path: root/plugins/debug_logger
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/debug_logger')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/debug_logger/debug_logger.php b/plugins/debug_logger/debug_logger.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd335187..000000000
--- a/plugins/debug_logger/debug_logger.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- * Debug Logger
- *
- * Enhanced logging for debugging purposes. It is not recommened
- * to be enabled on production systems without testing because of
- * the somewhat increased memory, cpu and disk i/o overhead.
- *
- * Debug Logger listens for existing console("message") calls and
- * introduces start and end tags as well as free form tagging
- * which can redirect messages to files. The resulting log files
- * provide timing and tag quantity results.
- *
- * Enable the plugin in config/ and add your desired
- * log types and files.
- *
- * @version 1.0
- * @author Ziba Scott
- * @website
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * config/
- *
- * // $rcmail_config['debug_logger'][type of logging] = name of file in log_dir
- * // The 'master' log includes timing information
- * $rcmail_config['debug_logger']['master'] = 'master';
- * // If you want sql messages to also go into a separate file
- * $rcmail_config['debug_logger']['sql'] = 'sql';
- *
- * index.php (just after $RCMAIL->plugins->init()):
- *
- * console("my test","start");
- * console("my message");
- * console("my sql calls","start");
- * console("cp -r * /dev/null","shell exec");
- * console("select * from example","sql");
- * console("select * from example","sql");
- * console("select * from example","sql");
- * console("end");
- * console("end");
- *
- *
- * logs/master (after reloading the main page):
- *
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] start: Task: mail.
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] start: my test
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] my message
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] shell exec: cp -r * /dev/null
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] start: my sql calls
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] sql: select * from example
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] sql: select * from example
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] sql: select * from example
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] end: my sql calls - 0.0018 seconds shell exec: 1, sql: 3,
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] end: my test - 0.0055 seconds shell exec: 1, sql: 3,
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:38 -0500] end: Task: mail. - 0.8854 seconds shell exec: 1, sql: 3,
- *
- * logs/sql (after reloading the main page):
- *
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] sql: select * from example
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] sql: select * from example
- * [17-Feb-2009 16:51:37 -0500] sql: select * from example
- */
-class debug_logger extends rcube_plugin
- function init()
- {
- require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/runlog/runlog.php');
- $this->runlog = new runlog();
- if(!rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('log_dir')){
- rcmail::get_instance()->config->set('log_dir',INSTALL_PATH.'logs');
- }
- $log_config = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('debug_logger',array());
- foreach($log_config as $type=>$file){
- $this->runlog->set_file(rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('log_dir').'/'.$file, $type);
- }
- $start_string = "";
- $action = rcmail::get_instance()->action;
- $task = rcmail::get_instance()->task;
- if($action){
- $start_string .= "Action: ".$action.". ";
- }
- if($task){
- $start_string .= "Task: ".$task.". ";
- }
- $this->runlog->start($start_string);
- $this->add_hook('console', array($this, 'console'));
- $this->add_hook('authenticate', array($this, 'authenticate'));
- }
- function authenticate($args){
- $this->runlog->note('Authenticating '.$args['user'].'@'.$args['host']);
- return $args;
- }
- function console($args){
- $note = $args[0];
- $type = $args[1];
- if(!isset($args[1])){
- // This could be extended to detect types based on the
- // file which called console. For now only is supported
- $bt = debug_backtrace(true);
- $file = $bt[3]['file'];
- switch(basename($file)){
- case 'rcube_imap.php':
- $type = 'imap';
- break;
- default:
- $type = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- switch($note){
- case 'end':
- $type = 'end';
- break;
- }
- switch($type){
- case 'start':
- $this->runlog->start($note);
- break;
- case 'end':
- $this->runlog->end();
- break;
- default:
- $this->runlog->note($note, $type);
- break;
- }
- return $args;
- }
- function __destruct(){
- $this->runlog->end();
- }
diff --git a/plugins/debug_logger/runlog/runlog.php b/plugins/debug_logger/runlog/runlog.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f672615..000000000
--- a/plugins/debug_logger/runlog/runlog.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- * runlog
- *
- * @author Ziba Scott <>
- */
-class runlog {
- private $start_time = FALSE;
- private $parent_stack = array();
