################################################################################ # Autotools package infrastructure # # This file implements an infrastructure that eases development of # package .mk files for autotools packages. It should be used for all # packages that use the autotools as their build system. Non-autotools # packages should use the generic infrastructure in # package/Makefile.package.in. # # See the Buildroot documentation for details on the usage of this # infrastructure # # In terms of implementation, this autotools infrastructure requires # the .mk file to only specify metadata informations about the # package: name, version, download URL, etc. # # We still allow the package .mk file to override what the different # steps are doing, if needed. For example, if <PKG>_BUILD_CMDS is # already defined, it is used as the list of commands to perform to # build the package, instead of the default autotools behaviour. The # package can also define some post operation hooks. # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # AUTOTARGETS_INNER -- defines how the configuration, compilation and # installation of an autotools package should be done, implements a # few hooks to tune the build process for autotools specifities and # calls the generic package infrastructure to generate the necessary # make targets # # argument 1 is the lowercase package name # argument 2 is the uppercase package name, including an HOST_ prefix # for host packages # argument 3 is the uppercase package name, without the HOST_ prefix # for host packages # argument 4 is the package directory prefix # argument 5 is the type (target or host) ################################################################################ define AUTOTARGETS_INNER # define package-specific variables to default values ifndef $(2)_SUBDIR ifdef $(3)_SUBDIR $(2)_SUBDIR = $($(3)_SUBDIR) else $(2)_SUBDIR ?= endif endif $(2)_CONF_ENV ?= $(2)_CONF_OPT ?= $(2)_MAKE ?= $(MAKE) $(2)_MAKE_ENV ?= $(2)_MAKE_OPT ?= $(2)_AUTORECONF ?= NO $(2)_AUTORECONF_OPT ?= $(2)_LIBTOOL_PATCH ?= YES $(2)_USE_CONFIG_CACHE ?= $(if $(BR2_CONFIG_CACHE),YES,NO) $(2)_INSTALL_STAGING_OPT ?= DESTDIR=$$(STAGING_DIR) install ifeq ($(BR2_ENABLE_DEBUG),y) $(2)_INSTALL_TARGET_OPT ?= DESTDIR=$$(TARGET_DIR) install else $(2)_INSTALL_TARGET_OPT ?= DESTDIR=$$(TARGET_DIR) install-strip endif $(2)_CLEAN_OPT ?= clean $(2)_UNINSTALL_STAGING_OPT ?= DESTDIR=$$(STAGING_DIR) uninstall $(2)_UNINSTALL_TARGET_OPT ?= DESTDIR=$$(TARGET_DIR) uninstall $(2)_SRCDIR = $$($(2)_DIR)/$($(2)_SUBDIR) # # Configure step. Only define it if not already defined by the package # .mk file. And take care of the differences between host and target # packages. # ifndef $(2)_CONFIGURE_CMDS ifeq ($(5),target) # Configure package for target define $(2)_CONFIGURE_CMDS (cd $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) && rm -rf config.cache && \ $$(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ $$(TARGET_CONFIGURE_ARGS) \ $$(TARGET_CONFIGURE_ENV) \ $$($$(PKG)_CONF_ENV) \ ./configure \ $(if $(filter YES,$$($$(PKG)_USE_CONFIG_CACHE)),--cache-file="$(BUILD_DIR)/tgt-config.cache",) \ --target=$$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --host=$$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --build=$$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \ --prefix=/usr \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ $$(DISABLE_DOCUMENTATION) \ $$(DISABLE_NLS) \ $$(DISABLE_LARGEFILE) \ $$(DISABLE_IPV6) \ $$(QUIET) $$($$(PKG)_CONF_OPT) \ ) endef else # Configure package for host define $(2)_CONFIGURE_CMDS (cd $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) && rm -rf config.cache; \ $$(HOST_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ CFLAGS="$$(HOST_CFLAGS)" \ LDFLAGS="$$(HOST_LDFLAGS)" \ $$($$(PKG)_CONF_ENV) \ ./configure \ --prefix="$$(HOST_DIR)/usr" \ --sysconfdir="$$(HOST_DIR)/etc" \ $$($$(PKG)_CONF_OPT) \ ) endef endif endif # # Hook to update config.sub and config.guess if needed # define UPDATE_CONFIG_HOOK for file in config.guess config.sub; do \ for i in $$$$(find $$(@D) -name $$$$file); do \ cp package/gnuconfig/$$$$file $$$$i; \ done; \ done endef $(2)_POST_PATCH_HOOKS += UPDATE_CONFIG_HOOK # # Hook to patch libtool to make it work properly for cross-compilation # define LIBTOOL_PATCH_HOOK @$(call