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IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) OR ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. \****************************************************************************/ // // atom.c // #include #include #include #include #include "slglobals.h" #undef malloc #undef realloc #undef free /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// String table: ////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const struct { int val; const char *str; } tokens[] = { { CPP_AND_OP, "&&" }, { CPP_AND_ASSIGN, "&=" }, { CPP_SUB_ASSIGN, "-=" }, { CPP_MOD_ASSIGN, "%=" }, { CPP_ADD_ASSIGN, "+=" }, { CPP_DIV_ASSIGN, "/=" }, { CPP_MUL_ASSIGN, "*=" }, { CPP_RIGHT_BRACKET, ":>" }, { CPP_EQ_OP, "==" }, { CPP_XOR_OP, "^^" }, { CPP_XOR_ASSIGN, "^=" }, { CPP_FLOATCONSTANT, "" }, { CPP_GE_OP, ">=" }, { CPP_RIGHT_OP, ">>" }, { CPP_RIGHT_ASSIGN, ">>=" }, { CPP_IDENTIFIER, "" }, { CPP_INTCONSTANT, "" }, { CPP_LE_OP, "<=" }, { CPP_LEFT_OP, "<<" }, { CPP_LEFT_ASSIGN, "<<=" }, { CPP_LEFT_BRACKET, "<:" }, { CPP_LEFT_BRACE, "<%" }, { CPP_DEC_OP, "--" }, { CPP_RIGHT_BRACE, "%>" }, { CPP_NE_OP, "!=" }, { CPP_OR_OP, "||" }, { CPP_OR_ASSIGN, "|=" }, { CPP_INC_OP, "++" }, { CPP_STRCONSTANT, "" }, { CPP_TYPEIDENTIFIER, "" }, }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// String table: ////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define INIT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE 16384 typedef struct StringTable_Rec { char *strings; int nextFree; int size; } StringTable; /* * InitStringTable() - Initialize the string table. * */ static int InitStringTable(StringTable *stable) { stable->strings = (char *) malloc(INIT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE); if (!stable->strings) return 0; // Zero-th offset means "empty" so don't use it. stable->nextFree = 1; stable->size = INIT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE; return 1; } // InitStringTable /* * FreeStringTable() - Free the string table. * */ static void FreeStringTable(StringTable *stable) { if (stable->strings) free(stable->strings); stable->strings = NULL; stable->nextFree = 0; stable->size = 0; } // FreeStringTable /* * HashString() - Hash a string with the base hash function. * */ static int HashString(const char *s) { int hval = 0; while (*s) { hval = (hval*13507 + *s*197) ^ (hval >> 2); s++; } return hval & 0x7fffffff; } // HashString /* * HashString2() - Hash a string with the incrimenting hash function. * */ static int HashString2(const char *s) { int hval = 0; while (*s) { hval = (hval*729 + *s*37) ^ (hval >> 1); s++; } return hval; } // HashString2 /* * AddString() - Add a string to a string table. Return it's offset. * */ static int AddString(StringTable *stable, const char *s) { int len, loc; char *str; len = (int) strlen(s); if (stable->nextFree + len + 1 >= stable->size) { assert(stable->size < 1000000); str = (char *) malloc(stable->size*2); memcpy(str, stable->strings, stable->size); free(stable->strings); stable->strings = str; } loc = stable->nextFree; strcpy(&stable->strings[loc], s); stable->nextFree += len + 1; return loc; } // AddString /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////// Hash table: /////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define INIT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 2047 #define HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS 3 typedef struct HashEntry_Rec { int index; // String table offset of string representation int value; // Atom (symbol) value } HashEntry; typedef struct HashTable_Rec { HashEntry *entry; int size; int entries; int counts[HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS + 1]; } HashTable; /* * InitHashTable() - Initialize the hash table. * */ static int InitHashTable(HashTable *htable, int