/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 6.5.3 * * Copyright (C) 2006 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * \file slang_link2.c * GLSL linker * \author Brian Paul */ #include "imports.h" #include "context.h" #include "hash.h" #include "macros.h" #include "program.h" #include "prog_instruction.h" #include "prog_parameter.h" #include "prog_print.h" #include "shader_api.h" #include "slang_link.h" static GLboolean link_varying_vars(struct gl_linked_program *linked, struct gl_program *prog) { GLuint *map, i, firstVarying, newFile; GLbitfield varsWritten, varsRead; map = (GLuint *) malloc(prog->Varying->NumParameters * sizeof(GLuint)); if (!map) return GL_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < prog->Varying->NumParameters; i++) { /* see if this varying is in the linked varying list */ const struct gl_program_parameter *var = prog->Varying->Parameters + i; GLint j = _mesa_lookup_parameter_index(linked->Varying, -1, var->Name); if (j >= 0) { /* already in list, check size */ if (var->Size != linked->Varying->Parameters[j].Size) { /* error */ return GL_FALSE; } } else { /* not already in linked list */ j = _mesa_add_varying(linked->Varying, var->Name, var->Size); } ASSERT(j >= 0); map[i] = j; } /* Varying variables are treated like other vertex program outputs * (and like other fragment program inputs). The position of the * first varying differs for vertex/fragment programs... * Also, replace File=PROGRAM_VARYING with File=PROGRAM_INPUT/OUTPUT. */ if (prog->Target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) { firstVarying = VERT_RESULT_VAR0; newFile = PROGRAM_OUTPUT; } else { assert(prog->Target == GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB); firstVarying = FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0; newFile = PROGRAM_INPUT; } /* keep track of which varying vars we read and write */ varsWritten = varsRead = 0x0; /* OK, now scan the program/shader instructions looking for varying vars, * replacing the old index with the new index. */ for (i = 0; i < prog->NumInstructions; i++) { struct prog_instruction *inst = prog->Instructions + i; GLuint j; if (inst->DstReg.File == PROGRAM_VARYING) { inst->DstReg.File = newFile; inst->DstReg.Index = map[ inst->DstReg.Index ] + firstVarying; varsWritten |= (1 << inst->DstReg.Index); } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (inst->SrcReg[j].File == PROGRAM_VARYING) { inst->SrcReg[j].File = newFile; inst->SrcReg[j].Index = map[ inst->SrcReg[j].Index ] + firstVarying; varsRead |= (1 << inst->SrcReg[j].Index); } } /* XXX update program OutputsWritten, InputsRead */ } if (prog->Target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) { prog->OutputsWritten |= varsWritten; } else { assert(prog->Target == GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB); prog->InputsRead |= varsRead; } free(map); return GL_TRUE; } static GLboolean is_uniform(enum register_file file) { return (file == PROGRAM_ENV_PARAM || file == PROGRAM_STATE_VAR || file == PROGRAM_NAMED_PARAM || file == PROGRAM_CONSTANT || file == PROGRAM_UNIFORM); } static GLboolean link_uniform_vars(struct gl_linked_program *linked, struct gl_program *prog) { GLuint *map, i; map = (GLuint *) malloc(prog->Parameters->NumParameters * sizeof(GLuint)); if (!map) return GL_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < prog->Parameters->NumParameters; i++) { /* see if this uniform is in the linked uniform list */ const struct gl_program_parameter *p = prog->Parameters->Parameters + i; const GLfloat *pVals = prog->Parameters->ParameterValues[i]; GLint j; /* sanity check */ assert(is_uniform(p->Type)); if (p->Name) { j = _mesa_lookup_parameter_index(linked->Uniforms, -1, p->Name); } else { GLuint swizzle; ASSERT(p->Type == PROGRAM_CONSTANT); if (_mesa_lookup_parameter_constant(linked->Uniforms, pVals, p->Size, &j, &swizzle)) { assert(j >= 0); } else { j = -1; } } if (j >= 0) { /* already in list, check size XXX check this */ assert(p->Size == linked->Uniforms->Parameters[j].Size); } else { /* not already in linked list */ switch (p->Type) { case PROGRAM_ENV_PARAM: j = _mesa_add_named_parameter(linked->Uniforms, p->Name, pVals); case PROGRAM_CONSTANT: j = _mesa_add_named_constant(linked->Uniforms, p->Name, pVals, p->Size); break; case PROGRAM_STATE_VAR: j = _mesa_add_state_reference(linked->Uniforms, (const GLint *) p->StateIndexes); break; case PROGRAM_UNIFORM: j = _mesa_add_uniform(linked->Uniforms, p->Name, p->Size); break; default: abort(); } } ASSERT(j >= 0); map[i] = j; } /* OK, now scan the program/shader instructions looking for varying vars, * replacing