program_target 0x00 /* <program> ::= <optionSequence> <statementSequence> "END" */ program programs .error UNKNOWN_PROGRAM_SIGNATURE .emit REVISION; programs .if (program_target == 0x10) frag_program_1_0 .emit FRAGMENT_PROGRAM .emit 0x01 .emit 0x00 .or .if (program_target == 0x20) vert_program_1_0 .emit VERTEX_PROGRAM .emit 0x01 .emit 0x00; frag_program_1_0 '!' .and '!' .and 'A' .and 'R' .and 'B' .and 'f' .and 'p' .and '1' .and '.' .and '0' .and optional_space .and fp_optionSequence .and fp_statementSequence .and "END" .error MISSING_END_OR_INVALID_STATEMENT .emit END .and optional_space .and '\0' .error CODE_AFTER_END; vert_program_1_0 '!' .and '!' .and 'A' .and 'R' .and 'B' .and 'v' .and 'p' .and '1' .and '.' .and '0' .and optional_space .and vp_optionSequence .and vp_statementSequence .and "END" .error MISSING_END_OR_INVALID_STATEMENT .emit END .and optional_space .and '\0' .error CODE_AFTER_END; /* <optionSequence> ::= <optionSequence> <option> | "" */ fp_optionSequence .loop fp_option; vp_optionSequence .loop vp_option; /* <option> ::= "OPTION" <identifier> ";" NOTE: options ARB_precision_hint_nicest and ARB_precision_hint_fastest are exclusive. When one of these options is encountered, the other one is automatically disabled. the same applies to options ARB_fog_exp, ARB_fog_exp2 and ARB_fog_linear. */ fp_option "OPTION" .emit OPTION .and space .error IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED .and fp_optionString .error INVALID_PROGRAM_OPTION .and semicolon; vp_option "OPTION" .emit OPTION .and space .error IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED .and vp_optionString .error INVALID_PROGRAM_OPTION .and semicolon; fp_optionString .if (ARB_precision_hint_nicest == 0x00) "ARB_precision_hint_fastest" .emit ARB_PRECISION_HINT_FASTEST .load ARB_precision_hint_fastest 0x01 .or .if (ARB_precision_hint_fastest == 0x00) "ARB_precision_hint_nicest" .emit ARB_PRECISION_HINT_NICEST .load ARB_precision_hint_nicest 0x01 .or fp_ARB_fog_exp .emit ARB_FOG_EXP .load ARB_fog_exp 0x01 .or fp_ARB_fog_exp2 .emit ARB_FOG_EXP2 .load ARB_fog_exp2 0x01 .or fp_ARB_fog_linear .emit ARB_FOG_LINEAR .load ARB_fog_linear 0x01 .or .if (fragment_program_shadow != 0x00) "ARB_fragment_program_shadow" .emit ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_SHADOW .load ARB_fragment_program_shadow 0x01; vp_optionString "ARB_position_invariant" .emit ARB_POSITION_INVARIANT .load ARB_position_invariant 0x01; fp_ARB_fog_exp .if (ARB_fog_exp2 == 0x00) .true .and .if (ARB_fog_linear == 0x00) "ARB_fog_exp"; fp_ARB_fog_exp2 .if (ARB_fog_exp == 0x00) .true .and .if (ARB_fog_linear == 0x00) "ARB_fog_exp2"; fp_ARB_fog_linear .if (ARB_fog_exp == 0x00) .true .and .if (ARB_fog_exp2 == 0x00) "ARB_fog_linear"; /* <statementSequence> ::= <statementSequence> <statement> | "" */ fp_statementSequence .loop fp_statement; vp_statementSequence .loop vp_statement; /* <statement> ::= <instruction> ";" | <namingStatement> ";" NOTE: ".emit $" in the definitions below means that we output instruction position (offset of the first character of instruction) for program debugging purposes. */ fp_statement fp_statement_1 .or fp_statement_2; vp_statement vp_statement_1 .or vp_statement_2; fp_statement_1 fp_instruction .emit INSTRUCTION .emit $ .and semicolon; fp_statement_2 fp_namingStatement .emit DECLARATION .and semicolon; vp_statement_1 vp_instruction .emit INSTRUCTION .emit $ .and semicolon; vp_statement_2 vp_namingStatement .emit DECLARATION .and semicolon; /* fragment program <instruction> ::= <ALUInstruction> | <TexInstruction> vertex program <instruction> ::= <ARL_instruction> | <VECTORop_instruction> | <SCALARop_instruction> | <BINSCop_instruction> | <BINop_instruction> | <TRIop_instruction> | <SWZ_instruction> */ fp_instruction ALUInstruction .emit OP_ALU_INST .or TexInstruction .emit OP_TEX_INST; vp_instruction ARL_instruction .emit OP_ALU_ARL .or vp_VECTORop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_VECTOR .or vp_SCALARop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_SCALAR .or vp_BINSCop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_BINSC .or vp_BINop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_BIN .or vp_TRIop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_TRI .or vp_SWZ_instruction .emit OP_ALU_SWZ; /* fragment program <ALUInstruction> ::= <VECTORop_instruction> | <SCALARop_instruction> | <BINSCop_instruction> | <BINop_instruction> | <TRIop_instruction> | <SWZ_instruction> */ ALUInstruction fp_VECTORop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_VECTOR .or fp_SCALARop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_SCALAR .or fp_BINSCop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_BINSC .or fp_BINop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_BIN .or fp_TRIop_instruction .emit OP_ALU_TRI .or fp_SWZ_instruction .emit OP_ALU_SWZ; /* fragment program <TexInstruction> ::= <SAMPLE_instruction> | <KIL_instruction> */ TexInstruction SAMPLE_instruction .emit OP_TEX_SAMPLE .or KIL_instruction .emit OP_TEX_KIL; /* vertex program <ARL_instruction> ::= "ARL" <maskedAddrReg> "," <scalarSrcReg> */ ARL_instruction "ARL" .emit OP_ARL .and space_dst .and maskedAddrReg .and comma .and vp_scalarSrcReg; /* fragment program <VECTORop_instruction> ::= <VECTORop> <maskedDstReg> "," <vectorSrcReg> vertex program <VECTORop_instruction> ::= <VECTORop> <maskedDstReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg> */ fp_VECTORop_instruction fp_VECTORop .and space_dst .and fp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and vectorSrcReg; vp_VECTORop_instruction vp_VECTORop .and space_dst .and vp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and swizzleSrcReg; /* fragment program <VECTORop> ::= "ABS" | "ABS_SAT" | "FLR" | "FLR_SAT" | "FRC" | "FRC_SAT" | "LIT" | "LIT_SAT" | "MOV" | "MOV_SAT" vertex program <VECTORop> ::= "ABS" | "FLR" | "FRC" | "LIT" | "MOV" */ fp_VECTORop "ABS" .emit OP_ABS .or "ABS_SAT" .emit OP_ABS_SAT .or "FLR" .emit OP_FLR .or "FLR_SAT" .emit OP_FLR_SAT .or "FRC" .emit OP_FRC .or "FRC_SAT" .emit OP_FRC_SAT .or "LIT" .emit OP_LIT .or "LIT_SAT" .emit OP_LIT_SAT .or "MOV" .emit OP_MOV .or "MOV_SAT" .emit OP_MOV_SAT; vp_VECTORop "ABS" .emit OP_ABS .or "FLR" .emit OP_FLR .or "FRC" .emit OP_FRC .or "LIT" .emit OP_LIT .or "MOV" .emit OP_MOV; /* <SCALARop_instruction> ::= <SCALARop> <maskedDstReg> "," <scalarSrcReg> */ fp_SCALARop_instruction fp_SCALARop .and space_dst .and fp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and fp_scalarSrcReg; vp_SCALARop_instruction vp_SCALARop .and space_dst .and vp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and vp_scalarSrcReg; /* fragment program <SCALARop> ::= "COS" | "COS_SAT" | "EX2" | "EX2_SAT" | "LG2" | "LG2_SAT" | "RCP" | "RCP_SAT" | "RSQ" | "RSQ_SAT" | "SIN" | "SIN_SAT" | "SCS" | "SCS_SAT" vertex program <SCALARop> ::= "EX2" | "EXP" | "LG2" | "LOG" | "RCP" | "RSQ" */ fp_SCALARop "COS" .emit OP_COS .or "COS_SAT" .emit OP_COS_SAT .or "EX2" .emit OP_EX2 .or "EX2_SAT" .emit OP_EX2_SAT .or "LG2" .emit OP_LG2 .or "LG2_SAT" .emit OP_LG2_SAT .or "RCP" .emit OP_RCP .or "RCP_SAT" .emit OP_RCP_SAT .or "RSQ" .emit OP_RSQ .or "RSQ_SAT" .emit OP_RSQ_SAT .or "SIN" .emit OP_SIN .or "SIN_SAT" .emit OP_SIN_SAT .or "SCS" .emit OP_SCS .or "SCS_SAT" .emit OP_SCS_SAT; vp_SCALARop "EX2" .emit OP_EX2 .or "EXP" .emit OP_EXP .or "LG2" .emit OP_LG2 .or "LOG" .emit OP_LOG .or "RCP" .emit OP_RCP .or "RSQ" .emit OP_RSQ; /* <BINSCop_instruction> ::= <BINSCop> <maskedDstReg> "," <scalarSrcReg> "," <scalarSrcReg> */ fp_BINSCop_instruction fp_BINSCop .and space_dst .and fp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and fp_scalarSrcReg .and comma .and fp_scalarSrcReg; vp_BINSCop_instruction