path: root/program/js/treelist.js
diff options
authorAleksander Machniak <>2013-01-31 18:26:47 +0100
committerAleksander Machniak <>2013-01-31 18:26:47 +0100
commit8bfbd5e9f9c1d2c4657bda2f6099f01fc8097846 (patch)
treec9c3fab72bbeb3fc4919340331b2fdd4b382404c /program/js/treelist.js
parentee01be5b5b854320de83e09c66070acd71283a70 (diff)
parent873ae9e9de2aba0f22f3669b1e1519a439d97b5c (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/treelist.js')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/treelist.js b/program/js/treelist.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47ac0c1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/js/treelist.js
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Roundcube Treelist widget |
+ | |
+ | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Authors: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Requires: common.js |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ * Roundcube Treelist widget class
+ * @contructor
+ */
+function rcube_treelist_widget(node, p)
+ // apply some defaults to p
+ p = $.extend({
+ id_prefix: '',
+ autoexpand: 1000,
+ selectable: false,
+ check_droptarget: function(node){ return !node.virtual }
+ }, p || {});
+ var container = $(node);
+ var data = || [];
+ var indexbyid = {};
+ var selection = null;
+ var drag_active = false;
+ var box_coords = {};
+ var item_coords = [];
+ var autoexpand_timer;
+ var autoexpand_item;
+ var body_scroll_top = 0;
+ var list_scroll_top = 0;
+ var me = this;
+ /////// export public members and methods
+ this.container = container;
+ this.expand = expand;
+ this.collapse = collapse;
+ = select;
+ this.render = render;
+ this.drag_start = drag_start;
+ this.drag_end = drag_end;
+ this.intersects = intersects;
+ /////// startup code (constructor)
+ // abort if node not found
+ if (!container.length)
+ return;
+ if ( {
+ index_data({ children:data });
+ }
+ // load data from DOM
+ else {
+ data = walk_list(container);
+ // console.log(data);
+ }
+ // register click handlers on list
+ container.on('click', 'div.treetoggle', function(e){
+ toggle(dom2id($(this).parent()));
+ });
+ container.on('click', 'li', function(e){
+ var node = p.selectable ? indexbyid[dom2id($(this))] : null;
+ if (node && !node.virtual) {
+ select(;
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ });
+ /////// private methods
+ /**
+ * Collaps a the node with the given ID
+ */
+ function collapse(id, recursive, set)
+ {
+ var node;
+ if (node = indexbyid[id]) {
+ node.collapsed = typeof set == 'undefined' || set;
+ update_dom(node);
+ // Work around a bug in IE6 and IE7, see #1485309
+ if ( && (bw.ie6 || bw.ie7) && node.collapsed) {
+ id2dom('ul:visible').hide().show();
+ }
+ if (recursive && node.children) {
+ for (var i=0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
+ collapse(node.children[i].id, recursive, set);
+ }
+ }
+ me.triggerEvent(node.collapsed ? 'collapse' : 'expand', node);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Expand a the node with the given ID
+ */
+ function expand(id, recursive)
+ {
+ collapse(id, recursive, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Toggle collapsed state of a list node
+ */
+ function toggle(id, recursive)
+ {
+ var node;
+ if (node = indexbyid[id]) {
+ collapse(id, recursive, !node.collapsed);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Select a tree node by it's ID
+ */
+ function select(id)
+ {
+ if (selection) {
+ id2dom(selection).removeClass('selected');
+ selection = null;
+ }
+ var li = id2dom(id);
+ if (li.length) {
+ li.addClass('selected');
+ selection = id;
+ // TODO: expand all parent nodes if collapsed
+ scroll_to_node(li);
+ }
+ me.triggerEvent('select', indexbyid[id]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Getter for the currently selected node ID
+ */
+ function get_selection()
+ {
+ return selection;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the DOM element of the list item with the given ID
+ */
+ function get_item(id)
+ {
+ return id2dom(id).get(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply the 'collapsed' status of the data node to the corresponding DOM element(s)
+ */
+ function update_dom(node)
+ {
+ var li = id2dom(;
+ li.children('ul').first()[(node.collapsed ? 'hide' : 'show')]();
+ li.children('div.treetoggle').removeClass('collapsed expanded').addClass(node.collapsed ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded');
+ me.triggerEvent('toggle', node);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render the tree list from the internal data structure
+ */
+ function render()
+ {
+ if (me.triggerEvent('renderBefore', data) === false)
+ return;
+ // remove all child nodes
+ container.html('');
+ // render child nodes
+ for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ render_node(data[i], container);
+ }
+ me.triggerEvent('renderAfter', container);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render a specific node into the DOM list
+ */
+ function render_node(node, parent)
+ {
+ var li = $('<li>' + node.html + '</li>')
+ .attr('id', p.id_prefix +
+ .addClass((node.classes || []).join(' '))
+ .appendTo(parent);
+ if (node.virtual)
+ li.addClass('virtual');
+ if ( == selection)
+ li.addClass('selected');
+ // add child list and toggle icon
+ if (node.children && node.children.length) {
+ $('<div class="treetoggle '+(node.collapsed ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded') + '">&nbsp;</div>').appendTo(li);
+ var ul = $('<ul>').appendTo(li);
+ if (node.collapsed)
+ ul.hide();
+ for (var i=0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
+ render_node(node.children[i], ul);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursively walk the DOM tree and build an internal data structure
+ * representing the skeleton of this tree list.
