path: root/program/localization/en_US
diff options
authorthomascube <>2006-01-13 16:03:36 +0000
committerthomascube <>2006-01-13 16:03:36 +0000
commitc0309556342871c2f65b5212ffdf35579d1ce7e6 (patch)
treee05162e70acaa4d94d4211820c24233bae4f070e /program/localization/en_US
parent0af7e8c0e6d6183dd19ea3bad0b3e8bd80f77aa9 (diff)
Switched to full UTF-8 support
Diffstat (limited to 'program/localization/en_US')
2 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/program/localization/en_US/ b/program/localization/en_US/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1355c071d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/localization/en_US/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | language/en/ |
+ | |
+ | Language file of the RoundCube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundQube Dev. - Switzerland |
+ | Licensed under the GNU GPL |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+$labels = array();
+// login page
+$labels['username'] = 'Username';
+$labels['password'] = 'Password';
+$labels['server'] = 'Server';
+$labels['login'] = 'Login';
+// taskbar
+$labels['logout'] = 'Logout';
+$labels['mail'] = 'E-Mail';
+$labels['settings'] = 'Personal Settings';
+$labels['addressbook'] = 'Address Book';
+// mailbox names
+$labels['inbox'] = 'Inbox';
+$labels['sent'] = 'Sent';
+$labels['trash'] = 'Trash';
+$labels['drafts'] = 'Drafts';
+$labels['junk'] = 'Junk';
+// message listing
+$labels['subject'] = 'Subject';
+$labels['from'] = 'Sender';
+$labels['to'] = 'Recipient';
+$labels['cc'] = 'Copy';
+$labels['bcc'] = 'Bcc';
+$labels['replyto'] = 'Reply-To';
+$labels['date'] = 'Date';
+$labels['size'] = 'Size';
+$labels['priority'] = 'Priority';
+$labels['organization'] = 'Organization';
+// aliases
+$labels['reply-to'] = $labels['replyto'];
+$labels['mailboxlist'] = 'Folders';
+$labels['messagesfromto'] = 'Messages $from to $to of $count';
+$labels['messagenrof'] = 'Message $nr of $count';
+$labels['moveto'] = 'move to...';
+$labels['download'] = 'download';
+$labels['filename'] = 'File name';
+$labels['filesize'] = 'File size';
+$labels['preferhtml'] = 'Prefer HTML';
+$labels['htmlmessage'] = 'HTML Message';
+$labels['prettydate'] = 'Pretty dates';
+$labels['addtoaddressbook'] = 'Add to address book';
+// weekdays short
+$labels['sun'] = 'Sun';
+$labels['mon'] = 'Mon';
+$labels['tue'] = 'Tue';
+$labels['wed'] = 'Wed';
+$labels['thu'] = 'Thu';
+$labels['fri'] = 'Fri';
+$labels['sat'] = 'Sat';
+// weekdays long
+$labels['sunday'] = 'Sunday';
+$labels['monday'] = 'Monday';
+$labels['tuesday'] = 'Tuesday';
+$labels['wednesday'] = 'Wednesday';
+$labels['thursday'] = 'Thursday';
+$labels['friday'] = 'Friday';
+$labels['saturday'] = 'Saturday';
+$labels['today'] = 'Today';
+// toolbar buttons
+$labels['writenewmessage'] = 'Create a new message';
+$labels['replytomessage'] = 'Reply to the message';
+$labels['replytoallmessage'] = 'Reply to sender an all recipients';
+$labels['forwardmessage'] = 'Forward the message';
+$labels['deletemessage'] = 'Move message to trash';
+$labels['printmessage'] = 'Print this message';
+$labels['previousmessages'] = 'Show previous set of messages';
+$labels['nextmessages'] = 'Show next set of messages';
+$labels['backtolist'] = 'Back to message list';
+$labels['viewsource'] = 'Show source';
+$labels['select'] = 'Select';
+$labels['all'] = 'All';
+$labels['none'] = 'None';
+$labels['unread'] = 'Unread';
+$labels['compact'] = 'Compact';
+// message compose
+$labels['compose'] = 'Compose a message';
+$labels['sendmessage'] = 'Send the message now';
+$labels['addattachment'] = 'Attach a file';
+$labels['charset'] = 'Charset';
+$labels['attachments'] = 'Attachments';
+$labels['upload'] = 'Upload';
+$labels['close'] = 'Close';
+$labels['low'] = 'Low';
+$labels['lowest'] = 'Lowest';
+$labels['normal'] = 'Normal';
+$labels['high'] = 'High';
+$labels['highest'] = 'Highest';
+$labels['nosubject'] = '(no subject)';
+$labels['showimages'] = 'Display images';
+// address boook
+$labels['name'] = 'Display name';
+$labels['firstname'] = 'First name';
+$labels['surname'] = 'Last name';
+$labels['email'] = 'E-Mail';
+$labels['addcontact'] = 'Add new contact';
+$labels['editcontact'] = 'Edit contact';
+$labels['edit'] = 'Edit';
+$labels['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
+$labels['save'] = 'Save';
+$labels['delete'] = 'Delete';
+$labels['newcontact'] = 'Create new contact card';
