path: root/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
36 files changed, 72 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/Changelog b/plugins/managesieve/Changelog
index ce9386154..dceac7602 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/Changelog
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/Changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+- Fixed filter activation/deactivation confirmation message (#1488765)
* version 6.0 [2012-10-03]
- Fixed issue with DBMail bug [] (#1488594)
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 438d99e9c..106fe6d75 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Nije moguće kreirati se filtera. Desila se servers
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Set filtera je uspješno kreiran.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Nije moguće omogućiti označene filtere. Desila se serverska greška.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Nije moguće onemogućiti označene filtere. Desila se serverska greška.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filteri su uspješno onemogućeni.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filteri su uspješno omogućeni.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filteri su uspješno onemogućeni.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filteri su uspješno omogućeni.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filteri su uspješno premješteni.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Nije moguće premjestiti označeni filter. Desila se serverska greška.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Ime je predugo.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index d7e8b67be..ad03bdf0c 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'No s\'ha pogut crear el conjunt de filtres. Hi ha h
$labels['setcreated'] = 'S\'ha creat correctament el conjunt de filtres.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'No s\'ha pogut habilitar el(s) filtre(s) seleccionat(s). Hi ha hagut un error al servidor.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'No s\'ha pogut deshabilitar el(s) filtre(s) seleccionat(s). Hi ha hagut un error al servidor.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtre(s) deshabilitat(s) correctament.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtre(s) habilitat(s) correctament.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtre(s) deshabilitat(s) correctament.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtre(s) habilitat(s) correctament.';
$labels['moved'] = 'S\'ha mogut correctament el filtre.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'No s\'ha pogut moure el filtre seleccionat. Hi ha hagut un error al servidor.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'El nom és massa llarg.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 0790eae9c..c3448ab47 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Nelze vytvořit sadu filtrů. Došlo k chybě serve
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Sada filtrů úspěšně vytvořena.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Nelze zapnout vybrané filtr/y. Došlo k chybě serveru.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Nelze vypnout vybrané filtr/y. Došlo k chybě serveru.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtr/y úspěšne vypnuty.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtr/y úspěšně zapnuty.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtr/y úspěšne vypnuty.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtr/y úspěšně zapnuty.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filtr byl úspěšně přesunut.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Nelze přesunout vybraný filtr. Došlo k chybě na serveru.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Příliš dlouhý název.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index bace9be6e..4ca1efdd6 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Methwyd creu set hidlydd. Cafwyd gwall gweinydd.';
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Crëuwyd y set hidlydd yn llwyddiannus.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Methwyd galluogi y hidlydd(ion) dewiswyd. Cafwyd gwall gweinydd.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Methwyd analluogi y hidlydd(ion) dewiswyd. Cafwyd gwall gweinydd.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Analluogwyd y hidlydd(ion) yn llwyddiannus.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Galluogwyd y hidlydd(ion) yn llwyddiannus.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Analluogwyd y hidlydd(ion) yn llwyddiannus.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Galluogwyd y hidlydd(ion) yn llwyddiannus.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Symudwyd y hidlydd yn llwyddiannus.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Methwyd symud y hidlydd dewiswyd. Cafwyd gwall gweinydd.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Enw yn rhy hir.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 91bc18dd7..8c96a1420 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Kan ikke oprette filter sæt. Server fejl.';
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Filter sæt oprettet.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Kan ikek aktivere valgt filter sæt. Server fejl.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Kan ikke deaktivere valgt filter sæt. Server fejl.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(filtre) deaktiveret.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(filtre) aktiveret.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(filtre) deaktiveret.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(filtre) aktiveret.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter flyttet.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Kan ikke flytte valgt filter. Server fejl.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Navn er for langt.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 963d1a6a2..ceb7475ad 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Filtersatz kann nicht erstellt werden. Serverfehler
