This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. dev-team [at] myroundcube [dot] com --- LICENSE DETAILS --- TERMS AND CONDITIONS -------------------- User Agreement MyRoundcube Developers provides MyRoundcube Plugins (code) shall provide ("MyRoundcube Plugins") to you ("User") under the terms and conditions of this User Agreement ("the Agreement"). USER UNDERSTANDS AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT USER IS ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH MyRoundcube Developers AND NOT THE WEB SITE WITH WHOM ANYTHING HAS ASSOCIATED TO BRING YOU THIS CODE. BY USING ("MyRoundcube Plugins") OR ANY PART OF ITS CODE YOU ARE AGREEING TO BECOME A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT WITH MyRoundcube Developers AND TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ANY APPLICABLE ASSOCIATE STATEMENT IN THIS DOCUMENT. ALL MyRoundcube Developers SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ONLINE. PERSONS UNDER 13 MAY NOT BE ELEGIBLE TO ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH MyRoundcube Developers OR PURCHASE OUR SERVICES AND CODE DOWNLOADS. Acceptable Use Policy The following policy governs the use of the MyRoundcube Developers code. User will comply with the terms and spirit of the Agreement. (a) User shall not use MyRoundcube Plugins (code) in a manner that violates any city, state, national or international law or regulation, or which fails to comply with accepted Internet protocol. User shall not attempt to interfere in any way with MyRoundcube Plugins networks or network security, or attempt to use the MyRoundcube Plugins code to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system. (b) User shall at all times provide MyRoundcube Developers with accurate information. User shall not interfere in any way with another User's use of, or MyRoundcube Developers provision of the MyRoundcube Plugins. User shall not resell, rent, lease, grant a security interest in, or make commercial use of the MyRoundcube Plugins without the express written consent of MyRoundcube Developers. (c) User agrees not to transfer MyRoundcube Plugins (code) for gain or otherwise. Transfer of such code will result in termination of contract with end user. Limitation of Liability UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL MyRoundcube Developers OR ITS LICENSORS OR RESELLERS BE LIABLE TO USER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE MyRoundcube Plugins (code), THE PERFORMANCE OF MyRoundcube Plugins (code) SERVICE, OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, BUSINESS PROFIT, BUSINESS STOPPAGE, LOSS OF DATA OR BUSINESS INFORMATION, COMPUTER DAMAGE, OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR CHANGES MADE TO USER'S TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES. IN NO EVENT WILL MyRoundcube Developers BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF WHAT ANYTHING MyRoundcube Developers RECEIVED FROM USER FOR THE MyRoundcube Plugins (code). Terms You (the User) are permitted to use the code on unlimited servers you may own, rented or leased, as long as you own, rent or lease the server in which MyRoundcube plugins code is hosted. Exclusive: You (the User) agree to use the code in one server at a time. Multiple server deployments (multiserver setup), clusters or any other form of deployment that simultaneously executes MyRoundcube plugins in a live environment must purchase a separate download per server or installation thereof. Warranties Our code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Terms Modifications We reserve the right to change or modify our Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. For questions, please contact our team at dev-team [at] myroundcube [dot] com. Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014 - A Division of Informative Computing Consultants, LLC. All rights reserved Informative Computing Consultants, LLC. 21741 NW 8th CT Pembroke Pines Florida, 33029 dev-team [at] myroundcube [dot] com