path: root/tags/START/glagen/3d/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tags/START/glagen/3d/')
1 files changed, 729 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tags/START/glagen/3d/ b/tags/START/glagen/3d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee80216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tags/START/glagen/3d/
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+// Glagen : a planet sized landscape generator
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Julien Guertault, Hugues Hiegel, Meng-Tih Lam
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Glagen : GPL LAndscape GENerator
+// for Glagen : made by Zavie (Julien Guertault)
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "data_glagen.hh"
+#include "dot.hh"
+#include "misc.hh"
+#include "triangle.hh"
+#include "vector.hh"
+// ================================================= Constructor and destructor
+Triangle :: Triangle (Dot *a,
+ Dot *b,
+ Dot *c,
+ Triangle *father):
+ _a(a), _b(b), _c(c),
+ _neighbor_ab(NULL), _neighbor_bc(NULL), _neighbor_ca(NULL),
+ _father(father),
+ _child_a(NULL), _child_b(NULL), _child_c(NULL), _child_center(NULL),
+ _visible(true)
+ Vector v1;
+ Vector v2;
+ glagen.triangles = glagen.triangles + 1;
+ if (glagen.triangles > glagen.max_triangles)
+ exit (1);
+ if (father == NULL)
+ _level = 0;
+ else
+ _level = father->Level () + 1;
+ a->Use (father, this);
+ b->Use (father, this);
+ c->Use (father, this);
+ _center = Vector ((a->x () + b->x () + c-> x()) / 3,
+ (a->y () + b->y () + c-> y()) / 3,
+ (a->z () + b->z () + c-> z()) / 3);
+ v1 = Vector (a->x () - b->x (), a->y () - b->y (), a->z () - b->z ());
+ v2 = Vector (a->x () - c->x (), a->y () - c->y (), a->z () - c->z ());
+ _normal = Vector (v1 ^ v2);
+ _size = _normal.Norm ();
+ _normal = _normal / _size;
+ _normal_real = _normal;
+ _size = sqrtf (_size / 2);
+ step = glagen.step - 1;
+Triangle :: ~Triangle ()
+ if (_child_center != NULL)
+ {
+ delete _child_center;
+ delete _child_a;
+ delete _child_b;
+ delete _child_c;
+ }
+ // Del the old connexity
+ if (_neighbor_ab != NULL)
+ _neighbor_ab->Del_connexity (this);
+ if (_neighbor_bc != NULL)
+ _neighbor_bc->Del_connexity (this);
+ if (_neighbor_ca != NULL)
+ _neighbor_ca->Del_connexity (this);
+ // Tell the vertices they aren't used by this triangle anymore
+ if (_a->Drop (this, _father))
+ delete _a;
+ if (_b->Drop (this, _father))
+ delete _b;
+ if (_c->Drop (this, _father))
+ delete _c;
+ if (_father != NULL)
+ _father->Child_dead (this);
+ glagen.triangles = glagen.triangles - 1;
+// ======================================================================= Read
+// The level
+unsigned int Triangle :: Level () const { return _level; }
+// The vertices
+Dot *Triangle :: A () const { return _a; }
+Dot *Triangle :: B () const { return _b; }
+Dot *Triangle :: C () const { return _c; }
+// The neighborhood
+Triangle *Triangle :: Neighbor_ab () const { return _neighbor_ab; }
+Triangle *Triangle :: Neighbor_bc () const { return _neighbor_bc; }
+Triangle *Triangle :: Neighbor_ca () const { return _neighbor_ca; }
+// The father
+Triangle *Triangle :: Father () const { return _father; }
+// The childs
+Triangle *Triangle :: Child_a() const { return _child_a; }
+Triangle *Triangle :: Child_b() const { return _child_b; }
+Triangle *Triangle :: Child_c() const { return _child_c; }
+Triangle *Triangle :: Child_center() const { return _child_center; }
+Triangle *Triangle :: Child (Dot *match) const
+ if (match == _a)
+ return _child_a;
+ if (match == _b)
+ return _child_b;
+ if (match == _c)
+ return _child_c;
+ return NULL;
+Vector &Triangle :: Normal () { return _normal; }
+Vector &Triangle :: Normal_real () { return _normal_real; }
+float Triangle :: Size () const { return _size; }
+// Is this triangle split ?
