/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 6.5.3 * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * \file slang_emit.c * Emit program instructions (PI code) from IR trees. * \author Brian Paul */ #include "imports.h" #include "context.h" #include "get.h" #include "macros.h" #include "program.h" #include "prog_instruction.h" #include "prog_parameter.h" #include "prog_statevars.h" #include "slang_emit.h" /** * Assembly and IR info */ typedef struct { slang_ir_opcode IrOpcode; const char *IrName; gl_inst_opcode InstOpcode; GLuint ResultSize, NumParams; } slang_ir_info; static slang_ir_info IrInfo[] = { /* binary ops */ { IR_ADD, "IR_ADD", OPCODE_ADD, 4, 2 }, { IR_SUB, "IR_SUB", OPCODE_SUB, 4, 2 }, { IR_MUL, "IR_MUL", OPCODE_MUL, 4, 2 }, { IR_DIV, "IR_DIV", OPCODE_NOP, 0, 2 }, /* XXX broke */ { IR_DOT4, "IR_DOT_4", OPCODE_DP4, 1, 2 }, { IR_DOT3, "IR_DOT_3", OPCODE_DP3, 1, 2 }, { IR_CROSS, "IR_CROSS", OPCODE_XPD, 3, 2 }, { IR_MIN, "IR_MIN", OPCODE_MIN, 4, 2 }, { IR_MAX, "IR_MAX", OPCODE_MAX, 4, 2 }, { IR_SEQUAL, "IR_SEQUAL", OPCODE_SEQ, 4, 2 }, { IR_SNEQUAL, "IR_SNEQUAL", OPCODE_SNE, 4, 2 }, { IR_SGE, "IR_SGE", OPCODE_SGE, 4, 2 }, { IR_SGT, "IR_SGT", OPCODE_SGT, 4, 2 }, { IR_POW, "IR_POW", OPCODE_POW, 1, 2 }, /* unary ops */ { IR_I_TO_F, "IR_I_TO_F", OPCODE_NOP, 1, 1 }, { IR_EXP, "IR_EXP", OPCODE_EXP, 1, 1 }, { IR_EXP2, "IR_EXP2", OPCODE_EX2, 1, 1 }, { IR_LOG2, "IR_LOG2", OPCODE_LG2, 1, 1 }, { IR_RSQ, "IR_RSQ", OPCODE_RSQ, 1, 1 }, { IR_RCP, "IR_RCP", OPCODE_RCP, 1, 1 }, { IR_FLOOR, "IR_FLOOR", OPCODE_FLR, 4, 1 }, { IR_FRAC, "IR_FRAC", OPCODE_FRC, 4, 1 }, { IR_ABS, "IR_ABS", OPCODE_ABS, 4, 1 }, { IR_SIN, "IR_SIN", OPCODE_SIN, 1, 1 }, { IR_COS, "IR_COS", OPCODE_COS, 1, 1 }, /* other */ { IR_SEQ, "IR_SEQ", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_LABEL, "IR_LABEL", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_JUMP, "IR_JUMP", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_CJUMP, "IR_CJUMP", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_COND, "IR_COND", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_CALL, "IR_CALL", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_MOVE, "IR_MOVE", 0, 0, 1 }, { IR_NOT, "IR_NOT", 0, 1, 1 }, { IR_VAR, "IR_VAR", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_VAR_DECL, "IR_VAR_DECL", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_FLOAT, "IR_FLOAT", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_FIELD, "IR_FIELD", 0, 0, 0 }, { IR_NOP, NULL, OPCODE_NOP, 0, 0 } }; static slang_ir_info * slang_find_ir_info(slang_ir_opcode opcode) { GLuint i; for (i = 0; IrInfo[i].IrName; i++) { if (IrInfo[i].IrOpcode == opcode) { return IrInfo + i; } } return NULL; } static const char * slang_ir_name(slang_ir_opcode opcode) { return slang_find_ir_info(opcode)->IrName; } slang_ir_storage * _slang_new_ir_storage(enum register_file file, GLint index, GLint size) { slang_ir_storage *st; st = (slang_ir_storage *) _mesa_calloc(sizeof(slang_ir_storage)); if (st) { st->File = file; st->Index = index; st->Size = size; } return st; } slang_ir_storage * _slang_clone_ir_storage(slang_ir_storage *store) { slang_ir_storage *clone = _slang_new_ir_storage(store->File, store->Index, store->Size); return clone; } static const char * swizzle_string(GLuint swizzle) { static char s[6]; GLuint i; s[0] = '.'; for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) { s[i] = "xyzw"[GET_SWZ(swizzle, i-1)]; } s[i] = 0; return s; } static const char * writemask_string(GLuint writemask) { static