fsize) { int ii; htable->entry = (HashEntry *) malloc(sizeof(HashEntry)*fsize); if (!htable->entry) return 0; htable->size = fsize; for (ii = 0; ii < fsize; ii++) { htable->entry[ii].index = 0; htable->entry[ii].value = 0; } htable->entries = 0; for (ii = 0; ii <= HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS; ii++) htable->counts[ii] = 0; return 1; } // InitHashTable /* * FreeHashTable() - Free the hash table. * */ static void FreeHashTable(HashTable *htable) { if (htable->entry) free(htable->entry); htable->entry = NULL; htable->size = 0; htable->entries = 0; } // FreeHashTable /* * Empty() - See if a hash table entry is empty. * */ static int Empty(HashTable *htable, int hashloc) { assert(hashloc >= 0 && hashloc < htable->size); if (htable->entry[hashloc].index == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // Empty /* * Match() - See if a hash table entry is matches a string. * */ static int Match(HashTable *htable, StringTable *stable, const char *s, int hashloc) { int strloc; strloc = htable->entry[hashloc].index; if (!strcmp(s, &stable->strings[strloc])) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // Match /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////// Atom table: /////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define INIT_ATOM_TABLE_SIZE 1024 struct AtomTable_Rec { StringTable stable; // String table. HashTable htable; // Hashes string to atom number and token value. Multiple strings can // have the same token value but each unique string is a unique atom. int *amap; // Maps atom value to offset in string table. Atoms all map to unique // strings except for some undefined values in the lower, fixed part // of the atom table that map to "". The lowest 256 atoms // correspond to single character ASCII values except for alphanumeric // characters and '_', which can be other tokens. Next come the // language tokens with their atom values equal to the token value. // Then come predefined atoms, followed by user specified identifiers. int *arev; // Reversed atom for symbol table use. int nextFree; int size; }; static AtomTable latable = { { 0 } }; AtomTable *atable = &latable; static int AddAtomFixed(AtomTable *atable, const char *s, int atom); /* * GrowAtomTable() - Grow the atom table to at least "size" if it's smaller. * */ static int GrowAtomTable(AtomTable *atable, int size) { int *newmap, *newrev; if (atable->size < size) { if (atable->amap) { newmap = realloc(atable->amap, sizeof(int)*size); newrev = realloc(atable->arev, sizeof(int)*size); } else { newmap = malloc(sizeof(int)*size); newrev = malloc(sizeof(int)*size); atable->size = 0; } if (!newmap || !newrev) { /* failed to grow -- error */ if (newmap) atable->amap = newmap; if (newrev) atable->amap = newrev; return -1; } memset(&newmap[atable->size], 0, (size - atable->size) * sizeof(int)); memset(&newrev[atable->size], 0, (size - atable->size) * sizeof(int)); atable->amap = newmap; atable->arev = newrev; atable->size = size; } return 0; } // GrowAtomTable /* * lReverse() - Reverse the bottom 20 bits of a 32 bit int. * */ static int lReverse(int fval) { unsigned int in = fval; int result = 0, cnt = 0; while(in) { result <<= 1; result |= in&1; in >>= 1; cnt++; } // Don't use all 31 bits. One million atoms is plenty and sometimes the // upper bits are used for other things. if (cnt < 20) result <<= 20 - cnt; return result; } // lReverse /* * AllocateAtom() - Allocate a new atom. Associated with the "undefined" value of -1. * */ static int AllocateAtom(AtomTable *atable) { if (atable->nextFree >= atable->size) GrowAtomTable(atable, atable->nextFree*2); atable->amap[atable->nextFree] = -1; atable->arev[atable->nextFree] = lReverse(atable->nextFree); atable->nextFree++; return atable->nextFree - 1; } // AllocateAtom /* * SetAtomValue() - Allocate a new atom