/* $Id: t_imm_dlist.c,v 1.15 2001/04/30 21:08:52 keithw Exp $ */ /* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * Version: 3.5 * * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Keith Whitwell */ #include "glheader.h" #include "context.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "debug.h" #include "mmath.h" #include "mem.h" #include "state.h" #include "t_context.h" #include "t_imm_api.h" #include "t_imm_elt.h" #include "t_imm_alloc.h" #include "t_imm_dlist.h" #include "t_imm_debug.h" #include "t_imm_exec.h" #include "t_imm_fixup.h" #include "t_pipeline.h" typedef struct { struct immediate *IM; GLuint Start; GLuint Count; GLuint BeginState; GLuint SavedBeginState; GLuint OrFlag; GLuint AndFlag; GLuint TexSize; GLuint LastData; GLuint LastPrimitive; GLuint LastMaterial; GLuint MaterialOrMask; GLuint MaterialAndMask; } TNLvertexcassette; static void execute_compiled_cassette( GLcontext *ctx, void *data ); /* Insert the active immediate struct onto the display list currently * being built. */ void _tnl_compile_cassette( GLcontext *ctx, struct immediate *IM ) { struct immediate *im = TNL_CURRENT_IM(ctx); TNLcontext *tnl = TNL_CONTEXT(ctx); TNLvertexcassette *node; GLuint new_beginstate; _tnl_compute_orflag( IM ); IM->CopyStart = IM->Start; if (IM->OrFlag & VERT_ELT) { GLuint andflag = ~0; GLuint i; GLuint start = IM->FlushElt ? IM->LastPrimitive : IM->CopyStart; _tnl_translate_array_elts( ctx, IM, start, IM->Count ); /* Need to recompute andflag. */ if (IM->AndFlag & VERT_ELT) IM->CopyAndFlag = IM->AndFlag |= ctx->Array._Enabled; else { for (i = IM->CopyStart ; i < IM->Count ; i++) andflag &= IM->Flag[i]; IM->CopyAndFlag = IM->AndFlag = andflag; } IM->CopyOrFlag |= ctx->Array._Enabled; } _tnl_fixup_input( ctx, IM ); /* _tnl_print_cassette( IM ); */ node = (TNLvertexcassette *) _mesa_alloc_instruction(ctx, tnl->opcode_vertex_cassette, sizeof(TNLvertexcassette)); if (!node) return; node->IM = im; im->ref_count++; node->Start = im->Start; node->Count = im->Count; node->BeginState = im->BeginState; node->SavedBeginState = im->SavedBeginState; node->OrFlag = im->OrFlag; node->TexSize = im->TexSize; node->AndFlag = im->AndFlag; node->LastData = im->LastData; node->LastPrimitive = im->LastPrimitive; node->LastMaterial = im->LastMaterial; node->MaterialOrMask = im->MaterialOrMask; node->MaterialAndMask = im->MaterialAndMask; if (ctx->ExecuteFlag) { execute_compiled_cassette( ctx, (void *)node ); } /* Discard any errors raised in the last cassette. */ new_beginstate = node->BeginState & (VERT_BEGIN_0|VERT_BEGIN_1); /* Decide whether this immediate struct is full, or can be used for * the next batch of vertices as well. */ if (im->Count > IMM_MAXDATA - 16) { /* Call it full... */ struct immediate *new_im = _tnl_alloc_immediate(ctx); new_im->ref_count++; im->ref_count--; /* remove CURRENT_IM reference */ ASSERT(im->ref_count > 0); /* it is compiled into a display list */ SET_IMMEDIATE( ctx, new_im ); _tnl_reset_input( ctx, IMM_MAX_COPIED_VERTS, new_beginstate, node->SavedBeginState ); } else { /* Still some room in the current immediate. */ _tnl_reset_input( ctx, im->Count+1+IMM_MAX_COPIED_VERTS, new_beginstate, node->SavedBeginState); } } static void execute_compiled_cassette( GLcontext *ctx, void *data ) { TNLcontext *tnl = TNL_CONTEXT(ctx); TNLvertexcassette *node = (TNLvertexcassette *)data; struct immediate *IM = node->IM; if (ctx->NewState) _mesa_update_state(ctx); if (tnl->pipeline.build_state_changes) _tnl_validate_pipeline( ctx ); IM->Start = node->Start; IM->CopyStart = node->Start; IM->Count = node->Count; IM->BeginState = node->BeginState; IM->SavedBeginState = node->SavedBeginState; IM->OrFlag = node->OrFlag; IM->TexSize = node->TexSize; IM->AndFlag = node->AndFlag; IM->LastData = node->LastData; IM->LastPrimitive = node->LastPrimitive; IM->LastMaterial = node->LastMaterial; IM->MaterialOrMask = node->MaterialOrMask; IM->MaterialAndMask = node->MaterialAndMask; if ((MESA_VERBOSE & VERBOSE_DISPLAY_LIST) && (MESA_VERBOSE & VERBOSE_IMMEDIATE)) _tnl_print_cassette( IM ); if (MESA_VERBOSE & VERBOSE_DISPLAY_LIST) { fprintf(stderr, "Run cassette %d, rows %d..