/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 6.5.2 * * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** XXX This file should be named s_clear.c */ #include "glheader.h" #include "colormac.h" #include "macros.h" #include "imports.h" #include "mtypes.h" #include "s_accum.h" #include "s_context.h" #include "s_depth.h" #include "s_masking.h" #include "s_stencil.h" /** * Clear the color buffer when glColorMask is in effect. */ static void clear_rgba_buffer_with_masking(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb) { const GLint x = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; const GLint y = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint height = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint width = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; SWspan span; GLint i; ASSERT(ctx->Visual.rgbMode); ASSERT(rb->PutRow); /* Initialize color span with clear color */ /* XXX optimize for clearcolor == black/zero (bzero) */ INIT_SPAN(span, GL_BITMAP, width, 0, SPAN_RGBA); span.array->ChanType = rb->DataType; if (span.array->ChanType == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { GLubyte clearColor[4]; UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clearColor[RCOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[0]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clearColor[GCOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[1]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clearColor[BCOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[2]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clearColor[ACOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[3]); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { COPY_4UBV(span.array->rgba[i], clearColor); } } else if (span.array->ChanType == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT) { GLushort clearColor[4]; UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clearColor[RCOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[0]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clearColor[GCOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[1]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clearColor[BCOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[2]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clearColor[ACOMP], ctx->Color.ClearColor[3]); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { COPY_4V(span.array->rgba[i], clearColor); } } else { ASSERT(span.array->ChanType == GL_FLOAT); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_CHAN(span.array->rgba[i][0], ctx->Color.ClearColor[0]); CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_CHAN(span.array->rgba[i][1], ctx->Color.ClearColor[1]); CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_CHAN(span.array->rgba[i][2], ctx->Color.ClearColor[2]); CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_CHAN(span.array->rgba[i][3], ctx->Color.ClearColor[3]); } } /* Note that masking will change the color values, but only the * channels for which the write mask is GL_FALSE. The channels * which which are write-enabled won't get modified. */ for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { span.x = x; span.y = y + i; _swrast_mask_rgba_span(ctx, rb, &span); /* write masked row */ rb->PutRow(ctx, rb, width, x, y + i, span.array->rgba, NULL); } } /** * Clear color index buffer with masking. */ static void clear_ci_buffer_with_masking(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb) { const GLint x = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; const GLint y = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint height = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint width = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; SWspan span; GLint i; ASSERT(!ctx->Visual.rgbMode); ASSERT(rb->PutRow); ASSERT(rb->DataType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT); /* Initialize index span with clear index */ INIT_SPAN(span, GL_BITMAP, width, 0, SPAN_INDEX); for (i = 0; i < width;i++) { span.array->index[i] = ctx->Color.ClearIndex; } /* Note that masking will change the color indexes, but only the * bits for which the write mask is GL_FALSE. The bits * which are write-enabled won't get modified. */ for (i = 0; i < height;i++) { span.x = x; span.y = y + i; _swrast_mask_ci_span(ctx, rb, &span); /* write masked row */ rb->PutRow(ctx, rb, width, x, y + i, span.array->index, NULL); } } /** * Clear an rgba color buffer without channel masking. */ static void clear_rgba_buffer(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb) { const GLint x = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; const GLint y = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint height = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint width = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; GLubyte clear8[4]; GLushort clear16[4]; GLvoid *clearVal; GLint