+ */
+ function walk_list(ul)
+ {
+ var result = [];
+ ul.children('li').each(function(i,e){
+ var li = $(e);
+ var node = {
+ id: dom2id(li),
+ classes: li.attr('class').split(' '),
+ virtual: li.hasClass('virtual'),
+ html: li.children().first().get(0).outerHTML,
+ children: walk_list(li.children('ul'))
+ }
+ if (node.children.length) {
+ node.collapsed = li.children('ul').css('display') == 'none';
+ }
+ if (li.hasClass('selected')) {
+ selection =;
+ }
+ result.push(node);
+ indexbyid[] = node;
+ })
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursively walk the data tree and index nodes by their ID
+ */
+ function index_data(node)
+ {
+ if ( {
+ indexbyid[] = node;
+ }
+ for (var c=0; node.children && c < node.children.length; c++) {
+ index_data(node.children[c]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the (stripped) node ID from the given DOM element
+ */
+ function dom2id(li)
+ {
+ var domid = li.attr('id').replace(new RegExp('^' + (p.id_prefix) || '%'), '');
+ return p.id_decode ? p.id_decode(domid) : domid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the <li> element for the given node ID
+ */
+ function id2dom(id)
+ {
+ var domid = p.id_encode ? p.id_encode(id) : id;
+ return $('#' + p.id_prefix + domid);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scroll the parent container to make the given list item visible
+ */
+ function scroll_to_node(li)
+ {
+ var scroller = container.parent();
+ scroller.scrollTop(li.offset().top - scroller.offset().top + scroller.scrollTop());
+ }
+ ///// drag & drop support
+ /**
+ * When dragging starts, compute absolute bounding boxes of the list and it's items
+ * for faster comparisons while mouse is moving
+ */
+ function drag_start()
+ {
+ var li, item, height,
+ pos = container.offset();
+ body_scroll_top = ? 0 : window.pageYOffset;
+ list_scroll_top = container.parent().scrollTop();
+ drag_active = true;
+ box_coords = {
+ x1: pos.left,
+ y1:,
+ x2: pos.left + container.width(),
+ y2: + container.height()
+ };
+ item_coords = [];
+ for (var id in indexbyid) {
+ li = id2dom(id);
+ item = li.children().first().get(0);
+ if (height = item.offsetHeight) {
+ pos = $(item).offset();
+ item_coords[id] = {
+ x1: pos.left,
+ y1:,
+ x2: pos.left + item.offsetWidth,
+ y2: + height,
+ on: id == autoexpand_item
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Signal that dragging has stopped
+ */
+ function drag_end()
+ {
+ drag_active = false;
+ if (autoexpand_timer) {
+ clearTimeout(autoexpand_timer);
+ autoexpand_timer = null;
+ autoexpand_item = null;
+ }
+ $('li.droptarget', container).removeClass('droptarget');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if the given mouse coords intersect the list and one if its items
+ */
+ function intersects(mouse, highlight)
+ {
+ // offsets to compensate for scrolling while dragging a message
+ var boffset = ? -document.documentElement.scrollTop : body_scroll_top,
+ moffset = list_scroll_top - container.parent().scrollTop(),
+ result = null;
+ = mouse.y + -moffset - boffset;
+ // no intersection with list bounding box
+ if (mouse.x < box_coords.x1 || mouse.x >= box_coords.x2 || < box_coords.y1 || >= box_coords.y2) {
+ // TODO: optimize performance for this operation
+ $('li.droptarget', container).removeClass('droptarget');
+ return result;
+ }
+ // check intersection with visible list items
+ var pos, node;
+ for (var id in item_coords) {
+ pos = item_coords[id];
+ if (mouse.x >= pos.x1 && mouse.x < pos.x2 && >= pos.y1 && < pos.y2) {
+ node = indexbyid[id];
+ // if the folder is collapsed, expand it after the configured time
+ if (node.children && node.children.length && node.collapsed && p.autoexpand && autoexpand_item != id) {
+ if (autoexpand_timer)
+ clearTimeout(autoexpand_timer);
+ autoexpand_item = id;
+ autoexpand_timer = setTimeout(function() {
+ expand(autoexpand_item);
+ drag_start(); // re-calculate item coords
+ autoexpand_item = null;
+ }, p.autoexpand);
+ }
+ else if (autoexpand_timer && autoexpand_item != id) {
+ clearTimeout(autoexpand_timer);
+ autoexpand_item = null;
+ autoexpand_timer = null;
+ }
+ // check if this item is accepted as drop target
+ if (p.check_droptarget(node)) {
+ if (highlight) {
+ id2dom(id).addClass('droptarget');
+ pos.on = true;
+ }
+ result = id;
+ }
+ else {
+ result = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pos.on) {
+ id2dom(id).removeClass('droptarget');
+ pos.on = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// use event processing functions from Roundcube's rcube_event_engine
+rcube_treelist_widget.prototype.addEventListener = rcube_event_engine.prototype.addEventListener;
+rcube_treelist_widget.prototype.removeEventListener = rcube_event_engine.prototype.removeEventListener;
+rcube_treelist_widget.prototype.triggerEvent = rcube_event_engine.prototype.triggerEvent;