MESSAGE,"Patching libtool") $(Q)if test "$$($$(PKG)_LIBTOOL_PATCH)" = "YES" -a \ "$$($$(PKG)_AUTORECONF)" != "YES"; then \ for i in `find $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) -name ltmain.sh`; do \ toolchain/patch-kernel.sh $$$${i%/*} package buildroot-libtool.patch; \ done \ fi endef # default values are not evaluated yet, so don't rely on this defaulting to YES ifneq ($($(2)_LIBTOOL_PATCH),NO) $(2)_POST_PATCH_HOOKS += LIBTOOL_PATCH_HOOK endif # # Hook to autoreconf the package if needed # define AUTORECONF_HOOK @$(call MESSAGE,"Autoreconfiguring") $(Q)cd $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) && $(AUTORECONF) $$($$(PKG)_AUTORECONF_OPT) $(Q)if test "$($$(PKG)_LIBTOOL_PATCH)" = "YES"; then \ for i in `find $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) -name ltmain.sh`; do \ toolchain/patch-kernel.sh $${i%/*} package buildroot-libtool.patch; \ done \ fi endef ifeq ($($(2)_AUTORECONF),YES) $(2)_POST_PATCH_HOOKS += AUTORECONF_HOOK $(2)_DEPENDENCIES += host-automake host-autoconf host-libtool endif # # Build step. Only define it if not already defined by the package .mk # file. # ifndef $(2)_BUILD_CMDS ifeq ($(5),target) define $(2)_BUILD_CMDS $(TARGET_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_OPT) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) endef else define $(2)_BUILD_CMDS $(HOST_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_OPT) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) endef endif endif # # Host installation step. Only define it if not already defined by the # package .mk file. # ifndef $(2)_INSTALL_CMDS define $(2)_INSTALL_CMDS $(HOST_MAKE_ENV) $(MAKE) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) install endef endif # # Staging installation step. Only define it if not already defined by # the package .mk file. # ifndef $(2)_INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS define $(2)_INSTALL_STAGING_CMDS $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE) $$($$(PKG)_INSTALL_STAGING_OPT) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) for i in $$$$(find $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib* -name "*.la"); do \ cp -f $$$$i $$$$i~; \ $$(SED) "s:\(['= ]\)/usr:\\1$(STAGING_DIR)/usr:g" $$$$i; \ done endef endif # # Target installation step. Only define it if not already defined by # the package .mk file. # ifndef $(2)_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS define $(2)_INSTALL_TARGET_CMDS $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE) $$($$(PKG)_INSTALL_TARGET_OPT) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) endef endif # # Clean step. Only define it if not already defined by # the package .mk file. # ifndef $(2)_CLEAN_CMDS define $(2)_CLEAN_CMDS -$$($$(PKG)_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE) $$($$(PKG)_CLEAN_OPT) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) endef endif # # Uninstall from staging step. Only define it if not already defined by # the package .mk file. # ifndef $(2)_UNINSTALL_STAGING_CMDS define $(2)_UNINSTALL_STAGING_CMDS $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE) $$($$(PKG)_UNINSTALL_STAGING_OPT) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) endef endif # # Uninstall from target step. Only define it if not already defined # by the package .mk file. # ifndef $(2)_UNINSTALL_TARGET_CMDS define $(2)_UNINSTALL_TARGET_CMDS $$($$(PKG)_MAKE_ENV) $$($$(PKG)_MAKE) $$($$(PKG)_UNINSTALL_TARGET_OPT) -C $$($$(PKG)_SRCDIR) endef endif # Call the generic package infrastructure to generate the necessary # make targets $(call GENTARGETS_INNER,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4),$(5)) endef ################################################################################ # AUTOTARGETS -- the target generator macro for autotools packages # # Argument 1 is the package directory prefix [mandatory] # Argument 2 is the lowercase package name [mandatory] # Argument 3 is "target" or "host" [optional, default: "target"] ################################################################################ define AUTOTARGETS ifeq ($(3),host) $(call AUTOTARGETS_INNER,$(3)-$(2),$(call UPPERCASE,$(3)-$(2)),$(call UPPERCASE,$(2)),$(1),host) else $(call AUTOTARGETS_INNER,$(2),$(call UPPERCASE,$(2)),$(call UPPERCASE,$(2)),$(1),target) endif endef