vp_BINSCop .and space_dst .and vp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and vp_scalarSrcReg .and comma .and vp_scalarSrcReg; /* fragment program <BINSCop> ::= "POW" | "POW_SAT" vertex program <BINSCop> ::= "POW" */ fp_BINSCop "POW" .emit OP_POW .or "POW_SAT" .emit OP_POW_SAT; vp_BINSCop "POW" .emit OP_POW; /* fragment program <BINop_instruction> ::= <BINop> <maskedDstReg> "," <vectorSrcReg> "," <vectorSrcReg> vertex program <BINop_instruction> ::= <BINop> <maskedDstReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg> */ fp_BINop_instruction fp_BINop .and space_dst .and fp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and vectorSrcReg .and comma .and vectorSrcReg; vp_BINop_instruction vp_BINop .and space_dst .and vp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and swizzleSrcReg .and comma .and swizzleSrcReg; /* fragment program <BINop> ::= "ADD" | "ADD_SAT" | "DP3" | "DP3_SAT" | "DP4" | "DP4_SAT" | "DPH" | "DPH_SAT" | "DST" | "DST_SAT" | "MAX" | "MAX_SAT" | "MIN" | "MIN_SAT" | "MUL" | "MUL_SAT" | "SGE" | "SGE_SAT" | "SLT" | "SLT_SAT" | "SUB" | "SUB_SAT" | "XPD" | "XPD_SAT" vertex program <BINop> ::= "ADD" | "DP3" | "DP4" | "DPH" | "DST" | "MAX" | "MIN" | "MUL" | "SGE" | "SLT" | "SUB" | "XPD" */ fp_BINop "ADD" .emit OP_ADD .or "ADD_SAT" .emit OP_ADD_SAT .or "DP3" .emit OP_DP3 .or "DP3_SAT" .emit OP_DP3_SAT .or "DP4" .emit OP_DP4 .or "DP4_SAT" .emit OP_DP4_SAT .or "DPH" .emit OP_DPH .or "DPH_SAT" .emit OP_DPH_SAT .or "DST" .emit OP_DST .or "DST_SAT" .emit OP_DST_SAT .or "MAX" .emit OP_MAX .or "MAX_SAT" .emit OP_MAX_SAT .or "MIN" .emit OP_MIN .or "MIN_SAT" .emit OP_MIN_SAT .or "MUL" .emit OP_MUL .or "MUL_SAT" .emit OP_MUL_SAT .or "SGE" .emit OP_SGE .or "SGE_SAT" .emit OP_SGE_SAT .or "SLT" .emit OP_SLT .or "SLT_SAT" .emit OP_SLT_SAT .or "SUB" .emit OP_SUB .or "SUB_SAT" .emit OP_SUB_SAT .or "XPD" .emit OP_XPD .or "XPD_SAT" .emit OP_XPD_SAT; vp_BINop "ADD" .emit OP_ADD .or "DP3" .emit OP_DP3 .or "DP4" .emit OP_DP4 .or "DPH" .emit OP_DPH .or "DST" .emit OP_DST .or "MAX" .emit OP_MAX .or "MIN" .emit OP_MIN .or "MUL" .emit OP_MUL .or "SGE" .emit OP_SGE .or "SLT" .emit OP_SLT .or "SUB" .emit OP_SUB .or "XPD" .emit OP_XPD; /* fragment program <TRIop_instruction> ::= <TRIop> <maskedDstReg> "," <vectorSrcReg> "," <vectorSrcReg> "," <vectorSrcReg> vertex program <TRIop_instruction> ::= <TRIop> <maskedDstReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg> */ fp_TRIop_instruction fp_TRIop .and space_dst .and fp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and vectorSrcReg .and comma .and vectorSrcReg .and comma .and vectorSrcReg; vp_TRIop_instruction vp_TRIop .and space_dst .and vp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and swizzleSrcReg .and comma .and swizzleSrcReg .and comma .and swizzleSrcReg; /* fragment program <TRIop> ::= "CMP" | "CMP_SAT" | "LRP" | "LRP_SAT" | "MAD" | "MAD_SAT" vertex program <TRIop> ::= "MAD" */ fp_TRIop "CMP" .emit OP_CMP .or "CMP_SAT" .emit OP_CMP_SAT .or "LRP" .emit OP_LRP .or "LRP_SAT" .emit OP_LRP_SAT .or "MAD" .emit OP_MAD .or "MAD_SAT" .emit OP_MAD_SAT; vp_TRIop "MAD" .emit OP_MAD; /* fragment program <SWZ_instruction> ::= <SWZop> <maskedDstReg> "," <srcReg> "," <extendedSwizzle> vertex program <SWZ_instruction> ::= "SWZ" <maskedDstReg> "," <srcReg> "," <extendedSwizzle> */ fp_SWZ_instruction SWZop .and space_dst .and fp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and fp_srcReg .and comma .and fp_extendedSwizzle .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED; vp_SWZ_instruction "SWZ" .emit OP_SWZ .and space_dst .and vp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and vp_srcReg .and comma .and vp_extendedSwizzle .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED; /* fragment program <SWZop> ::= "SWZ" | "SWZ_SAT" */ SWZop "SWZ" .emit OP_SWZ .or "SWZ_SAT" .emit OP_SWZ_SAT; /* fragment program <SAMPLE_instruction> ::= <SAMPLEop> <maskedDstReg> "," <vectorSrcReg> "," <texImageUnit> "," <texTarget> */ SAMPLE_instruction SAMPLEop .and space_dst .and fp_maskedDstReg .and comma .and vectorSrcReg .and comma .and texImageUnit .and comma .and texTarget .error TEX_TARGET_EXPECTED; /* fragment program <SAMPLEop> ::= "TEX" | "TEX_SAT" | "TXP" | "TXP_SAT" | "TXB" | "TXB_SAT" */ SAMPLEop "TEX" .emit OP_TEX .or "TEX_SAT" .emit OP_TEX_SAT .or "TXB" .emit OP_TXB .or "TXB_SAT" .emit OP_TXB_SAT .or "TXP" .emit OP_TXP .or "TXP_SAT" .emit OP_TXP_SAT; /* fragment program <KIL_instruction> ::= "KIL" <vectorSrcReg> */ KIL_instruction "KIL" .emit OP_KIL .and space_src .and vectorSrcReg; /* fragment program <texImageUnit> ::= "texture" <optTexImageUnitNum> */ texImageUnit "texture" .error TEXTURE_EXPECTED .and optTexImageUnitNum; /* fragment program <texTarget> ::= "1D" | "2D" | "3D" | "CUBE" | "RECT" | <shadowTarget> (if option ARB_fragment_program_shadow present) */ texTarget "1D" .emit TEXTARGET_1D .or "2D" .emit TEXTARGET_2D .or "3D" .emit TEXTARGET_3D .or .if (texture_rectangle != 0x00) "RECT" .emit TEXTARGET_RECT .or "CUBE" .emit TEXTARGET_CUBE .or .if (ARB_fragment_program_shadow != 0x00) shadowTarget; /* GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow <shadowTarget> ::= "SHADOW1D" | "SHADOW2D" | "SHADOWRECT" */ shadowTarget "SHADOW1D" .emit TEXTARGET_SHADOW1D .or "SHADOW2D" .emit TEXTARGET_SHADOW2D .or .if (texture_rectangle != 0x00) "SHADOWRECT" .emit TEXTARGET_SHADOWRECT; /* fragment program <optTexImageUnitNum> ::= "" | "[" <texImageUnitNum> "]" */ optTexImageUnitNum optTexImageUnitNum_1 .or .true .emit 0x00; optTexImageUnitNum_1 lbracket_ne .and texImageUnitNum .and rbracket; /* fragment program <texImageUnitNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB-1 */ texImageUnitNum integer; /* <scalarSrcReg> ::= <optionalSign> <srcReg> <scalarSuffix> */ fp_scalarSrcReg optionalSign .and fp_srcReg .and fp_scalarSuffix; vp_scalarSrcReg optionalSign .and vp_srcReg .and vp_scalarSuffix; /* vertex program <swizzleSrcReg> ::= <optionalSign> <srcReg> <swizzleSuffix> */ swizzleSrcReg optionalSign .and vp_srcReg .and swizzleSuffix; /* fragment program <vectorSrcReg> ::= <optionalSign> <srcReg> <optionalSuffix> */ vectorSrcReg optionalSign .and fp_srcReg .and optionalSuffix; /* <maskedDstReg> ::= <dstReg> <optionalMask> */ fp_maskedDstReg fp_dstReg .and fp_optionalMask; vp_maskedDstReg vp_dstReg .and vp_optionalMask; /* vertex program <maskedAddrReg> ::= <addrReg> <addrWriteMask> */ maskedAddrReg addrReg .error ADDRESS_REGISTER_EXPECTED .and addrWriteMask; /* fragment program <extendedSwizzle> ::= <xyzwExtendedSwizzle> | <rgbaExtendedSwizzle> vertex program <extendedSwizzle> ::= <extSwizComp> "," <extSwizComp> "," <extSwizComp> "," <extSwizComp> NOTE: do NOT change the order of <rgbaExtendedSwizzle> and <xyzwExtendedSwizzle> rulez */ fp_extendedSwizzle rgbaExtendedSwizzle .or xyzwExtendedSwizzle; vp_extendedSwizzle extSwizComp .and comma .and extSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED .and comma .and extSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED .and comma .and extSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED; /* fragment program <xyzwExtendedSwizzle> ::= <xyzwExtSwizComp> "," <xyzwExtSwizComp> "," <xyzwExtSwizComp> "," <xyzwExtSwizComp> */ xyzwExtendedSwizzle xyzwExtSwizComp .and comma .and xyzwExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED .and comma .and xyzwExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED .and comma .and xyzwExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED; /* fragment program <rgbaExtendedSwizzle> ::= <rgbaExtSwizComp> "," <rgbaExtSwizComp> "," <rgbaExtSwizComp> "," <rgbaExtSwizComp> */ rgbaExtendedSwizzle rgbaExtendedSwizzle_1 .or rgbaExtendedSwizzle_2 .or rgbaExtendedSwizzle_3 .or rgbaExtendedSwizzle_4; rgbaExtendedSwizzle_1 rgbaExtSwizComp_digit .