+bool Triangle :: Is_split () const
+ return (_child_center != NULL);
+// In the current turn, has this triangle been checked ?
+bool Triangle :: Is_checked () const
+ return (step == glagen.step);
+// According to the position of the observer, does this triangle
+// need to be split ?
+float Triangle :: To_split () const
+ float x = _center.X () - ();
+ float y = _center.Y () - ();
+ float z = _center.Z () - ();
+// float dist = x * x + y * y + z * z;
+ float dist = Approx_dist(x, y, z);
+// float alpha = dist / (_size * _size);
+ float alpha = (dist * dist) / (_size * _size);
+ // Special case :
+ // if over the horizon, the result is increased
+// if (dist > 100 * *
+ if (dist > 10 *
+ alpha = alpha * alpha / 2;
+// if (dist > 1000 * *
+ if (dist > 32 *
+ alpha = alpha * alpha / 2;
+ if (!_visible)
+ alpha = (alpha * alpha) / 2;
+ return (alpha);
+// According to the position of the observer, does this triangle
+// need to be merged ?
+bool Triangle :: Is_visible () const { return _visible; }
+// ====================================================================== Write
+// This triangle must set a reference to the given other one
+void Triangle :: Make_connexity (Triangle *neighborhood)
+ // Find on which side is the other triangle and then set the connexity
+ if ((neighborhood->A () == _a)
+ || (neighborhood->B () == _a)
+ || (neighborhood->C () == _a))
+ {
+ if ((neighborhood->A () == _b)
+ || (neighborhood->B () == _b)
+ || (neighborhood->C () == _b))
+ _neighbor_ab = neighborhood;
+ else
+ _neighbor_ca = neighborhood;
+ }
+ else
+ _neighbor_bc = neighborhood;
+// This triangle must forget its reference to the given other one
+void Triangle :: Del_connexity (Triangle *related)
+ // Find the connexity and delete it
+ if (_neighbor_ab == related)
+ _neighbor_ab = NULL;
+ if (_neighbor_bc == related)
+ _neighbor_bc = NULL;
+ if (_neighbor_ca == related)
+ _neighbor_ca = NULL;
+// The split function
+void Triangle :: Split ()
+ Dot *d;
+ Dot *e;
+ Dot *f;
+ Triangle *neighbor_af;
+ Triangle *neighbor_ae;
+ Triangle *neighbor_bd;
+ Triangle *neighbor_bf;
+ Triangle *neighbor_ce;
+ Triangle *neighbor_cd;
+ // Test if the triangle is already split
+ if (Is_split ())
+ return;
+ // Check the differences of iterations
+ if (_neighbor_ab == NULL || _neighbor_bc == NULL || _neighbor_ca == NULL)
+ _father->Split_neighbor();
+ // Find / create vertex
+ if (_neighbor_bc->Is_split ())
+ {
+ // Identify and save the future connexity
+ neighbor_bd = _neighbor_bc->Child (_b);
+ neighbor_cd = _neighbor_bc->Child (_c);
+ // Pop the vertex to use
+ if (neighbor_bd->B () == neighbor_cd->C ())
+ d = neighbor_bd->B ();
+ else
+ d = neighbor_bd->C ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Create the vertex and set the connexity to NULL
+ d = _b->Middle (_c); // new ; delete : l99, 101, 103
+ neighbor_bd = NULL;
+ neighbor_cd = NULL;
+ }
+ // The same for each side
+ if (_neighbor_ca->Is_split ())
+ {
+ neighbor_ce = _neighbor_ca->Child (_c);
+ neighbor_ae = _neighbor_ca->Child (_a);
+ if (neighbor_ce->B () == neighbor_ae->C ())
+ e = neighbor_ce->B ();
+ else
+ e = neighbor_ce->C ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ e = _c->Middle (_a); // new ; delete : l99, 101, 103
+ neighbor_ce = NULL;
+ neighbor_ae = NULL;
+ }
+ if (_neighbor_ab->Is_split ())
+ {
+ neighbor_af = _neighbor_ab->Child (_a);
+ neighbor_bf = _neighbor_ab->Child (_b);
+ if (neighbor_af->B () == neighbor_bf->C ())
