[PATCH] prefix sysroot to include/libdir path variables

Prefix includedir / libdir variable values with sysroot if a variable is
requested (--variable=<name>), similar to how it's done for -I / -L flags.

This is sometimes used to find header files (E.G. in gst-plugins configure),
so ensure the sysroot'ed files are used.

Signed-off-by: Peter Korsgaard <jacmet@sunsite.dk>
 main.c |    5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

Index: pkg-config-0.25/main.c
--- pkg-config-0.25.orig/main.c
+++ pkg-config-0.25/main.c
@@ -700,6 +700,11 @@
   if (variable_name)
       char *str = packages_get_var (packages, variable_name);
+      /* include/lib variable? */
+      if (pcsysrootdir &&
+          (!strcmp(variable_name, "includedir") ||
+           !strcmp(variable_name, "libdir")))
+          printf ("%s/", pcsysrootdir);
       printf ("%s", str);
       g_free (str);
       need_newline = TRUE;