- public $print_to_console = FALSE;
- private $file_handles = array();
- private $indent = 0;
- public $threshold = 0;
- public $tag_count = array();
- public $timestamp = "d-M-Y H:i:s O";
- public $max_line_size = 150;
- private $run_log = array();
- function runlog()
- {
- $this->start_time = microtime( TRUE );
- }
- public function start( $name, $tag = FALSE )
- {
- $this->run_log[] = array( 'type' => 'start',
- 'tag' => $tag,
- 'index' => count($this->run_log),
- 'value' => $name,
- 'time' => microtime( TRUE ),
- 'parents' => $this->parent_stack,
- 'ended' => false,
- );
- $this->parent_stack[] = $name;
- $this->print_to_console("start: ".$name, $tag, 'start');
- $this->print_to_file("start: ".$name, $tag, 'start');
- $this->indent++;
- }
- public function end()
- {
- $name = array_pop( $this->parent_stack );
- foreach ( $this->run_log as $k => $entry ) {
- if ( $entry['value'] == $name && $entry['type'] == 'start' && $entry['ended'] == false) {
- $lastk = $k;
- }
- }
- $start = $this->run_log[$lastk]['time'];
- $this->run_log[$lastk]['duration'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $start;
- $this->run_log[$lastk]['ended'] = true;
- $this->run_log[] = array( 'type' => 'end',
- 'tag' => $this->run_log[$lastk]['tag'],
- 'index' => $lastk,
- 'value' => $name,
- 'time' => microtime( TRUE ),
- 'duration' => microtime( TRUE ) - $start,
- 'parents' => $this->parent_stack,
- );
- $this->indent--;
- if($this->run_log[$lastk]['duration'] >= $this->threshold){
- $tag_report = "";
- foreach($this->tag_count as $tag=>$count){
- $tag_report .= "$tag: $count, ";
- }
- if(!empty($tag_report)){
-// $tag_report = "\n$tag_report\n";
- }
- $end_txt = sprintf("end: $name - %0.4f seconds $tag_report", $this->run_log[$lastk]['duration'] );
- $this->print_to_console($end_txt, $this->run_log[$lastk]['tag'] , 'end');
- $this->print_to_file($end_txt, $this->run_log[$lastk]['tag'], 'end');
- }
- }
- public function increase_tag_count($tag){
- if(!isset($this->tag_count[$tag])){
- $this->tag_count[$tag] = 0;
- }
- $this->tag_count[$tag]++;
- }
- public function get_text(){
- $text = "";
- foreach($this->run_log as $entry){
- $text .= str_repeat(" ",count($entry['parents']));
- if($entry['tag'] != 'text'){
- $text .= $entry['tag'].': ';
- }
- $text .= $entry['value'];
- if($entry['tag'] == 'end'){
- $text .= sprintf(" - %0.4f seconds", $entry['duration'] );
- }
- $text .= "\n";
- }
- return $text;
- }
- public function set_file($filename, $tag = 'master'){
- if(!isset($this->file_handle[$tag])){
- $this->file_handles[$tag] = fopen($filename, 'a');
- if(!$this->file_handles[$tag]){
- trigger_error('Could not open file for writing: '.$filename);
- }
- }
- }
- public function note( $msg, $tag = FALSE )
- {
- if($tag){
- $this->increase_tag_count($tag);
- }
- if ( is_array( $msg )) {
- $msg = '<pre>' . print_r( $msg, TRUE ) . '</pre>';
- }
- $this->debug_messages[] = $msg;
- $this->run_log[] = array( 'type' => 'note',
- 'tag' => $tag ? $tag:"text",
- 'value' => htmlentities($msg),
- 'time' => microtime( TRUE ),
- 'parents' => $this->parent_stack,
- );
- $this->print_to_file($msg, $tag);
- $this->print_to_console($msg, $tag);
- }
- public function print_to_file($msg, $tag = FALSE, $type = FALSE){
- if(!$tag){
- $file_handle_tag = 'master';
- }
- else{
- $file_handle_tag = $tag;
- }
- if($file_handle_tag != 'master' && isset($this->file_handles[$file_handle_tag])){
- $buffer = $this->get_indent();
- $buffer .= "$msg\n";
- if(!empty($this->timestamp)){
- $buffer = sprintf("[%s] %s",date($this->timestamp, mktime()), $buffer);
- }
- fwrite($this->file_handles[$file_handle_tag], wordwrap($buffer, $this->max_line_size, "\n "));
- }
- if(isset($this->file_handles['master']) && $this->file_handles['master']){
- $buffer = $this->get_indent();
- if($tag){
- $buffer .= "$tag: ";
- }
- $msg = str_replace("\n","",$msg);
- $buffer .= "$msg";
- if(!empty($this->timestamp)){
- $buffer = sprintf("[%s] %s",date($this->timestamp, mktime()), $buffer);
- }
- if(strlen($buffer) > $this->max_line_size){
- $buffer = substr($buffer,0,$this->max_line_size - 3)."...";
- }
- fwrite($this->file_handles['master'], $buffer."\n");
- }
- }
- public function print_to_console($msg, $tag=FALSE){
- if($this->print_to_console){
- if(is_array($this->print_to_console)){
- if(in_array($tag, $this->print_to_console)){
- echo $this->get_indent();
- if($tag){
- echo "$tag: ";
- }
- echo "$msg\n";
- }
- }
- else{
- echo $this->get_indent();
- if($tag){
- echo "$tag: ";
- }
- echo "$msg\n";
- }
- }
- }
- public function print_totals(){
- $totals = array();
- foreach ( $this->run_log as $k => $entry ) {
- if ( $entry['type'] == 'start' && $entry['ended'] == true) {
- $totals[$entry['value']]['duration'] += $entry['duration'];
- $totals[$entry['value']]['count'] += 1;
- }
- }
- if($this->file_handle){
- foreach($totals as $name=>$details){
- fwrite($this->file_handle,$name.": ".number_format($details['duration'],4)."sec, ".$details['count']." calls \n");
- }
- }
- }
- private function get_indent(){
- $buf = "";
- for($i = 0; $i < $this->indent; $i++){
- $buf .= " ";
- }
- return $buf;
- }
- function __destruct(){
- foreach($this->file_handles as $handle){
- fclose($handle);
- }
- }