path: root/program/localization/ku/
diff options
authorThomas Bruederli <>2013-02-10 16:26:01 +0100
committerThomas Bruederli <>2013-02-10 16:26:01 +0100
commit6b5e31f0afb393397c20b03c312a8357dc472692 (patch)
treee93afcd0fff95e636316ac440246ab5efb689a12 /program/localization/ku/
parentb2932cb61450cb2f7aecb6c039116112fca44fbc (diff)
Import all translations from Transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'program/localization/ku/')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/program/localization/ku/ b/program/localization/ku/
index e35260cc1..6783209a3 100644
--- a/program/localization/ku/
+++ b/program/localization/ku/
@@ -2,27 +2,41 @@
- | localization/ku/ |
+ | localization/<lang>/ |
| |
- | Language file of the Roundcube Webmail client |
- | Copyright (C) 2012, The Roundcube Dev Team |
- | Licensed under the GNU General Public License |
+ | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail client |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team |
+ | |
+ | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
+ | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
+ | See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
- | Author: Thomas <Unknown> |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- @version $Id$
+ For translation see
$messages = array();
-$messages['loginfailed'] = 'Têketin têk çû';
+$messages['errortitle'] = 'An error occurred!';
+$messages['loginfailed'] = 'Têketin têk çû';
$messages['cookiesdisabled'] = 'Geroka te destûrê nade çerezan';
$messages['sessionerror'] = 'Danişîna te çewt e an jî bi dawî bûye';
$messages['storageerror'] = 'Girêdana pêşkêşkara IMAP têk çû';
+$messages['servererror'] = 'Server Error!';
+$messages['servererrormsg'] = 'Server Error: $msg';
+$messages['dberror'] = 'Database Error!';
+$messages['requesttimedout'] = 'Request timed out';
+$messages['errorreadonly'] = 'Unable to perform operation. Folder is read-only.';
+$messages['errornoperm'] = 'Unable to perform operation. Permission denied.';
+$messages['invalidrequest'] = 'Invalid request! No data was saved.';
+$messages['invalidhost'] = 'Invalid server name.';
$messages['nomessagesfound'] = 'Di vê peyamdankê de tu peyam nehat dîtin';
$messages['loggedout'] = 'Te danişînî bi dawî anî. Oxir be!';
$messages['mailboxempty'] = 'Peyamdank vala ye';
+$messages['refreshing'] = 'Refreshing...';
$messages['loading'] = 'Tê barkirin...';
+$messages['uploading'] = 'Uploading file...';
+$messages['uploadingmany'] = 'Uploading files...';
$messages['loadingdata'] = 'Dane tên barkirin...';
$messages['checkingmail'] = 'Li peyamên nû vedinihêre...';
$messages['sendingmessage'] = 'Peyamê dişîne...';
@@ -32,34 +46,54 @@ $messages['messagesaved'] = 'Peyam di Hilanînî de hat hilanîn';
$messages['successfullysaved'] = 'Hat hilanîn';
$messages['addedsuccessfully'] = 'Têkilî li navnîşanan hat zêdekirin';
$messages['contactexists'] = 'Têkiliyeke bi vê navnîşanê jixwe heye';
+$messages['contactnameexists'] = 'A contact with the same name already exists.';
$messages['blockedimages'] = 'Ji bo ewlekariya te wêneyên cuda yên vê peyamê hatin astenkirin.';
$messages['encryptedmessage'] = 'Ev peyamenek şîfrekirî ye, bibore, nayê vekirin!';
$messages['nocontactsfound'] = 'Tu têkiliyek nehat dîtin';
$messages['contactnotfound'] = 'Têkiliya dihat xwestin nehat dîtin';
+$messages['contactsearchonly'] = 'Enter some search terms to find contacts';
$messages['sendingfailed'] = 'Peyam nehat şandin';
+$messages['senttooquickly'] = 'Please wait $sec sec(s). before sending this message.';
+$messages['errorsavingsent'] = 'An error occured while saving sent message.';
$messages['errorsaving'] = 'Di tomarkirinê de çewtiyek derket';
$messages['errormoving'] = 'Ciyê peyamê nehat guherandin';
+$messages['errorcopying'] = 'Could not copy the message(s).';
$messages['errordeleting'] = 'Peyam nehat jêbirin';
-$messages['deletecontactconfirm'] = 'Ji dil dixwazî têkiliya/ên nîşankirî jê bibî?';
+$messages['errormarking'] = 'Could not mark the message(s).';
