path: root/program/js/tinymce/langs/eu.js
diff options
authorPascal Herbert <>2014-06-26 14:38:16 +0200
committerPascal Herbert <>2014-06-26 14:38:16 +0200
commit51d7bf0d2c77bda266956f550331dc5c45bba2f3 (patch)
treefb40ae385ad6e2201e9f688cffa3c48d57358964 /program/js/tinymce/langs/eu.js
parent734ae968967dde2843e677109be265692272580e (diff)
Updated Langs to TinyMC 4.1.x
Updated Langs to TinyMC 4.1.x
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/tinymce/langs/eu.js')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/tinymce/langs/eu.js b/program/js/tinymce/langs/eu.js
index d451bd815..88bed1a4c 100644
--- a/program/js/tinymce/langs/eu.js
+++ b/program/js/tinymce/langs/eu.js
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
"Cut": "Ebaki",
+"Heading 5": "5. izenburua",
"Header 2": "2 Goiburua",
"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du arbela zuzenean erabiltzeko euskarririk. Mesedez erabili CTRL+X\/C\/V teklatuko lasterbideak.",
+"Heading 4": "4. izenburua",
"Div": "Div",
+"Heading 2": "2. izenburua",
"Paste": "Itsatsi",
"Close": "Itxi",
"Font Family": "Letra-tipo familia",
@@ -11,6 +14,8 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"New document": "Dokumentu berria",
"Blockquote": "Blockquote",
"Numbered list": "Zerrenda zenbatua",
+"Heading 1": "1. izenburua",
+"Headings": "Izenburuak",
"Increase indent": "Handitu koska",
"Formats": "Formatuak",
"Headers": "Goiburuak",
@@ -34,9 +39,11 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"Italic": "Etzana",
"Align center": "Lerrokatu horizontalki erdian",
"Header 5": "5 Goiburua",
+"Heading 6": "6. izenburua",
+"Heading 3": "3. izenburua",
"Decrease indent": "Txikitu koska",
"Header 4": "4 Goiburua",
-"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Txertatzea testu formatu arruntean dago. Orain edukiak testu arrunt moduan txertatuko dira aukera hau kendu bitartean.",
+"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Itsatsi testu arrunt moduan dago orain. Edukiak testu arruntak bezala itsatsiko dira aukera hau itzaltzen duzunera arte.",
"Underline": "Azpimarratua",
"Cancel": "Ezeztatu",
"Justify": "Justifikatuta",
@@ -60,7 +67,7 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"Special character": "Karaktere bereziak",
"Source code": "Iturburu-kodea",
"Right to left": "Eskuinetik ezkerrera",
-"Left to right": "Eskerretik eskuinera",
+"Left to right": "Ezkerretik eskuinera",
"Emoticons": "Irrifartxoak",
"Robots": "Robotak",
"Document properties": "Dokumentuaren propietateak",
@@ -76,7 +83,7 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"General": "Orokorra",
"Advanced": "Aurreratua",
"Source": "Iturburua",
-"Border": "Bordea",
+"Border": "Ertza",
"Constrain proportions": "Zerraditu proportzioak",
"Vertical space": "Hutsune bertikala",
"Image description": "Irudiaren deskribapena",
@@ -91,7 +98,9 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"Insert link": "Esteka txertatu",
"New window": "Lehio berria",
"None": "Bat ere ez",
+"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "Sartu duzun URL-ak kanpoko esteka dela dirudi. Nahi duzu dagokion http:\/\/ aurrizkia gehitzea?",
"Target": "Target",
+"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "Sartu duzun URL-ak e-posta helbidea dela dirudi. Nahi duzu dagokion mailto: aurrizkia gehitzea?",
"Insert\/edit link": "Esteka txertatu\/editatu",
"Insert\/edit video": "Bideoa txertatu\/editatu",
"Poster": "Poster-a",
@@ -101,6 +110,7 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"Embed": "Kapsulatu",
"Nonbreaking space": "Zuriune zatiezina",
"Page break": "Orrialde-jauzia",
+"Paste as text": "Itsatsi testu bezala",
"Preview": "Aurrebista",
"Print": "Inprimatu",
"Save": "Gorde",
@@ -126,7 +136,7 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"Column group": "Zutabe taldea",
"Row": "Errenkada",
"Insert column before": "Txertatu zutabe aurretik",
-"Split cell": "Gelaxkak banatu",
+"Split cell": "Banatu gelaxkak",
"Cell padding": "Gelaxken betegarria",
"Cell spacing": "Gelaxka arteko tartea",
"Row type": "Lerro mota",
@@ -138,16 +148,21 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"Paste row before": "Itsatsi errenkada aurretik",
"Scope": "Esparrua",
"Delete table": "Taula ezabatu",
+"H Align": "Lerrokatze horizontala",
+"Top": "Goian",
"Header cell": "Goiburuko gelaxka",
"Column": "Zutabea",
+"Row group": "Lerro taldea",
"Cell": "Gelaxka",
-"Header": "Goiburua",
+"Middle": "Erdian",
"Cell type": "Gelaxka mota",
"Copy row": "Kopiatu errenkada",
"Row properties": "Errenkadaren propietateak",
"Table properties": "Taularen propietateak",
-"Row group": "Lerro taldea",
-"Right": "Eskuma",
+"Bottom": "Behean",
+"V Align": "Lerrokatze bertikala",
+"Header": "Goiburua",
+"Right": "Eskuina",
"Insert column after": "Txertatu zutabea ostean",
"Cols": "Zutabeak",
"Insert row after": "Txertatu errenkada ostean",
@@ -157,7 +172,7 @@ tinymce.addI18n('eu',{
"Cut row": "Ebaki errenkada",
"Delete column": "Ezabatu zutabea",
"Center": "Erdia",
-"Merge cells": "Gelaxkak batu",
+"Merge cells": "Batu gelaxkak",
"Insert template": "Txertatu txantiloia",
"Templates": "Txantiloiak",
"Background color": "Atzeko kolorea",