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Filter erfolgreich erstellt.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Filter kann nicht aktiviert werden. Serverfehler.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Filter kann nicht deaktiviert werden. Serverfehler.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter erfolgreich deaktiviert.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter erfolgreich aktiviert.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter erfolgreich deaktiviert.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter erfolgreich aktiviert.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter erfolgreich verschoben.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Filter kann nicht verschoben werden. Serverfehler.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Filtersatz kann nicht erstellt werden. Name zu lang.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index cb223c18f..9336390d1 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ $messages['setcreateerror'] = 'Unable to create filters set. Server error occure
$messages['setcreated'] = 'Filters set created successfully.';
$messages['activateerror'] = 'Unable to enable selected filter(s). Server error occured.';
$messages['deactivateerror'] = 'Unable to disable selected filter(s). Server error occured.';
-$messages['activated'] = 'Filter(s) disabled successfully.';
-$messages['deactivated'] = 'Filter(s) enabled successfully.';
+$messages['deactivated'] = 'Filter(s) disabled successfully.';
+$messages['activated'] = 'Filter(s) enabled successfully.';
$messages['moved'] = 'Filter moved successfully.';
$messages['moveerror'] = 'Unable to move selected filter. Server error occured.';
$messages['nametoolong'] = 'Name too long.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 75965ae56..a171ec4b0 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Imposible crear el conjunto de filtros. Ha ocurrido
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Conjunto de filtros creado satisfactoriamente';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'No se ha podido habilitar el filtro(s) seleccionado. Se ha producido un error de servidor.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'No se ha podido deshabilitar el filtro(s) seleccionado. Se ha producido un error de servidor.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtro(s) deshabilitado(s) correctamente.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtro(s) habilitado(s) correctamente.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtro(s) deshabilitado(s) correctamente.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtro(s) habilitado(s) correctamente.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filtro movido correctamente';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'No se ha podido mover el filtro seleccionado. Ha ocurrido un error de servidor.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Imposible crear el conjunto de filtros. Nombre demasiado largo';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index fab96639c..67501f8d3 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ $labels['cannotbeempty'] = 'Väli ei või tühi olla';
$labels['ruleexist'] = 'Määratud nimega filter on juba olemas';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Valitud filtrite lubamine nurjus. Ilmnes serveri tõrge.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Valitud filtrite keelamine nurjus. Ilmnes serveri tõrge.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter edukalt keelatud.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter edukalt lubatud.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter edukalt keelatud.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter edukalt lubatud.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter edukalt liigutatud.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Valitud filtri liigutamine nurjus. Ilmnes serveri tõrge.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Nimi on liiga pikk.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index e4abb3f2a..9f20dab54 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'ناتوانی در ایجاد مجموعه صاف�
$labels['setcreated'] = 'مجموعه صافی‌ها با موفقیت ایجاد شد.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'ناتوانی در فعال کردن صافی(های) انتخاب شده. خطای سرور رخ داد.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'ناتوانی در غیرفعال کردن صافی(های) انتخاب شده. خطای سرور رخ داد.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'صافی(ها) با موفقیت غیرفعال شدند.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'صافی(ها) با موفقیت فعال شدند.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'صافی(ها) با موفقیت غیرفعال شدند.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'صافی(ها) با موفقیت فعال شدند.';
$labels['moved'] = 'صافی با موفقیت منتقل شد.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'ناتوانی در انتقال صافی انتخاب شده. خطای سرور رخ داد.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'نام خیلی بلند.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index cee71428f..5a0c30954 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Suodatinlistan luonti epäonnistui. Palvelin virhe.