+$messages['deletecontactconfirm'] = 'Ji dil dixwazî têkiliya/ên nîşankirî jê bibî?';
+$messages['deletegroupconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete selected group?';
$messages['deletemessagesconfirm'] = 'Ji dil dixwazî peya/ên nîşankirî jê bibî?';
-$messages['deletefolderconfirm'] = 'Ji dil dixwazî vê peldankê jê bibî?';
-$messages['purgefolderconfirm'] = 'Ji dil dixwazî hemû peyamên di vê peldankê de jê bibî?';
+$messages['deletefolderconfirm'] = 'Ji dil dixwazî vê peldankê jê bibî?';
+$messages['purgefolderconfirm'] = 'Ji dil dixwazî hemû peyamên di vê peldankê de jê bibî?';
+$messages['contactdeleting'] = 'Deleting contact(s)...';
+$messages['groupdeleting'] = 'Deleting group...';
+$messages['folderdeleting'] = 'Deleting folder...';
+$messages['foldermoving'] = 'Moving folder...';
+$messages['foldersubscribing'] = 'Subscribing folder...';
+$messages['folderunsubscribing'] = 'Unsubscribing folder...';
$messages['formincomplete'] = 'Form bi temamî nehat tijekirin';
$messages['noemailwarning'] = 'Tika ye, navnîşaneke rast têkevê';
-$messages['nonamewarning'] = 'Tika ye, navekî têkevê';
+$messages['nonamewarning'] = 'Tika ye, navekî têkevê';
$messages['nopagesizewarning'] = 'Tika ye, mezinahiyeke pelê têkevê';
+$messages['nosenderwarning'] = 'Please enter sender e-mail address.';
$messages['norecipientwarning'] = 'Tika ye, herî kêm standyarekê têkevê';
-$messages['nosubjectwarning'] = 'Qada "Mijar"ê vala ye. Dixwazî niha tiştekî lê binivîsî?';
+$messages['nosubjectwarning'] = 'Qada "Mijar"ê vala ye. Dixwazî niha tiştekî lê binivîsî?';
$messages['nobodywarning'] = 'Peyamê bê nivîs bişeyînî?';
$messages['notsentwarning'] = 'Peyam nehat şandin. Dixwazî peyamê pişTgo bikî?';
$messages['noldapserver'] = 'Tika ye, ji bo lêgerînê pêşkêşkareke Idap têkevê';
$messages['nosearchname'] = 'Tika ye, nav an jî navnîşaneke têkiliyê têkevê';
+$messages['notuploadedwarning'] = 'Not all attachments have been uploaded yet. Please wait or cancel the upload.';
$messages['searchsuccessful'] = '$nr peyam hat(in) dîtin';
+$messages['contactsearchsuccessful'] = '$nr contacts found.';
$messages['searchnomatch'] = 'Di lêgerînê de tu tişt nehat dîtin';
$messages['searching'] = 'Digere...';
$messages['checking'] = 'Vedinihêre...';
$messages['nospellerrors'] = 'Tu şaşiyeke rastnivîsê nehat dîtin';
$messages['folderdeleted'] = 'Peldank hat jêbirin';
+$messages['foldersubscribed'] = 'Folder successfully subscribed.';
+$messages['folderunsubscribed'] = 'Folder successfully unsubscribed.';
+$messages['folderpurged'] = 'Folder has successfully been emptied.';
+$messages['folderexpunged'] = 'Folder has successfully been compacted.';
$messages['deletedsuccessfully'] = 'Hat jêbirin';
$messages['converting'] = 'Formatkirin ji peyamê tê birin...';
$messages['messageopenerror'] = 'Peyam ji pêşkêşkar nehat barkirin';
@@ -70,7 +104,66 @@ $messages['copyerror'] = 'Tu navnîşan nehat jibergirtin';
$messages['sourceisreadonly'] = 'Çavkaniya vê navnîşanê tenê-xwendin e';
$messages['errorsavingcontact'] = 'Navnîşana têkiliyê nehat barkirin';
$messages['movingmessage'] = 'Ciyê peyamê tê guhertin...';
+$messages['copyingmessage'] = 'Copying message(s)...';
+$messages['copyingcontact'] = 'Copying contact(s)...';
+$messages['deletingmessage'] = 'Deleting message(s)...';
+$messages['markingmessage'] = 'Marking message(s)...';
+$messages['addingmember'] = 'Adding contact(s) to the group...';
+$messages['removingmember'] = 'Removing contact(s) from the group...';
$messages['receiptsent'] = 'Rapora şandina serkeftî';
$messages['errorsendingreceipt'] = 'Rapor nehat şandin';
+$messages['deleteidentityconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this identity?';
$messages['nodeletelastidentity'] = 'Nikarî vê nasnameyê jê bibî. Ew ya dawî ye.';
+$messages['forbiddencharacter'] = 'Folder name contains a forbidden character.';
+$messages['selectimportfile'] = 'Please select a file to upload.';
+$messages['addresswriterror'] = 'The selected address book is not writeable.';
+$messages['contactaddedtogroup'] = 'Successfully added the contacts to this group.';
