/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 7.3 * * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * \file prog_print.c * Print vertex/fragment programs - for debugging. * \author Brian Paul */ #include "main/glheader.h" #include "main/context.h" #include "main/imports.h" #include "prog_instruction.h" #include "prog_parameter.h" #include "prog_print.h" #include "prog_statevars.h" /** * Return string name for given program/register file. */ static const char * file_string(enum register_file f, gl_prog_print_mode mode) { switch (f) { case PROGRAM_TEMPORARY: return "TEMP"; case PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAM: return "LOCAL"; case PROGRAM_ENV_PARAM: return "ENV"; case PROGRAM_STATE_VAR: return "STATE"; case PROGRAM_INPUT: return "INPUT"; case PROGRAM_OUTPUT: return "OUTPUT"; case PROGRAM_NAMED_PARAM: return "NAMED"; case PROGRAM_CONSTANT: return "CONST"; case PROGRAM_UNIFORM: return "UNIFORM"; case PROGRAM_VARYING: return "VARYING"; case PROGRAM_WRITE_ONLY: return "WRITE_ONLY"; case PROGRAM_ADDRESS: return "ADDR"; case PROGRAM_SAMPLER: return "SAMPLER"; default: return "Unknown program file!"; } } /** * Return ARB_v/f_prog-style input attrib string. */ static const char * arb_input_attrib_string(GLint index, GLenum progType) { const char *vertAttribs[] = { "vertex.position", "vertex.weight", "vertex.normal", "vertex.color.primary", "vertex.color.secondary", "vertex.fogcoord", "vertex.(six)", "vertex.(seven)", "vertex.texcoord[0]", "vertex.texcoord[1]", "vertex.texcoord[2]", "vertex.texcoord[3]", "vertex.texcoord[4]", "vertex.texcoord[5]", "vertex.texcoord[6]", "vertex.texcoord[7]", "vertex.attrib[0]", "vertex.attrib[1]", "vertex.attrib[2]", "vertex.attrib[3]", "vertex.attrib[4]", "vertex.attrib[5]", "vertex.attrib[6]", "vertex.attrib[7]", "vertex.attrib[8]", "vertex.attrib[9]", "vertex.attrib[10]", "vertex.attrib[11]", "vertex.attrib[12]", "vertex.attrib[13]", "vertex.attrib[14]", "vertex.attrib[15]" }; const char *fragAttribs[] = { "fragment.position", "fragment.color.primary", "fragment.color.secondary", "fragment.fogcoord", "fragment.texcoord[0]", "fragment.texcoord[1]", "fragment.texcoord[2]", "fragment.texcoord[3]", "fragment.texcoord[4]", "fragment.texcoord[5]", "fragment.texcoord[6]", "fragment.texcoord[7]", "fragment.varying[0]", "fragment.varying[1]", "fragment.varying[2]", "fragment.varying[3]", "fragment.varying[4]", "fragment.varying[5]", "fragment.varying[6]", "fragment.varying[7]" }; if (progType == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) { assert(index < sizeof(vertAttribs) / sizeof(vertAttribs[0])); return vertAttribs[index]; } else { assert(index < sizeof(fragAttribs) / sizeof(fragAttribs[0])); return fragAttribs[index]; } } /** * Return ARB_v/f_prog-style output attrib string. */ static const char * arb_output_attrib_string(GLint index, GLenum progType) { const char *vertResults[] = { "result.position", "result.color.primary", "result.color.secondary", "result.fogcoord", "result.texcoord[0]", "result.texcoord[1]", "result.texcoord[2]", "result.texcoord[3]", "result.texcoord[4]", "result.texcoord[5]", "result.texcoord[6]", "result.texcoord[7]", "result.varying[0]", "result.varying[1]", "result.varying[2]", "result.varying[3]", "result.varying[4]", "result.varying[5]", "result.varying[6]", "result.varying[7]" }; const char *fragResults[] = { "result.color", "result.depth" }; if (progType == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) { assert(index < sizeof(vertResults) / sizeof(vertResults[0])); return vertResults[index]; } else { assert(index < sizeof(fragResults) / sizeof(fragResults[0])); return fragResults[index]; } } /** * Return string representation of the given register. * Note that some types of registers (like