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Suodatinlistan luonti onnistui.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Suodatinlistan päälle kytkeminen epäonnistui. Palvelin virhe.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Suodatinlistan pois päältä kytkeminen epäonnistui. Palvelin virhe.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Suodatinlista(t) kytketty pois päältä onnistuneesti.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Suodatinlista(t) kytketty päälle onnistuneesti.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Suodatinlista(t) kytketty pois päältä onnistuneesti.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Suodatinlista(t) kytketty päälle onnistuneesti.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Suodatin siirretty onnistuneesti.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Valitun suodattimen siirto epäonnistui palvelinvirheen vuoksi.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Nimi on liian pitkä.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 4151f6340..b0a4089d1 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Impossible de créer le groupe de filtres. Le serve
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Le groupe de filtres a bien été créé.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Impossible d\'activer le(s) filtre(s) sélectionné(s). Une erreur serveur s\'est produite.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Impossible de désactiver le(s) filtre(s) sélectionné(s). Une erreur serveur s\'est produite.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtre(s) désactivé(s) avec succès';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtre(s) activé(s) avec succès';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtre(s) désactivé(s) avec succès';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtre(s) activé(s) avec succès';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filtre déplacé avec succès.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Déplacement du filtre sélectionné impossible. Le serveur a renvoyé une erreur.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Nom trop long.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index b44088bcb..2262841c1 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'לא ניתן ליצור ערכת מסננים. א�
$labels['setcreated'] = 'ערכת המסננים נוצרה בהצלחה.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'לא ניתן להפעיל את המסננים הנבחרים. אירעה שגיאה בצד השרת.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'לא ניתן לנטרל את המסננים הנבחרים. אירעה שגיאה בצד השרת.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'המסננים נוטרלו בהצלחה.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'המסננים הופעלו בהצלחה.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'המסננים נוטרלו בהצלחה.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'המסננים הופעלו בהצלחה.';
$labels['moved'] = 'המסנן הועבר בהצלחה.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'לא ניתן להעביר את המסנן הנבחר. אירעה שגיאה בצד השרת.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'השם ארוך מדי.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index c4eaec0c3..4e0211868 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Nemoguće stvoriti grupu filtera. Greška na poslu�
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Grupa filtera je uspješno stvorena';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Nije moguće omogućiti odabrani filter(e). Greška poslužitelja.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Nije moguće onemogučiti odabrane filter(e). Greška poslužitelja.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(i) onemogućen(i) uspješno.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(i) omogućen(i) uspješno.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(i) onemogućen(i) uspješno.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(i) omogućen(i) uspješno.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter uspješno premješten.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Nije moguće premjestiti odabrani filter. Greška poslužitelja.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Nemoguće napraviti grupu filtera. Naziv je predugačak';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 117315812..179510087 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Nem sikerült létrehozni a szűrő készletet. Sze
$labels['setcreated'] = 'A szűrő készlet sikeresen létrejött.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Nem sikerült engedélyezni a kiválasztott szűrö(k)et. Szerver hiba történt.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Nem sikerült kikapcsolni a kiválasztott szűrő(ke)t. Szerver hiba történt.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Szűrő(k) sikeresen kikapcsolva.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Szűrő(k) sikeresen bekapcsolva.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Szűrő(k) sikeresen kikapcsolva.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Szűrő(k) sikeresen bekapcsolva.';
$labels['moved'] = 'A szűrő sikeresen áthelyezve.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Az áthelyezés nem sikerült. Szerver hiba történt.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Túll hosszu név';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index ea4e982ea..be7d0fbd8 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Սերվերի սխալ։ Զտիչների համա
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Զտիչների համալիրը ստեղծված է։';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Սերվերի սխալ։ Նշված զտիչի միացման ձախողում։';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Սերվերի սխալ։ Նշված զտիչի անջատման ձախողում։';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Զտիչի անջատված է։';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Զտիչի միացված է։';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Զտիչի անջատված է։';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Զտիչի միացված է։';
$labels['moved'] = 'Զտիչի տեղափոխված է։';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Սերվերի սխալ։ Նշված զտիչի տեղափոխման ձախողում։';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Անունը չափազանց երկար է։';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 1fe121a32..b9fe47659 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Tidak bisa membuat kumpulan penyaringan. Terjadi ga