+ f = neighbor_af->B ();
+ else
+ f = neighbor_af->C ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f = _a->Middle (_b); // new ; delete : l99, 101, 103
+ neighbor_af = NULL;
+ neighbor_bf = NULL;
+ }
+ // Create triangles
+ _child_center = new Triangle (d, e, f, this); // delete : l90
+ _child_a = new Triangle (_a, f, e, this); // delete : l91
+ _child_b = new Triangle (_b, d, f, this); // delete : l92
+ _child_c = new Triangle (_c, e, d, this); // delete : l93
+ // Set the final connexity
+ if (neighbor_af != NULL)
+ {
+ _child_a->Make_connexity (neighbor_af);
+ neighbor_af->Make_connexity (_child_a);
+ }
+ if (neighbor_ae != NULL)
+ {
+ _child_a->Make_connexity (neighbor_ae);
+ neighbor_ae->Make_connexity (_child_a);
+ }
+ if (neighbor_bd != NULL)
+ {
+ _child_b->Make_connexity (neighbor_bd);
+ neighbor_bd->Make_connexity (_child_b);
+ }
+ if (neighbor_bf != NULL)
+ {
+ _child_b->Make_connexity (neighbor_bf);
+ neighbor_bf->Make_connexity (_child_b);
+ }
+ if (neighbor_ce != NULL)
+ {
+ _child_c->Make_connexity (neighbor_ce);
+ neighbor_ce->Make_connexity (_child_c);
+ }
+ if (neighbor_cd != NULL)
+ {
+ _child_c->Make_connexity (neighbor_cd);
+ neighbor_cd->Make_connexity (_child_c);
+ }
+ _child_a->Make_connexity (_child_center);
+ _child_b->Make_connexity (_child_center);
+ _child_c->Make_connexity (_child_center);
+ _child_center->Make_connexity (_child_a);
+ _child_center->Make_connexity (_child_b);
+ _child_center->Make_connexity (_child_c);
+ // Check for chained reactions
+ if (_neighbor_ab != NULL)
+ _neighbor_ab->Check_T ();
+ if (_neighbor_bc != NULL)
+ _neighbor_bc->Check_T ();
+ if (_neighbor_ca != NULL)
+ _neighbor_ca->Check_T ();
+// Check if a triangle needs to be split just because too many
+// triangles in the neighborhood are split.
+void Triangle :: Check_T ()
+ int warning;
+ // The T problem only occurs if the triangle isn't Split
+ if (_child_center != NULL)
+ return;
+ warning = 0;
+ if (_neighbor_ab != NULL)
+ if (_neighbor_ab->Is_split ())
+ warning = warning + 1;
+ if (_neighbor_bc != NULL)
+ if (_neighbor_bc->Is_split ())
+ warning = warning + 1;
+ if (_neighbor_ca != NULL)
+ if (_neighbor_ca->Is_split ())
+ warning = warning + 1;
+ if (warning > 1)
+ Split ();
+// The big merging function : we are not sure it will really merge
+// the triangle, but at least, it will merge the children.
+void Triangle :: Merge ()
+ unsigned char i;
+ if (Is_split())
+ {
+ // First we merge the children
+ _child_center->Merge_simple ();
+ _child_a->Merge_simple ();
+ _child_b->Merge_simple ();
+ _child_c->Merge_simple ();
+ // Then we check the neighborhood
+ i = 0;
+ if (_neighbor_ab != NULL)
+ if (_neighbor_ab->Is_split ())
+ {
+ _neighbor_ab->Front_attack (_a, _b);
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (_neighbor_bc != NULL)
+ if (_neighbor_bc->Is_split ())
+ {
+ _neighbor_bc->Front_attack (_b, _c);
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (_neighbor_ca != NULL)
+ if (_neighbor_ca->Is_split ())
+ {
+ _neighbor_ca->Front_attack (_c, _a);
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ // If there's only one split neighbor triangle, then we can
+ // also destroy the children. Else we can't because it would
+ // have too much unexpected effects
+ if (i < 2)
+ {
+ // Destroy the child
+ delete _child_center;
+ delete _child_a;
+ delete _child_b;
+ delete _child_c;
+ // Don't forget to change the pointers !
