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IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) OR ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. \****************************************************************************/ // // cpp.c // #include #include #include #include #include #include "slglobals.h" #include "slang_mesa.h" static int CPPif(yystypepp * yylvalpp); /* Don't use memory.c's replacements, as we clean up properly here */ #undef malloc #undef free static int bindAtom = 0; static int constAtom = 0; static int defaultAtom = 0; static int defineAtom = 0; static int definedAtom = 0; static int elseAtom = 0; static int elifAtom = 0; static int endifAtom = 0; static int ifAtom = 0; static int ifdefAtom = 0; static int ifndefAtom = 0; static int includeAtom = 0; static int lineAtom = 0; static int pragmaAtom = 0; static int texunitAtom = 0; static int undefAtom = 0; static int errorAtom = 0; static int __LINE__Atom = 0; static int __FILE__Atom = 0; static int __VERSION__Atom = 0; static int versionAtom = 0; static int extensionAtom = 0; static Scope *macros = 0; #define MAX_MACRO_ARGS 64 #define MAX_IF_NESTING 64 static SourceLoc ifloc; /* outermost #if */ int InitCPP(void) { char buffer[64], *t; const char *f; // Add various atoms needed by the CPP line scanner: bindAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "bind"); constAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "const"); defaultAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "default"); defineAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "define"); definedAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "defined"); elifAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "elif"); elseAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "else"); endifAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "endif"); ifAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "if"); ifdefAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "ifdef"); ifndefAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "ifndef"); includeAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "include"); lineAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "line"); pragmaAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "pragma"); texunitAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "texunit"); undefAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "undef"); errorAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "error"); __LINE__Atom = LookUpAddString(atable, "__LINE__"); __FILE__Atom = LookUpAddString(atable, "__FILE__"); __VERSION__Atom = LookUpAddString(atable, "__VERSION__"); versionAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "version"); extensionAtom = LookUpAddString(atable, "extension"); macros = NewScopeInPool(mem_CreatePool(0, 0)); strcpy(buffer, "PROFILE_"); t = buffer + strlen(buffer); f = cpp->options.profileString; while ((_mesa_isalnum(*f) || *f == '_') && t < buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1) *t++ = toupper(*f++); *t = 0; return 1; } // InitCPP int FreeCPP(void) { if (macros) { mem_FreePool(macros->pool); macros = 0; } return 1; } int FinalCPP(void) { if (cpp->ifdepth) CPPErrorToInfoLog("#if mismatch"); return 1; } static int CPPdefine(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token, name, args[MAX_MACRO_ARGS], argc; const char *message; MacroSymbol mac; Symbol *symb; SourceLoc dummyLoc; memset(&mac, 0, sizeof(mac)); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) { CPPErrorToInfoLog("#define"); return token; } name = yylvalpp->sc_ident; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == '(' && !yylvalpp->sc_int) { // gather arguments argc = 0; do { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (argc == 0 && token == ')') break; if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) { CPPErrorToInfoLog("#define"); return token; } if (argc < MAX_MACRO_ARGS) args[argc++] = yylvalpp->sc_ident; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } while (token == ','); if (token != ')') { CPPErrorToInfoLog("#define"); return token; } mac.argc = argc; mac.args = mem_Alloc(macros->pool, argc * sizeof(int)); memcpy(mac.args, args, argc * sizeof(int)); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } mac.body = NewTokenStream(GetAtomString(atable, name)); while (token != '\n') { while (token == '\\') { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == '\n') token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); else RecordToken(mac.body, '\\', yylvalpp); } RecordToken(mac.body, token, yylvalpp); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); }; symb = LookUpSymbol(macros, name); if (symb) { if (!symb->details.mac.undef) { // already defined -- need to make sure they are identical if (symb->details.mac.argc != mac.argc) goto error; for (argc=0; argc < mac.argc; argc++) if (symb->details.mac.args[argc] != mac.args[argc]) goto