/** * Functions for managing instruction labels. * Basically, this is used to manage the problem of forward branches where * we have a branch instruciton but don't know the target address yet. */ #include "slang_label.h" #include "slang_mem.h" slang_label * _slang_label_new(const char *name) { slang_label *l = (slang_label *) _slang_alloc(sizeof(slang_label)); if (l) { l->Name = _slang_strdup(name); l->Location = -1; } return l; } /** * As above, but suffix the name with a unique number. */ slang_label * _slang_label_new_unique(const char *name) { static int id = 1; slang_label *l = (slang_label *) _slang_alloc(sizeof(slang_label)); if (l) { l->Name = (char *) _slang_alloc(strlen(name) + 10); if (!l->Name) { free(l); return NULL; } _mesa_sprintf(l->Name, "%s_%d", name, id); id++; l->Location = -1; } return l; } void _slang_label_delete(slang_label *l) { if (l->Name) { _slang_free(l->Name); l->Name = NULL; } if (l->References) { _slang_free(l->References); l->References = NULL; } _slang_free(l); } void _slang_label_add_reference(slang_label *l, GLuint inst) { const GLuint oldSize = l->NumReferences * sizeof(GLuint); assert(l->Location < 0); l->References = _slang_realloc(l->References, oldSize, oldSize + sizeof(GLuint)); if (l->References) { l->References[l->NumReferences] = inst; l->NumReferences++; } } GLint _slang_label_get_location(const slang_label *l) { return l->Location; } void _slang_label_set_location(slang_label *l, GLint location, struct gl_program *prog) { GLuint i; assert(l->Location < 0); assert(location >= 0); l->Location = location; /* for the instructions that were waiting to learn the label's location: */ for (i = 0; i < l->NumReferences; i++) { const GLuint j = l->References[i]; prog->Instructions[j].BranchTarget = location; } if (l->References) { _slang_free(l->References); l->References = NULL; } }