path: root/plugin_manager/plugin_manager.js
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <root@paranoid>2015-03-11 16:55:04 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <root@paranoid>2015-03-11 16:55:04 +0100
commit99f904adcc37d93c90defcd8ce898598e25be212 (patch)
tree60a6c7b7b9cf012d6c0e8dcf5c7f4fe0a5b6fc49 /plugin_manager/plugin_manager.js
parentb2034fdfec040a67988e543a911208ef2491ce7a (diff)
Lot of pluginsHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin_manager/plugin_manager.js')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugin_manager/plugin_manager.js b/plugin_manager/plugin_manager.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e043d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin_manager/plugin_manager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+function pm_get_credits(){
+ rcmail.http_post(
+ 'plugin.plugin_manager_getcredits', ''
+ );
+function pm_update_credits(response){
+ if(response){
+ if($('#cdlcredits').get(0) && parseInt(response) && (parseInt(response) != parseInt($('#cdlcredits').text()))){
+ var newcredits = parseInt(response) - parseInt($('#cdlcredits').text());
+ var color = newcredits > 0 ? 'green' : 'red';
+ var html = $('#accountdetails').html();
+ $('#accountdetails > tbody:last').append('<tr><td colspan="4" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;">MyRC$ ' + rcmail.gettext('creditsupdated','plugin_manager') + '</td><td align="right" style="border: 1px solid lightgrey; color: ' + color + ';">' + (newcredits > 0 ? '+' : '') + newcredits + '</td><td style="border: 1px solid lightgrey;">&nbsp;</td></tr>');
+ $('#cdlcredits').text(response);
+ rcmail.display_message('MyRC$ ' + newcredits + ' ' + rcmail.gettext('creditsupdated','plugin_manager'), 'confirmation');
+ }
+ }
+ window.setTimeout('pm_get_credits()', 1000 * 30);
+function plugin_manager_save_prefs(){
+ $('.mainaction').hide();
+ var prefs = $('input[name*="man"]').serialize();
+ rcmail.http_post('plugin.plugin_manager_save', prefs);
+ // update credtis
+ if(rcmail.env.framed){
+ window.setTimeout('pm_get_credits()', 1 * 1000);
+ }
+ // hide qtips
+ $('.about-link').click(function(){
+ $('.ui-tooltip').hide();
+ });
+ // add event listeners
+ rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(evt){
+ rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.plugin_manager_getcredits', pm_update_credits);
+ });
+ rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.plugin_manager_save_config', function(response) {
+ var msg = response[0];
+ var type = response[1];
+ rcmail.display_message(msg, type);
+ $('#source').html(msg + '&nbsp;');
+ });
+ rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.plugin_manager_success', function(response) {
+ rcmail.pm_stat = $('input[name*="man"]').serialize();
+ rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('successfullydeleted', 'plugin_manager'), 'confirmation');
+ if(response){
+ eval(response);
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ }
+ else{
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ }
+ });
+ rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.plugin_manager_saved', function(response) {
+ rcmail.pm_stat = $('input[name*="man"]').serialize();
+ rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('successfullysaved', 'plugin_manager'), 'confirmation');
+ if(response){
+ eval(response);
+ }
+ });
+ rcmail.addEventListener('plugin.plugin_manager_error', function(response) {
+ rcmail.display_message(rcmail.gettext('errorsaving', 'plugin_manager'), 'error');
+ $('.mainaction').hide();
+ $(':checkbox').each(function(){
+ $(this).prop('disabled', true);
+ });
+ window.setTimeout("parent.location.href='./?_task=settings&_action=plugin.plugin_manager'", 3000);
+ });
+ rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(){
+ function float_fieldsets(){
+ if('&_section=plugin_manager&') < 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ $('td.title').remove();
+ rcmail.pm_mh = 0;
+ rcmail.pm_mh2 = new Array();
+ rcmail.pm_mw = 0;
+ rcmail.pm_top = 0;
+ rcmail.pm_row = -1;
+ $('.pm_section').each(function(){
+ if($(this).width() > rcmail.pm_mw)
+ rcmail.pm_mw = $(this).width();
+ if($(this).height() > rcmail.pm_mh)
+ rcmail.pm_mh = $(this).height();
+ });
+ $('.pm_section').each(function(){
+ $(this).width(rcmail.pm_mw);
+ $(this).height(rcmail.pm_mh);
+ });
+ $('.pm_fieldset').each(function(){
+ if($(this).offset().top > rcmail.pm_top){
+ rcmail.pm_row ++;
+ rcmail.pm_top = $(this).offset().top;
+ if(!rcmail.pm_mh2[rcmail.pm_row])
+ rcmail.pm_mh2[rcmail.pm_row] = $(this).height();
+ }
+ if($(this).height() > rcmail.pm_mh2[rcmail.pm_row]){
+ rcmail.pm_mh2[rcmail.pm_row] = $(this).height();
+ }
+ });
+ rcmail.pm_top = 0;
+ rcmail.pm_row = -1;
+ rcmail.pm_heights = new Array();
+ rcmail.pm_sections = -1;
+ $('.pm_fieldset').each(function(){
+ $(this).width(rcmail.pm_mw - 20);
+ if($(this).offset().top > rcmail.pm_top){
+ rcmail.pm_row ++;