error; RewindTokenStream(symb->details.mac.body); RewindTokenStream(mac.body); do { int old_lval, old_token; old_token = ReadToken(symb->details.mac.body, yylvalpp); old_lval = yylvalpp->sc_int; token = ReadToken(mac.body, yylvalpp); if (token != old_token || yylvalpp->sc_int != old_lval) { error: StoreStr("Macro Redefined"); StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,name)); message=GetStrfromTStr(); DecLineNumber(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); IncLineNumber(); ResetTString(); break; } } while (token > 0); } FreeMacro(&symb->details.mac); } else { dummyLoc.file = 0; dummyLoc.line = 0; symb = AddSymbol(&dummyLoc, macros, name, MACRO_S); } symb->details.mac = mac; return '\n'; } // CPPdefine static int CPPundef(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); Symbol *symb; if(token == '\n'){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#undef"); return token; } if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) goto error; symb = LookUpSymbol(macros, yylvalpp->sc_ident); if (symb) { symb->details.mac.undef = 1; } token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { error: CPPErrorToInfoLog("#undef"); } return token; } // CPPundef /* CPPelse -- skip forward to appropriate spot. This is actually used ** to skip to and #endif after seeing an #else, AND to skip to a #else, ** #elif, or #endif after a #if/#ifdef/#ifndef/#elif test was false */ static int CPPelse(int matchelse, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int atom,depth=0; int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); while (token > 0) { while (token != '\n') token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if ((token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp)) != '#') continue; if ((token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp)) != CPP_IDENTIFIER) continue; atom = yylvalpp->sc_ident; if (atom == ifAtom || atom == ifdefAtom || atom == ifndefAtom){ depth++; cpp->ifdepth++; cpp->elsetracker++; } else if (atom == endifAtom) { if(--depth<=0){ cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker]=0; --cpp->elsetracker; if (cpp->ifdepth) --cpp->ifdepth; break; } --cpp->elsetracker; --cpp->ifdepth; } else if (((int)(matchelse) != 0)&& depth==0) { if (atom == elseAtom ){ break; } else if (atom == elifAtom) { /* we decrement cpp->ifdepth here, because CPPif will increment * it and we really want to leave it alone */ if (cpp->ifdepth){ --cpp->ifdepth; --cpp->elsetracker; } return CPPif(yylvalpp); } } else if((atom==elseAtom) && (!ChkCorrectElseNesting())){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#else after a #else"); cpp->CompileError=1; } }; return token; } enum eval_prec { MIN_PREC, COND, LOGOR, LOGAND, OR, XOR, AND, EQUAL, RELATION, SHIFT, ADD, MUL, UNARY, MAX_PREC }; static int op_logor(int a, int b) { return a || b; } static int op_logand(int a, int b) { return a && b; } static int op_or(int a, int b) { return a | b; } static int op_xor(int a, int b) { return a ^ b; } static int op_and(int a, int b) { return a & b; } static int op_eq(int a, int b) { return a == b; } static int op_ne(int a, int b) { return a != b; } static int op_ge(int a, int b) { return a >= b; } static int op_le(int a, int b) { return a <= b; } static int op_gt(int a, int b) { return a > b; } static int op_lt(int a, int b) { return a < b; } static int op_shl(int a, int b) { return a << b; } static int op_shr(int a, int b) { return a >> b; } static int op_add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } static int op_sub(int a, int b) { return a - b; } static int op_mul(int a, int b) { return a * b; } static int op_div(int a, int b) { return a / b; } static int op_mod(int a, int b) { return a % b; } static int op_pos(int a) { return a; } static int op_neg(int a) { return -a; } static int op_cmpl(int a) { return ~a; } static int op_not(int a) { return !a; } struct { int token, prec, (*op)(int, int); } binop[] = { { CPP_OR_OP, LOGOR, op_logor }, { CPP_AND_OP, LOGAND, op_logand }, { '|', OR, op_or }, { '^', XOR, op_xor }, { '&', AND, op_and }, { CPP_EQ_OP, EQUAL, op_eq }, { CPP_NE_OP, EQUAL, op_ne }, { '>', RELATION, op_gt }, { CPP_GE_OP, RELATION, op_ge }, { '<', RELATION, op_lt }, { CPP_LE_OP, RELATION, op_le }, { CPP_LEFT_OP, SHIFT, op_shl }, { CPP_RIGHT_OP, SHIFT, op_shr }, { '+', ADD, op_add }, { '-', ADD, op_sub }, { '*', MUL, op_mul }, { '/', MUL, op_div }, { '%', MUL, op_mod }, }; struct { int token, (*op)(int); } unop[] = { { '+', op_pos }, { '-', op_neg }, { '~', op_cmpl }, { '!', op_not }, }; #define ALEN(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])) static int eval(int token, int prec, int *res, int *err, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int i, val; Symbol *s; if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) { if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == definedAtom) { int needclose = 0; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == '(') { needclose = 1; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) goto error; *res = (s = LookUpSymbol(macros, yylvalpp->sc_ident)) ? !s->details.mac.undef : 0; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (needclose) { if (token != ')') goto error; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } } else if (MacroExpand(yylvalpp->sc_ident, yylvalpp)) { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); return eval(token, prec, res, err, yylvalpp); } else { goto error; } } else if (token == CPP_INTCONSTANT) { *res = yylvalpp->sc_int; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } else if (token == '(') { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); token = eval(token, MIN_PREC, res, err, yylvalpp); if (!