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp_digit .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp_digit .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp; rgbaExtendedSwizzle_2 rgbaExtSwizComp_digit .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp_digit .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp_alpha .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED; rgbaExtendedSwizzle_3 rgbaExtSwizComp_digit .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp_alpha .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED; rgbaExtendedSwizzle_4 rgbaExtSwizComp_alpha .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED .and comma .and rgbaExtSwizComp .error EXT_SWIZ_COMP_EXPECTED; /* fragment program <xyzwExtSwizComp> ::= <optionalSign> <xyzwExtSwizSel> */ xyzwExtSwizComp optionalSign .and xyzwExtSwizSel; /* fragment program <rgbaExtSwizComp> ::= <optionalSign> <rgbaExtSwizSel> */ rgbaExtSwizComp optionalSign .and rgbaExtSwizSel; rgbaExtSwizComp_digit optionalSign .and rgbaExtSwizSel_digit; rgbaExtSwizComp_alpha optionalSign .and rgbaExtSwizSel_alpha; /* vertex program <extSwizComp> ::= <optionalSign> <extSwizSel> */ extSwizComp optionalSign .and extSwizSel; /* fragment program <xyzwExtSwizSel> ::= "0" | "1" | <xyzwComponent> */ xyzwExtSwizSel "0" .emit COMPONENT_0 .or "1" .emit COMPONENT_1 .or xyzwComponent_single; /* fragment program <rgbaExtSwizSel> ::= "0" | "1" | <rgbaComponent> */ rgbaExtSwizSel rgbaExtSwizSel_digit .or rgbaExtSwizSel_alpha; rgbaExtSwizSel_digit "0" .emit COMPONENT_0 .or "1" .emit COMPONENT_1; rgbaExtSwizSel_alpha rgbaComponent_single; /* vertex program <extSwizSel> ::= "0" | "1" | <component> */ extSwizSel "0" .emit COMPONENT_0 .or "1" .emit COMPONENT_1 .or vp_component_single; /* fragment program <srcReg> ::= <fragmentAttribReg> | <temporaryReg> | <progParamReg> vertex program <srcReg> ::= <vertexAttribReg> | <temporaryReg> | <progParamReg> */ fp_srcReg fp_srcReg_1 .error SOURCE_REGISTER_EXPECTED; vp_srcReg vp_srcReg_1 .error SOURCE_REGISTER_EXPECTED; fp_srcReg_1 fragmentAttribReg .emit REGISTER_ATTRIB .or fp_progParamReg .emit REGISTER_PARAM .or fp_temporaryReg .emit REGISTER_ESTABLISHED_NAME; vp_srcReg_1 vertexAttribReg .emit REGISTER_ATTRIB .or vp_progParamReg .emit REGISTER_PARAM .or vp_temporaryReg .emit REGISTER_ESTABLISHED_NAME; /* fragment program <dstReg> ::= <temporaryReg> | <fragmentResultReg> vertex program <dstReg> ::= <temporaryReg> | <vertexResultReg> */ fp_dstReg fp_dstReg_1 .error DESTINATION_REGISTER_EXPECTED; vp_dstReg vp_dstReg_1 .error DESTINATION_REGISTER_EXPECTED; fp_dstReg_1 fragmentResultReg .emit REGISTER_RESULT .or fp_temporaryReg .emit REGISTER_ESTABLISHED_NAME; vp_dstReg_1 vertexResultReg .emit REGISTER_RESULT .or vp_temporaryReg .emit REGISTER_ESTABLISHED_NAME; /* fragment program <fragmentAttribReg> ::= <establishedName> | <fragAttribBinding> NOTE: <establishedName> is driven by <temporaryReg> rule at the end of <srcReg> */ fragmentAttribReg /*fp_establishedName .or */fragAttribBinding; /* vertex program <vertexAttribReg> ::= <establishedName> | <vtxAttribBinding> NOTE: <establishedName> is driven by <temporaryReg> rule at the end of <srcReg> */ vertexAttribReg vtxAttribBinding; /* <temporaryReg> ::= <establishedName> */ fp_temporaryReg fp_establishedName_no_error_on_identifier; vp_temporaryReg vp_establishedName_no_error_on_identifier; /* fragment program <progParamReg> ::= <progParamSingle> | <progParamArray> "[" <progParamArrayAbs> "]" | <paramSingleItemUse> vertex program <progParamReg> ::= <progParamSingle> | <progParamArray> "[" <progParamArrayMem> "]" | <paramSingleItemUse> */ fp_progParamReg fp_paramSingleItemUse .or fp_progParamReg_1 .or fp_progParamSingle; vp_progParamReg vp_paramSingleItemUse .or vp_progParamReg_1 .or vp_progParamSingle; fp_progParamReg_1 fp_progParamArray .emit PARAM_ARRAY_ELEMENT .and lbracket_ne .and progParamArrayAbs .and rbracket; vp_progParamReg_1 vp_progParamArray .emit PARAM_ARRAY_ELEMENT .and lbracket_ne .and progParamArrayMem .and rbracket; /* <progParamSingle> ::= <establishedName> NOTE: <establishedName> is driven by <temporaryReg> rule at the end of <srcReg> */ fp_progParamSingle .false; vp_progParamSingle .false; /* <progParamArray> ::= <establishedName> */ fp_progParamArray fp_establishedName_no_error_on_identifier; vp_progParamArray vp_establishedName_no_error_on_identifier; /* vertex program <progParamArrayMem> ::= <progParamArrayAbs> | <progParamArrayRel> */ progParamArrayMem progParamArrayAbs .or progParamArrayRel; /* <progParamArrayAbs> ::= <integer> */ progParamArrayAbs integer_ne .emit ARRAY_INDEX_ABSOLUTE; /* vertex program <progParamArrayRel> ::= <addrReg> <addrComponent> <addrRegRelOffset> */ progParamArrayRel addrReg .error ADDRESS_REGISTER_OR_INTEGER_EXPECTED .emit ARRAY_INDEX_RELATIVE .and addrComponent .and addrRegRelOffset; /* vertex program <addrRegRelOffset> ::= "" | "+" <addrRegPosOffset> | "-" <addrRegNegOffset> */ addrRegRelOffset addrRegRelOffset_1 .or addrRegRelOffset_2 .or .true .emit 0x00; addrRegRelOffset_1 plus_ne .and addrRegPosOffset; addrRegRelOffset_2 minus_ne .and addrRegNegOffset; /* vertex program <addrRegPosOffset> ::= <integer> from 0 to 63 */ addrRegPosOffset integer_0_63; /* vertex program <addrRegNegOffset> ::= <integer> from 0 to 64 */ addrRegNegOffset integer_0_64; /* fragment program <fragmentResultReg> ::= <establishedName> | <resultBinding> NOTE: <establishedName> is driven by <temporaryReg> rule at the end of <dstReg> */ fragmentResultReg fp_resultBinding; /* vertex program <vertexResultReg> ::= <establishedName> | <resultBinding> NOTE: <establishedName> is driven by <temporaryReg> rule at the end of <dstReg> */ vertexResultReg vp_resultBinding; /* vertex program <addrReg> ::= <establishedName> */ addrReg vp_establishedName_no_error_on_identifier; /* vertex program <addrComponent> ::= "." "x" */ addrComponent dot .and "x" .error INVALID_ADDRESS_COMPONENT .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X; /* vertex program <addrWriteMask> ::= "." "x" */ addrWriteMask dot .and "x" .error INVALID_ADDRESS_WRITEMASK .emit 0x08; /* <scalarSuffix> ::= "." <component> */ fp_scalarSuffix dot .and fp_component_single .error INVALID_COMPONENT; vp_scalarSuffix dot .and vp_component_single .error INVALID_COMPONENT; /* vertex program <swizzleSuffix> ::= "" | "." <component> | "." <component> <component> <component> <component> */ swizzleSuffix swizzleSuffix_1 .or .true .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_W; swizzleSuffix_1 dot_ne .and swizzleSuffix_2 .error INVALID_SUFFIX; swizzleSuffix_2 swizzleSuffix_3 .or swizzleSuffix_4; swizzleSuffix_3 vp_component_multi .and vp_component_multi .and vp_component_multi .error INVALID_COMPONENT .and vp_component_multi .error INVALID_COMPONENT; swizzleSuffix_4 "x" .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .or "y" .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .or "z" .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .or "w" .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W; /* fragment program <optionalSuffix> ::= "" | "." <component> | "." <xyzwComponent> <xyzwComponent> <xyzwComponent> <xyzwComponent> | "." <rgbaComponent> <rgbaComponent> <rgbaComponent> <rgbaComponent> */ optionalSuffix optionalSuffix_1 .or .true .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_W; optionalSuffix_1 dot_ne .and optionalSuffix_2 .error INVALID_SUFFIX; optionalSuffix_2 optionalSuffix_3 .or optionalSuffix_4 .or optionalSuffix_5; optionalSuffix_3 xyzwComponent_multi .and xyzwComponent_multi .and xyzwComponent_multi .error INVALID_COMPONENT .and xyzwComponent_multi .error INVALID_COMPONENT; optionalSuffix_4 rgbaComponent_multi .and rgbaComponent_multi .and rgbaComponent_multi .error INVALID_COMPONENT .and rgbaComponent_multi .error INVALID_COMPONENT; optionalSuffix_5 "x" .