char s[6]; GLuint i, j = 0; s[j++] = '.'; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (writemask & (1 << i)) s[j++] = "xyzw"[i]; } s[j] = 0; return s; } static const char * storage_string(const slang_ir_storage *st) { static const char *files[] = { "TEMP", "LOCAL_PARAM", "ENV_PARAM", "STATE", "INPUT", "OUTPUT", "NAMED_PARAM", "CONSTANT", "UNIFORM", "WRITE_ONLY", "ADDRESS", "UNDEFINED" }; static char s[100]; #if 0 if (st->Size == 1) sprintf(s, "%s[%d]", files[st->File], st->Index); else sprintf(s, "%s[%d..%d]", files[st->File], st->Index, st->Index + st->Size - 1); #endif sprintf(s, "%s", files[st->File]); return s; } static GLuint sizeof_struct(const slang_struct *s) { return 0; } GLuint _slang_sizeof_type_specifier(const slang_type_specifier *spec) { switch (spec->type) { case slang_spec_void: abort(); return 0; case slang_spec_bool: return 1; case slang_spec_bvec2: return 2; case slang_spec_bvec3: return 3; case slang_spec_bvec4: return 4; case slang_spec_int: return 1; case slang_spec_ivec2: return 2; case slang_spec_ivec3: return 3; case slang_spec_ivec4: return 4; case slang_spec_float: return 1; case slang_spec_vec2: return 2; case slang_spec_vec3: return 3; case slang_spec_vec4: return 4; case slang_spec_mat2: return 2 * 2; case slang_spec_mat3: return 3 * 3; case slang_spec_mat4: return 4 * 4; case slang_spec_sampler1D: case slang_spec_sampler2D: case slang_spec_sampler3D: case slang_spec_samplerCube: case slang_spec_sampler1DShadow: case slang_spec_sampler2DShadow: abort(); return 0; case slang_spec_struct: return sizeof_struct(spec->_struct); case slang_spec_array: return 1; /* XXX */ default: abort(); return 0; } return 0; } static GLuint sizeof_type(const slang_fully_specified_type *t) { return _slang_sizeof_type_specifier(&t->specifier); } #define IND 0 void slang_print_ir(const slang_ir_node *n, int indent) { int i; if (!n) return; #if !IND if (n->Opcode != IR_SEQ) #else printf("%3d:", indent); #endif for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) printf(" "); switch (n->Opcode) { case IR_SEQ: #if IND printf("SEQ at %p\n", (void*) n); #endif assert(n->Children[0]); assert(n->Children[1]); slang_print_ir(n->Children[0], indent + IND); slang_print_ir(n->Children[1], indent + IND); break; case IR_MOVE: printf("MOVE (writemask = %s)\n", writemask_string(n->Writemask)); slang_print_ir(n->Children[0], indent+3); slang_print_ir(n->Children[1], indent+3); break; case IR_LABEL: printf("LABEL: %s\n", n->Target); break; case IR_COND: printf("COND\n"); slang_print_ir(n->Children[0], indent + 3); break; case IR_JUMP: printf("JUMP %s\n", n->Target); break; case IR_CJUMP: printf("CJUMP %s\n", n->Target); slang_print_ir(n->Children[0], indent+3); break; case IR_VAR: printf("VAR %s%s at %s store %p\n", (char *) n->Var->a_name, swizzle_string(n->Swizzle), storage_string(n->Store), (void*) n->Store); break; case IR_VAR_DECL: printf("VAR_DECL %s (%p) at %s store %p\n", (char *) n->Var->a_name, (void*) n->Var, storage_string(n->Store), (void*) n->Store); break; case IR_FIELD: printf("FIELD %s of\n", n->Target); slang_print_ir(n->Children[0], indent+3); break; case IR_CALL: printf("ASMCALL %s(%d args)\n", n->Target, n->Swizzle); break; case IR_FLOAT: printf("FLOAT %f %f %f %f\n", n->Value[0], n->Value[1], n->Value[2], n->Value[3]); break; case IR_I_TO_F: printf("INT_TO_FLOAT %d\n", (int) n->Value[0]); break; default: printf("%s (%p, %p)\n", slang_ir_name(n->Opcode), (void*) n->Children[0], (void*) n->Children[1]); slang_print_ir(n->Children[0], indent+3); slang_print_ir(n->Children[1], indent+3); } } static GLint alloc_temporary(slang_gen_context *gc, GLint size) { const GLuint sz4 = (size + 3) / 4; GLuint i, j; ASSERT(size > 0); /* number of floats */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS; i++) { GLuint found = 0; for (j = 0; j < sz4; j++) { if (!gc->TempUsed[i + j]) { found++; } } if (found == sz4) { /* found block of size/4 free regs */ for (j = 0; j < sz4; j++) gc->TempUsed[i + j] = GL_TRUE; return i; } } return -1; } static GLboolean is_temporary(const slang_gen_context *gc, const slang_ir_storage *st) { if (st->File == PROGRAM_TEMPORARY && gc->TempUsed[st->Index]) return gc->TempUsed[st->Index]; else return GL_FALSE; } static void free_temporary(slang_gen_context *gc, GLuint r, GLint size) { const GLuint sz4 = (size + 3) / 4; GLuint i; for (i = 0; i < sz4; i++) { if (gc->TempUsed[r + i]) gc->TempUsed[r + i] = GL_FALSE; } } static GLint slang_find_input(GLenum target, const char *name, GLint index) { struct input_info { const char *Name; GLuint Attrib; }; static const struct input_info vertInputs[] = { { "gl_Vertex", VERT_ATTRIB_POS }, { "gl_Normal", VERT_ATTRIB_NORMAL }, { "gl_Color", VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR0 }, { "gl_SecondaryColor", VERT_ATTRIB_COLOR1 }, { NULL, 0 } }; static const struct input_info fragInputs[] = { { NULL, 0 } }; const struct input_info *inputs; GLuint i; if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) { inputs = vertInputs; } else { assert(target == GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB); inputs = fragInputs; } for (i = 0; inputs[i].Name; i++) { if (strcmp(inputs[i].Name, name) == 0) { /* found */ return inputs[i].Attrib; } } return -1; } static GLint slang_find_output(GLenum target, const char *name, GLint index) { struct output_info { const char *Name; GLuint Attrib; }; static const struct output_info vertOutputs[] = { { "gl_Position", VERT_RESULT_HPOS }, { "gl_FrontColor", VERT_RESULT_COL0 }, { "gl_BackColor", VERT_RESULT_BFC0 }, { "gl_FrontSecondaryColor", VERT_RESULT_COL1 }, { "gl_BackSecondaryColor", VERT_RESULT_BFC1 }, { "gl_TexCoord", VERT_RESULT_TEX0 }, /* XXX indexed */ { "gl_FogFragCoord", VERT_RESULT_FOGC }, { NULL, 0 } }; static const struct output_info fragOutputs[] = { { "gl_FragColor", FRAG_RESULT_COLR }, { NULL, 0 } }; const struct output_info *outputs; GLuint i; if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) { outputs = vertOutputs; } else { assert(target == GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB); outputs = fragOutputs; } for (i = 0; outputs[i].Name; i++) { if (strcmp(outputs[i].Name, name) == 0) { /* found */ return outputs[i].Attrib; } } return -1; } /** * Lookup a named constant and allocate storage for the parameter in * the given parameter list. * \return position of the constant in the paramList. */ static GLint slang_lookup_constant(const char *name, GLint index, struct gl_program_parameter_list *paramList) { struct constant_info { const char *Name; const GLenum Token; }; static const struct constant_info info[] = { { "gl_MaxLights", GL_MAX_LIGHTS }, { "gl_MaxClipPlanes", GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES }, { "gl_MaxTextureUnits", GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS }, { "gl_MaxTextureCoords", GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS }, { "gl_MaxVertexAttribs", GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS }, { "gl_MaxVertexUniformComponents", GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS }, { "gl_MaxVaryingFloats", GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS }, { "gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits", GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS }, { "gl_MaxTextureImageUnits", GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS }, { "gl_MaxFragmentUniformComponents", GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS }, { "gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits", GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS }, { NULL, 0 } }; GLuint i; GLuint swizzle; /* XXX use this */ for (i = 0; info[i].Name; i++) { if (strcmp(info[i].Name, name) == 0) { /* found */ GLfloat value = -1.0; GLint pos; _mesa_GetFloatv(info[i].Token, &value); ASSERT(value >= 0.0); /* sanity check that glGetFloatv worked */ pos = _mesa_add_unnamed_constant(paramList, &value, 1, &swizzle); return pos; } } return -1; } /** * Determine if 'name' is a state variable. If so, create a new program * parameter for it, and return the param's index. Else, return -1. */ static GLint slang_lookup_statevar(const char *name, GLint index, struct gl_program_parameter_list *paramList) { struct state_info { const char *Name; const GLuint NumRows; /** for matrices */ const GLuint Swizzle; const GLint Indexes[6]; }; static const struct state_info state[] = { { "gl_ModelViewMatrix", 4, SWIZZLE_NOOP, { STATE_MATRIX, STATE_MODELVIEW, 0, 0, 0, STATE_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE } }, { "gl_NormalMatrix", 3, SWIZZLE_NOOP, { STATE_MATRIX, STATE_MODELVIEW, 0, 0, 0, STATE_MATRIX_INVTRANS } }, { "gl_ProjectionMatrix", 4, SWIZZLE_NOOP, { STATE_MATRIX, STATE_PROJECTION, 0, 0, 0, STATE_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE } }, { "gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix", 4, SWIZZLE_NOOP, { STATE_MATRIX, STATE_MVP, 0, 0, 0, STATE_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE } }, { "gl_TextureMatrix", 4, SWIZZLE_NOOP, { STATE_MATRIX, STATE_TEXTURE, 0, 0, 0, STATE_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE } }, { NULL, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} } }; GLuint i; for (i = 0; state[i].Name; i++) { if (strcmp(state[i].Name, name) == 0) { /* found */ if (paramList) { if (state[i].NumRows > 1) { /* a matrix */ GLuint j; GLint pos[4], indexesCopy[6]; /* make copy of state tokens */ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) indexesCopy[j] = state[i].Indexes[j]; /* load rows */ for (j = 0; j < state[i].NumRows; j++) { indexesCopy[3] = indexesCopy[4] = j; /* jth row of matrix */ pos[j] = _mesa_add_state_reference(paramList, indexesCopy); assert(pos[j] >= 0); } return pos[0]; } else { /* non-matrix state */ GLint pos = _mesa_add_state_reference(paramList, state[i].Indexes); assert(pos >= 0); return pos; } } } } return -1; } static GLint slang_alloc_uniform(struct gl_program *prog, const char *name) { GLint i = _mesa_add_uniform(prog->Parameters, name, 4); return i; } static GLint slang_alloc_varying(struct gl_program *prog, const char *name) { GLint i = _mesa_add_varying(prog->Varying, name, 4); /* XXX fix size */ #if 0 if (prog->Target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) { #ifdef OLD_LINK i += VERT_RESULT_VAR0; prog->OutputsWritten |= (1 << i); #else prog->OutputsWritten |= (1 << (i + VERT_RESULT_VAR0)); #endif } else { #ifdef OLD_LINK i += FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0; prog->InputsRead |= (1 << i); #else prog->InputsRead |= (1 << (i + FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0)); #endif } #endif return i; } /** * Allocate temporary storage for an intermediate result (such as for * a multiply or add, etc. */ static void slang_alloc_temp_storage(slang_gen_context *gc, slang_ir_node *n, GLint size) { GLint indx; assert(!n->Var); assert(!n->Store); assert(size > 0); indx = alloc_temporary(gc, size); n->Store = _slang_new_ir_storage(PROGRAM_TEMPORARY, indx, size); } /** * Allocate storage info for an IR node (n->Store). * We may do any of the following: * 1. Compute Store->File/Index for program inputs/outputs/uniforms/etc. * 2. Allocate storage for user-declared variables. * 3. Allocate intermediate/unnamed storage for complex expressions. * 4. other? * * If gc or prog is NULL, we may only be able to determine the Store->File * but not an Index (register). */ void slang_resolve_storage(slang_gen_context *gc, slang_ir_node *n, struct gl_program *prog) { assert(gc); assert(n); assert(prog); if (!n->Store) { /* allocate storage info for this node */ if (n->Var && n->Var->aux) { /* node storage info = var storage info */ n->Store = (slang_ir_storage *) n->Var->aux; } else { /* alloc new storage info */ n->Store = _slang_new_ir_storage(PROGRAM_UNDEFINED, -1, -5); if (n->Var) n->Var->aux = n->Store; } } if (n->Opcode == IR_VAR_DECL) { /* storage declaration */ assert(n->Var); if (n->Store->Index < 0) { /* XXX assert this? */ assert(gc); n->Store->File = PROGRAM_TEMPORARY; n->Store->Size = sizeof_type(&n->Var->type); n->Store->Index = alloc_temporary(gc, n->Store->Size); printf("alloc var %s storage at %d (size %d)\n", (char *) n->Var->a_name, n->Store->Index, n->Store->Size); assert(n->Store->Size > 0); n->Var->declared = GL_TRUE; } assert(n->Store->Size > 0); return; } if (n->Opcode == IR_VAR && n->Store->File == PROGRAM_UNDEFINED) { /* try to determine the storage for this variable */ GLint i; assert(n->Var); if (n->Store->Size < 0) { /* determine var/storage size now */ n->Store->Size = sizeof_type(&n->Var->type); assert(n->Store->Size > 0); } #if 0 assert(n->Var->declared || n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_uniform || n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_varying || n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_fixedoutput || n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_attribute || n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_out || n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_const); #endif i = slang_find_input(prog->Target, (char *) n->Var->a_name, 0); if (i >= 0) { n->Store->File = PROGRAM_INPUT; n->Store->Index = i; assert(n->Store->Size > 0); prog->InputsRead |= (1 << i); return; } i = slang_find_output(prog->Target, (char *) n->Var->a_name, 0); if (i >= 0) { n->Store->File = PROGRAM_OUTPUT; n->Store->Index = i; prog->OutputsWritten |= (1 << i); return; } i = slang_lookup_statevar((char *) n->Var->a_name, 0, prog->Parameters); if (i >= 0) { n->Store->File = PROGRAM_STATE_VAR; n->Store->Index = i; return; } i = slang_lookup_constant((char *) n->Var->a_name, 0, prog->Parameters); if (i >= 0) { n->Store->File = PROGRAM_CONSTANT; n->Store->Index = i; return; } /* probably a uniform or varying */ if (n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_uniform) { i = slang_alloc_uniform(prog, (char *) n->Var->a_name); if (i >= 0) { n->Store->File = PROGRAM_UNIFORM; n->Store->Index = i; return; } } else if (n->Var->type.qualifier == slang_qual_varying) { i = slang_alloc_varying(prog, (char *) n->Var->a_name); if (i >= 0) { #ifdef OLD_LINK if (prog->Target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) n->Store->File = PROGRAM_OUTPUT; else n->Store->File = PROGRAM_INPUT; #else n->Store->File = PROGRAM_VARYING; #endif n->Store->Index = i; return; } } if (n->Store->File == PROGRAM_UNDEFINED && n->Store->Index < 0) { /* ordinary local var */ assert(n->Store->Size > 0); n->Store->File = PROGRAM_TEMPORARY; n->Store->Index = alloc_temporary(gc, n->Store->Size); } } } static slang_ir_storage * alloc_constant(const GLfloat v[], GLuint size, struct gl_program *prog) { GLuint swizzle; GLint ind = _mesa_add_unnamed_constant(prog->Parameters, v, size, &swizzle); slang_ir_storage *st = _slang_new_ir_storage(PROGRAM_CONSTANT, ind, size); return st; } /** * Swizzle a swizzle. */ #if 0 static GLuint swizzle_compose(GLuint swz1, GLuint swz2) { GLuint i, swz, s[4]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { GLuint c = GET_SWZ(swz1, i); s[i] = GET_SWZ(swz2, c); } swz = MAKE_SWIZZLE4(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]); return swz; } #endif /** * Convert IR storage to an instruction dst register. */ static void storage_to_dst_reg(struct prog_dst_register *dst, const slang_ir_storage *st, GLuint writemask) { static const GLuint defaultWritemask[4] = { WRITEMASK_X, WRITEMASK_X | WRITEMASK_Y, WRITEMASK_X | WRITEMASK_Y | WRITEMASK_Z, WRITEMASK_X | WRITEMASK_Y | WRITEMASK_Z | WRITEMASK_W }; dst->File = st->File; dst->Index = st->Index; assert(st->File != PROGRAM_UNDEFINED); assert(st->Size >= 1); assert(st->Size <= 4); dst->WriteMask = defaultWritemask[st->Size - 1] & writemask; } /** * Convert IR storage to an instruction src register. */ static void storage_to_src_reg(struct prog_src_register *src, const slang_ir_storage *st, GLuint swizzle) { static const GLuint defaultSwizzle[4] = { MAKE_SWIZZLE4(SWIZZLE_X, SWIZZLE_X, SWIZZLE_X, SWIZZLE_X), MAKE_SWIZZLE4(SWIZZLE_X, SWIZZLE_Y, SWIZZLE_Z, SWIZZLE_W), MAKE_SWIZZLE4(SWIZZLE_X, SWIZZLE_Y, SWIZZLE_Z, SWIZZLE_W), MAKE_SWIZZLE4(SWIZZLE_X, SWIZZLE_Y, SWIZZLE_Z, SWIZZLE_W) }; src->File = st->File; src->Index = st->Index; assert(st->File != PROGRAM_UNDEFINED); assert(st->Size >= 1); assert(st->Size <= 4); /* XXX swizzling logic here may need some work */ /*src->Swizzle = swizzle_compose(swizzle, defaultSwizzle[st->Size - 1]);*/ if (swizzle != SWIZZLE_NOOP) src->Swizzle = swizzle; else src->Swizzle = defaultSwizzle[st->Size - 1]; } /** * Add new instruction at end of given program. * \param prog the program to append instruction onto * \param opcode opcode for the new instruction * \return pointer to the new instruction */ static struct prog_instruction * new_instruction(struct gl_program *prog, gl_inst_opcode opcode) { struct prog_instruction *inst; prog->Instructions = _mesa_realloc_instructions(prog->Instructions, prog->NumInstructions, prog->NumInstructions + 1); inst = prog->Instructions + prog->NumInstructions; prog->NumInstructions++; _mesa_init_instructions(inst, 1); inst->Opcode = opcode; return inst; } static struct prog_instruction * emit(slang_gen_context *gc, slang_ir_node *n, struct gl_program *prog); /** * Generate code for a simple binary-op instruction. */ static struct prog_instruction * emit_binop(slang_gen_context *gc, slang_ir_node *n, struct gl_program *prog) { struct prog_instruction *inst; const slang_ir_info *info = slang_find_ir_info(n->Opcode); assert(info); assert(info->InstOpcode != OPCODE_NOP); emit(gc, n->Children[0], prog); emit(gc, n->Children[1], prog); inst = new_instruction(prog, info->InstOpcode); /* alloc temp storage for the result: */ if (!n->Store || n->Store->File == PROGRAM_UNDEFINED) { #if 1 slang_alloc_temp_storage(gc, n, info->ResultSize); #else slang_resolve_storage(gc, n, prog); #endif } storage_to_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, n->Store, n->Writemask); storage_to_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], n->Children[0]->Store, n->Children[0]->Swizzle); storage_to_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[1], n->Children[1]->Store, n->Children[1]->Swizzle); inst->Comment = n->Comment; return inst; } static struct prog_instruction * emit_unop(slang_gen_context *gc, slang_ir_node *n, struct gl_program *prog) { struct prog_instruction *inst; const slang_ir_info *info = slang_find_ir_info(n->Opcode); assert(info); assert(info->NumParams == 1); emit(gc, n->Children[0], prog); inst = new_instruction(prog, info->InstOpcode); /*slang_resolve_storage(gc, n, prog);*/ if (!n->Store) slang_alloc_temp_storage(gc, n, info->ResultSize); storage_to_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, n->Store, n->Writemask); storage_to_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], n->Children[0]->Store, n->Children[0]->Swizzle); inst->Comment = n->Comment; return inst; } static struct prog_instruction * emit_label(const char *target, struct gl_program *prog) { struct prog_instruction *inst; inst = new_instruction(prog, OPCODE_NOP); inst->Comment = _mesa_strdup(target); return inst; } static struct prog_instruction * emit_cjump(const char *target, struct gl_program *prog) { struct prog_instruction *inst; inst = new_instruction(prog, OPCODE_BRA); inst->DstReg.CondMask = COND_EQ; /* branch if equal to zero */ inst->DstReg.CondSwizzle = SWIZZLE_X; inst->Comment = _mesa_strdup(target); return inst; } static struct prog_instruction * emit_jump(const char *target, struct gl_program *prog) { struct prog_instruction *inst; inst = new_instruction(prog, OPCODE_BRA); inst->DstReg.CondMask = COND_TR; /* always branch */ /*inst->DstReg.CondSwizzle = SWIZZLE_X;*/ inst->Comment = _mesa_strdup(target); return inst; } static struct prog_instruction * emit(slang_gen_context *gc, slang_ir_node *n, struct gl_program *prog) { struct prog_instruction *inst; if (!n) return NULL; switch (n->Opcode) { case IR_SEQ: assert(n->Children[0]); assert(n->Children[1]); emit(gc, n->Children[0], prog); inst = emit(gc, n->Children[1], prog); n->Store = n->Children[1]->Store; return inst; break; case IR_VAR_DECL: slang_resolve_storage(gc, n, prog); assert(n->Store->Index >= 0); assert(n->Store->Size > 0); break; case IR_VAR: /*printf("Gen: var ref\n");*/ { int b = !n->Store || n->Store->Index < 0; if (b) slang_resolve_storage(gc, n, prog); /*assert(n->Store->Index >= 0);*/ assert(n->Store->Size > 0); } break; case IR_MOVE: /* rhs */ assert(n->Children[1]); inst = emit(gc, n->Children[1], prog); /* lhs */ emit(gc, n->Children[0], prog); #if 1 if (inst && is_temporary(gc, n->Children[1]->Store)) { /* Peephole optimization: * Just modify the RHS to put its result into the dest of this * MOVE operation. Then, this MOVE is a no-op. */ free_temporary(gc, n->Children[1]->Store->Index, n->Children[1]->Store->Size); *n->Children[1]->Store = *n->Children[0]->Store; /* fixup the prev (RHS) instruction */ storage_to_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, n->Children[0]->Store, n->Writemask); return