+ rcmail.pm_top = $(this).offset().top;
+ }
+ rcmail.pm_sections ++;
+ rcmail.pm_heights[rcmail.pm_sections] = rcmail.pm_mh2[rcmail.pm_row];
+ $(this).height(rcmail.pm_mh2[rcmail.pm_row] - 20);
+ });
+ rcmail.pm_sections = -1;
+ $('.pm_section').each(function(){
+ rcmail.pm_sections ++;
+ $(this).height(rcmail.pm_heights[rcmail.pm_sections]);
+ });
+ }
+ float_fieldsets();
+ $(window).resize(function(){
+ $('.pm_section').each(function(){
+ $(this).attr('style', '');
+ });
+ $('.pm_fieldset').each(function(){
+ $(this).attr('style', '');
+ });
+ float_fieldsets();
+ });
+ $('.plugin_manager_li').click(function(){
+ $('#pm_restore_defaults').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#pm_check_all').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#pm_uncheck_all').prop('checked', false);
+ });
+ $('#pm_restore_defaults').click(function(){
+ $('#pm_check_all').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#pm_uncheck_all').prop('checked', false);
+ for(var i in rcmail.env.pm_restore){
+ $('#pm_chbox_' + rcmail.env.pm_restore[i][0]).prop('checked', rcmail.env.pm_restore[i][1]);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#pm_check_all').click(function(){
+ $('#pm_uncheck_all').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#pm_restore_defaults').prop('checked', false);
+ for(var i in rcmail.env.pm_restore){
+ $('#pm_chbox_' + rcmail.env.pm_restore[i][0]).prop('checked', true);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#pm_uncheck_all').click(function(){
+ $('#pm_check_all').prop('checked', false);
+ $('#pm_restore_defaults').prop('checked', false);
+ for(var i in rcmail.env.pm_restore){
+ $('#pm_chbox_' + rcmail.env.pm_restore[i][0]).prop('checked', false);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#pm_update_plugins').click(function(){
+ document.location.href = './?_task=settings&_framed=1&_action=plugin.plugin_manager_update&_warning=1';
+ });
+ rcmail.pm_stat = $('input[name*="man"]').serialize();
+ $('.mainaction').hide();
+ $('.mainaction').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('input:checkbox').click(function(){
+ if(rcmail.pm_stat != $('input[name*="man"]').serialize()){
+ $('.mainaction').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('.mainaction').show();
+ }
+ else{
+ $('.mainaction').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.mainaction').hide();
+ }
+ });
+ $('.fsavedialog').click(function(){
+ var plugin = $(this).attr('name').replace('_plugin_manager_','');
+ var label = rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.plugindescription');
+ if(label.substr(0,1) != '[' && label.substr(label.length - 1, 1) != ']'){
+ if($('.mainaction').prop('disabled') == false){
+ if($(this).prop('checked') && !$(this).hasClass('fconfig')){
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!$(this).hasClass('funinstall') && !$(this).hasClass('frequest') && !$(this).hasClass('frequestforce')){
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('.fconfig').click(function(){
+ if($(this).prop('checked')){
+ var plugin = $(this).attr('name').replace('_plugin_manager_','');
+ var label = rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.plugindescription');
+ if(label.substr(0,1) != '[' && label.substr(label.length - 1, 1) != ']'){
+ if($('.mainaction').prop('disabled') == false){
+ $('.mainaction').hide();
+ var buttons = {};
+ buttons[rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.yes')] = function(){
+ $('#plugin_manager_config_plugin').val(plugin);
+ document.forms.form.submit();
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog("close");
+ };
+ buttons[rcmail.gettext('')] = function(){
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog("close");
+ };
+ $('#jqdialog').html(label + '<hr /><p>' + rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.furtherconfig') + '</p>');
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog({
+ 'title': rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.pluginname'),
+ 'buttons': buttons,
+ 'position': [$(this).offset().left + 20, $(this).offset().top + 20],
+ 'zIndex': 99999,
+ 'close': function(){
+ $('#plugin_manager_config_plugin').val('');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!$(this).hasClass('funinstall') && !$(this).hasClass('frequest') && !$(this).hasClass('frequestforce')){
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('.funinstall').click(function(){
+ if(!$(this).prop('checked')){
+ var plugin = $(this).attr('name').replace('_plugin_manager_','');
+ var label = rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.plugindescription');
+ if(label.substr(0,1) != '[' && label.substr(label.length - 1, 1) != ']'){
+ if($('.mainaction').prop('disabled') == false){
+ $('.mainaction').hide();
+ var buttons = {};
+ buttons[rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.yes')] = function(){
+ $('.mainaction').prop('disabled', true);