i; ASSERT(ctx->Visual.rgbMode); ASSERT(ctx->Color.ColorMask[0] && ctx->Color.ColorMask[1] && ctx->Color.ColorMask[2] && ctx->Color.ColorMask[3]); ASSERT(rb->PutMonoRow); switch (rb->DataType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clear8[0], ctx->Color.ClearColor[0]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clear8[1], ctx->Color.ClearColor[1]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clear8[2], ctx->Color.ClearColor[2]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(clear8[3], ctx->Color.ClearColor[3]); clearVal = clear8; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clear16[0], ctx->Color.ClearColor[0]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clear16[1], ctx->Color.ClearColor[1]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clear16[2], ctx->Color.ClearColor[2]); UNCLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_USHORT(clear16[3], ctx->Color.ClearColor[3]); clearVal = clear16; break; case GL_FLOAT: clearVal = ctx->Color.ClearColor; break; default: _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bad rb DataType in clear_color_buffer"); return; } for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { rb->PutMonoRow(ctx, rb, width, x, y + i, clearVal, NULL); } } /** * Clear color index buffer without masking. */ static void clear_ci_buffer(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_renderbuffer *rb) { const GLint x = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; const GLint y = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint height = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Ymin; const GLint width = ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmax - ctx->DrawBuffer->_Xmin; GLubyte clear8; GLushort clear16; GLuint clear32; GLvoid *clearVal; GLint i; ASSERT(!ctx->Visual.rgbMode); ASSERT((ctx->Color.IndexMask & ((1 << rb->IndexBits) - 1)) == (GLuint) ((1 << rb->IndexBits) - 1)); ASSERT(rb->PutMonoRow); /* setup clear value */ switch (rb->DataType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: clear8 = (GLubyte) ctx->Color.ClearIndex; clearVal = &clear8; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: clear16 = (GLushort) ctx->Color.ClearIndex; clearVal = &clear16; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: clear32 = ctx->Color.ClearIndex; clearVal = &clear32; break; default: _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bad rb DataType in clear_color_buffer"); return; } for (i = 0; i < height; i++) rb->PutMonoRow(ctx, rb, width, x, y + i, clearVal, NULL); } /** * Clear the front/back/left/right/aux color buffers. * This function is usually only called if the device driver can't * clear its own color buffers for some reason (such as with masking). */ static void clear_color_buffers(GLcontext *ctx) { GLboolean masking; GLuint i; if (ctx->Visual.rgbMode) { if (ctx->Color.ColorMask[0] && ctx->Color.ColorMask[1] && ctx->Color.ColorMask[2] && ctx->Color.ColorMask[3]) { masking = GL_FALSE; } else { masking = GL_TRUE; } } else { struct gl_renderbuffer *rb = ctx->DrawBuffer->_ColorDrawBuffers[0][0]; const GLuint indexBits = (1 << rb->IndexBits) - 1; if ((ctx->Color.IndexMask & indexBits) == indexBits) { masking = GL_FALSE; } else { masking = GL_TRUE; } } for (i = 0; i < ctx->DrawBuffer->_NumColorDrawBuffers[0]; i++) { struct gl_renderbuffer *rb = ctx->DrawBuffer->_ColorDrawBuffers[0][i]; if (ctx->Visual.rgbMode) { if (masking) { clear_rgba_buffer_with_masking(ctx, rb); } else { clear_rgba_buffer(ctx, rb); } } else { if (masking) { clear_ci_buffer_with_masking(ctx, rb); } else { clear_ci_buffer(ctx, rb); } } } } /** * Called via the device driver's ctx->Driver.Clear() function if the * device driver can't clear one or more of the buffers itself. * \param buffers bitfield of BUFFER_BIT_* values indicating which * renderbuffers are to be cleared. * \param all if GL_TRUE, clear whole buffer, else clear specified region. */ void _swrast_Clear(GLcontext *ctx, GLbitfield buffers) { SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx); #ifdef DEBUG_FOO { const GLbitfield legalBits = BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_LEFT | BUFFER_BIT_FRONT_RIGHT | BUFFER_BIT_BACK_LEFT | BUFFER_BIT_BACK_RIGHT | BUFFER_BIT_DEPTH | BUFFER_BIT_STENCIL | BUFFER_BIT_ACCUM | BUFFER_BIT_AUX0 | BUFFER_BIT_AUX1 | BUFFER_BIT_AUX2 | BUFFER_BIT_AUX3; assert((buffers & (~legalBits)) == 0); } #endif RENDER_START(swrast,ctx); /* do software clearing here */ if (buffers) { if (buffers & ctx->DrawBuffer->_ColorDrawBufferMask[0]) { clear_color_buffers(ctx); } if (buffers & BUFFER_BIT_DEPTH) { _swrast_clear_depth_buffer(ctx, ctx->DrawBuffer->_DepthBuffer); } if (buffers & BUFFER_BIT_ACCUM) { _swrast_clear_accum_buffer(ctx, ctx->DrawBuffer->Attachment[BUFFER_ACCUM].Renderbuffer); } if (buffers & BUFFER_BIT_STENCIL) { _swrast_clear_stencil_buffer(ctx, ctx->DrawBuffer->_StencilBuffer); } } RENDER_FINISH(swrast,ctx); }