%d, beginstate %x ", IM->id, IM->Start, IM->Count, IM->BeginState); _tnl_print_vert_flags("orflag", IM->OrFlag); } if (IM->Count == IM->Start) { _tnl_copy_to_current( ctx, IM, IM->OrFlag ); return; } if (IM->SavedBeginState) { if (ctx->Driver.CurrentExecPrimitive == GL_POLYGON+1) tnl->ReplayHardBeginEnd = 1; if (!tnl->ReplayHardBeginEnd) { /* This is a user error. Whatever operation (like glRectf) * decomposed to this hard begin/end pair is now being run * inside a begin/end object -- illegally. Reject it and * raise an error. */ _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "hard replay"); return; } } _tnl_fixup_compiled_cassette( ctx, IM ); _tnl_get_exec_copy_verts( ctx, IM ); _tnl_run_cassette( ctx, IM ); _tnl_restore_compiled_cassette( ctx, IM ); if (ctx->Driver.CurrentExecPrimitive == GL_POLYGON+1) tnl->ReplayHardBeginEnd = 0; } static void destroy_compiled_cassette( GLcontext *ctx, void *data ) { TNLvertexcassette *node = (TNLvertexcassette *)data; if ( --node->IM->ref_count == 0 ) _tnl_free_immediate( node->IM ); } static void print_compiled_cassette( GLcontext *ctx, void *data ) { TNLvertexcassette *node = (TNLvertexcassette *)data; struct immediate *IM = node->IM; fprintf(stderr, "TNL-VERTEX-CASSETTE, id %u, rows %u..%u\n", node->IM->id, node->Start, node->Count); IM->Start = node->Start; IM->Count = node->Count; IM->BeginState = node->BeginState; IM->OrFlag = node->OrFlag; IM->TexSize = node->TexSize; IM->AndFlag = node->AndFlag; IM->LastData = node->LastData; IM->LastPrimitive = node->LastPrimitive; IM->LastMaterial = node->LastMaterial; IM->MaterialOrMask = node->MaterialOrMask; IM->MaterialAndMask = node->MaterialAndMask; _tnl_print_cassette( node->IM ); } void _tnl_BeginCallList( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint list ) { (void) ctx; (void) list; FLUSH_CURRENT(ctx, 0); } /* Called at the tail of a CallList. Nothing to do. */ void _tnl_EndCallList( GLcontext *ctx ) { } void _tnl_EndList( GLcontext *ctx ) { struct immediate *IM = TNL_CURRENT_IM(ctx); /* fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__); */ ctx->swtnl_im = 0; IM->ref_count--; /* outside begin/end, even in COMPILE_AND_EXEC, * so no vertices to copy, right? */ ASSERT(TNL_CONTEXT(ctx)->ExecCopyCount == 0); /* If this one isn't free, get a clean one. (Otherwise we'll be * using one that's already half full). */ if (IM->ref_count != 0) IM = _tnl_alloc_immediate( ctx ); ASSERT(IM->ref_count == 0); SET_IMMEDIATE( ctx, IM ); IM->ref_count++; _tnl_reset_input( ctx, IMM_MAX_COPIED_VERTS, 0, 0 ); } void _tnl_NewList( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint list, GLenum mode ) { struct immediate *IM = TNL_CURRENT_IM(ctx); /* Use the installed immediate struct. No vertices in the current * immediate, no copied vertices in the system. */ ASSERT(TNL_CURRENT_IM(ctx)); ASSERT(TNL_CURRENT_IM(ctx)->Start == IMM_MAX_COPIED_VERTS); ASSERT(TNL_CURRENT_IM(ctx)->Start == TNL_CURRENT_IM(ctx)->Count); ASSERT(TNL_CONTEXT(ctx)->ExecCopyCount == 0); /* Set current Begin/End state to unknown: */ IM->BeginState = VERT_BEGIN_0; ctx->Driver.CurrentSavePrimitive = PRIM_UNKNOWN; } void _tnl_dlist_init( GLcontext *ctx ) { TNLcontext *tnl = TNL_CONTEXT(ctx); tnl->opcode_vertex_cassette = _mesa_alloc_opcode( ctx, sizeof(TNLvertexcassette), execute_compiled_cassette, destroy_compiled_cassette, print_compiled_cassette ); }