path: root/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/test/test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/test/test.js')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/test/test.js b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/test/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e556156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codemirror_ui/lib/CodeMirror-2.3/test/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+var tests = [];
+test("fromTextArea", function() {
+ var te = document.getElementById("code");
+ te.value = "CONTENT";
+ var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(te);
+ is(!te.offsetHeight);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "CONTENT");
+ cm.setValue("foo\nbar");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\nbar");
+ is(/^foo\r?\nbar$/.test(te.value));
+ cm.setValue("xxx");
+ cm.toTextArea();
+ is(te.offsetHeight);
+ eq(te.value, "xxx");
+testCM("getRange", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "1234");
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "5678");
+ eq(cm.getLine(2), null);
+ eq(cm.getLine(-1), null);
+ eq(cm.getRange({line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: 0, ch: 3}), "123");
+ eq(cm.getRange({line: 0, ch: -1}, {line: 0, ch: 200}), "1234");
+ eq(cm.getRange({line: 0, ch: 2}, {line: 1, ch: 2}), "34\n56");
+ eq(cm.getRange({line: 1, ch: 2}, {line: 100, ch: 0}), "78");
+}, {value: "1234\n5678"});
+testCM("replaceRange", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "");
+ cm.replaceRange("foo\n", {line: 0, ch: 0});
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\n");
+ cm.replaceRange("a\nb", {line: 0, ch: 1});
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "fa\nboo\n");
+ eq(cm.lineCount(), 3);
+ cm.replaceRange("xyzzy", {line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: 1, ch: 1});
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "xyzzyoo\n");
+ cm.replaceRange("abc", {line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: 10, ch: 0});
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc");
+ eq(cm.lineCount(), 1);
+testCM("selection", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSelection({line: 0, ch: 4}, {line: 2, ch: 2});
+ is(cm.somethingSelected());
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "11\n222222\n33");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(false), {line: 2, ch: 2});
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), {line: 0, ch: 4});
+ cm.setSelection({line: 1, ch: 0});
+ is(!cm.somethingSelected());
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), {line: 1, ch: 0});
+ cm.replaceSelection("abc");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "abc");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "111111\nabc222222\n333333");
+ cm.replaceSelection("def", "end");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), {line: 1, ch: 3});
+ cm.setCursor({line: 2, ch: 1});
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), {line: 2, ch: 1});
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), {line: 1, ch: 2});
+}, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"});
+testCM("lines", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "111111");
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "222222");
+ eq(cm.getLine(-1), null);
+ cm.removeLine(1);
+ cm.setLine(1, "abc");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "111111\nabc");
+}, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"});
+testCM("indent", function(cm) {
+ cm.indentLine(1);
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), " blah();");
+ cm.setOption("indentUnit", 8);
+ cm.indentLine(1);
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "\tblah();");
+}, {value: "if (x) {\nblah();\n}", indentUnit: 3, indentWithTabs: true, tabSize: 8});
+test("defaults", function() {
+ var olddefaults = CodeMirror.defaults, defs = CodeMirror.defaults = {};
+ for (var opt in olddefaults) defs[opt] = olddefaults[opt];
+ defs.indentUnit = 5;
+ defs.value = "uu";
+ defs.enterMode = "keep";
+ defs.tabindex = 55;
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground"), cm = CodeMirror(place);
+ try {
+ eq(cm.getOption("indentUnit"), 5);
+ cm.setOption("indentUnit", 10);
+ eq(defs.indentUnit, 5);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "uu");
+ eq(cm.getOption("enterMode"), "keep");
+ eq(cm.getInputField().tabIndex, 55);
+ }
+ finally {
+ CodeMirror.defaults = olddefaults;
+ place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement());
+ }
+testCM("lineInfo", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(-1), null);
+ var lh = cm.setMarker(1, "FOO", "bar");
+ var info = cm.lineInfo(1);
+ eq(info.text, "222222");
+ eq(info.markerText, "FOO");
+ eq(info.markerClass, "bar");
+ eq(info.line, 1);
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(2).markerText, null);
+ cm.clearMarker(lh);
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(1).markerText, null);
+}, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"});
+testCM("coords", function(cm) {
+ var scroller = cm.getScrollerElement();
+ = "100px";
+ var content = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 200; ++i) content.push("------------------------------" + i);
+ cm.setValue(content.join("\n"));
+ var top = cm.charCoords({line: 0, ch: 0});
+ var bot = cm.charCoords({line: 200, ch: 30});
+ is(top.x < bot.x);
+ is(top.y < bot.y);
+ is(top.y < top.yBot);
+ cm.scrollTo(null, 100);
+ var top2 = cm.charCoords({line: 0, ch: 0});
+ is(top.y > top2.y);
+ eq(top.x, top2.x);
+testCM("coordsChar", function(cm) {
+ var content = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 70; ++i) content.push("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
+ cm.setValue(content.join("\n"));
+ for (var ch = 0; ch < 35; ch += 2) {
+ for (var line = 0; line < 70; line += 5) {
+ cm.setCursor(line, ch);
+ var coords = cm.charCoords({line: line, ch: ch});
+ var pos = cm.coordsChar({x: coords.x, y: coords.y + 1});
+ eq(pos.line, line);
+ eq(, ch);
+ }
+ }
+testCM("posFromIndex", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue(
+ "This function should\n" +
+ "convert a zero based index\n" +
+ "to line and ch."