PROGRAM_UNIFORM) aren't defined * by the ARB/NV program languages so we've taken some liberties here. * \param file the register file (PROGRAM_INPUT, PROGRAM_TEMPORARY, etc) * \param index number of the register in the register file * \param mode the output format/mode/style * \param prog pointer to containing program */ static const char * reg_string(enum register_file f, GLint index, gl_prog_print_mode mode, GLboolean relAddr, const struct gl_program *prog) { static char str[100]; str[0] = 0; switch (mode) { case PROG_PRINT_DEBUG: if (relAddr) sprintf(str, "%s[ADDR%s%d]", file_string(f, mode), (index > 0) ? "+" : "", index); else sprintf(str, "%s[%d]", file_string(f, mode), index); break; case PROG_PRINT_ARB: switch (f) { case PROGRAM_INPUT: sprintf(str, "%s", arb_input_attrib_string(index, prog->Target)); break; case PROGRAM_OUTPUT: sprintf(str, "%s", arb_output_attrib_string(index, prog->Target)); break; case PROGRAM_TEMPORARY: sprintf(str, "temp%d", index); break; case PROGRAM_ENV_PARAM: sprintf(str, "program.env[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAM: sprintf(str, "program.local[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_VARYING: /* extension */ sprintf(str, "varying[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_CONSTANT: /* extension */ sprintf(str, "constant[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_UNIFORM: /* extension */ sprintf(str, "uniform[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_STATE_VAR: { struct gl_program_parameter *param = prog->Parameters->Parameters + index; char *state = _mesa_program_state_string(param->StateIndexes); sprintf(str, state); _mesa_free(state); } break; case PROGRAM_ADDRESS: sprintf(str, "A%d", index); break; default: _mesa_problem(NULL, "bad file in reg_string()"); } break; case PROG_PRINT_NV: switch (f) { case PROGRAM_INPUT: if (prog->Target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) sprintf(str, "v[%d]", index); else sprintf(str, "f[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_OUTPUT: sprintf(str, "o[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_TEMPORARY: sprintf(str, "R%d", index); break; case PROGRAM_ENV_PARAM: sprintf(str, "c[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_VARYING: /* extension */ sprintf(str, "varying[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_UNIFORM: /* extension */ sprintf(str, "uniform[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_CONSTANT: /* extension */ sprintf(str, "constant[%d]", index); break; case PROGRAM_STATE_VAR: /* extension */ sprintf(str, "state[%d]", index); break; default: _mesa_problem(NULL, "bad file in reg_string()"); } break; default: _mesa_problem(NULL, "bad mode in reg_string()"); } return str; } /** * Return a string representation of the given swizzle word. * If extended is true, use extended (comma-separated) format. * \param swizzle the swizzle field * \param negateBase 4-bit negation vector * \param extended if true, also allow 0, 1 values */ const char * _mesa_swizzle_string(GLuint swizzle, GLuint negateBase, GLboolean extended) { static const char swz[] = "xyzw01!?"; /* See SWIZZLE_x definitions */ static char s[20]; GLuint i = 0; if (!extended && swizzle == SWIZZLE_NOOP && negateBase == 0) return ""; /* no swizzle/negation */ if (!extended) s[i++] = '.'; if (negateBase & NEGATE_X) s[i++] = '-'; s[i++] = swz[GET_SWZ(swizzle, 0)]; if (extended) { s[i++] = ','; } if (negateBase & NEGATE_Y) s[i++] = '-'; s[i++] = swz[GET_SWZ(swizzle, 1)]; if (extended) { s[i++] = ','; } if (negateBase & NEGATE_Z) s[i++] = '-'; s[i++] = swz[GET_SWZ(swizzle, 2)]; if (extended) { s[i++] = ','; } if (negateBase & NEGATE_W) s[i++] = '-'; s[i++] = swz[GET_SWZ(swizzle, 3)]; s[i] = 0; return s; } void _mesa_print_swizzle(GLuint