+ _child_center = NULL;
+ _child_a = NULL;
+ _child_b = NULL;
+ _child_c = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// Just a merge function without T case management
+void Triangle :: Merge_simple ()
+ if (_child_center != NULL)
+ {
+ // Recursive merge
+ _child_center->Merge_simple ();
+ _child_a->Merge_simple ();
+ _child_b->Merge_simple ();
+ _child_c->Merge_simple ();
+ // Destroy the child
+ delete _child_center;
+ delete _child_a;
+ delete _child_b;
+ delete _child_c;
+ // Don't forget to change the pointers !
+ _child_center = NULL;
+ _child_a = NULL;
+ _child_b = NULL;
+ _child_c = NULL;
+ }
+// Check the triangle for T cases when the neigbor triangle is merged
+void Triangle :: Front_attack (Dot *quad_a, Dot *quad_d)
+ Dot *quad_b;
+ Dot *quad_c;
+ Triangle *triangle_ab;
+ Triangle *triangle_cd;
+ Triangle *last_child;
+ triangle_ab = Child (quad_a);
+ triangle_cd = Child (quad_d);
+ if (quad_a == _a)
+ {
+ if (quad_d == _b)
+ last_child = _child_c;
+ else
+ last_child = _child_b;
+ }
+ else
+ if (quad_a == _b)
+ {
+ if (quad_d == _c)
+ last_child = _child_a;
+ else
+ last_child = _child_c;
+ }
+ else
+ if (quad_d == _a)
+ last_child = _child_b;
+ else
+ last_child = _child_a;
+ triangle_ab->Merge_simple ();
+ _child_center->Merge_simple ();
+ triangle_cd->Merge_simple ();
+ if (triangle_ab->B () == triangle_cd->C ())
+ {
+ quad_b = triangle_ab->C ();
+ quad_c = triangle_cd->B ();
+ if (triangle_ab->Neighbor_ca () != NULL)
+ if (triangle_ab->Neighbor_ca ()->Is_split ())
+ triangle_ab->Neighbor_ca ()->Front_attack (quad_a, quad_b);
+ if (triangle_cd->Neighbor_ab () != NULL)
+ if (triangle_cd->Neighbor_ab ()->Is_split ())
+ triangle_cd->Neighbor_ab ()->Front_attack (quad_c, quad_d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ quad_b = triangle_ab->B ();
+ quad_c = triangle_cd->C ();
+ if (triangle_ab->Neighbor_ab () != NULL)
+ if (triangle_ab->Neighbor_ab ()->Is_split ())
+ triangle_ab->Neighbor_ab ()->Front_attack (quad_a, quad_b);
+ if (triangle_cd->Neighbor_ca () != NULL)
+ if (triangle_cd->Neighbor_ca ()->Is_split ())
+ triangle_cd->Neighbor_ca ()->Front_attack (quad_c, quad_d);
+ }
+ if (last_child->Is_split ())
+ last_child->Front_attack (quad_b, quad_c);
+// Check all the triangles to apply split or merge
+void Triangle :: Split_visitor ()
+ if (step == glagen.step)
+ return;
+ step = glagen.step;
+ float to_split = To_split ();
+ if (to_split != 0)
+ {
+ if (to_split > 350)
+ Merge ();
+ else
+ {
+ if (glagen.triangles <= glagen.max_triangles)
+ if (to_split < 300)
+ if (false == Is_split ())
+ Split ();
+ if (Is_split ())
+ {
+ // We check the childs
+ _child_center->Split_visitor ();
+ _child_a->Split_visitor ();
+ _child_b->Split_visitor ();
+ _child_c->Split_visitor ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If there's no father, it means it's one of the root
+ // triangles and we can go to check the neighborhood
+ if (NULL == _father)
+ {
+ _neighbor_ab->Split_visitor ();
+ _neighbor_bc->Split_visitor ();
+ _neighbor_ca->Split_visitor ();
+ }
+// The visitor that computes if a triangle is visible or not.