+ );
+ var examples = [
+ { index: -1, line: 0, ch: 0 }, // <- Tests clipping
+ { index: 0, line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { index: 10, line: 0, ch: 10 },
+ { index: 39, line: 1, ch: 18 },
+ { index: 55, line: 2, ch: 7 },
+ { index: 63, line: 2, ch: 15 },
+ { index: 64, line: 2, ch: 15 } // <- Tests clipping
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) {
+ var example = examples[i];
+ var pos = cm.posFromIndex(example.index);
+ eq(pos.line, example.line);
+ eq(,;
+ if (example.index >= 0 && example.index < 64)
+ eq(cm.indexFromPos(pos), example.index);
+ }
+testCM("undo", function(cm) {
+ cm.setLine(0, "def");
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 1);
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc");
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0);
+ eq(cm.historySize().redo, 1);
+ cm.redo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "def");
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 1);
+ eq(cm.historySize().redo, 0);
+ cm.setValue("1\n\n\n2");
+ cm.clearHistory();
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
+ cm.replaceRange("a", {line: 0, ch: 0});
+ cm.replaceRange("b", {line: 3, ch: 0});
+ }
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 40);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.historySize().redo, 40);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "1\n\n\n2");
+}, {value: "abc"});
+testCM("undoMultiLine", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceRange("x", {line:0, ch: 0});
+ cm.replaceRange("y", {line:1, ch: 0});
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi");
+ cm.replaceRange("y", {line:1, ch: 0});
+ cm.replaceRange("x", {line:0, ch: 0});
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi");
+ cm.replaceRange("y", {line:2, ch: 0});
+ cm.replaceRange("x", {line:1, ch: 0});
+ cm.replaceRange("z", {line:2, ch: 0});
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi");
+}, {value: "abc\ndef\nghi"});
+testCM("markTextSingleLine", function(cm) {
+ forEach([{a: 0, b: 1, c: "", f: 2, t: 5},
+ {a: 0, b: 4, c: "", f: 0, t: 2},
+ {a: 1, b: 2, c: "x", f: 3, t: 6},
+ {a: 4, b: 5, c: "", f: 3, t: 5},
+ {a: 4, b: 5, c: "xx", f: 3, t: 7},
+ {a: 2, b: 5, c: "", f: 2, t: 3},
+ {a: 2, b: 5, c: "abcd", f: 6, t: 7},
+ {a: 2, b: 6, c: "x", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: 3, b: 6, c: "", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: 0, b: 9, c: "hallo", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: 4, b: 6, c: "x", f: 3, t: 4},
+ {a: 4, b: 8, c: "", f: 3, t: 4},
+ {a: 6, b: 6, c: "a", f: 3, t: 6},
+ {a: 8, b: 9, c: "", f: 3, t: 6}], function(test) {
+ cm.setValue("1234567890");
+ var r = cm.markText({line: 0, ch: 3}, {line: 0, ch: 6}, "foo");
+ cm.replaceRange(test.c, {line: 0, ch: test.a}, {line: 0, ch: test.b});
+ var f = r.find();
+ eq(f.from &&, test.f); eq( &&, test.t);
+ });
+testCM("markTextMultiLine", function(cm) {
+ function p(v) { return v && {line: v[0], ch: v[1]}; }
+ forEach([{a: [0, 0], b: [0, 5], c: "", f: [0, 0], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 1], b: [0, 10], c: "", f: [0, 1], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 5], b: [0, 6], c: "x", f: [0, 6], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 0], b: [1, 0], c: "", f: [0, 0], t: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 6], b: [2, 4], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [0, 7]},
+ {a: [0, 6], b: [2, 4], c: "aa", f: [0, 5], t: [0, 9]},