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Kumpulan penyaringan berhasul dibuat.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Tidak bisa menghidupkan penyaringan terpilih. terjadi galat pada server.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Tidak bisa mematikan penyaringan terpilih. Terjadi galat pada server.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Berhasil mematikan penyaringan.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Berhasil menghidupkan penyaringan.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Berhasil mematikan penyaringan.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Berhasil menghidupkan penyaringan.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Berhasil memindahkan penyaringan.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Tidak bisa memindahkan penyaringan terpilih. Terjadi galat pada server.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Kepanjangan nama.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 53e7d0998..553377ab9 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Impossibile creare il gruppo. Errore del server';
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Gruppo di filtri creato';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'impossibile selezionare il filtro (server error)';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'impossibile disabilitare il filtro (server error)';
-$labels['activated'] = 'filtro disabilitato';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'filtro abilitato';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'filtro disabilitato';
+$labels['activated'] = 'filtro abilitato';
$labels['moved'] = 'filtro spostato';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'impossibile spostare il filtro (server error)';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Impossibile creare il gruppo: Nome troppo lungo';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index f7b96b7d1..5bb75f882 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'フィルターセットを作成できませんで
$labels['setcreated'] = 'フィルターセットを作成しました。';
$labels['activateerror'] = '選択したフィルターを有効にできませんでした。サーバーでエラーが発生しました。';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = '選択したフィルターを無効にできませんでした。サーバーでエラーが発生しました。';
-$labels['activated'] = 'フィルターを無効にしました。';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'フィルターを有効にしました。';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'フィルターを無効にしました。';
+$labels['activated'] = 'フィルターを有効にしました。';
$labels['moved'] = 'フィルターを移動しました。';
$labels['moveerror'] = '選択したフィルターを移動できませんでした。サーバーでエラーが発生しました。';
$labels['nametoolong'] = '名前が長すぎます。';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index c3fff4115..8a20a17e4 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = '필터 묶음을 생성할 수 없음. 서버 에�
$labels['setcreated'] = '필터 묶음을 성공적으로 생성 함.';
$labels['activateerror'] = '선택한 필터(들)을 동작하게 할 수 없음. 서버 에러 발생 함.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = '선택한 필터(들)을 동작하지 않게 할 수 없음. 서버 에러 발생 함.';
-$labels['activated'] = '필터(들)을 동작하지 않게 하는데 성공하였음.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = '필터(들)을 동작하게 하는데 성공하였음.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = '필터(들)을 동작하지 않게 하는데 성공하였음.';
+$labels['activated'] = '필터(들)을 동작하게 하는데 성공하였음.';
$labels['moved'] = '필터를 이동하는 데 성공하였음.';
$labels['moveerror'] = '선택한 필터를 이동할 수 없음. 서버 에러 발생 함.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = '이름이 너무 김.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index ed3d7675c..012278ec8 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'അരിപ്പയുടെ കൂട്ടത�
$labels['setcreated'] = 'അരിപ്പകളുടെ കൂട്ടത്തെ വിജയകരമായി നിര്‍മ്മിച്ചു.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'അരിപ്പ (കള്‍) പ്രവര്‍ത്തനസജ്ജം ആക്കാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല. സേവകനില്‍ കുഴപ്പം!';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'അരിപ്പ (കള്‍) നിര്‍വീര്യം ആക്കാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല. സേവകനില്‍ കുഴപ്പം!';
-$labels['activated'] = 'അരിപ്പകള്‍ നിര്‍വീര്യം ആക്കപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'അരിപ്പ വിജകരമായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തനസജ്ജമാക്കി.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'അരിപ്പകള്‍ നിര്‍വീര്യം ആക്കപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു';
+$labels['activated'] = 'അരിപ്പ വിജകരമായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തനസജ്ജമാക്കി.';
$labels['moved'] = 'അരിപ്പ വിജകരമായി മാറ്റി.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത അരിപ്പ മാറ്റാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല. സേവകനില്‍ കുഴപ്പം.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'പേരിന് നീളം കൂടുതല്‍.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index b172685a2..ee6d578b7 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Kunne ikke opprette filtersettet. Det oppsto en tje
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Filtersett opprettet.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Kunne ikke skru på valgte filter. Det oppsto en tjenerfeil.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Kunne ikke skru av valgte filter. Det oppsto en tjenerfeil.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter skrudd av.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter ble skrudd på.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter skrudd av.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter ble skrudd på.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter ble flyttet.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Kunne ikke flytte valgte filter. Det oppsto en tjenerfeil.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Navnet er for langt.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 8ee5e2bbf..56b1c95ee 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Filterverzameling kon niet aangemaakt worden. Er tr