+bool Triangle :: Hide_visitor ()
+ if (step != glagen.step)
+ {
+ step = glagen.step;
+ if (Is_split ())
+ {
+ _visible = _child_a->Hide_visitor ();
+ _visible = _child_b->Hide_visitor () || _visible;
+ _visible = _child_c->Hide_visitor () || _visible;
+ _visible = _child_center->Hide_visitor () || _visible;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Let compute if it is visible...
+ // We construct the vector from the center of to planet to
+ // the observer
+ Vector v = Vector ( () - _center.X (),
+ () - _center.Y (),
+ () -
+ _center.Z ());
+ // We compute the scalar product to know how far it is
+ _visible = ((_normal * v) > 0);
+ // Now, let compute if it is in the vision field
+ if (_visible == true)
+ {
+ v.Approx_normalize ();
+ _visible = (v * () < -0.70);
+ }
+ }
+ // If there's no father, it means it's one of the root
+ // triangles and we can go to check the neighborhood
+ if (NULL == _father)
+ {
+ _neighbor_ab->Hide_visitor ();
+ _neighbor_bc->Hide_visitor ();
+ _neighbor_ca->Hide_visitor ();
+ }
+ }
+ return _visible;
+// Called by a child when deleted
+void Triangle :: Child_dead (Triangle *child)
+ if (_child_center == child)
+ _child_center = NULL;
+ if (_child_a == child)
+ _child_a = NULL;
+ if (_child_b == child)
+ _child_b = NULL;
+ if (_child_c == child)
+ _child_c = NULL;
+// This triangle is checked
+void Triangle :: Checked () { step = glagen.step; }
+// ====================================================================== Other
+// Split the neighborhood triangles
+void Triangle :: Split_neighbor ()
+ if (_neighbor_ab != NULL)
+ _neighbor_ab->Split ();
+ if (_neighbor_bc != NULL)
+ _neighbor_bc->Split ();
+ if (_neighbor_ca != NULL)
+ _neighbor_ca->Split ();
+// Update the normal vector, if the triangle is moving.
+void Triangle :: Update_normal ()
+ surface_t *surface;
+ float adjust = 0;
+ // Get the position of the dot A
+ if (glagen.display_planet == true)
+ {
+ if (NULL == _a->Property (0))
+ adjust = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ surface = static_cast <surface_t *> (_a->Property (0)->data);
+ if (NULL == surface)
+ adjust = 0;
+ else
+ adjust = surface->height;
+ }
+ }
+ float ax = _a->x () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ float ay = _a->y () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ float az = _a->z () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ // Get the position of the dot B
+ if (glagen.display_planet)
+ {
+ if (NULL == _b->Property (0))
+ adjust = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ surface = static_cast <surface_t *> (_b->Property (0)->data);
+ if (NULL == surface)
+ adjust = 0;
+ else
+ adjust = surface->height;
+ }
+ }
+ float bx = _b->x () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ float by = _b->y () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ float bz = _b->z () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ // Get the position of the dot C
+ if (glagen.display_planet)
+ {
+ if (NULL == _c->Property (0))
+ adjust = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ surface = static_cast <surface_t *> (_c->Property (0)->data);
+ if (NULL == surface)
+ adjust = 0;
+ else
+ adjust = surface->height;
+ }
+ }
+ float cx = _c->x () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ float cy = _c->y () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ float cz = _c->z () * (glagen.size + adjust);
+ Vector v1 = Vector (ax - bx, ay - by, az - bz);
+ Vector v2 = Vector (ax - cx, ay - cy, az - cz);
+ _normal_real = Vector (v1 ^ v2);
+ _normal_real.Normalize ();
+void Triangle :: Update_normal_visitor ()
+ if (step == glagen.step)
+ return;
+ step = glagen.step;
+ Update_normal ();
+ if (_child_center != NULL)
+ {
+ _child_center->Update_normal_visitor ();
+ _child_a->Update_normal_visitor ();
+ _child_b->Update_normal_visitor ();
+ _child_c->Update_normal_visitor ();
+ }
+ if (NULL == _father)
+ {
+ _neighbor_ab->Update_normal_visitor ();
+ _neighbor_bc->Update_normal_visitor ();
+ _neighbor_ca->Update_normal_visitor ();
+ }
+ _a->Update_normal ();
+ _b->Update_normal ();
+ _c->Update_normal ();