the old index with the new index. */ for (i = 0; i < prog->NumInstructions; i++) { struct prog_instruction *inst = prog->Instructions + i; GLuint j; if (is_uniform(inst->DstReg.File)) { inst->DstReg.Index = map[ inst->DstReg.Index ]; } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (is_uniform(inst->SrcReg[j].File)) { inst->SrcReg[j].Index = map[ inst->SrcReg[j].Index ]; } } /* XXX update program OutputsWritten, InputsRead */ } free(map); return GL_TRUE; } /** * XXX Temporary */ static void slang_resolve_branches(struct gl_program *prog) { struct target { const char *Name; GLuint Pos; }; struct target targets[500]; GLuint numTargets = 0; GLuint i, j; for (i = 0; i < prog->NumInstructions; i++) { struct prog_instruction *inst = prog->Instructions + i; if (inst->Opcode == OPCODE_NOP && inst->Comment) { targets[numTargets].Name = inst->Comment; targets[numTargets].Pos = i; numTargets++; } } for (i = 0; i < prog->NumInstructions; i++) { struct prog_instruction *inst = prog->Instructions + i; if (inst->Opcode == OPCODE_BRA) { for (j = 0; j < numTargets; j++) { if (!strcmp(inst->Comment, targets[j].Name)) { inst->BranchTarget = targets[j].Pos; break; } } if (j == numTargets) { abort(); } } } } /** * Shader linker. Currently: * * 1. The last attached vertex shader and fragment shader are linked. * 2. Varying vars in the two shaders are combined so their locations * agree between the vertex and fragment stages. They're treated as * vertex program output attribs and as fragment program input attribs. * 3. Uniform vars (including state references, constants, etc) from the * vertex and fragment shaders are merged into one group. Recall that * GLSL uniforms are shared by all linked shaders. * 4. The vertex and fragment programs are cloned and modified to update * src/dst register references so they use the new, linked uniform/ * varying storage locations. */ void _slang_link2(GLcontext *ctx, GLhandleARB programObj, struct gl_linked_program *linked) { struct gl_vertex_program *vertProg; struct gl_fragment_program *fragProg; GLuint i; _mesa_free_linked_program_data(ctx, linked); linked->Uniforms = _mesa_new_parameter_list(); linked->Varying = _mesa_new_parameter_list(); /** * Find attached vertex shader, fragment shader */ vertProg = NULL; fragProg = NULL; for (i = 0; i < linked->NumShaders; i++) { if (linked->Shaders[i]->Target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) vertProg = (struct gl_vertex_program *) linked->Shaders[i]; else if (linked->Shaders[i]->Target == GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB) fragProg = (struct gl_fragment_program *) linked->Shaders[i]; else _mesa_problem(ctx, "unexpected shader target in slang_link2()"); } if (!vertProg || !fragProg) { /* XXX is it legal to have one but not the other?? */ /* XXX record error */ linked->LinkStatus = GL_FALSE; return; } /* * Make copies of the vertex/fragment programs now since we'll be * changing src/dst registers after merging the uniforms and varying vars. */ linked->VertexProgram = (struct gl_vertex_program *) _mesa_clone_program(ctx, &vertProg->Base); linked->FragmentProgram = (struct gl_fragment_program *) _mesa_clone_program(ctx, &fragProg->Base); link_varying_vars(linked, &linked->VertexProgram->Base); link_varying_vars(linked, &linked->FragmentProgram->Base); link_uniform_vars(linked, &linked->VertexProgram->Base); link_uniform_vars(linked, &linked->FragmentProgram->Base); /* The vertex and fragment programs share a common set of uniforms now */ _mesa_free_parameter_list(linked->VertexProgram->Base.Parameters); _mesa_free_parameter_list(linked->FragmentProgram->Base.Parameters); linked->VertexProgram->Base.Parameters = linked->Uniforms; linked->FragmentProgram->Base.Parameters = linked->Uniforms; slang_resolve_branches(&linked->VertexProgram->Base); slang_resolve_branches(&linked->FragmentProgram->Base); #if 1 printf("************** original fragment program\n"); _mesa_print_program(&fragProg->Base); _mesa_print_program_parameters(ctx, &fragProg->Base); #endif #if 1 printf("************** linked fragment prog\n"); _mesa_print_program(&linked->FragmentProgram->Base); _mesa_print_program_parameters(ctx, &linked->FragmentProgram->Base); #endif #if 1 printf("************** original vertex program\n"); _mesa_print_program(&vertProg->Base); _mesa_print_program_parameters(ctx, &fragProg->Base); #endif #if 1 printf("************** linked vertex prog\n"); _mesa_print_program(&linked->VertexProgram->Base); _mesa_print_program_parameters(ctx, &linked->VertexProgram->Base); #endif linked->LinkStatus = (linked->VertexProgram && linked->FragmentProgram); }