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Filterverzameling succesvol aangemaakt.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Geselecteerde filter(s) konden niet ingeschakeld worden. Er trad een serverfout op.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Geselecteerde filter(s) konden niet uitgeschakeld worden. Er trad een serverfout op.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(s) succesvol uitgeschakeld.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(s) succesvol ingeschakeld.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(s) succesvol uitgeschakeld.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(s) succesvol ingeschakeld.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter succesvol verplaatst.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Geselecteerde filter(s) konden niet verplaatst worden. Er trad een serverfout op.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Naam is te lang.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 734a4ebcf..e078f4944 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Nie można utworzyć zbioru filtrów. Błąd serwer
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Zbiór filtrów został utworzony pomyślnie.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Nie można włączyć wybranych filtrów. Błąd serwera.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Nie można wyłączyć wybranych filtrów. Błąd serwera.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtr(y) wyłączono pomyślnie.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtr(y) włączono pomyślnie.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtr(y) wyłączono pomyślnie.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtr(y) włączono pomyślnie.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter został przeniesiony pomyślnie.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Nie można przenieść wybranego filtra. Błąd serwera.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Zbyt długa nazwa.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index f0e890d86..f4b64584a 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Não foi possível criar o conjunto de filtros. Oco
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Conjunto de filtros criado com sucesso.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Não foi possível habilitar o(s) filtro(s) selecionado(s). Ocorreu um erro no servidor.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Não foi possível desabilitar o(s) filtro(s) selecionado(s). Ocorreu um erro no servidor.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtro(s) desabilitado(s) com sucesso.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtro(s) habilitado(s) com sucesso.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtro(s) desabilitado(s) com sucesso.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtro(s) habilitado(s) com sucesso.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filtro movido com sucesso.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Não foi possível mover o filtro selecionado. Ocorreu um erro no servidor.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Nome muito longo.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index bb0c781a1..8a0a1da3e 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Não foi possível criar o conjunto de filtros. Oco
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Conjunto de filtros criado com sucesso.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Não foi possível ativar os filtros selecionados. Ocorreu um erro no servidor.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Não foi possível desativar os filtros selecionados. Ocorreu um erro no servidor.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtro(s) desativado(s) com sucesso.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtro(s) ativado(s) com sucesso.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtro(s) desativado(s) com sucesso.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtro(s) ativado(s) com sucesso.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filtro movido com sucesso.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Não foi possível mover o filtro selecionado. Ocorreu um erro no servidor.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Nome demasiado longo.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 755ee03f0..888985233 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Nu am putut crea setul de filtre. S-a produs o eroa
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Setul de filtre creat cu succes.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Nu am putut activa filtrele selectate. S-a produs o eroare la server.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Nu am putut dezactiva filtrele selectate. S-a produs o eroare la server.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtrele au fost dezactivate cu succes.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtrele au fost activate cu succes.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtrele au fost dezactivate cu succes.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtrele au fost activate cu succes.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filtrele au fost mutate cu succes.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Nu am putut muta filtreele selectate. S-a produs o eroare la server.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Numele este prea lung.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index cfc2ac1e4..0689bd884 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Невозможно создать набор фи
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Набор фильтров успешно создан.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Невозможно включить выбранный(е) фильтр(ы). Ошибка сервера.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Невозможно выключить выбранный(е) фильтр(ы). Ошибка сервера.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Фильтр(ы) успешно отключен(ы).';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Фильтр(ы) успешно включен(ы).';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Фильтр(ы) успешно отключен(ы).';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Фильтр(ы) успешно включен(ы).';
$labels['moved'] = 'Фильтр успешно перемещён.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Невозможно переместить фильтр. Ошибка сервера.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Невозможно создать набор фильтров. Название слишком длинное.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 7d78c7fd2..337dfa690 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť sadu filtrov, server ohlás