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .or "y" .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .or "z" .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .or "w" .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W .or "r" .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .emit COMPONENT_X .or "g" .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .emit COMPONENT_Y .or "b" .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .emit COMPONENT_Z .or "a" .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W .emit COMPONENT_W; /* fragment program <component> ::= <xyzwComponent> | <rgbaComponent> vertex program <component> ::= "x" | "y" | "z" | "w" */ fp_component_single xyzwComponent_single .or rgbaComponent_single; vp_component_multi 'x' .emit COMPONENT_X .or 'y' .emit COMPONENT_Y .or 'z' .emit COMPONENT_Z .or 'w' .emit COMPONENT_W; vp_component_single "x" .emit COMPONENT_X .or "y" .emit COMPONENT_Y .or "z" .emit COMPONENT_Z .or "w" .emit COMPONENT_W; /* fragment program <xyzwComponent> ::= "x" | "y" | "z" | "w" */ xyzwComponent_multi 'x' .emit COMPONENT_X .or 'y' .emit COMPONENT_Y .or 'z' .emit COMPONENT_Z .or 'w' .emit COMPONENT_W; xyzwComponent_single "x" .emit COMPONENT_X .or "y" .emit COMPONENT_Y .or "z" .emit COMPONENT_Z .or "w" .emit COMPONENT_W; /* fragment program <rgbaComponent> ::= "r" | "g" | "b" | "a" */ rgbaComponent_multi 'r' .emit COMPONENT_X .or 'g' .emit COMPONENT_Y .or 'b' .emit COMPONENT_Z .or 'a' .emit COMPONENT_W; rgbaComponent_single "r" .emit COMPONENT_X .or "g" .emit COMPONENT_Y .or "b" .emit COMPONENT_Z .or "a" .emit COMPONENT_W; /* fragment program <optionalMask> ::= "" | <xyzwMask> | <rgbaMask> vertex program <optionalMask> ::= "" | "." "x" | "." "y" | "." "xy" | "." "z" | "." "xz" | "." "yz" | "." "xyz" | "." "w" | "." "xw" | "." "yw" | "." "xyw" | "." "zw" | "." "xzw" | "." "yzw" | "." "xyzw" NOTE: do NOT change the order of <rgbaMask> and <xyzwMask> rulez */ fp_optionalMask rgbaMask .or xyzwMask .or .true .emit 0x0F; vp_optionalMask xyzwMask .or .true .emit 0x0F; /* fragment program <xyzwMask> ::= "." "x" | "." "y" | "." "xy" | "." "z" | "." "xz" | "." "yz" | "." "xyz" | "." "w" | "." "xw" | "." "yw" | "." "xyw" | "." "zw" | "." "xzw" | "." "yzw" | "." "xyzw" NOTE: <xyzwMask> is also referenced by the vertex program symbol <optionalMask>. */ xyzwMask dot_ne .and xyzwMask_1 .error INVALID_WRITEMASK; xyzwMask_1 "xyzw" .emit 0x0F .or "xyz" .emit 0x0E .or "xyw" .emit 0x0D .or "xy" .emit 0x0C .or "xzw" .emit 0x0B .or "xz" .emit 0x0A .or "xw" .emit 0x09 .or "x" .emit 0x08 .or "yzw" .emit 0x07 .or "yz" .emit 0x06 .or "yw" .emit 0x05 .or "y" .emit 0x04 .or "zw" .emit 0x03 .or "z" .emit 0x02 .or "w" .emit 0x01; /* fragment program <rgbaMask> ::= "." "r" | "." "g" | "." "rg" | "." "b" | "." "rb" | "." "gb" | "." "rgb" | "." "a" | "." "ra" | "." "ga" | "." "rga" | "." "ba" | "." "rba" | "." "gba" | "." "rgba" */ rgbaMask dot_ne .and rgbaMask_1; rgbaMask_1 "rgba" .emit 0x0F .or "rgb" .emit 0x0E .or "rga" .emit 0x0D .or "rg" .emit 0x0C .or "rba" .emit 0x0B .or "rb" .emit 0x0A .or "ra" .emit 0x09 .or "r" .emit 0x08 .or "gba" .emit 0x07 .or "gb" .emit 0x06 .or "ga" .emit 0x05 .or "g" .emit 0x04 .or "ba" .emit 0x03 .or "b" .emit 0x02 .or "a" .emit 0x01; /* fragment program <namingStatement> ::= <ATTRIB_statement> | <PARAM_statement> | <TEMP_statement> | <OUTPUT_statement> | <ALIAS_statement> vertex program <namingStatement> ::= <ATTRIB_statement> | <PARAM_statement> | <TEMP_statement> | <ADDRESS_statement> | <OUTPUT_statement> | <ALIAS_statement> */ fp_namingStatement fp_ATTRIB_statement .emit ATTRIB .or fp_PARAM_statement .emit PARAM .or fp_TEMP_statement .emit TEMP .or fp_OUTPUT_statement .emit OUTPUT .or fp_ALIAS_statement .emit ALIAS; vp_namingStatement vp_ATTRIB_statement .emit ATTRIB .or vp_PARAM_statement .emit PARAM .or vp_TEMP_statement .emit TEMP .or ADDRESS_statement .emit ADDRESS .or vp_OUTPUT_statement .emit OUTPUT .or vp_ALIAS_statement .emit ALIAS; /* fragment program <ATTRIB_statement> ::= "ATTRIB" <establishName> "=" <fragAttribBinding> vertex program <ATTRIB_statement> ::= "ATTRIB" <establishName> "=" <vtxAttribBinding> */ fp_ATTRIB_statement "ATTRIB" .and space .and fp_establishName .and equal .and fragAttribBinding .error FRAGMENT_EXPECTED; vp_ATTRIB_statement "ATTRIB" .and space .and vp_establishName .and equal .and vtxAttribBinding .error VERTEX_EXPECTED; /* fragment program <fragAttribBinding> ::= "fragment" "." <fragAttribItem> */ fragAttribBinding "fragment" .and dot .and fragAttribItem .error INVALID_FRAGMENT_PROPERTY; /* vertex program <vtxAttribBinding> ::= "vertex" "." <vtxAttribItem> */ vtxAttribBinding "vertex" .and dot .and vtxAttribItem .error INVALID_VERTEX_PROPERTY; /* fragment program <fragAttribItem> ::= "color" <optColorType> | "texcoord" <optTexCoordNum> | "fogcoord" | "position" */ fragAttribItem fragAttribItem_1 .emit FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_COLOR .or fragAttribItem_2 .emit FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD .or .if (fog_coord != 0x00) "fogcoord" .emit FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_FOGCOORD .or "position" .emit FRAGMENT_ATTRIB_POSITION; fragAttribItem_1 "color" .and optColorType; fragAttribItem_2 "texcoord" .and optTexCoordNum; /* vertex program <vtxAttribItem> ::= "position" | "weight" <vtxOptWeightNum> | "normal" | "color" <optColorType> | "fogcoord" | "texcoord" <optTexCoordNum> | "matrixindex" "[" <vtxWeightNum> "]" | "attrib" "[" <vtxAttribNum> "]" */ vtxAttribItem "position" .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION .or .if (vertex_blend != 0x00) vtxAttribItem_1 .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_WEIGHT .or "normal" .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_NORMAL .or vtxAttribItem_2 .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR .or "fogcoord" .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_FOGCOORD .or vtxAttribItem_3 .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEXCOORD .or .if (matrix_palette != 0x00) vtxAttribItem_4 .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_MATRIXINDEX .or vtxAttribItem_5 .emit VERTEX_ATTRIB_GENERIC; vtxAttribItem_1 "weight" .and vtxOptWeightNum; vtxAttribItem_2 "color" .and optColorType; vtxAttribItem_3 "texcoord" .and optTexCoordNum; vtxAttribItem_4 "matrixindex" .and lbracket .and vtxWeightNum .and rbracket; vtxAttribItem_5 "attrib" .and lbracket .and vtxAttribNum .and rbracket; /* vertex program <vtxAttribNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB-1 */ vtxAttribNum integer; /* vertex program <vtxOptWeightNum> ::= "" | "[" <vtxWeightNum> "]" */ vtxOptWeightNum vtxOptWeightNum_1 .or .true .emit 0x00; vtxOptWeightNum_1 lbracket_ne .and vtxWeightNum .and rbracket; /* vertex program <vtxWeightNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB-1, must be divisible by four */ vtxWeightNum integer; /* <PARAM_statement> ::= <PARAM_singleStmt> | <PARAM_multipleStmt> */ fp_PARAM_statement fp_PARAM_multipleStmt .or fp_PARAM_singleStmt; vp_PARAM_statement vp_PARAM_multipleStmt .or vp_PARAM_singleStmt; /* <PARAM_singleStmt> ::= "PARAM" <establishName> <paramSingleInit> */ fp_PARAM_singleStmt "PARAM" .and space .and fp_establishName .and .true .emit 0x00 .and fp_paramSingleInit .and .true .emit PARAM_NULL; vp_PARAM_singleStmt "PARAM" .and space .and vp_establishName .and .true .emit 0x00 .and vp_paramSingleInit .and .true .emit