path: root/program/include/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/include/')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/program/include/ b/program/include/
index 004212ff8..409d6eed2 100644
--- a/program/include/
+++ b/program/include/
@@ -1618,16 +1618,92 @@ function check_email($email, $dns_check=true)
class rcube_base_replacer
private $base_url;
public function __construct($base)
$this->base_url = $base;
public function callback($matches)
return $matches[1] . '="' . make_absolute_url($matches[3], $this->base_url) . '"';
+ * Throw system error and show error page
+ *
+ * @param array Named parameters
+ * - code: Error code (required)
+ * - type: Error type [php|db|imap|javascript] (required)
+ * - message: Error message
+ * - file: File where error occured
+ * - line: Line where error occured
+ * @param boolean True to log the error
+ * @param boolean Terminate script execution
+ */
+function raise_error($arg=array(), $log=false, $terminate=false)
+ global $__page_content, $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $ERROR_CODE, $ERROR_MESSAGE;
+ // report bug (if not incompatible browser)
+ if ($log && $arg['type'] && $arg['message'])
+ log_bug($arg);
+ // display error page and terminate script
+ if ($terminate) {
+ $ERROR_CODE = $arg['code'];
+ $ERROR_MESSAGE = $arg['message'];
+ include('program/steps/utils/');
+ exit;
+ }
+ * Report error according to configured debug_level
+ *
+ * @param array Named parameters
+ * @see raise_error()
+ */
+function log_bug($arg_arr)
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $program = strtoupper($arg_arr['type']);
+ // write error to local log file
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 1) {
+ $post_query = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ? '?_task='.urlencode($_POST['_task']).'&_action='.urlencode($_POST['_action']) : '');
+ $log_entry = sprintf("%s Error: %s%s (%s %s)",
+ $program,
+ $arg_arr['message'],
+ $arg_arr['file'] ? sprintf(' in %s on line %d', $arg_arr['file'], $arg_arr['line']) : '',
+ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . $post_query);
+ if (!write_log('errors', $log_entry)) {
+ // send error to PHPs error handler if write_log didn't succeed
+ trigger_error($arg_arr['message']);
+ }
+ }
+ // resport the bug to the global bug reporting system
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 2) {
+ // TODO: Send error via HTTP
+ }
+ // show error if debug_mode is on
+ if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 4) {
+ print "<b>$program Error";
+ if (!empty($arg_arr['file']) && !empty($arg_arr['line']))
+ print " in $arg_arr[file] ($arg_arr[line])";
+ print ':</b>&nbsp;';
+ print nl2br($arg_arr['message']);
+ print '<br />';
+ flush();
+ }