/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 5.1 * * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Keith Whitwell <keith@tungstengraphics.com> */ static void TAG(emit)(GLcontext *ctx, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLuint newinputs ) { TNLcontext *tnl = TNL_CONTEXT(ctx); struct vertex_buffer *VB = &tnl->vb; SWvertex *v; const GLfloat *ndc; /* NDC (i.e. projected clip coordinates) */ const GLfloat *tc[MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_UNITS]; const GLchan *color; const GLchan *spec; const GLuint *index; const GLfloat *fog; const GLfloat *pointSize; GLuint tsz[MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_UNITS]; GLuint tstride[MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_UNITS]; GLuint ndc_stride, color_stride, spec_stride, index_stride; GLuint fog_stride, pointSize_stride; GLuint i; GLfloat *m = ctx->Viewport._WindowMap.m; const GLfloat sx = m[0]; const GLfloat sy = m[5]; const GLfloat sz = m[10]; const GLfloat tx = m[12]; const GLfloat ty = m[13]; const GLfloat tz = m[14]; GLuint maxtex = 0; if (IND & TEX0) { tc[0] = (GLfloat *)VB->TexCoordPtr[0]->data; tsz[0] = VB->TexCoordPtr[0]->size; tstride[0] = VB->TexCoordPtr[0]->stride; } if (IND & MULTITEX) { for (i = 0 ; i < ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits ; i++) { if (VB->TexCoordPtr[i]) { maxtex = i+1; tc[i] = (GLfloat *)VB->TexCoordPtr[i]->data; tsz[i] = VB->TexCoordPtr[i]->size; tstride[i] = VB->TexCoordPtr[i]->stride; } else tc[i] = 0; } } ndc = VB->NdcPtr->data[0]; ndc_stride = VB->NdcPtr->stride; if (IND & FOG) { fog = (GLfloat *) VB->FogCoordPtr->data; fog_stride = VB->FogCoordPtr->stride; } if (IND & COLOR) { if (VB->ColorPtr[0]->Type != CHAN_TYPE) import_float_colors( ctx ); color = (GLchan *) VB->ColorPtr[0]->Ptr; color_stride = VB->ColorPtr[0]->StrideB; } if (IND & SPEC) { if (VB->SecondaryColorPtr[0]->Type != CHAN_TYPE) import_float_spec_colors( ctx ); spec = (GLchan *) VB->SecondaryColorPtr[0]->Ptr; spec_stride = VB->SecondaryColorPtr[0]->StrideB; } if (IND & INDEX) { index = VB->IndexPtr[0]->data; index_stride = VB->IndexPtr[0]->stride; } if (IND & POINT) { pointSize = (GLfloat *) VB->PointSizePtr->data; pointSize_stride = VB->PointSizePtr->stride; } v = &(SWSETUP_CONTEXT(ctx)->verts[start]); for (i=start; i < end; i++, v++) { if (VB->ClipMask[i] == 0) { v->win[0] = sx * ndc[0] + tx; v->win[1] = sy * ndc[1] + ty; v->win[2] = sz * ndc[2] + tz; v->win[3] = ndc[3]; } STRIDE_F(ndc, ndc_stride); if (IND & TEX0) { COPY_CLEAN_4V( v->texcoord[0], tsz[0], tc[0] ); STRIDE_F(tc[0], tstride[0]); } if (IND & MULTITEX) { GLuint u; for (u = 0 ; u < maxtex ; u++) if (tc[u]) { COPY_CLEAN_4V( v->texcoord[u], tsz[u], tc[u] ); STRIDE_F(tc[u], tstride[u]); } } if (IND & COLOR) { COPY_CHAN4(v->color, color); STRIDE_CHAN(color, color_stride); } if (IND & SPEC) { COPY_CHAN4(v->specular, spec); STRIDE_CHAN(spec, spec_stride); } if (IND & FOG) { v->fog = fog[0]; STRIDE_F(fog, fog_stride); } if (IND & INDEX) { v->index = index[0]; STRIDE_UI(index, index_stride); } if (IND & POINT) { v->pointSize = pointSize[0]; STRIDE_F(pointSize, pointSize_stride); } } } static void TAG(interp)( GLcontext *ctx, GLfloat t, GLuint edst, GLuint eout, GLuint ein, GLboolean force_boundary ) { SScontext *swsetup = SWSETUP_CONTEXT(ctx); struct vertex_buffer *VB = &TNL_CONTEXT(ctx)->vb; GLfloat *m = ctx->Viewport._WindowMap.m; GLfloat *clip = VB->ClipPtr->data[edst]; SWvertex *dst = &swsetup->verts[edst]; SWvertex *in = &swsetup->verts[ein]; SWvertex *out = &swsetup->verts[eout]; /* Avoid division by zero by rearranging order of clip planes? */ if (clip[3] != 0.0) { GLfloat oow = 1.0F / clip[3]; dst->win[0] = m[0] * clip[0] * oow + m[12]; dst->win[1] = m[5] * clip[1] * oow + m[13]; dst->win[2] = m[10] * clip[2] * oow + m[14]; dst->win[3] = oow; } if (IND & TEX0) { INTERP_4F( t, dst->texcoord[0], out->texcoord[0], in->texcoord[0] ); } if (IND & MULTITEX) { GLuint u; GLuint maxtex = ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits; for (u = 0 ; u < maxtex ; u++) if (VB->TexCoordPtr[u]) { INTERP_4F( t, dst->texcoord[u], out->texcoord[u], in->texcoord[u] ); } } if (IND & COLOR) { INTERP_CHAN( t, dst->color[0], out->color[0], in->color[0] ); INTERP_CHAN( t, dst->color[1], out->color[1], in->color[1] ); INTERP_CHAN( t, dst->color[2], out->color[2], in->color[2] ); INTERP_CHAN( t, dst->color[3], out->color[3], in->color[3] ); } if (IND & SPEC) { INTERP_CHAN( t, dst->specular[0], out->specular[0], in->specular[0] ); INTERP_CHAN( t, dst->specular[1], out->specular[1], in->specular[1] ); INTERP_CHAN( t, dst->specular[2], out->specular[2], in->specular[2] ); } if (IND & FOG) { INTERP_F( t, dst->fog, out->fog, in->fog ); } if (IND & INDEX) { INTERP_UI( t, dst->index, out->index, in->index ); } /* XXX Point size interpolation??? */ if (IND & POINT) { INTERP_F( t, dst->pointSize, out->pointSize, in->pointSize ); } } static void TAG(copy_pv)( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint edst, GLuint esrc ) { SScontext *swsetup = SWSETUP_CONTEXT(ctx); SWvertex *dst = &swsetup->verts[edst]; SWvertex *src = &swsetup->verts[esrc]; if (IND & COLOR) { COPY_CHAN4( dst->color, src->color ); } if (IND & SPEC) { COPY_3V( dst->specular, src->specular ); } if (IND & INDEX) { dst->index = src->index; } } static void TAG(init)( void ) { setup_tab[IND] = TAG(emit); interp_tab[IND] = TAG(interp); copy_pv_tab[IND] = TAG(copy_pv); } #undef TAG #undef IND #undef SETUP_FLAGS