+ rcmail.http_post('plugin.plugin_manager_uninstall', '_uninstall=' + plugin);
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog("close");
+ };
+ buttons[rcmail.gettext('')] = function(){
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog("close");
+ };
+ $('#jqdialog').html(label + '<hr /><p>' + rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.uninstall') + '</p>');
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog({
+ 'title': rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.pluginname'),
+ 'buttons': buttons,
+ 'position': [$(this).offset().left + 20, $(this).offset().top + 20],
+ 'zIndex': 99999,
+ 'close': function(){
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('.frequest').click(function(){
+ if(!$(this).prop('checked')){
+ $(this).prop('checked', true)
+ var plugin = $(this).attr('name').replace('_plugin_manager_','');
+ var label = rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.plugindescription');
+ if(label.substr(0,1) != '[' && label.substr(label.length - 1, 1) != ']'){
+ if($('.mainaction').prop('disabled') == false){
+ $('.mainaction').hide();
+ var buttons = {};
+ buttons[rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.disable')] = function(){
+ $('#pm_chbox_' + plugin).prop('checked', false);
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog("close");
+ };
+ buttons[rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.remove')] = function(){
+ $('.mainaction').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#pm_chbox_' + plugin).prop('checked', false);
+ if(confirm(rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.areyousure')))
+ rcmail.http_post('plugin.plugin_manager_uninstall', '_uninstall=' + plugin);
+ else
+ plugin_manager_save_prefs();
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog("close");
+ };
+ $('#jqdialog').html(label + '<hr /><p>' + rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.uninstallconfirm') + '</p>');
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog({
+ 'title': rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.pluginname'),
+ 'buttons': buttons,
+ 'position': [$(this).offset().left + 20, $(this).offset().top + 20],
+ 'zIndex': 99999,
+ 'close': function(){
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('.frequestforce').click(function(){
+ if(!$(this).prop('checked')){
+ $(this).prop('checked', true)
+ var plugin = $(this).attr('name').replace('_plugin_manager_','');
+ var label = rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.plugindescription');
+ if(label.substr(0,1) != '[' && label.substr(label.length - 1, 1) != ']'){
+ if($('.mainaction').prop('disabled') == false){
+ var buttons = {};
+ buttons[rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.remove')] = function(){
+ $('.mainaction').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#pm_chbox_' + plugin).prop('checked', false);
+ rcmail.http_post('plugin.plugin_manager_uninstall', '_uninstall=' + plugin);
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog("close");
+ };
+ $('#jqdialog').html(label + '<hr /><p>' + rcmail.gettext('plugin_manager.uninstall') + '</p>');
+ $('#jqdialog').dialog({
+ 'title': rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.pluginname'),
+ 'buttons': buttons,
+ 'position': [$(this).offset().left + 20, $(this).offset().top + 20],
+ 'zIndex': 99999,
+ 'close': function(){
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('.plugin_manager_ul > li').each(function(){
+ var plugin = $(this).attr('id');
+ var temparr = plugin.split('pmid_');
+ plugin = temparr[1];
+ if(rcmail.env['pm_plugin_' + plugin] != 1){
+ if(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin]){
+ for(var i in rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin]){
+ if(parent.$(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin][i]).get(0)){
+ parent.$(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin][i]).hide();
+ }
+ else{
+ if(parent.$(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin][i]).get(0)){
+ parent.$(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin][i]).show();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin]){
+ console.log(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin][0]);
+ if(!parent.$(rcmail.env['pm_buttons_' + plugin][0]).get(0)){
+ parent.location.href='./?_task=settings&_action=plugin.plugin_manager';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var label = rcmail.gettext(plugin + '.plugindescription');
+ if(label.indexOf('.plugindescription') == -1){
+ if(label.substr(0,1) != '[' && label.substr(label.length - 1, 1) != ']'){
+ $(this).qtip({
+ content: {
+ title: $(this).text().replace("\n",""),
+ text: label
+ },
+ position: {
+ my: "top left",
+ at: "left bottom",
+ target: $(this),
+ viewport: $(window)
+ },
+ hide: {
+ effect: function () { $(this).slideUp(5, function(){ $(this).dequeue(); }); }
+ },
+ style: {
+ classes: "ui-tooltip-light"
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file