*err) { if (token != ')') goto error; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } } else { for (i = ALEN(unop) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (unop[i].token == token) break; } if (i >= 0) { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); token = eval(token, UNARY, res, err, yylvalpp); *res = unop[i].op(*res); } else { goto error; } } while (!*err) { if (token == ')' || token == '\n') break; for (i = ALEN(binop) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (binop[i].token == token) break; } if (i < 0 || binop[i].prec <= prec) break; val = *res; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); token = eval(token, binop[i].prec, res, err, yylvalpp); *res = binop[i].op(val, *res); } return token; error: CPPErrorToInfoLog("#if");; *err = 1; *res = 0; return token; } // eval static int CPPif(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); int res = 0, err = 0; cpp->elsetracker++; if (!cpp->ifdepth++) ifloc = *cpp->tokenLoc; if(cpp->ifdepth >MAX_IF_NESTING){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("max #if nesting depth exceeded"); return 0; } token = eval(token, MIN_PREC, &res, &err, yylvalpp); if (token != '\n') { CPPErrorToInfoLog("#if"); } else if (!res && !err) { token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } return token; } // CPPif static int CPPifdef(int defined, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); int name = yylvalpp->sc_ident; if(++cpp->ifdepth >MAX_IF_NESTING){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("max #if nesting depth exceeded"); return 0; } cpp->elsetracker++; if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) { defined ? CPPErrorToInfoLog("ifdef"):CPPErrorToInfoLog("ifndef"); } else { Symbol *s = LookUpSymbol(macros, name); if (((s && !s->details.mac.undef) ? 1 : 0) != defined) token = CPPelse(1, yylvalpp); } return token; } // CPPifdef static int CPPline(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if(token=='\n'){ DecLineNumber(); CPPErrorToInfoLog("#line"); IncLineNumber(); return token; } else if (token == CPP_INTCONSTANT) { yylvalpp->sc_int=atoi(yylvalpp->symbol_name); SetLineNumber(yylvalpp->sc_int); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == CPP_INTCONSTANT) { yylvalpp->sc_int=atoi(yylvalpp->symbol_name); SetStringNumber(yylvalpp->sc_int); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if(token!='\n') CPPErrorToInfoLog("#line"); } else if (token == '\n'){ return token; } else{ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#line"); } } else{ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#line"); } return token; } static int CPPerror(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); const char *message; while (token != '\n') { if (token == CPP_FLOATCONSTANT || token == CPP_INTCONSTANT){ StoreStr(yylvalpp->symbol_name); }else if(token == CPP_IDENTIFIER || token == CPP_STRCONSTANT){ StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,yylvalpp->sc_ident)); }else { StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,token)); } token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } DecLineNumber(); //store this msg into the shader's information log..set the Compile Error flag!!!! message=GetStrfromTStr(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); ResetTString(); cpp->CompileError=1; IncLineNumber(); return '\n'; }//CPPerror static int CPPpragma(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { const char *SrcStr; const char *DestStr; int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if(token=='\n'){ DecLineNumber(); CPPErrorToInfoLog("#pragma"); IncLineNumber(); return token; } if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER)goto error; SrcStr = GetAtomString(atable, yylvalpp->sc_ident); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == '(') { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) goto error; DestStr = GetAtomString(atable, yylvalpp->sc_ident); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != ')') goto error; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if(token!