inst; } else #endif { if (n->Children[0]->Store->Size > 4) { /* move matrix/struct etc */ slang_ir_storage dstStore = *n->Children[0]->Store; slang_ir_storage srcStore = *n->Children[1]->Store; GLint size = srcStore.Size; ASSERT(n->Children[0]->Writemask == WRITEMASK_XYZW); ASSERT(n->Children[1]->Swizzle == SWIZZLE_NOOP); dstStore.Size = 4; srcStore.Size = 4; while (size >= 4) { inst = new_instruction(prog, OPCODE_MOV); inst->Comment = _mesa_strdup("IR_MOVE block"); storage_to_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, &dstStore, n->Writemask); storage_to_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], &srcStore, n->Children[1]->Swizzle); srcStore.Index++; dstStore.Index++; size -= 4; } } else { inst = new_instruction(prog, OPCODE_MOV); storage_to_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, n->Children[0]->Store, n->Writemask); storage_to_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], n->Children[1]->Store, n->Children[1]->Swizzle); } if (n->Children[1]->Store->File == PROGRAM_TEMPORARY) { free_temporary(gc, n->Children[1]->Store->Index, n->Children[1]->Store->Size); } /*inst->Comment = _mesa_strdup("IR_MOVE");*/ n->Store = n->Children[0]->Store; /*XXX new */ return inst; } break; case IR_ADD: case IR_SUB: case IR_MUL: case IR_DOT4: case IR_DOT3: case IR_CROSS: case IR_MIN: case IR_MAX: case IR_SEQUAL: case IR_SNEQUAL: case IR_SGE: case IR_SGT: case IR_POW: case IR_EXP: case IR_EXP2: return emit_binop(gc, n, prog); case IR_RSQ: case IR_RCP: case IR_FLOOR: case IR_FRAC: case IR_ABS: case IR_SIN: case IR_COS: return emit_unop(gc, n, prog); case IR_LABEL: return emit_label(n->Target, prog); case IR_FLOAT: n->Store = alloc_constant(n->Value, 4, prog); /*XXX fix size */ break; case IR_COND: { /* Conditional expression (in if/while/for stmts). * Need to update condition code register. * Next instruction is typically an IR_CJUMP. */ /* last child expr instruction: */ struct prog_instruction *inst = emit(gc, n->Children[0], prog); if (inst) { /* set inst's CondUpdate flag */ inst->CondUpdate = GL_TRUE; return inst; /* XXX or null? */ } else { /* This'll happen for things like "if (i) ..." where no code * is normally generated for the expression "i". * Generate a move instruction just to set condition codes. */ slang_alloc_temp_storage(gc, n, 1); inst = new_instruction(prog, OPCODE_MOV); inst->CondUpdate = GL_TRUE; storage_to_dst_reg(&inst->DstReg, n->Store, n->Writemask); storage_to_src_reg(&inst->SrcReg[0], n->Children[0]->Store, n->Children[0]->Swizzle); free_temporary(gc, n->Store->Index, n->Store->Size); return inst; /* XXX or null? */ } } return NULL; case IR_JUMP: return emit_jump(n->Target, prog); case IR_CJUMP: return emit_cjump(n->Target, prog); default: printf("emit: ?\n"); abort(); } return NULL; } slang_gen_context * _slang_new_codegen_context(void) { slang_gen_context *gc = (slang_gen_context *) _mesa_calloc(sizeof(*gc)); return gc; } GLboolean _slang_emit_code(slang_ir_node *n, slang_gen_context *gc, struct gl_program *prog) { /*GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(ctx);*/ /* gc = _slang_new_codegen_context(); */ printf("************ Begin generate code\n"); (void) emit(gc, n, prog); { struct prog_instruction *inst; inst = new_instruction(prog, OPCODE_END); } printf("************ End generate code (%u inst):\n", prog->NumInstructions); #if 0 _mesa_print_program(prog); _mesa_print_program_parameters(ctx,prog); #endif _mesa_free(gc); return GL_FALSE; }