" Intelligent Indent " Author: Michael Geddes < vimmer at frog dot wheelycreek dot net > " Version: 2.6 " Last Modified: December 2010 " " Histroy: " 1.0: - Added RetabIndent command - similar to :retab, but doesn't cause " internal tabs to be modified. " 1.1: - Added support for backspacing over spaced tabs 'smarttab' style " - Clean up the look of it by blanking the :call " - No longer a 'filetype' plugin by default. " 1.2: - Interactions with 'smarttab' were causing problems. Now fall back to " vim's 'smarttab' setting when inserting 'indent' tabs. " - Fixed compat with digraphs (which were getting swallowed) " - Made mapping work with the 'filetype' plugin mode. " - Make CTabAlignTo() public. " 1.3: - Fix removing trailing spaces with RetabIndent! which was causing " initial indents to disappear. " 1.4: - Fixed Backspace tab being off by 1 " 2.0: - Add support for alignment whitespace for mismatched brackets to be spaces. " 2.1: - Fix = operator " 2.3: - Fix (Gene Smith) for error with non C files " - Add option for filetype maps " - Allow for lisp indentation " 2.4: - Fix bug in Retab " 2.5: - Fix issue with not aligning " 2.6: - Fix issue with alignment not disappearing. " This is designed as a filetype plugin (originally a 'Buffoptions.vim' script). " " The aim of this script is to be able to handle the mode of tab usage which " distinguishes 'indent' from 'alignment'. The idea is to use " characters only at the beginning of lines. " " This means that an individual can use their own 'tabstop' settings for the " indent level, while not affecting alignment. " " The one caveat with this method of tabs is that you need to follow the rule " that you never 'align' elements that have different 'indent' levels. " " :RetabIndent[!] [tabstop] " This is similar to the :retab command, with the exception that it " affects all and only whitespace at the start of the line, changing it to " suit your current (or new) tabstop and expandtab setting. " With the bang (!) at the end, the command also strips trailing " whitespace. " " CTabAlignTo(n) " 'Tab' to the n'th column from the start of the indent. " g:ctab_filetype_maps " set this to true if script used as a filetype plugin " g:ctab_disable_checkalign " set this to true to disable re-check of alignment " g:ctab_enable_default_filetype_maps " disable the filetype specific maps " g:ctab_disable_tab_maps " disable the (original) tab mappings if exists('g:ctab_filetype_maps') && g:ctab_filetype_maps let s:buff_map=' ' else let s:buff_map='' endif if exists('g:ctab_enable_default_filetype_maps') && ctab_enable_default_filetype_maps if s:buff_map != '' if (&filetype =~ '^\(cpp\|idl\)$' ) imap CTabAlignTo(20).'//' imap CTabAlignTo(30).'//' imap º elseif &filetype == 'c' imap CTabAlignTo(10).'/* */' endif else au FileType cpp,idl imap CTabAlignTo(20).'//' au FileType cpp,idl imap CTabAlignTo(30).'//' au FileType c imap CTabAlignTo(10).'/* */' endif endif if !exists('g:ctab_disable_tab_maps') || ! g:ctab_disable_tab_maps exe 'imap '.s:buff_map.' InsertSmartTab()' exe 'inoremap '.s:buff_map.' DoSmartDelete()."\"' endif "exe 'imap '.s:buff_map.' KeepDelLine()."\" " MRG: TODO "exe 'imap '.s:buff_map.' :call SmartDeleteTab()' "exe 'imap '.s:buff_map.' SmartInsertTab()' " fun! s:SmartDeleteTab() " let curcol=col('.')-&sw " let origtxt=getline('.') " let repl=matchstr(origtxt,'^\s\{-}\%'.(&sw+2)."v') " if repl == '' then " return "\".':s/ *\zs /'.repeat(' ',(&ts-&sw)).'/'."\\".curcol.'|' " else " return "\".':s/^\s\{-}\%'.(&sw+1)."v//\\".curcol."|" " end " " endfun " Insert a smart tab. fun! s:InsertSmartTab() " Clear the status echo '' if strpart(getline('.'),0,col('.')-1) =~'^\s*$' if exists('b:ctab_hook') && b:ctab_hook != '' exe 'return '.b:ctab_hook elseif exists('g:ctab_hook') && g:ctab_hook != '' exe 'return '.g:ctab_hook endif return "\" endif let sts=exists("b:insidetabs")?(b:insidetabs):((&sts==0)?&sw:&sts) let sp=(virtcol('.') % sts) if sp==0 | let sp=sts | endif return strpart(" ",0,1+sts-sp) endfun fun! s:CheckLeaveLine(line) if ('cpo' !~ 'I') && exists('b:ctab_lastalign') && (a:line == b:ctab_lastalign) s/^\s*$//e endif endfun " Check on blanks aug Ctab au! InsertLeave * call CheckLeaveLine(line('.')) aug END " Do a smart delete. " The is included at the end so that deleting back over line ends " works as expected. fun! s:DoSmartDelete() " Clear the status "echo '' let uptohere=strpart(getline('.'),0,col('.')-1) " If at the first part of the line, fall back on defaults... or if the " preceding character is a , then similarly fall back on defaults. " let lastchar=matchstr(uptohere,'.$') if lastchar == "\" || uptohere =~ '^\s*$' | return '' | endif " Simple cases if lastchar != ' ' | return ((&digraph)?("\".lastchar): '') | endif " Delete non space at end / Maintain digraphs " Work out how many tabs to use let sts=(exists("b:insidetabs")?(b:insidetabs):((&sts==0)?