='\n')goto error; //make a call to CPP function MapStrings with SrcStr and DestStr. MapStrings(SrcStr,DestStr); }else{ error: CPPErrorToInfoLog("#pragma"); return token; } return token; } // CPPpragma #define GL2_VERSION_NUMBER 110 static int CPPversion(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (cpp->notAVersionToken == 1) CPPShInfoLogMsg("#version must occur before any other statement in the program"); if(token=='\n'){ DecLineNumber(); CPPErrorToInfoLog("#version"); IncLineNumber(); return token; } if (token != CPP_INTCONSTANT) CPPErrorToInfoLog("#version"); yylvalpp->sc_int=atoi(yylvalpp->symbol_name); //SetVersionNumber(yylvalpp->sc_int); if (yylvalpp->sc_int != GL2_VERSION_NUMBER) CPPShInfoLogMsg("Version number not supported by GL2"); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == '\n'){ return token; } else{ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#version"); } return token; } // CPPversion static int CPPextension(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); char extensionName[80]; if(token=='\n'){ DecLineNumber(); CPPShInfoLogMsg("extension name not specified"); IncLineNumber(); return token; } if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) CPPErrorToInfoLog("#extension"); strcpy(extensionName, GetAtomString(atable, yylvalpp->sc_ident)); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != ':') { CPPShInfoLogMsg("':' missing after extension name"); return token; } token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) { CPPShInfoLogMsg("behavior for extension not specified"); return token; } updateExtensionBehavior(extensionName, GetAtomString(atable, yylvalpp->sc_ident)); token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == '\n'){ return token; } else{ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#extension"); } return token; } // CPPextension int readCPPline(yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); const char *message; int isVersion = 0; if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) { if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == defineAtom) { token = CPPdefine(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == elseAtom) { if(ChkCorrectElseNesting()){ if (!cpp->ifdepth ){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#else mismatch"); cpp->CompileError=1; } token = CPPelse(0, yylvalpp); }else{ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#else after a #else"); cpp->ifdepth=0; cpp->notAVersionToken = 1; return 0; } } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == elifAtom) { if (!cpp->ifdepth){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#elif mismatch"); cpp->CompileError=1; } token = CPPelse(0, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == endifAtom) { cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker]=0; --cpp->elsetracker; if (!cpp->ifdepth){ CPPErrorToInfoLog("#endif mismatch"); cpp->CompileError=1; } else --cpp->ifdepth; } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == ifAtom) { token = CPPif(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == ifdefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(1, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == ifndefAtom) { token = CPPifdef(0, yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == lineAtom) { token = CPPline(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == pragmaAtom) { token = CPPpragma(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == undefAtom) { token = CPPundef(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == errorAtom) { token = CPPerror(yylvalpp); } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == versionAtom) { token = CPPversion(yylvalpp); isVersion = 1; } else if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == extensionAtom) { token = CPPextension(yylvalpp); } else { StoreStr("Invalid Directive"); StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,yylvalpp->sc_ident)); message=GetStrfromTStr(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); ResetTString(); } } while (token != '\n' && token != 0 && token != EOF) { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } cpp->notAVersionToken = !isVersion; return token; } // readCPPline void FreeMacro(MacroSymbol *s) { DeleteTokenStream(s->body); } static int eof_scan(InputSrc *in, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { return -1; } static void noop(InputSrc *in, int ch, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { } static void PushEofSrc() { InputSrc *in = malloc(sizeof(InputSrc)); memset(in, 0, sizeof(InputSrc)); in->scan = eof_scan; in->getch = eof_scan; in->ungetch = noop; in->prev = cpp->currentInput; cpp->currentInput = in; } static void PopEofSrc() { if (cpp->currentInput->scan == eof_scan) { InputSrc *in = cpp->currentInput; cpp->currentInput = in->prev; free(in); } } static TokenStream *PrescanMacroArg(TokenStream *a, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int token; TokenStream *n; RewindTokenStream(a); do { token = ReadToken(a, yylvalpp); if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER && LookUpSymbol(macros, yylvalpp->sc_ident)) break; } while (token > 0); if (token <= 0) return a; n = NewTokenStream("macro arg"); PushEofSrc(); ReadFromTokenStream(a, 0, 0); while ((token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp)) > 0) { if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER && MacroExpand(yylvalpp->sc_ident, yylvalpp)) continue; RecordToken(n, token, yylvalpp); } PopEofSrc(); DeleteTokenStream(a); return n; } // PrescanMacroArg typedef struct MacroInputSrc { InputSrc base; MacroSymbol *mac; TokenStream **args; } MacroInputSrc; /* macro_scan --- ** return the next token for a macro expanion, handling macro args */ static int macro_scan(MacroInputSrc *in, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { int i; int token = ReadToken(in->mac->body, yylvalpp); if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) { for (i = in->mac->argc-1; i>=0; i--) if (in->mac->args[i] == yylvalpp->sc_ident) break; if (i >= 0) { ReadFromTokenStream(in->args[i], yylvalpp->sc_ident, 0); return cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } } if (token > 0) return token; in->mac->busy = 0; cpp->currentInput = in->base.prev; if (in->args) { for (i=in->mac->argc-1; i>=0; i--) DeleteTokenStream(in->args[i]); free(in->args); } free(in); return cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); } // macro_scan /* MacroExpand ** check an identifier (atom) to see if it a macro that should be expanded. ** If it is, push an InputSrc that will produce the appropriate expansion ** and return TRUE. If not, return FALSE. */ int MacroExpand(int atom, yystypepp * yylvalpp) { Symbol *sym = LookUpSymbol(macros, atom); MacroInputSrc *in; int i,j, token, depth=0; const char *message; if (atom == __LINE__Atom) { yylvalpp->sc_int = GetLineNumber(); sprintf(yylvalpp->symbol_name,"%d",yylvalpp->sc_int); UngetToken(CPP_INTCONSTANT, yylvalpp); return 1; } if (atom == __FILE__Atom) { yylvalpp->sc_int = GetStringNumber(); sprintf(yylvalpp->symbol_name,"%d",yylvalpp->sc_int); UngetToken(CPP_INTCONSTANT, yylvalpp); return 1; } if (atom == __VERSION__Atom) { strcpy(yylvalpp->symbol_name,"100"); yylvalpp->sc_int = atoi(yylvalpp->symbol_name); UngetToken(CPP_INTCONSTANT, yylvalpp); return 1; } if (!sym || sym->details.mac.undef) return 0; if (sym->details.mac.busy) return 0; // no recursive expansions in = malloc(sizeof(*in)); memset(in, 0, sizeof(*in)); in->base.scan = (void *)macro_scan; in->base.line = cpp->currentInput->line; in->base.name = cpp->currentInput->name; in->mac = &sym->details.mac; if (sym->details.mac.args) { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token != '(') { UngetToken(token, yylvalpp); yylvalpp->sc_ident = atom; return 0; } in->args = malloc(in->mac->argc * sizeof(TokenStream *)); for (i=0; imac->argc; i++) in->args[i] = NewTokenStream("macro arg"); i=0;j=0; do{ depth = 0; while(1) { token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token <= 0) { StoreStr("EOF in Macro "); StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,atom)); message=GetStrfromTStr(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); ResetTString(); return 1; } if((in->mac->argc==0) && (token!=')')) break; if (depth == 0 && (token == ',' || token == ')')) break; if (token == '(') depth++; if (token == ')') depth--; RecordToken(in->args[i], token, yylvalpp); j=1; } if (token == ')') { if((in->mac->argc==1) &&j==0) break; i++; break; } i++; }while(i < in->mac->argc); if (i < in->mac->argc) { StoreStr("Too few args in Macro "); StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,atom)); message=GetStrfromTStr(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); ResetTString(); } else if (token != ')') { depth=0; while (token >= 0 && (depth > 0 || token != ')')) { if (token == ')') depth--; token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp); if (token == '(') depth++; } if (token <= 0) { StoreStr("EOF in Macro "); StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,atom)); message=GetStrfromTStr(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); ResetTString(); return 1; } StoreStr("Too many args in Macro "); StoreStr(GetStringOfAtom(atable,atom)); message=GetStrfromTStr(); CPPShInfoLogMsg(message); ResetTString(); } for (i=0; imac->argc; i++) { in->args[i] = PrescanMacroArg(in->args[i], yylvalpp); } } #if 0 printf(" <%s:%d>found macro %s\n", GetAtomString(atable, loc.file), loc.line, GetAtomString(atable, atom)); for (i=0; imac->argc; i++) { printf("\targ %s = '", GetAtomString(atable, in->mac->args[i])); DumpTokenStream(stdout, in->args[i]); printf("'\n"); } #endif /*retain the input source*/ in->base.prev = cpp->currentInput; sym->details.mac.busy = 1; RewindTokenStream(sym->details.mac.body); cpp->currentInput = &in->base; return 1; } // MacroExpand int ChkCorrectElseNesting(void) { if(cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker]==0){ cpp->elsedepth[cpp->elsetracker]=1; return 1; } return 0; }