path: root/program/js/tinymce/langs/cs.js
diff options
authorAleksander Machniak <>2014-01-20 18:46:28 +0100
committerAleksander Machniak <>2014-01-20 18:46:28 +0100
commit6fa5b437a48485927e5d90abe061ee723f3b45c2 (patch)
tree118a32ddde4af92c7def9838b10beddb9f0fe241 /program/js/tinymce/langs/cs.js
parentfac59dc441d25f7204fb6013bf88db90c01ae34b (diff)
Update to TinyMCE 4.x
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/tinymce/langs/cs.js')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/tinymce/langs/cs.js b/program/js/tinymce/langs/cs.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4e30e9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/js/tinymce/langs/cs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
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+"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "V\u00e1\u0161 prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d nepodporuje p\u0159\u00edm\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstup do schr\u00e1nky. Pou\u017eijte pros\u00edm kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky Ctrl+X\/C\/V.",
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+"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Je zapnuto vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed \u010dist\u00e9ho textu. Dokud nebude tato volba vypnuta, bude ve\u0161ker\u00fd obsah vlo\u017een jako \u010dist\u00fd text.",
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+"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "M\u00e1te neulo\u017een\u00e9 zm\u011bny. Opravdu chcete opustit str\u00e1nku?",
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+"Could not find the specified string.": "Zadan\u00fd \u0159et\u011bzec nebyl nalezen.",
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+"Whole words": "Cel\u00e1 slova",
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+"File": "Soubor",
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+"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Editor. Stiskn\u011bte ALT-F9 pro menu, ALT-F10 pro n\u00e1strojovou li\u0161tu a ALT-0 pro n\u00e1pov\u011bdu.",
+"Tools": "N\u00e1stroje",
+"View": "Zobrazit",
+"Table": "Tabulka",
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+}); \ No newline at end of file