PARAM_NULL; /* <PARAM_multipleStmt> ::= "PARAM" <establishName> "[" <optArraySize> "]" <paramMultipleInit> */ fp_PARAM_multipleStmt "PARAM" .and space .and fp_establishName .and lbracket_ne .and optArraySize .and rbracket .and fp_paramMultipleInit .and .true .emit PARAM_NULL; vp_PARAM_multipleStmt "PARAM" .and space .and vp_establishName .and lbracket_ne .and optArraySize .and rbracket .and vp_paramMultipleInit .and .true .emit PARAM_NULL; /* <optArraySize> ::= "" | <integer> from 1 to MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB (maximum number of allowed program parameter bindings) */ optArraySize optional_integer; /* <paramSingleInit> ::= "=" <paramSingleItemDecl> */ fp_paramSingleInit equal .and fp_paramSingleItemDecl; vp_paramSingleInit equal .and vp_paramSingleItemDecl; /* <paramMultipleInit> ::= "=" "{" <paramMultInitList> "}" */ fp_paramMultipleInit equal .and lbrace .and fp_paramMultInitList .and rbrace; vp_paramMultipleInit equal .and lbrace .and vp_paramMultInitList .and rbrace; /* <paramMultInitList> ::= <paramMultipleItem> | <paramMultipleItem> "," <paramMultiInitList> */ fp_paramMultInitList fp_paramMultInitList_1 .or fp_paramMultipleItem; vp_paramMultInitList vp_paramMultInitList_1 .or vp_paramMultipleItem; fp_paramMultInitList_1 fp_paramMultipleItem .and comma_ne .and fp_paramMultInitList; vp_paramMultInitList_1 vp_paramMultipleItem .and comma_ne .and vp_paramMultInitList; /* <paramSingleItemDecl> ::= <stateSingleItem> | <programSingleItem> | <paramConstDecl> */ fp_paramSingleItemDecl fp_stateSingleItem .emit PARAM_STATE_ELEMENT .or programSingleItem .emit PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENT .or paramConstDecl .emit PARAM_CONSTANT; vp_paramSingleItemDecl vp_stateSingleItem .emit PARAM_STATE_ELEMENT .or programSingleItem .emit PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENT .or paramConstDecl .emit PARAM_CONSTANT; /* <paramSingleItemUse> ::= <stateSingleItem> | <programSingleItem> | <paramConstUse> */ fp_paramSingleItemUse fp_stateSingleItem .emit PARAM_STATE_ELEMENT .or programSingleItem .emit PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENT .or paramConstUse .emit PARAM_CONSTANT; vp_paramSingleItemUse vp_stateSingleItem .emit PARAM_STATE_ELEMENT .or programSingleItem .emit PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENT .or paramConstUse .emit PARAM_CONSTANT; /* <paramMultipleItem> ::= <stateMultipleItem> | <programMultipleItem> | <paramConstDecl> */ fp_paramMultipleItem fp_stateMultipleItem .emit PARAM_STATE_ELEMENT .or programMultipleItem .emit PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENT .or paramConstDecl .emit PARAM_CONSTANT; vp_paramMultipleItem vp_stateMultipleItem .emit PARAM_STATE_ELEMENT .or programMultipleItem .emit PARAM_PROGRAM_ELEMENT .or paramConstDecl .emit PARAM_CONSTANT; /* <stateMultipleItem> ::= <stateSingleItem> | "state" "." <stateMatrixRows> */ fp_stateMultipleItem stateMultipleItem_1 .or fp_stateSingleItem; vp_stateMultipleItem stateMultipleItem_1 .or vp_stateSingleItem; stateMultipleItem_1 "state" .and dot .and stateMatrixRows .emit STATE_MATRIX_ROWS; /* fragment program <stateSingleItem> ::= "state" "." <stateMaterialItem> | "state" "." <stateLightItem> | "state" "." <stateLightModelItem> | "state" "." <stateLightProdItem> | "state" "." <stateTexEnvItem> | "state" "." <stateFogItem> | "state" "." <stateDepthItem> | "state" "." <stateMatrixRow> vertex program <stateSingleItem> ::= "state" "." <stateMaterialItem> | "state" "." <stateLightItem> | "state" "." <stateLightModelItem> | "state" "." <stateLightProdItem> | "state" "." <stateTexGenItem> | "state" "." <stateFogItem> | "state" "." <stateClipPlaneItem> | "state" "." <statePointItem> | "state" "." <stateMatrixRow> */ fp_stateSingleItem "state" .and dot .and fp_stateSingleItem_1 .error INVALID_STATE_PROPERTY; vp_stateSingleItem "state" .and dot .and vp_stateSingleItem_1 .error INVALID_STATE_PROPERTY; fp_stateSingleItem_1 stateSingleItem_1 .or stateSingleItem_2 .or stateSingleItem_3 .or stateSingleItem_4 .or stateSingleItem_5 .or stateSingleItem_7 .or stateSingleItem_8 .or stateSingleItem_11; vp_stateSingleItem_1 stateSingleItem_1 .or stateSingleItem_2 .or stateSingleItem_3 .or stateSingleItem_4 .or stateSingleItem_6 .or stateSingleItem_7 .or stateSingleItem_9 .or stateSingleItem_10 .or stateSingleItem_11; stateSingleItem_1 stateMaterialItem .emit STATE_MATERIAL; stateSingleItem_2 stateLightItem .emit STATE_LIGHT; stateSingleItem_3 stateLightModelItem .emit STATE_LIGHT_MODEL; stateSingleItem_4 stateLightProdItem .emit STATE_LIGHT_PROD; stateSingleItem_5 stateTexEnvItem .emit STATE_TEX_ENV; stateSingleItem_6 stateTexGenItem .emit STATE_TEX_GEN; stateSingleItem_7 stateFogItem .emit STATE_FOG; stateSingleItem_8 stateDepthItem .emit STATE_DEPTH; stateSingleItem_9 stateClipPlaneItem .emit STATE_CLIP_PLANE; stateSingleItem_10 statePointItem .emit STATE_POINT; stateSingleItem_11 stateMatrixRow .emit STATE_MATRIX_ROWS; /* <stateMaterialItem> ::= "material" <optFaceType> "." <stateMatProperty> */ stateMaterialItem "material" .and optFaceType .and dot .and stateMatProperty .error INVALID_MATERIAL_PROPERTY; /* <stateMatProperty> ::= "ambient" | "diffuse" | "specular" | "emission" | "shininess" */ stateMatProperty "ambient" .emit MATERIAL_AMBIENT .or "diffuse" .emit MATERIAL_DIFFUSE .or "specular" .emit MATERIAL_SPECULAR .or "emission" .emit MATERIAL_EMISSION .or "shininess" .emit MATERIAL_SHININESS; /* <stateLightItem> ::= "light" "[" <stateLightNumber> "]" "." <stateLightProperty> */ stateLightItem "light" .and lbracket .and stateLightNumber .and rbracket .and dot .and stateLightProperty .error INVALID_LIGHT_PROPERTY; /* <stateLightProperty> ::= "ambient" | "diffuse" | "specular" | "position" | "attenuation" | "spot" "." <stateSpotProperty> | "half" */ stateLightProperty "ambient" .emit LIGHT_AMBIENT .or "diffuse" .emit LIGHT_DIFFUSE .or "specular" .emit LIGHT_SPECULAR .or "position" .emit LIGHT_POSITION .or "attenuation" .emit LIGHT_ATTENUATION .or stateLightProperty_1 .emit LIGHT_SPOT_DIRECTION .or "half" .emit LIGHT_HALF; stateLightProperty_1 "spot" .and dot .and stateSpotProperty .error INVALID_SPOT_PROPERTY; /* <stateSpotProperty> ::= "direction" */ stateSpotProperty "direction"; /* <stateLightModelItem> ::= "lightmodel" <stateLModProperty> */ stateLightModelItem "lightmodel" .and stateLModProperty .error INVALID_LIGHTMODEL_PROPERTY; /* <stateLModProperty> ::= "." "ambient" | <optFaceType> "." "scenecolor" */ stateLModProperty stateLModProperty_1 .or stateLModProperty_2; stateLModProperty_1 dot .and "ambient" .emit LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT; stateLModProperty_2 stateLModProperty_3 .emit LIGHT_MODEL_SCENECOLOR; stateLModProperty_3 optFaceType .and dot .and "scenecolor"; /* <stateLightProdItem> ::= "lightprod" "[" <stateLightNumber> "]" <optFaceType> "." <stateLProdProperty> */ stateLightProdItem "lightprod" .and lbracket .and stateLightNumber .and rbracket .and optFaceType .and dot .and stateLProdProperty .error INVALID_LIGHTPROD_PROPERTY; /* <stateLProdProperty> ::= "ambient" | "diffuse" | "specular" */ stateLProdProperty "ambient" .emit LIGHT_PROD_AMBIENT .or "diffuse" .emit LIGHT_PROD_DIFFUSE .or "specular" .emit LIGHT_PROD_SPECULAR; /* <stateLightNumber> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_LIGHTS-1 */ stateLightNumber integer; /* fragment program <stateTexEnvItem> ::= "texenv" <optLegacyTexUnitNum> "." <stateTexEnvProperty> */ stateTexEnvItem "texenv" .and optLegacyTexUnitNum .and dot .and stateTexEnvProperty .error INVALID_TEXENV_PROPERTY; /* fragment program <stateTexEnvProperty> ::= "color" */ stateTexEnvProperty "color" .emit TEX_ENV_COLOR; /* fragment program <optLegacyTexUnitNum> ::= "" | "[" <legacyTexUnitNum> "]" NOTE: <optLegaceTexUnitNum> is not optional. */ optLegacyTexUnitNum lbracket_ne .and legacyTexUnitNum .and rbracket; /* fragment program <legacyTexUnitNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS-1 */ legacyTexUnitNum integer; /* vertex program <stateTexGenItem> ::= "texgen" <optTexCoordNum> "." <stateTexGenType> "." <stateTexGenCoord> */ stateTexGenItem "texgen" .and optTexCoordNum .and dot .and stateTexGenType .error INVALID_TEXGEN_PROPERTY .and dot .and stateTexGenCoord .error INVALID_TEXGEN_COORD; /* vertex program <stateTexGenType> ::= "eye" | "object" */ stateTexGenType "eye" .emit TEX_GEN_EYE .or "object" .emit TEX_GEN_OBJECT; /* vertex program <stateTexGenCoord> ::= "s" | "t" | "r" | "q" */ stateTexGenCoord "s" .emit COMPONENT_X .or "t" .emit COMPONENT_Y .or "r" .emit COMPONENT_Z .or "q" .emit COMPONENT_W; /* <stateFogItem> ::= "fog" "." <stateFogProperty> */ stateFogItem "fog" .and dot .and stateFogProperty .error INVALID_FOG_PROPERTY; /* <stateFogProperty> ::= "color" | "params" */ stateFogProperty "color" .emit FOG_COLOR .or "params" .emit FOG_PARAMS; /* fragment program <stateDepthItem> ::= "depth" "." <stateDepthProperty> */ stateDepthItem "depth" .and dot .and stateDepthProperty .error INVALID_DEPTH_PROPERTY; /* fragment program <stateDepthProperty> ::= "range" */ stateDepthProperty "range" .emit DEPTH_RANGE; /* vertex program <stateClipPlaneItem> ::= "clip" "[" <stateClipPlaneNum> "]" "." "plane" */ stateClipPlaneItem "clip" .and lbracket .and stateClipPlaneNum .and rbracket .and dot .and "plane" .error INVALID_CLIPPLANE_PROPERTY; /* vertex program <stateClipPlaneNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_CLIP_PLANES-1 */ stateClipPlaneNum integer; /* vertex program <statePointItem> ::= "point" . <statePointProperty> */ statePointItem "point" .and dot .and statePointProperty .error INVALID_POINT_PROPERTY; /* vertex program <statePointProperty> ::= "size" | "attenuation" */ statePointProperty "size" .emit POINT_SIZE .or .if (point_parameters != 0x00) "attenuation" .emit POINT_ATTENUATION; /* <stateMatrixRow> ::= <stateMatrixItem> "." "row" "[" <stateMatrixRowNum> "]" */ stateMatrixRow stateMatrixItem .and dot .and "row" .error MATRIX_ROW_SELECTOR_OR_MODIFIER_EXPECTED .and lbracket .and stateMatrixRowNum .and rbracket .emit 0x0; /* <stateMatrixRows> ::= <stateMatrixItem> <optMatrixRows> */ stateMatrixRows stateMatrixItem .and optMatrixRows; /* <optMatrixRows> ::= "" | "." "row" "[" <stateMatrixRowNum> ".." <stateMatrixRowNum> "]" */ optMatrixRows optMatrixRows_1 .or .true .emit 0x0 .emit '3' .emit 0x0 .emit $; optMatrixRows_1 dot_ne .and "row" .error MATRIX_ROW_SELECTOR_OR_MODIFIER_EXPECTED .and lbracket .and stateMatrixRowNum .and dotdot .and stateMatrixRowNum .and rbracket; /* <stateMatrixItem> ::= "matrix" . <stateMatrixName> <stateOptMatModifier> */ stateMatrixItem "matrix" .and dot .and stateMatrixName .error INVALID_MATRIX_NAME .and stateOptMatModifier; /* <stateOptMatModifier> ::= "" | "." <stateMatModifier> */ stateOptMatModifier stateOptMatModifier_1 .or .true .emit MATRIX_MODIFIER_IDENTITY; stateOptMatModifier_1 dot_ne .and stateMatModifier; /* <stateMatModifier> ::= "inverse" | "transpose" | "invtrans" */ stateMatModifier "inverse" .emit MATRIX_MODIFIER_INVERSE .or "transpose" .emit MATRIX_MODIFIER_TRANSPOSE .or "invtrans" .emit MATRIX_MODIFIER_INVTRANS; /* <stateMatrixRowNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to 3 */ stateMatrixRowNum integer_0_3; /* <stateMatrixName> ::= "modelview" <stateOptModMatNum> | "projection" | "mvp" | "texture" <optTexCoordNum> | "palette" "[" <statePaletteMatNum> "]" | "program" "[" <stateProgramMatNum> "]" */ stateMatrixName stateMatrixName_1_1 .emit MATRIX_MODELVIEW .or "projection" .emit MATRIX_PROJECTION .or "mvp" .emit MATRIX_MVP .or stateMatrixName_1_2 .emit MATRIX_TEXTURE .or .if (matrix_palette != 0x00) stateMatrixName_1_3 .emit MATRIX_PALETTE .or stateMatrixName_1_4 .emit MATRIX_PROGRAM; stateMatrixName_1_1 "modelview" .and stateOptModMatNum; stateMatrixName_1_2 "texture" .and optTexCoordNum; stateMatrixName_1_3 "palette" .and lbracket .and statePaletteMatNum .and rbracket; stateMatrixName_1_4 "program" .and lbracket .and stateProgramMatNum .and rbracket; /* <stateOptModMatNum> ::= "" | "[" <stateModMatNum> "]" */ stateOptModMatNum .if (vertex_blend != 0x00) stateOptModMatNum_1 .or .true .emit 0x00; stateOptModMatNum_1 lbracket_ne .and stateModMatNum .and rbracket; /* <stateModMatNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB-1 */ stateModMatNum integer; /* <optTexCoordNum> ::= "" | "[" <texCoordNum> "]" */ optTexCoordNum optTexCoordNum_1 .or .true .emit 0x00; optTexCoordNum_1 lbracket_ne .and texCoordNum .and rbracket; /* <texCoordNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB-1 */ texCoordNum integer; /* <statePaletteMatNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_ARB-1 */ statePaletteMatNum integer; /* <stateProgramMatNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB-1 */ stateProgramMatNum integer; /* <programSingleItem> ::= <progEnvParam> | <progLocalParam> NOTE: <programSingleItem> has been modified for correct error handling. If program property is neither "env" nor "local" INVALID_PROGRAM_PROPERTY is generated. */ programSingleItem "program" .and dot .and programSingleItem_1 .error INVALID_PROGRAM_PROPERTY; programSingleItem_1 progEnvParam .or progLocalParam; /* <programMultipleItem> ::= <progEnvParams> | <progLocalParams> NOTE: <programMultipleItem> has been modified for correct error handling. If program property is neither "env" nor "local" INVALID_PROGRAM_PROPERTY is generated. */ programMultipleItem "program" .and dot .and programMultipleItem_1 .error INVALID_PROGRAM_PROPERTY; programMultipleItem_1 progEnvParams .or progLocalParams; /* <progEnvParams> ::= "program" "." "env" "[" <progEnvParamNums> "]" NOTE: "program" "." has been moved to <programMultipleItem>. */ progEnvParams "env" .emit PROGRAM_PARAM_ENV .and lbracket .and progEnvParamNums .and rbracket; /* <progEnvParamNums> ::= <progEnvParamNum> | <progEnvParamNum> ".." <progEnvParamNum> */ progEnvParamNums progEnvParamNums_1 .or progEnvParamNums_2; progEnvParamNums_1 progEnvParamNum .and dotdot_ne .and progEnvParamNum; progEnvParamNums_2 progEnvParamNum .and .true .emit 0x00; /* <progEnvParam> ::= "program" "." "env" "[" <progEnvParamNum> "]" NOTE: "program" "." has been moved to <programSingleItem>. */ progEnvParam "env" .emit PROGRAM_PARAM_ENV .and lbracket .and progEnvParamNum .and rbracket .emit 0x00; /* <progLocalParams> ::= "program" "." "local" "[" <progLocalParamNums> "]" NOTE: "program" "." has been moved to <programMultipleItem>. */ progLocalParams "local" .emit PROGRAM_PARAM_LOCAL .and lbracket .and progLocalParamNums .and rbracket; /* <progLocalParamNums> ::= <progLocalParamNum> | <progLocalParamNum> ".." <progLocalParamNum> */ progLocalParamNums progLocalParamNums_1 .or progLocalParamNums_2; progLocalParamNums_1 progLocalParamNum .and dotdot_ne .and progLocalParamNum; progLocalParamNums_2 progLocalParamNum .and .true .emit 0x00; /* <progLocalParam> ::= "program" "." "local" "[" <progLocalParamNum> "]" NOTE: "program" "." has been moved to <programSingleItem>. */ progLocalParam "local" .emit PROGRAM_PARAM_LOCAL .and lbracket .and progLocalParamNum .and rbracket .emit 0x00; /* <progEnvParamNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB - 1 */ progEnvParamNum integer; /* <progLocalParamNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB - 1 */ progLocalParamNum integer; /* <paramConstDecl> ::= <paramConstScalarDecl> | <paramConstVector> */ paramConstDecl paramConstScalarDecl .emit CONSTANT_SCALAR .or paramConstVector .emit