+ {a: [1, 2], b: [1, 8], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 5], b: [2, 5], c: "xx", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: [0, 0], b: [2, 10], c: "x", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: [1, 5], b: [2, 5], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [2, 0], b: [2, 3], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 2]},
+ {a: [2, 5], b: [3, 0], c: "a\nb", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [2, 3], b: [3, 0], c: "x", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 4]},
+ {a: [1, 1], b: [1, 9], c: "1\n2\n3", f: [0, 5], t: [4, 5]}], function(test) {
+ cm.setValue("aaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbb\ncccccccccc\ndddddddd\n");
+ var r = cm.markText({line: 0, ch: 5}, {line: 2, ch: 5}, "foo");
+ cm.replaceRange(test.c, p(test.a), p(test.b));
+ var f = r.find();
+ eqPos(f.from, p(test.f)); eqPos(, p(test.t));
+ });
+testCM("bookmark", function(cm) {
+ function p(v) { return v && {line: v[0], ch: v[1]}; }
+ forEach([{a: [1, 0], b: [1, 1], c: "", d: [1, 4]},
+ {a: [1, 1], b: [1, 1], c: "xx", d: [1, 7]},
+ {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 5], c: "ab", d: [1, 6]},
+ {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 6], c: "", d: null},
+ {a: [1, 5], b: [1, 6], c: "abc", d: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [1, 6], b: [1, 8], c: "", d: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 4], c: "\n\n", d: [3, 1]},
+ {bm: [1, 9], a: [1, 1], b: [1, 1], c: "\n", d: [2, 8]}], function(test) {
+ cm.setValue("1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890");
+ var b = cm.setBookmark(p( || {line: 1, ch: 5});
+ cm.replaceRange(test.c, p(test.a), p(test.b));
+ eqPos(b.find(), p(test.d));
+ });
+testCM("bug577", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue("a\nb");
+ cm.clearHistory();
+ cm.setValue("fooooo");
+ cm.undo();
+// Scaffolding
+function htmlEscape(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[<&]/g, function(str) {return str == "&" ? "&amp;" : "&lt;";});
+function forEach(arr, f) {
+ for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i) f(arr[i]);
+function Failure(why) {this.message = why;}
+function test(name, run) {tests.push({name: name, func: run});}
+function testCM(name, run, opts) {
+ test(name, function() {
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground"), cm = CodeMirror(place, opts);
+ try {run(cm);}
+ finally {place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement());}
+ });
+function runTests() {
+ var failures = [], run = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
+ var test = tests[i];
+ try {test.func();}
+ catch(e) {
+ if (e instanceof Failure)
+ failures.push({type: "failure", test:, text: e.message});
+ else
+ failures.push({type: "error", test:, text: e.toString()});
+ }
+ run++;
+ }
+ var html = [run + " tests run."];
+ if (failures.length)
+ forEach(failures, function(fail) {
+ html.push(fail.test + ': <span class="' + fail.type + '">' + htmlEscape(fail.text) + "</span>");
+ });
+ else html.push('<span class="ok">All passed.</span>');
+ document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = html.join("\n");
+function eq(a, b, msg) {
+ if (a != b) throw new Failure(a + " != " + b + (msg ? " (" + msg + ")" : ""));
+function eqPos(a, b, msg) {
+ if (a == b) return;
+ if (a == null || b == null) throw new Failure("comparing point to null");
+ eq(a.line, b.line, msg);
+ eq(,, msg);
+function is(a, msg) {
+ if (!a) throw new Failure("assertion failed" + (msg ? " (" + msg + ")" : ""));
+window.onload = runTests;