associated with "hashindex". * */ static void SetAtomValue(AtomTable *atable, int atomnumber, int hashindex) { atable->amap[atomnumber] = atable->htable.entry[hashindex].index; atable->htable.entry[hashindex].value = atomnumber; } // SetAtomValue /* * FindHashLoc() - Find the hash location for this string. Return -1 it hash table is full. * */ static int FindHashLoc(AtomTable *atable, const char *s) { int hashloc, hashdelta, count; int FoundEmptySlot = 0; int collision[HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS + 1]; hashloc = HashString(s) % atable->htable.size; if (!Empty(&atable->htable, hashloc)) { if (Match(&atable->htable, &atable->stable, s, hashloc)) return hashloc; collision[0] = hashloc; hashdelta = HashString2(s); count = 0; while (count < HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS) { hashloc = ((hashloc + hashdelta) & 0x7fffffff) % atable->htable.size; if (!Empty(&atable->htable, hashloc)) { if (Match(&atable->htable, &atable->stable, s, hashloc)) { return hashloc; } } else { FoundEmptySlot = 1; break; } count++; collision[count] = hashloc; } if (!FoundEmptySlot) { if (cpp->options.DumpAtomTable) { int ii; char str[200]; sprintf(str, "*** Hash failed with more than %d collisions. Must increase hash table size. ***", HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS); CPPShInfoLogMsg(str); sprintf(str, "*** New string \"%s\", hash=%04x, delta=%04x", s, collision[0], hashdelta); CPPShInfoLogMsg(str); for (ii = 0; ii <= HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS; ii++) { sprintf(str, "*** Collides on try %d at hash entry %04x with \"%s\"", ii + 1, collision[ii], GetAtomString(atable, atable->htable.entry[collision[ii]].value)); CPPShInfoLogMsg(str); } } return -1; } else { atable->htable.counts[count]++; } } return hashloc; } // FindHashLoc /* * IncreaseHashTableSize() * */ static int IncreaseHashTableSize(AtomTable *atable) { int ii, strloc, oldhashloc, value, size; AtomTable oldtable; char *s; // Save the old atom table and create a new one: oldtable = *atable; size = oldtable.htable.size*2 + 1; if (!InitAtomTable(atable, size)) return 0; // Add all the existing values to the new atom table preserving their atom values: for (ii = atable->nextFree; ii < oldtable.nextFree; ii++) { strloc = oldtable.amap[ii]; s = &oldtable.stable.strings[strloc]; oldhashloc = FindHashLoc(&oldtable, s); assert(oldhashloc >= 0); value = oldtable.htable.entry[oldhashloc].value; AddAtomFixed(atable, s, value); } FreeAtomTable(&oldtable); return 1; } // IncreaseHashTableSize /* * LookUpAddStringHash() - Lookup a string in the hash table. If it's not there, add it and * initialize the atom value in the hash table to 0. Return the hash table index. */ static int LookUpAddStringHash(AtomTable *atable, const char *s) { int hashloc, strloc; while(1) { hashloc = FindHashLoc(atable, s); if (hashloc >= 0) break; IncreaseHashTableSize(atable); } if (Empty(&atable->htable, hashloc)) { atable->htable.entries++; strloc = AddString(&atable->stable, s); atable->htable.entry[hashloc].index = strloc; atable->htable.entry[hashloc].value = 0; } return hashloc; } // LookUpAddStringHash /* * LookUpAddString() - Lookup a string in the hash table. If it's not there, add it and * initialize the atom value in the hash table to the next atom number. * Return the atom value of string. */ int LookUpAddString(AtomTable *atable, const char *s) { int hashindex, atom; hashindex = LookUpAddStringHash(atable, s); atom = atable->htable.entry[hashindex].value; if (atom == 0) { atom = AllocateAtom(atable); SetAtomValue(atable, atom, hashindex); } return atom; } // LookUpAddString /* * GetAtomString() * */ const char *GetAtomString(AtomTable *atable, int atom) { int soffset; if (atom > 0 && atom < atable->nextFree) { soffset = atable->amap[atom]; if (soffset > 0 && soffset < atable->stable.nextFree) { return &atable->stable.strings[soffset]; } else { return ""; } } else { if (atom == 0) { return ""; } else { if (atom == EOF) { return ""; } else { return ""; } } } } // GetAtomString /* * GetReversedAtom() * */ int GetReversedAtom(AtomTable *atable, int atom) { if (atom > 0 && atom < atable->nextFree) { return atable->arev[atom]; } else { return 0; } } // GetReversedAtom /* * AddAtom() - Add a string to the atom, hash and string tables if it isn't already there. * Return it's atom index. */ int AddAtom(AtomTable *atable, const char *s) { int atom; atom = LookUpAddString(atable, s); return atom; } // AddAtom /* * AddAtomFixed() - Add an atom to the hash and string tables if it isn't already there. * Assign it the atom value of "atom". */ static int AddAtomFixed(AtomTable *atable, const char *s, int atom) { int hashindex, lsize; hashindex = LookUpAddStringHash(atable, s); if (atable->nextFree >= atable->size || atom >= atable->size) { lsize = atable->size*2; if (lsize <= atom) lsize = atom + 1; GrowAtomTable(atable, lsize); } atable->amap[atom] = atable->htable.entry[hashindex].index; atable->htable.entry[hashindex].value = atom; //if (atom >= atable->nextFree) // atable->nextFree = atom + 1; while (atom >= atable->nextFree) { atable->arev[atable->nextFree] = lReverse(atable->nextFree); atable->nextFree++; } return atom; } // AddAtomFixed /* * InitAtomTable() - Initialize the atom table. * */ int InitAtomTable(AtomTable *atable, int htsize) { int ii; htsize = htsize <= 0 ? INIT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE : htsize; if (!InitStringTable(&atable->stable)) return 0; if (!InitHashTable(&atable->htable, htsize)) return 0; atable->nextFree = 0; atable->amap = NULL; atable->size = 0; GrowAtomTable(atable, INIT_ATOM_TABLE_SIZE); if (!atable->amap) return 0; // Initialize lower part of atom table to "" atom: AddAtomFixed(atable, "", 0); for (ii = 0; ii < FIRST_USER_TOKEN_SY; ii++) atable->amap[ii] = atable->amap[0]; // Add single character tokens to the atom table: { const char *s = "~!%^&*()-+=|,.<>/?;:[]{}#"; char t[2]; t[1] = '\0'; while (*s) { t[0] = *s; AddAtomFixed(atable, t, s[0]); s++; } } // Add multiple character scanner tokens : for (ii = 0; ii < sizeof(tokens)/sizeof(tokens[0]); ii++) AddAtomFixed(atable, tokens[ii].str, tokens[ii].val); // Add error symbol if running in error mode: if (cpp->options.ErrorMode) AddAtomFixed(atable, "error", ERROR_SY); AddAtom(atable, "<*** end fixed atoms ***>"); return 1; } // InitAtomTable /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////// Debug Printing Functions: ////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * PrintAtomTable() * */ void PrintAtomTable(AtomTable *atable) { int ii; char str[200]; for (ii = 0; ii < atable->nextFree; ii++) { sprintf(str, "%d: \"%s\"", ii, &atable->stable.strings[atable->amap[ii]]); CPPDebugLogMsg(str); } sprintf(str, "Hash table: size=%d, entries=%d, collisions=", atable->htable.size, atable->htable.entries); CPPDebugLogMsg(str); for (ii = 0; ii < HASH_TABLE_MAX_COLLISIONS; ii++) { sprintf(str, " %d", atable->htable.counts[ii]); CPPDebugLogMsg(str); } } // PrintAtomTable /* * GetStringOfAtom() * */ char* GetStringOfAtom(AtomTable *atable, int atom) { char* chr_str; chr_str=&atable->stable.strings[atable->amap[atom]]; return chr_str; } // GetStringOfAtom /* * FreeAtomTable() - Free the atom table and associated memory * */ void FreeAtomTable(AtomTable *atable) { FreeStringTable(&atable->stable); FreeHashTable(&atable->htable); if (atable->amap) free(atable->amap); if (atable->arev) free(atable->arev); atable->amap = NULL; atable->arev = NULL; atable->nextFree = 0; atable->size = 0; } // FreeAtomTable /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// End of atom.c /////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////