CONSTANT_VECTOR; /* <paramConstUse> ::= <paramConstScalarUse> | <paramConstVector> */ paramConstUse paramConstScalarUse .emit CONSTANT_SCALAR .or paramConstVector .emit CONSTANT_VECTOR; /* <paramConstScalarDecl> ::= <signedFloatConstant> */ paramConstScalarDecl signedFloatConstant; /* <paramConstScalarUse> ::= <floatConstant> */ paramConstScalarUse floatConstant; /* <paramConstVector> ::= "{" <signedFloatConstant> "}" | "{" <signedFloatConstant> "," <signedFloatConstant> "}" | "{" <signedFloatConstant> "," <signedFloatConstant> "," <signedFloatConstant> "}" | "{" <signedFloatConstant> "," <signedFloatConstant> "," <signedFloatConstant> "," <signedFloatConstant> "}" */ paramConstVector paramConstVector_4 .emit 0x04 .or paramConstVector_3 .emit 0x03 .or paramConstVector_2 .emit 0x02 .or paramConstVector_1 .emit 0x01; paramConstVector_1 lbrace_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and rbrace; paramConstVector_2 lbrace_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and comma_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and rbrace; paramConstVector_3 lbrace_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and comma_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and comma_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and rbrace; paramConstVector_4 lbrace_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and comma_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and comma_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and comma_ne .and signedFloatConstant .and rbrace; /* <signedFloatConstant> ::= <optionalSign> <floatConstant> */ signedFloatConstant optionalSign .and floatConstant; /* <floatConstant> ::= see text The <floatConstant> rule matches a floating-point constant consisting of an integer part, a decimal point, a fraction part, an "e" or "E", and an optionally signed integer exponent. The integer and fraction parts both consist of a sequence of one or more digits ("0" through "9"). Either the integer part or the fraction parts (not both) may be missing; either the decimal point or the "e" (or "E") and the exponent (not both) may be missing. */ floatConstant float; /* <optionalSign> ::= "" | "-" | "+" */ optionalSign optional_sign_ne; /* <TEMP_statement> ::= "TEMP" <varNameList> */ fp_TEMP_statement "TEMP" .and space .and fp_varNameList .and .true .emit 0x00; vp_TEMP_statement "TEMP" .and space .and vp_varNameList .and .true .emit 0x00; /* vertex program <ADDRESS_statement> ::= "ADDRESS" <varNameList> */ ADDRESS_statement "ADDRESS" .and space .and vp_varNameList .and .true .emit 0x00; /* <varNameList> ::= <establishName> | <establishName> "," <varNameList> */ fp_varNameList fp_varNameList_1 .or fp_establishName; vp_varNameList vp_varNameList_1 .or vp_establishName; fp_varNameList_1 fp_establishName .and comma_ne .and fp_varNameList; vp_varNameList_1 vp_establishName .and comma_ne .and vp_varNameList; /* <OUTPUT_statement> ::= "OUTPUT" <establishName> "=" <resultBinding> */ fp_OUTPUT_statement "OUTPUT" .and space .and fp_establishName .and equal .and fp_resultBinding .error RESULT_EXPECTED; vp_OUTPUT_statement "OUTPUT" .and space .and vp_establishName .and equal .and vp_resultBinding .error RESULT_EXPECTED; /* fragment program <resultBinding> ::= "result" "." "color" | "result" "." "depth" vertex program <resultBinding> ::= "result" "." "position" | "result" "." <resultColBinding> | "result" "." "fogcoord" | "result" "." "pointsize" | "result" "." "texcoord" <optTexCoordNum> */ fp_resultBinding "result" .and dot .and fp_resultBinding_1 .error INVALID_RESULT_PROPERTY; vp_resultBinding "result" .and dot .and vp_resultBinding_1 .error INVALID_RESULT_PROPERTY; fp_resultBinding_1 "color" .emit FRAGMENT_RESULT_COLOR .or "depth" .emit FRAGMENT_RESULT_DEPTH; vp_resultBinding_1 .if (ARB_position_invariant == 0x00) "position" .emit VERTEX_RESULT_POSITION .or resultColBinding .emit VERTEX_RESULT_COLOR .or "fogcoord" .emit VERTEX_RESULT_FOGCOORD .or "pointsize" .emit VERTEX_RESULT_POINTSIZE .or vp_resultBinding_2 .emit VERTEX_RESULT_TEXCOORD; vp_resultBinding_2 "texcoord" .and optTexCoordNum; /* vertex program <resultColBinding> ::= "color" <optFaceType> <optColorType> */ resultColBinding "color" .and optFaceType .and optColorType; /* <optFaceType> ::= "" | "." "front" | "." "back" */ optFaceType FaceType .or .true .emit FACE_FRONT; FaceType dot_ne .and FaceProperty; FaceProperty "front" .emit FACE_FRONT .or "back" .emit FACE_BACK; /* <optColorType> ::= "" | "." "primary" | "." "secondary" */ optColorType ColorType .or .true .emit COLOR_PRIMARY; ColorType dot_ne .and ColorProperty; ColorProperty "primary" .emit COLOR_PRIMARY .or .if (secondary_color != 0x00) "secondary" .emit COLOR_SECONDARY; /* <ALIAS_statement> ::= "ALIAS" <establishName> "=" <establishedName> */ fp_ALIAS_statement "ALIAS" .and fp_ALIAS_statement_1 .error IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED .and equal .and fp_establishedName; vp_ALIAS_statement "ALIAS" .and vp_ALIAS_statement_1 .error IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED .and equal .and vp_establishedName; fp_ALIAS_statement_1 space .and fp_establishName; vp_ALIAS_statement_1 space .and vp_establishName; /* <establishName> ::= <identifier> */ fp_establishName fp_identifier; vp_establishName vp_identifier; /* <establishedName> ::= <identifier> */ fp_establishedName fp_identifier; vp_establishedName vp_identifier; fp_establishedName_no_error_on_identifier fp_identifier_ne; vp_establishedName_no_error_on_identifier vp_identifier_ne; /* fragment program <identifier> ::= see text The <identifier> rule matches a sequence of one or more letters ("A" through "Z", "a" through "z"), digits ("0" through "9), underscores ("_"), or dollar signs ("$"); the first character must not be a number. Upper and lower case letters are considered different (names are case-sensitive). The following strings are reserved keywords and may not be used as identifiers: ABS, ABS_SAT, ADD, ADD_SAT, ALIAS, ATTRIB, CMP, CMP_SAT, COS, COS_SAT, DP3, DP3_SAT, DP4, DP4_SAT, DPH, DPH_SAT, DST, DST_SAT, END, EX2, EX2_SAT, FLR, FLR_SAT, FRC, FRC_SAT, KIL, LG2, LG2_SAT, LIT, LIT_SAT, LRP, LRP_SAT, MAD, MAD_SAT, MAX, MAX_SAT, MIN, MIN_SAT, MOV, MOV_SAT, MUL, MUL_SAT, OPTION, OUTPUT, PARAM, POW, POW_SAT, RCP, RCP_SAT, RSQ, RSQ_SAT, SIN, SIN_SAT, SCS, SCS_SAT, SGE, SGE_SAT, SLT, SLT_SAT, SUB, SUB_SAT, SWZ, SWZ_SAT, TEMP, TEX, TEX_SAT, TXB, TXB_SAT, TXP, TXP_SAT, XPD, XPD_SAT, fragment, program, result, state, and texture. vertex program <identifier> ::= see text The <identifier> rule matches a sequence of one or more letters ("A" through "Z", "a" through "z"), digits ("0" through "9), underscores ("_"), or dollar signs ("$"); the first character must not be a number. Upper and lower case letters are considered different (names are case-sensitive). The following strings are reserved keywords and may not be used as identifiers: ABS, ADD, ADDRESS, ALIAS, ARL, ATTRIB, DP3, DP4, DPH, DST, END, EX2, EXP, FLR, FRC, LG2, LIT, LOG, MAD, MAX, MIN, MOV, MUL, OPTION, OUTPUT, PARAM, POW, RCP, RSQ, SGE, SLT, SUB, SWZ, TEMP, XPD, program, result, state, and vertex. */ fp_identifier fp_identifier_ne .error IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED; vp_identifier vp_identifier_ne .error IDENTIFIER_EXPECTED; fp_identifier_ne fp_not_reserved_identifier .and identifier_ne; vp_identifier_ne vp_not_reserved_identifier .and identifier_ne; fp_not_reserved_identifier fp_not_reserved_identifier_1 .or .true; fp_not_reserved_identifier_1 fp_reserved_identifier .and .false .error RESERVED_KEYWORD; vp_not_reserved_identifier vp_not_reserved_identifier_1 .or .true; vp_not_reserved_identifier_1 vp_reserved_identifier .and .false .error RESERVED_KEYWORD; fp_reserved_identifier "ABS" .or "ABS_SAT" .or "ADD" .or "ADD_SAT" .or "ALIAS" .or "ATTRIB" .or "CMP" .or "CMP_SAT" .or "COS" .or "COS_SAT" .or "DP3" .or "DP3_SAT" .or "DP4" .or "DP4_SAT" .or "DPH" .or "DPH_SAT" .or "DST" .or "DST_SAT" .or "END" .or "EX2" .or "EX2_SAT" .or "FLR" .or "FLR_SAT" .or "FRC" .or "FRC_SAT" .or "KIL" .or "LG2" .or "LG2_SAT" .or "LIT" .or "LIT_SAT" .or "LRP" .or "LRP_SAT" .or "MAD" .or "MAD_SAT" .or "MAX" .or "MAX_SAT" .or "MIN" .or "MIN_SAT" .or "MOV" .or "MOV_SAT" .or "MUL" .or "MUL_SAT" .or "OPTION" .or "OUTPUT" .or "PARAM" .or "POW" .or "POW_SAT" .or "RCP" .or "RCP_SAT" .or "RSQ" .or "RSQ_SAT" .or "SIN" .or "SIN_SAT" .or "SCS" .or "SCS_SAT" .or "SGE" .or "SGE_SAT" .or "SLT" .or "SLT_SAT" .or "SUB" .or "SUB_SAT" .or "SWZ" .or "SWZ_SAT" .or "TEMP" .or "TEX" .or "TEX_SAT" .or "TXB" .or "TXB_SAT" .or "TXP" .or "TXP_SAT" .or "XPD" .or "XPD_SAT" .or "fragment" .or "program" .or "result" .or "state" .or "texture"; vp_reserved_identifier "ABS" .or "ADD" .or "ADDRESS" .or "ALIAS" .or "ARL" .or "ATTRIB" .or "DP3" .or "DP4" .or "DPH" .or "DST" .or "END" .or "EX2" .or "EXP" .or "FLR" .or "FRC" .or "LG2" .or "LIT" .or "LOG" .or "MAD" .or "MAX" .or "MIN" .or "MOV" .or "MUL" .or "OPTION" .or "OUTPUT" .or "PARAM" .or "POW" .or "RCP" .or "RSQ" .or "SGE" .or "SLT" .or "SUB" .or "SWZ" .or "TEMP" .or "XPD" .or "program" .or "result" .or "state" .or "vertex"; /* The <integer> rule matches an integer constant. The integer consists of a sequence of one or more digits ("0" through "9"). */ integer integer_ne .error INTEGER_EXPECTED; zero '0'; leading_zeroes .loop zero; no_digit no_digit_1 .or .true; no_digit_1 digit10 .and .false .error INTEGER_OUT_OF_RANGE; all_zeroes all_zeroes_1 .or no_digit_1; all_zeroes_1 '0' .and .loop zero .and no_digit; integer_0_3 integer_0_3_1 .error INTEGER_EXPECTED .and .true .emit 0x00 .emit $; integer_0_3_1 integer_0_3_2 .or all_zeroes .emit '0'; integer_0_3_2 /* [1, 3] */ leading_zeroes .and '1'-'3' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_63 integer_0_63_1 .error INTEGER_EXPECTED .and .true .emit 0x00 .emit $; integer_0_63_1 integer_0_63_2 .or integer_0_63_3 .or integer_0_63_4 .or integer_0_63_5 .or all_zeroes .emit '0'; integer_0_63_2 /* [7, 9] */ leading_zeroes .and '7'-'9' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_63_3 /* [10, 59] */ leading_zeroes .and '1'-'5' .emit * .and '0'-'9' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_63_4 /* [60, 63] */ leading_zeroes .and '6' .emit * .and '0'-'3' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_63_5 /* [1, 6] */ leading_zeroes .and '1'-'6' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_64 integer_0_64_1 .error INTEGER_EXPECTED .and .true .emit 0x00 .emit $; integer_0_64_1 integer_0_64_2 .or integer_0_64_3 .or integer_0_64_4 .or integer_0_64_5 .or all_zeroes .emit '0'; integer_0_64_2 /* [7, 9] */ leading_zeroes .and '7'-'9' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_64_3 /* [10, 59] */ leading_zeroes .and '1'-'5' .emit * .and '0'-'9' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_64_4 /* [60, 64] */ leading_zeroes .and '6' .emit * .and '0'-'4' .emit * .and no_digit; integer_0_64_5 /* [1, 6] */ leading_zeroes .and '1'-'6' .emit * .and no_digit; optional_space space .or .true; space_dst space .error OPERATION_NEEDS_DESTINATION_VARIABLE; space_src space .error OPERATION_NEEDS_SOURCE_VARIABLE; space single_space .and .loop single_space; single_space white_char .or comment_block; white_char ' ' .or '\t' .or '\n' .or '\r'; comment_block '#' .and .loop comment_char .and new_line; /* All ASCII characters except '\r', '\n' and '\0' */ comment_char '\x0E'-'\xFF' .or '\x01'-'\x09' .or '\x0B'-'\x0C'; new_line '\n' .or crlf .or '\0'; crlf '\r' .and '\n'; semicolon optional_space .and ';' .error MISSING_SEMICOLON .and optional_space; comma optional_space .and ',' .error MISSING_COMMA .and optional_space; comma_ne optional_space .and ',' .and optional_space; lbracket optional_space .and '[' .error MISSING_LBRACKET .and optional_space; lbracket_ne optional_space .and '[' .and optional_space; rbracket optional_space .and ']' .error MISSING_RBRACKET .and optional_space; dot optional_space .and '.' .error MISSING_DOT .and optional_space; dot_ne optional_space .and '.' .and optional_space; equal optional_space .and '=' .error MISSING_EQUAL .and optional_space; lbrace optional_space .and '{' .error MISSING_LBRACE .and optional_space; lbrace_ne optional_space .and '{' .and optional_space; rbrace optional_space .and '}' .error MISSING_RBRACE .and optional_space; dotdot optional_space .and '.' .and '.' .error MISSING_DOTDOT .and optional_space; dotdot_ne optional_space .and '.' .and '.' .and optional_space; /* The definition below accepts the following floating point number formats: .99 .99e99 99. 99.99 99.99e99 99.e99 99e99 Also 99 format was considered and accepted because of a large number of existing program strings with such a format. */ float float_1 .or float_2 .or float_legacy; float_1 '.' .emit 0x00 .and integer_ne .error MISSING_FRACTION_OR_EXPONENT .and optional_exponent; float_2 integer_ne .and float_3; float_3 float_4 .or float_5; float_4 '.' .and optional_integer .and optional_exponent; float_5 exponent .emit 0x00; float_legacy integer_ne .and .true .emit 0x00 .emit 0x00; /* Below is a correct version of <float> definiton. */ /* float float_1 .or float_2; float_1 '.' .emit 0x00 .and integer_ne .error MISSING_FRACTION_OR_EXPONENT .and optional_exponent; float_2 integer_ne .and float_3 .error MISSING_DOT_OR_EXPONENT; float_3 float_4 .or float_5; float_4 '.' .and optional_integer .and optional_exponent; float_5 exponent .emit 0x00; */ integer_ne integer_ne_1 .and .true .emit 0x00 .emit $; integer_ne_1 digit10 .emit * .and .loop digit10 .emit *; optional_integer integer_ne .or .true .emit 0x00; /* NOTE: If exponent part is omited we treat it as if it was "E+1". */ optional_exponent exponent .or .true .emit 0x00; exponent exponent_1 .and optional_sign_ne .and integer_ne .error EXPONENT_VALUE_EXPECTED; exponent_1 'e' .or 'E'; optional_sign_ne minus_ne .or plus_ne .or .true; plus_ne optional_space .and '+' .and optional_space; minus_ne optional_space .and '-' .emit '-' .and optional_space; identifier_ne first_idchar .emit * .and .loop follow_idchar .emit * .and .true .emit 0x00 .emit $; follow_idchar first_idchar .or digit10; first_idchar 'a'-'z' .or 'A'-'Z' .or '_' .or '$'; digit10 '0'-'9'; /* string filtering - if a string is encountered in grammar ("blabla"), the symbol below is executed to create the string. The symbol must not throw any errors and emit bytes - it should stop if it encounters invalid character. After this the resulting string (from starting position up to the invalid character (but without it) is compared with the grammar string. */ .string __string_filter; __string_filter .loop __identifier_char; __identifier_char 'a'-'z' .or 'A'-'Z' .or '_' .or '$' .or '0'-'9'; /* error token filtering */ e_signature e_signature_char .and .loop e_signature_char; e_signature_char '!' .or '.' .or 'A'-'Z' .or 'a'-'z' .or '0'-'9'; e_statement .loop e_statement_not_term; /* All ASCII characters to one of '\r', '\n', '\0' and ';' */ e_statement_not_term '\x3C'-'\xFF' .or '\x0E'-'\x3A' .or '\x01'-'\x09' .or '\x0B'-'\x0C'; e_identifier e_identifier_first .and .loop e_identifier_next; e_identifier_first 'a'-'z' .or 'A'-'Z' .or '_' .or '$'; e_identifier_next e_identifier_first .or '0'-'9'; e_token e_identifier .or e_token_number .or '[' .or ']' .or '.' .or '{' .or '}' .or '=' .or '+' .or '-' .or ',' .or ';'; e_token_number e_token_digit .and .loop e_token_digit; e_token_digit '0'-'9'; e_charordigit 'A'-'Z' .or 'a'-'z' .or '0'-'9';