swizzle) { if (swizzle == SWIZZLE_XYZW) { _mesa_printf(".xyzw\n"); } else { const char *s = _mesa_swizzle_string(swizzle, 0, 0); _mesa_printf("%s\n", s); } } static const char * writemask_string(GLuint writeMask) { static char s[10]; GLuint i = 0; if (writeMask == WRITEMASK_XYZW) return ""; s[i++] = '.'; if (writeMask & WRITEMASK_X) s[i++] = 'x'; if (writeMask & WRITEMASK_Y) s[i++] = 'y'; if (writeMask & WRITEMASK_Z) s[i++] = 'z'; if (writeMask & WRITEMASK_W) s[i++] = 'w'; s[i] = 0; return s; } const char * _mesa_condcode_string(GLuint condcode) { switch (condcode) { case COND_GT: return "GT"; case COND_EQ: return "EQ"; case COND_LT: return "LT"; case COND_UN: return "UN"; case COND_GE: return "GE"; case COND_LE: return "LE"; case COND_NE: return "NE"; case COND_TR: return "TR"; case COND_FL: return "FL"; default: return "cond???"; } } static void print_dst_reg(const struct prog_dst_register *dstReg, gl_prog_print_mode mode, const struct gl_program *prog) { _mesa_printf("%s%s", reg_string((enum register_file) dstReg->File, dstReg->Index, mode, dstReg->RelAddr, prog), writemask_string(dstReg->WriteMask)); if (dstReg->CondMask != COND_TR) { _mesa_printf(" (%s.%s)", _mesa_condcode_string(dstReg->CondMask), _mesa_swizzle_string(dstReg->CondSwizzle, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE)); } #if 0 _mesa_printf("%s[%d]%s", file_string((enum register_file) dstReg->File, mode), dstReg->Index, writemask_string(dstReg->WriteMask)); #endif } static void print_src_reg(const struct prog_src_register *srcReg, gl_prog_print_mode mode, const struct gl_program *prog) { _mesa_printf("%s%s", reg_string((enum register_file) srcReg->File, srcReg->Index, mode, srcReg->RelAddr, prog), _mesa_swizzle_string(srcReg->Swizzle, srcReg->NegateBase, GL_FALSE)); #if 0 _mesa_printf("%s[%d]%s", file_string((enum register_file) srcReg->File, mode), srcReg->Index, _mesa_swizzle_string(srcReg->Swizzle, srcReg->NegateBase, GL_FALSE)); #endif } static void print_comment(const struct prog_instruction *inst) { if (inst->Comment) _mesa_printf("; # %s\n", inst->Comment); else _mesa_printf(";\n"); } static void print_alu_instruction(const struct prog_instruction *inst, const char *opcode_string, GLuint numRegs, gl_prog_print_mode mode, const struct gl_program *prog) { GLuint j; _mesa_printf("%s", opcode_string); if (inst->CondUpdate) _mesa_printf(".C"); /* frag prog only */ if (inst->SaturateMode == SATURATE_ZERO_ONE) _mesa_printf("_SAT"); _mesa_printf(" "); if (inst->DstReg.File != PROGRAM_UNDEFINED) { print_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, mode, prog); } else { _mesa_printf(" ???"); } if (numRegs > 0) _mesa_printf(", "); for (j = 0; j < numRegs; j++) { print_src_reg(inst->SrcReg + j, mode, prog); if (j + 1 < numRegs) _mesa_printf(", "); } print_comment(inst); } void _mesa_print_alu_instruction(const struct prog_instruction *inst, const char *opcode_string, GLuint numRegs) { print_alu_instruction(inst, opcode_string, numRegs, PROG_PRINT_DEBUG, NULL); } void _mesa_print_instruction(const struct prog_instruction *inst) { /* note: 4th param should be ignored for PROG_PRINT_DEBUG */ _mesa_print_instruction_opt(inst, 0, PROG_PRINT_DEBUG, NULL); } /** * Print a single vertex/fragment program instruction. */ GLint _mesa_print_instruction_opt(const struct prog_instruction *inst, GLint indent, gl_prog_print_mode mode, const struct gl_program *prog) { GLint i; if (inst->Opcode == OPCODE_ELSE || inst->Opcode == OPCODE_ENDIF || inst->Opcode == OPCODE_ENDLOOP || inst->Opcode == OPCODE_ENDSUB) { indent -= 3; } for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) { _mesa_printf(" "); } switch (inst->Opcode) { case OPCODE_PRINT: _mesa_printf("PRINT '%s'", inst->Data); if (inst->SrcReg[0].File != PROGRAM_UNDEFINED) { _mesa_printf(", "); _mesa_printf("%s[%d]%s", file_string((enum register_file) inst->SrcReg[0].File, mode), inst->SrcReg[0].Index, _mesa_swizzle_string(inst->SrcReg[0].Swizzle, inst->SrcReg[0].NegateBase, GL_FALSE)); } if (inst->Comment) _mesa_printf(" # %s", inst->Comment); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_SWZ: _mesa_printf("SWZ"); if (inst->SaturateMode == SATURATE_ZERO_ONE) _mesa_printf("_SAT"); _mesa_printf(" "); print_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, mode, prog); _mesa_printf(", %s[%d], %s", file_string((enum register_file) inst->SrcReg[0].File, mode), inst->SrcReg[0].Index, _mesa_swizzle_string(inst->SrcReg[0].Swizzle, inst->SrcReg[0].NegateBase, GL_TRUE)); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_TEX: case OPCODE_TXP: case OPCODE_TXL: case OPCODE_TXB: _mesa_printf("%s", _mesa_opcode_string(inst->Opcode)); if (inst->SaturateMode == SATURATE_ZERO_ONE) _mesa_printf("_SAT"); _mesa_printf(" "); print_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, mode, prog); _mesa_printf(", "); print_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], mode, prog); _mesa_printf(", texture[%d], ", inst->TexSrcUnit); switch (inst->TexSrcTarget) { case TEXTURE_1D_INDEX: _mesa_printf("1D"); break; case TEXTURE_2D_INDEX: _mesa_printf("2D"); break; case TEXTURE_3D_INDEX: _mesa_printf("3D"); break; case TEXTURE_CUBE_INDEX: _mesa_printf("CUBE"); break; case TEXTURE_RECT_INDEX: _mesa_printf("RECT"); break; default: ; } print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_KIL: _mesa_printf("%s", _mesa_opcode_string(inst->Opcode)); _mesa_printf(" "); print_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], mode, prog); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_KIL_NV: _mesa_printf("%s", _mesa_opcode_string(inst->Opcode)); _mesa_printf(" "); _mesa_printf("%s.%s", _mesa_condcode_string(inst->DstReg.CondMask), _mesa_swizzle_string(inst->DstReg.CondSwizzle, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE)); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_ARL: _mesa_printf("ARL "); print_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, mode, prog); _mesa_printf(", "); print_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], mode, prog); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_BRA: _mesa_printf("BRA %d (%s%s)", inst->BranchTarget, _mesa_condcode_string(inst->DstReg.CondMask), _mesa_swizzle_string(inst->DstReg.CondSwizzle, 0, GL_FALSE)); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_IF: if (inst->SrcReg[0].File != PROGRAM_UNDEFINED) { /* Use ordinary register */ _mesa_printf("IF "); print_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], mode, prog); _mesa_printf("; "); } else { /* Use cond codes */ _mesa_printf("IF (%s%s);", _mesa_condcode_string(inst->DstReg.CondMask), _mesa_swizzle_string(inst->DstReg.CondSwizzle, 0, GL_FALSE)); } _mesa_printf(" # (if false, goto %d)", inst->BranchTarget); print_comment(inst); return indent + 3; case OPCODE_ELSE: _mesa_printf("ELSE; # (goto %d)\n", inst->BranchTarget); return indent + 3; case OPCODE_ENDIF: _mesa_printf("ENDIF;\n"); break; case OPCODE_BGNLOOP: _mesa_printf("BGNLOOP; # (end at %d)\n", inst->BranchTarget); return indent + 3; case OPCODE_ENDLOOP: _mesa_printf("ENDLOOP; # (goto %d)\n", inst->BranchTarget); break; case OPCODE_BRK: case OPCODE_CONT: _mesa_printf("%s (%s%s); # (goto %d)", _mesa_opcode_string(inst->Opcode), _mesa_condcode_string(inst->DstReg.CondMask), _mesa_swizzle_string(inst->DstReg.CondSwizzle, 0, GL_FALSE), inst->BranchTarget); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_BGNSUB: if (mode == PROG_PRINT_NV) { _mesa_printf("%s:\n", inst->Comment); /* comment is label */ return indent; } else { _mesa_printf("BGNSUB"); print_comment(inst); return