(&sw):(&sts))) let ovc=virtcol('.') " Find where we are let sp=(ovc % sts) " How many virtual characters to delete if sp==0 | let sp=sts | endif " At least delete a whole tabstop let vc=ovc-sp " Work out the new virtual column " Find how many characters we need to delete (using \%v to do virtual column " matching, and making sure we don't pass an invalid value to vc) let uthlen=strlen(uptohere) let bs= uthlen-((vc<1)?0:( match(uptohere,'\%'.(vc-1).'v'))) let uthlen=uthlen-bs " echo 'ovc = '.ovc.' sp = '.sp.' vc = '.vc.' bs = '.bs.' uthlen='.uthlen if bs <= 0 | return '' | endif " Delete the specifed number of whitespace characters up to the first non-whitespace let ret='' let bs=bs-1 if uptohere[uthlen+bs] !~ '\s'| return '' | endif while bs>=-1 let bs=bs-1 if uptohere[uthlen+bs] !~ '\s' | break | endif let ret=ret."\" endwhile return ret endfun fun! s:Column(line) let c=0 let i=0 let len=strlen(a:line) while i< len if a:line[i]=="\" let c=(c+&tabstop) let c=c-(c%&tabstop) else let c=c+1 endif let i=i+1 endwhile return c endfun fun! s:StartColumn(lineNo) return s:Column(matchstr(getline(a:lineNo),'^\s*')) endfun fun! CTabAlignTo(n) let co=virtcol('.') let ico=s:StartColumn('.')+a:n if co>ico let ico=co endif let spaces=ico-co let spc='' while spaces > 0 let spc=spc." " let spaces=spaces-1 endwhile return spc endfun if ! exists('g:ctab_disable_checkalign') || g:ctab_disable_checkalign==0 " Check the alignment of line. " Used in the case where some alignment whitespace is required .. like for unmatched brackets. fun! s:CheckAlign(line) if &expandtab || !(&autoindent || &indentexpr || &cindent) return '' endif let tskeep=&ts let swkeep=&sw try if a:line == line('.') let b:ctab_lastalign=a:line else unlet b:ctab_lastalign endif set ts=50 set sw=50 if &indentexpr != '' let v:lnum=a:line sandbox exe 'let inda='.&indentexpr if inda == -1 let inda=indent(a:line-1) endif elseif &cindent let inda=cindent(a:line) elseif &lisp let inda=lispindent(a:line) elseif &autoindent let inda=indent(a:line) elseif &smarttab return '' else let inda=0 endif finally let &ts=tskeep let &sw=swkeep endtry let indatabs=inda / 50 let indaspace=inda % 50 let indb=indent(a:line) if indatabs*&tabstop + indaspace == indb let txtindent=repeat("\",indatabs).repeat(' ',indaspace) call setline(a:line, substitute(getline(a:line),'^\s*',txtindent,'')) endif return '' endfun fun! s:SID() return matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+\ze_SID$') endfun " Get the spaces at the end of the indent correct. " This is trickier than it should be, but this seems to work. fun! s:CheckCR() " echo 'SID:'.s:SID() if getline('.') =~ '^\s*$' if ('cpo' !~ 'I') && exists('b:ctab_lastalign') && (line('.') == b:ctab_lastalign) return "^\\" endif return "\" else return "\\=".s:SID().'_CheckAlign(line(''.''))'."\\" endif endfun "exe 'inoremap '.s:buff_map.' =CheckAlign(line(''.''))."\END>"' exe 'inoremap '.s:buff_map.' CheckCR()' exe 'nnoremap '.s:buff_map.' o o=CheckAlign(line(''.''))."\END>"' exe 'nnoremap '.s:buff_map.' O O=CheckAlign(line(''.''))."\END>"' " Ok.. now re-evaluate the = re-indented section " The only way I can think to do this is to remap the = " so that it calls the original, then checks all the indents. exe 'map '.s:buff_map.' = SetupEqual()' fun! s:SetupEqual() set operatorfunc=CtabRedoIndent " Call the operator func so we get the range return 'g@' endfun fun! CtabRedoIndent(type,...) set operatorfunc= let ln=line("'[") let lnto=line("']") " Do the original equals norm! '[='] if ! &et " Then check the alignment. while ln <= lnto silent call s:CheckAlign(ln) let ln+=1 endwhile endif endfun endif " Retab the indent of a file - ie only the first nonspace fun! s:RetabIndent( bang, firstl, lastl, tab ) let checkspace=((!&expandtab)? "^\* ": "^ *\") let l = a:firstl let force= a:tab != '' && a:tab != 0 && (a:tab != &tabstop) let checkalign = ( &expandtab || !(&autoindent || &indentexpr || &cindent)) && (!exists('g:ctab_disable_checkalign') || g:ctab_disable_checkalign==0) let newtabstop = (force?(a:tab):(&tabstop)) while l <= a:lastl let txt=getline(l) let store=0 if a:bang == '!' && txt =~ '\s\+$' let txt=substitute(txt,'\s\+$','','') let store=1 endif if force || txt =~ checkspace let i=indent(l) let tabs= (&expandtab ? (0) : (i / newtabstop)) let spaces=(&expandtab ? (i) : (i % newtabstop)) let txtindent=repeat("\",tabs).repeat(' ',spaces) let store = 1 let txt=substitute(txt,'^\s*',txtindent,'') endif if store call setline(l, txt ) if checkalign call s:CheckAlign(l) endif endif let l=l+1 endwhile if newtabstop != &tabstop | let &tabstop = newtabstop | endif endfun " Retab the indent of a file - ie only the first nonspace. " Optional argument specified the value of the new tabstops " Bang (!) causes trailing whitespace to be gobbled. com! -nargs=? -range=% -bang -bar RetabIndent call RetabIndent(,, , ) " vim: sts=2 sw=2 et