From 7521f37372839210e18207223ef54ed768422726 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ulf Samuelsson $(PROJECT)
/" directory
Once a package has been unpacked, it is possible to manually update + configuration files. Buildroot can automatically save the configuration + of buildroot, linux, busybox, uclibc and u-boot in "local/$(PROJECT) by + using the command: +
+ ++ $ make saveconfig ++ +
Once a buildroot configuration has been created by saveconfig, + the default "$(TOPDIR)/.config" file can be overridden by
+ ++ $ make BOARD=<project> ++ +
Buildroot will then use "local/<project>/<project>.config" + instead of ".config".
+ +If you want to modify your board, you can copy the project configuration + file to ".config" by using the command:
+ ++ $ make BOARD=<project> getconfig ++ +
You can share your custom board support directory between several buildroot trees
+ by setting the environment variable BUILDROOT_LOCAL
to this directory,
If you intend to do an offline-build and just want to download all sources that you previously selected in "make menuconfig" then issue:
-- cgit v1.2.3