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Sada filtrov bola vytvorená';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Nepodarilo sa povoliť vybraný filter(e). Chyba servera.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Nepodarilo sa vypnúť vybraný filter(e). Chyba servera.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(e) úspešne vypnutý.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(e) povolený.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter(e) úspešne vypnutý.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter(e) povolený.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter presunutý.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Nemôžem presunúť zvolený filter. Chyba servera.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Názov sady filtrov je príliš dlhý';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index a0b61e70e..f29522568 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Filtra ni bilo mogoče ustvariti. Prišlo je do nap
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Filter je bil uspešno ustvarjen.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Izbranega/ih filtra/ov ni bilo mogoče vključiti. Prišlo je do napake na strežniku.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Izbranega/ih fitra/ov ni bilo mogoče izključiti. Prišlo je do napake na strežniku.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtri so bili uspešno onemogočeni.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtri so bili uspešno omogočeni.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtri so bili uspešno onemogočeni.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtri so bili uspešno omogočeni.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter je bil uspešno premaknjen.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Izbranega filtra ni bilo mogoče premakniti. Prišlo je do napake na strežniku.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Ime je predolgo.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 0dc8ce8fe..d7c1c76a1 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Filtergruppen kunde inte läggas till på grund av
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Filtergruppen har lagts till';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Kunde inte aktivera filter på grund av serverfel.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Kunde inte deaktivera filter på grund av serverfel.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filter deaktiverat.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter aktiverat.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filter deaktiverat.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filter aktiverat.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filter flyttat.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Kunde inte flytta filter på grund av serverfel.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Filtergruppen kan inte läggas till med för långt namn';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 14dd44b19..9c3eb7e60 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Filtre setleri oluşturulamadı. Sunucuda hata olu�
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Filtre setleri başarıyla oluşturuldu.';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Seçilen filtre(ler) etkinleştirilemedi. Sunucuda hata oluştu.';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Seçilen filtre(ler) pasifleştirilemedi. Sunucuda hata oluştu.';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Filtre(ler) başarıyla iptal edildi.';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtre(ler) başarıyla etkinleştirildi.';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Filtre(ler) başarıyla iptal edildi.';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Filtre(ler) başarıyla etkinleştirildi.';
$labels['moved'] = 'Filtre başarıyla taşındı.';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Seçilen filtre(ler) taşınamadı. Sunucuda hata oluştu.';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'İsim çok uzun.';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index d358960ad..14e098dce 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = 'Không thể tạo thiết lập bộ lọc. Có l�
$labels['setcreated'] = 'Thiết lập bộ lọc được tạo thành công';
$labels['activateerror'] = 'Không thể khởi động bộ lọc được chọn. Có lỗi xuất hiện ở máy chủ';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = 'Không thể tắt bộ lọc đã chọn. Có lỗi xuất hiện ở máy chủ';
-$labels['activated'] = 'Bộ lọc được tắt thành công';
-$labels['deactivated'] = 'Bộ lọc được khởi động thành công';
+$labels['deactivated'] = 'Bộ lọc được tắt thành công';
+$labels['activated'] = 'Bộ lọc được khởi động thành công';
$labels['moved'] = 'Bộ lọc được chuyển đi thành công';
$labels['moveerror'] = 'Không thể chuyển bộc lọc đã chọn. Có lỗi xuất hiện ở máy chủ';
$labels['nametoolong'] = 'Tên quá dài';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index 8cbe48778..e44fe07a8 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = '无法创建过滤器,服务器错误。';
$labels['setcreated'] = '过滤器成功创建。';
$labels['activateerror'] = '无法启用选中的过滤器,因为服务器发生错误。';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = '无法禁用选中的过滤器,因为服务器发生错误。';
-$labels['activated'] = '禁用过滤器成功。';
-$labels['deactivated'] = '启用过滤器成功。';
+$labels['deactivated'] = '禁用过滤器成功。';
+$labels['activated'] = '启用过滤器成功。';
$labels['moved'] = '过滤器移动成功。';
$labels['moveerror'] = '无法移动选中的过滤器,因为服务器发生错误。';
$labels['nametoolong'] = '名称太长。';
diff --git a/plugins/managesieve/localization/ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
index db2292b9a..4899d162b 100644
--- a/plugins/managesieve/localization/
+++ b/plugins/managesieve/localization/
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ $labels['setcreateerror'] = '無法建立篩選器集合。 伺服器發生錯�
$labels['setcreated'] = '篩選器集合成功建立';
$labels['activateerror'] = '無法啟用選擇的篩選器。伺服器錯誤';
$labels['deactivateerror'] = '無法停用選擇的篩選器。伺服器錯誤';
-$labels['activated'] = '篩選器已停用';
-$labels['deactivated'] = '篩選器已啟用';
+$labels['deactivated'] = '篩選器已停用';
+$labels['activated'] = '篩選器已啟用';
$labels['moved'] = '篩選器已移動';
$labels['moveerror'] = '無法移動選擇的篩選器。伺服器錯誤';
$labels['nametoolong'] = '無法建立篩選器集合。 名稱太長';