+$messages['contactremovedfromgroup'] = 'Successfully removed contacts from this group.';
+$messages['nogroupassignmentschanged'] = 'No group assignments changed.';
+$messages['importwait'] = 'Importing, please wait...';
+$messages['importformaterror'] = 'Import failed! The uploaded file is not a valid import data file.';
+$messages['importconfirm'] = '<b>Successfully imported $inserted contacts</b>';
+$messages['importconfirmskipped'] = '<b>Skipped $skipped existing entries</b>';
+$messages['opnotpermitted'] = 'Operation not permitted!';
+$messages['nofromaddress'] = 'Missing e-mail address in selected identity.';
+$messages['editorwarning'] = 'Switching to the plain text editor will cause all text formatting to be lost. Do you wish to continue?';
+$messages['httpreceivedencrypterror'] = 'A fatal configuration error occurred. Contact your administrator immediately. <b>Your message can not be sent.</b>';
+$messages['smtpconnerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Connection to server failed.';
+$messages['smtpautherror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Authentication failed.';
+$messages['smtpfromerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to set sender "$from" ($msg).';
+$messages['smtptoerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to add recipient "$to" ($msg).';
+$messages['smtprecipientserror'] = 'SMTP Error: Unable to parse recipients list.';
+$messages['smtperror'] = 'SMTP Error: $msg';
+$messages['emailformaterror'] = 'Invalid e-mail address: $email';
+$messages['toomanyrecipients'] = 'Too many recipients. Reduce the number of recipients to $max.';
+$messages['maxgroupmembersreached'] = 'The number of group members exceeds the maximum of $max.';
+$messages['internalerror'] = 'An internal error occured. Please try again.';
+$messages['contactdelerror'] = 'Could not delete contact(s).';
+$messages['contactdeleted'] = 'Contact(s) deleted successfully.';
+$messages['contactrestoreerror'] = 'Could not restore deleted contact(s).';
+$messages['contactrestored'] = 'Contact(s) restored successfully.';
+$messages['groupdeleted'] = 'Group deleted successfully.';
+$messages['grouprenamed'] = 'Group renamed successfully.';
+$messages['groupcreated'] = 'Group created successfully.';
+$messages['savedsearchdeleted'] = 'Saved search deleted successfully.';
+$messages['savedsearchdeleteerror'] = 'Could not delete saved search.';
+$messages['savedsearchcreated'] = 'Saved search created successfully.';
+$messages['savedsearchcreateerror'] = 'Could not create saved search.';
+$messages['messagedeleted'] = 'Message(s) deleted successfully.';
+$messages['messagemoved'] = 'Message(s) moved successfully.';
+$messages['messagecopied'] = 'Message(s) copied successfully.';
+$messages['messagemarked'] = 'Message(s) marked successfully.';
+$messages['autocompletechars'] = 'Enter at least $min characters for autocompletion.';
+$messages['autocompletemore'] = 'More matching entries found. Please type more characters.';
+$messages['namecannotbeempty'] = 'Name cannot be empty.';
+$messages['nametoolong'] = 'Name is too long.';
+$messages['folderupdated'] = 'Folder updated successfully.';
+$messages['foldercreated'] = 'Folder created successfully.';
+$messages['invalidimageformat'] = 'Not a valid image format.';
+$messages['mispellingsfound'] = 'Spelling errors detected in the message.';
+$messages['parentnotwritable'] = 'Unable to create/move folder into selected parent folder. No access rights.';
+$messages['messagetoobig'] = 'The message part is too big to process it.';
+$messages['attachmentvalidationerror'] = 'WARNING! This attachment is suspicious because its type doesn\'t match the type declared in the message. If you do not trust the sender, you shouldn\'t open it in the browser because it may contain malicious contents.<br/><br/><em>Expected: $expected; found: $detected</em>';
+$messages['noscriptwarning'] = 'Warning: This webmail service requires Javascript! In order to use it please enable Javascript in your browser\'s settings.';