<!--#include file="header.html" --> <h2>Testing Buildroot for an Architecture</h2> <p> <h4>scripts/mkpkg script</h4> If you want to test the build of a single package you can use the mkpkg script. </p> <p> <li>$ scripts/mkpkg PACKAGE</li> </p> <p> Will make the board, and save the result in a log file. The log file resides in <li>$ log/OK/PACKAGE.log.OK</li> </p> <p> if the build succeeds and in <li>$ log/OK/PACKAGE.log.FAIL</li> </p> <p> if it cannot complete. </p> <p> By creating an alias <li>alias mk=scripts/mkpkg</li> </p> <p> it is enough to type <li>$ mk PACKAGE</li> </p> <p> mkpkg will only print out the <h4>{PACKAGE}......OK</h4> or <h4>{PACKAGE}......FAIL</h4> depending on success or failure making it easy to get an overview of the status of this specific architecture. </p> <p> It is recommended to build a simple board before running the test to get some basic things done. </p> <p> <h4>scripts/buildall.sh script</h4> </p> <p> By running this script you will run scripts/mkpkg on a lot of the packages available in Buildroot. </p> <p> You need to run the script while in the TOP directory. I.E: Where you typically run make. </p> <p> There are a few lacking, for no very good reason, but these can be easily added. </p> <p> Note that some packages will not build properly if you do not enable them using makeconfig. </p> <p> Examples are: <li>freetype</li> <li>socat</li> </p> <!--#include file="footer.html" -->