+$labels['addcontact'] = 'Add selected contact to your addressbook';
+$labels['deletecontact'] = 'Delete selected contacts';
+$labels['composeto'] = 'Compose mail to';
+$labels['contactsfromto'] = 'Contacts $from to $to of $count';
+$labels['print'] = 'Print';
+$labels['export'] = 'Export';
+$labels['ldappublicsearchname'] = 'Contact name';
+$labels['ldappublicsearchtype'] = 'Exact match?';
+$labels['ldappublicserverselect'] = 'Select servers';
+$labels['ldappublicsearchfield'] = 'Search on';
+$labels['ldappublicsearchform'] = 'Look for a contact';
+$labels['ldappublicsearch'] = 'Search';
+// settings
+$labels['settingsfor'] = 'Settings for';
+$labels['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
+$labels['userpreferences'] = 'User preferences';
+$labels['editpreferences'] = 'Edit user preferences';
+$labels['identities'] = 'Identities';
+$labels['manageidentities'] = 'Manage identities for this account';
+$labels['newidentity'] = 'New identity';
+$labels['newitem'] = 'New item';
+$labels['edititem'] = 'Edit item';
+$labels['setdefault'] = 'Set default';
+$labels['language'] = 'Language';
+$labels['timezone'] = 'Time zone';
+$labels['pagesize'] = 'Rows per page';
+$labels['signature'] = 'Signature';
+$labels['folder'] = 'Folder';
+$labels['folders'] = 'Folders';
+$labels['foldername'] = 'Folder name';
+$labels['subscribed'] = 'Subscribed';
+$labels['create'] = 'Create';
+$labels['createfolder'] = 'Create new folder';
+$labels['deletefolder'] = 'Delete folder';
+$labels['managefolders'] = 'Manage folders';
+$labels['sortby'] = 'Sort by';
+$labels['sortasc'] = 'Sort ascending';
+$labels['sortdesc'] = 'Sort descending';
diff --git a/program/localization/en_US/ b/program/localization/en_US/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a662d279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/localization/en_US/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | language/en/ |
+ | |
+ | Language file of the RoundCube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
+ | Licensed under the GNU GPL |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ $Id$
+$messages = array();
+$messages['loginfailed'] = 'Login failed';
+$messages['cookiesdisabled'] = 'Your browser does not accept cookies';
+$messages['sessionerror'] = 'Your session is invalid or expired';
+$messages['imaperror'] = 'Connection to IMAP server failed';
+$messages['nomessagesfound'] = 'No messages found in this mailbox';
+$messages['loggedout'] = 'You have successfully terminated the session. Goody bye!';
+$messages['mailboxempty'] = 'Mailbox is empty';
+$messages['loading'] = 'Loading...';
+$messages['loadingdata'] = 'Loading data...';
+$messages['sendingmessage'] = 'Sending message...';
+$messages['messagesent'] = 'Message sent successfully';
+$messages['successfullysaved'] = 'Successfully saved';
+$messages['addedsuccessfully'] = 'Contact added successfully to address book';
+$messages['contactexists'] = 'A contact with this e-mail address already exists';
+$messages['blockedimages'] = 'To protect your privacy, remote images are blocked in this message.';
+$messages['encryptedmessage'] = 'This is an encrypted message and can not be displayed. Sorry!';
+$messages['nocontactsfound'] = 'No contacts found';
+$messages['sendingfailed'] = 'Failed to send message';
+$messages['errorsaving'] = 'An error occured while saving';
+$messages['errormoving'] = 'Could not move the message';
+$messages['errordeleting'] = 'Could not delete the message';
+$messages['deletefolderconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this folder?';
+$messages['formincomplete'] = 'The form was not completely filled out';
+$messages['noemailwarning'] = 'Please enter a valid email address';
+$messages['nonamewarning'] = 'Please enter a name';
+$messages['nopagesizewarning'] = 'Please enter a page size';
+$messages['norecipientwarning'] = 'Please enter at least one recipient';
+$messages['nosubjectwarning'] = 'The "Subject" field is empty. Would you like to enter one now?';
+$messages['nobodywarning'] = 'Send this message without text?';
+$messages['notsentwarning'] = 'Message has not been sent. Do you want to discard your message?';
+$messages['notsentwarning'] = 'Message has not been sent. Do you want to discard your message?';
+$messages['noldapserver'] = 'Please select an ldap server to search';
+$messages['nocontactsreturned'] = 'No contacts were found';
+$messages['nosearchname'] = 'Please enter a contact name or email address';