# Sample for i386 to create a 6MB disk-image # create an image file dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=$((6*1024*1024/512)) of=img # create a partition (optional) echo -e "n\np\n1\n\nw\n" | \ ~/src/busybox/busybox fdisk -C 16065 -H 255 -S 63 ./img # as root, associate the image with a look-device: # The offset of 512 comes from the the layout of the image. See # ~/src/busybox/busybox fdisk -C 16065 -H 255 -S 63 -l ./img for the start # block and multiply this with the block size (==512). ~/src/busybox/busybox losetup -o 512 /dev/loop/0 /path/to/the/img # create some filesystem on it, for example ext2 mkfs.ext2 -m0 -Lslash /dev/loop/0 # mount it and copy your stuff to it ~/src/busybox/busybox mount -oloop,rw /dev/loop/0 /media/l0 ~/src/busybox/busybox mkdir -p /media/l0/boot/grub ~/src/busybox/busybox cp -a project_build_i386/root/boot/grub/stage? /media/l0/boot/grub/ ~/src/busybox/busybox cp -a project_build_i386/root/boot/bzImage /media/l0/boot/ ~/src/busybox/busybox cat > /media/l0/boot/grub/menu.lst <