/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 3.5 * * Copyright (C) 1999 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Keith Whitwell */ static void TAG(triangle)(GLcontext *ctx, GLuint e0, GLuint e1, GLuint e2, GLuint pv) { struct vertex_buffer *VB = TNL_VB(ctx); SWvertex *verts = SWSETUP_VB(VB)->verts; SWvertex *v[3]; GLfloat offset; GLfloat z[3]; GLubyte c[3][4], s[3][4]; GLuint i[3]; GLenum mode = GL_FILL; v[0] = &verts[e0]; v[1] = &verts[e1]; v[2] = &verts[e2]; if (IND & (SS_TWOSIDE_BIT | SS_FLAT_BIT)) { SS_COLOR(c[0], v[0]->color); if (IND & SS_TWOSIDE_BIT) { SS_COLOR(c[1], v[1]->color); SS_COLOR(c[2], v[2]->color); } if (IND & SS_COPY_EXTRAS) { SS_SPEC(s[0], v[0]->specular); SS_IND(i[0], v[0]->index); if (IND & SS_TWOSIDE_BIT) { SS_SPEC(s[1], v[1]->specular); SS_IND(i[1], v[1]->index); SS_SPEC(s[2], v[2]->specular); SS_IND(i[2], v[2]->index); } } } if (IND & (SS_TWOSIDE_BIT | SS_OFFSET_BIT | SS_UNFILLED_BIT)) { GLfloat ex = v[0]->win[0] - v[2]->win[0]; GLfloat ey = v[0]->win[1] - v[2]->win[1]; GLfloat fx = v[1]->win[0] - v[2]->win[0]; GLfloat fy = v[1]->win[1] - v[2]->win[1]; GLfloat cc = ex*fy - ey*fx; if (IND & (SS_TWOSIDE_BIT | SS_UNFILLED_BIT)) { GLuint facing = (cc < 0.0) ^ ctx->Polygon.FrontBit; if (IND & SS_UNFILLED_BIT) mode = facing ? ctx->Polygon.BackMode : ctx->Polygon.FrontMode; if (IND & SS_TWOSIDE_BIT) { GLubyte (*vbcolor)[4] = VB->Color[facing]->data; GLubyte (*vbspec)[4] = VB->SecondaryColor[facing]->data; GLuint *vbindex = VB->Index[facing]->data; if (IND & SS_FLAT_BIT) { SS_COLOR(v[0]->color, vbcolor[pv]); SS_COLOR(v[1]->color, vbcolor[pv]); SS_COLOR(v[2]->color, vbcolor[pv]); if (IND & SS_COPY_EXTRAS) { SS_SPEC(v[0]->specular, vbspec[pv]); SS_SPEC(v[1]->specular, vbspec[pv]); SS_SPEC(v[2]->specular, vbspec[pv]); SS_IND(v[0]->index, vbindex[pv]); SS_IND(v[1]->index, vbindex[pv]); SS_IND(v[2]->index, vbindex[pv]); } } else { SS_COLOR(v[0]->color, vbcolor[e0]); SS_COLOR(v[1]->color, vbcolor[e1]); SS_COLOR(v[2]->color, vbcolor[e2]); if (IND & SS_COPY_EXTRAS) { SS_SPEC(v[0]->specular, vbspec[e0]); SS_SPEC(v[1]->specular, vbspec[e1]); SS_SPEC(v[2]->specular, vbspec[e2]); SS_IND(v[0]->index, vbindex[e0]); SS_IND(v[1]->index, vbindex[e1]); SS_IND(v[2]->index, vbindex[e2]); } } } } if (IND & SS_OFFSET_BIT) { offset = ctx->Polygon.OffsetUnits; z[0] = v[0]->win[2]; z[1] = v[1]->win[2]; z[2] = v[2]->win[2]; if (cc * cc > 1e-16) { GLfloat ez = z[0] - z[2]; GLfloat fz = z[1] - z[2]; GLfloat a = ey*fz - ez*fy; GLfloat b = ez*fx - ex*fz; GLfloat ic = 1.0 / cc; GLfloat ac = a * ic; GLfloat bc = b * ic; if (ac < 0.0f) ac = -ac; if (bc < 0.0f) bc = -bc; offset += MAX2(ac, bc) * ctx->Polygon.OffsetFactor; } } } else if (IND & SS_FLAT_BIT) { GLubyte *color = VB->Color[0]->data[pv]; GLubyte *spec = VB->SecondaryColor[0]->data[pv]; GLuint index = VB->Index[0]->data[pv]; SS_COLOR(v[0]->color, color); if (IND & SS_COPY_EXTRAS) { SS_SPEC(v[0]->specular, spec); SS_IND(v[0]->index, index); } } if (mode == GL_POINT) { GLubyte *ef = VB->EdgeFlagPtr->data; if ((IND & SS_OFFSET_BIT) && ctx->Polygon.OffsetPoint) { v[0]->win[2] += offset; v[1]->win[2] += offset; v[2]->win[2] += offset; } if (ef[e0]&0x1) { ef[e0] &= ~0x1; _swrast_Point( ctx, v[0] ); } if (ef[e1]&0x1) { ef[e1] &= ~0x1; _swrast_Point( ctx, v[1] ); } if (ef[e2]&0x2) { ef[e2] &= ~0x2; _swrast_Point( ctx, v[2] ); } } else if (mode == GL_LINE) { GLubyte *ef = VB->EdgeFlagPtr->data; if ((IND & SS_OFFSET_BIT) && ctx->Polygon.OffsetLine) { v[0]->win[2] += offset; v[1]->win[2] += offset; v[2]->win[2] += offset; } if (ef[e0]&0x1) { ef[e0] &= ~0x1; _swrast_Line( ctx, v[0], v[1] ); } if (ef[e1]&0x1) { ef[e1] &= ~0x1; _swrast_Line( ctx, v[1], v[2] ); } if (ef[e2]&0x2) { ef[e2] &= ~0x2; _swrast_Line( ctx, v[2], v[0] ); } } else { if ((IND & SS_OFFSET_BIT) && ctx->Polygon.OffsetFill) { v[0]->win[2] += offset; v[1]->win[2] += offset; v[2]->win[2] += offset; } _swrast_Triangle( ctx, v[0], v[1], v[2] ); } if (IND & SS_OFFSET_BIT) { v[0]->win[2] = z[0]; v[1]->win[2] = z[1]; v[2]->win[2] = z[2]; } if (IND & (SS_FLAT_BIT | SS_TWOSIDE_BIT)) { SS_COLOR(v[0]->color, c[0]); if (IND & SS_TWOSIDE_BIT) { SS_COLOR(v[1]->color, c[1]); SS_COLOR(v[2]->color, c[2]); } if (IND & SS_COPY_EXTRAS) { SS_SPEC(v[0]->specular, s[0]); SS_IND(v[0]->index, i[0]); if (IND & SS_TWOSIDE_BIT) { SS_SPEC(v[1]->specular, s[1]); SS_IND(v[1]->index, i[1]); SS_SPEC(v[2]->specular, s[2]); SS_IND(v[2]->index, i[2]); } } } } /* Need to do something with edgeflags: */ static void TAG(quad)( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint v3, GLuint pv ) { TAG(triangle)( ctx, v0, v1, v3, pv ); TAG(triangle)( ctx, v1, v2, v3, pv ); } static void TAG(line)( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint pv ) { struct vertex_buffer *VB = TNL_VB(ctx); SWvertex *verts = SWSETUP_VB(VB)->verts; GLubyte c[2][4], s[2][4]; GLuint i[2]; SWvertex *vert0 = &verts[v0]; SWvertex *vert1 = &verts[v1]; if (IND & SS_FLAT_BIT) { GLubyte *color = VB->Color[0]->data[pv]; GLubyte *spec = VB->SecondaryColor[0]->data[pv]; GLuint index = VB->Index[0]->data[pv]; SS_COLOR(c[0], vert0->color); SS_COLOR(vert0->color, color); if (IND & SS_COPY_EXTRAS) { SS_SPEC(s[0], vert0->specular); SS_SPEC(vert0->specular, spec); SS_IND(i[0], vert0->index); SS_IND(vert0->index, index); } } _swrast_Line( ctx, vert0, vert1 ); if (IND & SS_FLAT_BIT) { SS_COLOR(vert0->color, c[0]); if (IND & SS_COPY_EXTRAS) { SS_SPEC(vert0->specular, s[0]); SS_IND(vert0->index, i[0]); } } } static void TAG(points)( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint first, GLuint last ) { struct vertex_buffer *VB = TNL_VB(ctx); SWvertex *verts = SWSETUP_VB(VB)->verts; int i; for(i=first;i<=last;i++) if(VB->ClipMask[i]==0) _swrast_Point( ctx, &verts[i] ); } static void TAG(init)( void ) { tri_tab[IND] = TAG(triangle); quad_tab[IND] = TAG(quad); line_tab[IND] = TAG(line); points_tab[IND] = TAG(points); } #undef IND #undef TAG