indent + 3; } case OPCODE_ENDSUB: if (mode == PROG_PRINT_DEBUG) { _mesa_printf("ENDSUB"); print_comment(inst); } break; case OPCODE_CAL: if (mode == PROG_PRINT_NV) { _mesa_printf("CAL %s; # (goto %d)\n", inst->Comment, inst->BranchTarget); } else { _mesa_printf("CAL %u", inst->BranchTarget); print_comment(inst); } break; case OPCODE_RET: _mesa_printf("RET (%s%s)", _mesa_condcode_string(inst->DstReg.CondMask), _mesa_swizzle_string(inst->DstReg.CondSwizzle, 0, GL_FALSE)); print_comment(inst); break; case OPCODE_END: _mesa_printf("END\n"); break; case OPCODE_NOP: if (mode == PROG_PRINT_DEBUG) { _mesa_printf("NOP"); print_comment(inst); } else if (inst->Comment) { /* ARB/NV extensions don't have NOP instruction */ _mesa_printf("# %s\n", inst->Comment); } break; /* XXX may need other special-case instructions */ default: /* typical alu instruction */ print_alu_instruction(inst, _mesa_opcode_string(inst->Opcode), _mesa_num_inst_src_regs(inst->Opcode), mode, prog); break; } return indent; } /** * Print program to stdout, default options. */ void _mesa_print_program(const struct gl_program *prog) { _mesa_print_program_opt(prog, PROG_PRINT_DEBUG, GL_TRUE); } /** * Print program, with options. */ void _mesa_print_program_opt(const struct gl_program *prog, gl_prog_print_mode mode, GLboolean lineNumbers) { GLuint i, indent = 0; switch (prog->Target) { case GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB: if (mode == PROG_PRINT_ARB) _mesa_printf("!!ARBvp1.0\n"); else if (mode == PROG_PRINT_NV) _mesa_printf("!!VP1.0\n"); else _mesa_printf("# Vertex Program/Shader\n"); break; case GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB: case GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV: if (mode == PROG_PRINT_ARB) _mesa_printf("!!ARBfp1.0\n"); else if (mode == PROG_PRINT_NV) _mesa_printf("!!FP1.0\n"); else _mesa_printf("# Fragment Program/Shader\n"); break; } for (i = 0; i < prog->NumInstructions; i++) { if (lineNumbers) _mesa_printf("%3d: ", i); indent = _mesa_print_instruction_opt(prog->Instructions + i, indent, mode, prog); } } /** * Print all of a program's parameters. */ void _mesa_print_program_parameters(GLcontext *ctx, const struct gl_program *prog) { GLuint i; _mesa_printf("InputsRead: 0x%x\n", prog->InputsRead); _mesa_printf("OutputsWritten: 0x%x\n", prog->OutputsWritten); _mesa_printf("NumInstructions=%d\n", prog->NumInstructions); _mesa_printf("NumTemporaries=%d\n", prog->NumTemporaries); _mesa_printf("NumParameters=%d\n", prog->NumParameters); _mesa_printf("NumAttributes=%d\n", prog->NumAttributes); _mesa_printf("NumAddressRegs=%d\n", prog->NumAddressRegs); _mesa_printf("Samplers=[ "); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLERS; i++) { _mesa_printf("%d ", prog->SamplerUnits[i]); } _mesa_printf("]\n"); _mesa_load_state_parameters(ctx, prog->Parameters); #if 0 _mesa_printf("Local Params:\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMS; i++){ const GLfloat *p = prog->LocalParams[i]; _mesa_printf("%2d: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", i, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); } #endif _mesa_print_parameter_list(prog->Parameters); } void _mesa_print_parameter_list(const struct gl_program_parameter_list *list) { const gl_prog_print_mode mode = PROG_PRINT_DEBUG; GLuint i; if (!list) return; _mesa_printf("param list %p\n", (void *) list); for (i = 0; i < list->NumParameters; i++){ struct gl_program_parameter *param = list->Parameters + i; const GLfloat *v = list->ParameterValues[i]; _mesa_printf("param[%d] sz=%d %s %s = {%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %.3g};\n", i, param->Size, file_string(list->Parameters[i].Type, mode), param->Name, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); } }