path: root/program/js/googiespell.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/googiespell.js')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 2075 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/googiespell.js b/program/js/googiespell.js
index b336b79cd..7b698ec82 100644
--- a/program/js/googiespell.js
+++ b/program/js/googiespell.js
@@ -1,1468 +1,43 @@
-Last Modified: 29/04/07 18:44:48
-AJS JavaScript library
- A very small library with a lot of functionality
- 4mir Salihefendic ( -
- Copyright (c) 2006 Amir Salihefendic. All rights reserved.
- Copyright (c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights reserved.
- 4.0
-if(!AJS) {
-var AJS = {
- BASE_URL: "",
- drag_obj: null,
- drag_elm: null,
- _drop_zones: [],
- _drag_zones: [],
- _cur_pos: null,
- ajaxErrorHandler: null,
-// General accessor functions
- getQueryArgument: function(var_name) {
- var query =;
- var vars = query.split("&");
- for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
- var pair = vars[i].split("=");
- if (pair[0] == var_name) {
- return pair[1];
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- isIe: function() {
- return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") == -1);
- },
- isNetscape7: function() {
- return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("netscape") != -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("7.") != -1);
- },
- isSafari: function() {
- return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("khtml") != -1);
- },
- isOpera: function() {
- return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1);
- },
- isMozilla: function() {
- return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("gecko") != -1 && navigator.productSub >= 20030210);
- },
- isMac: function() {
- return (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('macintosh') != -1);
- },
-// Array functions
- //Shortcut: AJS.$A
- createArray: function(v) {
- if(AJS.isArray(v) && !AJS.isString(v))
- return v;
- else if(!v)
- return [];
- else
- return [v];
- },
- forceArray: function(args) {
- var r = [];
-, function(elm) {
- r.push(elm);
- });
- return r;
- },
- join: function(delim, list) {
- try {
- return list.join(delim);
- }
- catch(e) {
- var r = list[0] || '';
-, function(elm) {
- r += delim + elm;
- }, 1);
- return r + '';
- }
- },
- isIn: function(elm, list) {
- var i = AJS.getIndex(elm, list);
- if(i != -1)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- },
- getIndex: function(elm, list/*optional*/, eval_fn) {
- for(var i=0; i < list.length; i++)
- if(eval_fn && eval_fn(list[i]) || elm == list[i])
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- getFirst: function(list) {
- if(list.length > 0)
- return list[0];
- else
- return null;
- },
- getLast: function(list) {
- if(list.length > 0)
- return list[list.length-1];
- else
- return null;
- },
- update: function(l1, l2) {
- for(var i in l2)
- l1[i] = l2[i];
- return l1;
- },
- flattenList: function(list) {
- var r = [];
- var _flatten = function(r, l) {
-, function(o) {
- if(o == null) {}
- else if (AJS.isArray(o))
- _flatten(r, o);
- else
- r.push(o);
- });
- }
- _flatten(r, list);
- return r;
- },
-// Functional programming
- map: function(list, fn,/*optional*/ start_index, end_index) {
- var i = 0, l = list.length;
- if(start_index)
- i = start_index;
- if(end_index)
- l = end_index;
- for(i; i < l; i++) {
- var val = fn.apply(null, [list[i], i]);
- if(val != undefined)
- return val;
- }
- },
- rmap: function(list, fn) {
- var i = list.length-1, l = 0;
- for(i; i >= l; i--) {
- var val = fn.apply(null, [list[i], i]);
- if(val != undefined)
- return val;
- }
- },
- filter: function(list, fn, /*optional*/ start_index, end_index) {
- var r = [];
-, function(elm) {
- if(fn(elm))
- r.push(elm);
- }, start_index, end_index);
- return r;
- },
- partial: function(fn) {
- var args = AJS.$FA(arguments);
- args.shift();
- return function() {
- args = args.concat(AJS.$FA(arguments));
- return fn.apply(window, args);
- }
- },
-// DOM functions
- //Shortcut: AJS.$
- getElement: function(id) {
- if(AJS.isString(id) || AJS.isNumber(id))
- return document.getElementById(id);
- else
- return id;
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.$$
- getElements: function(/*id1, id2, id3*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- var elements = new Array();
- for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
- var element = AJS.getElement(args[i]);
- elements.push(element);
- }
- return elements;
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.$bytc
- getElementsByTagAndClassName: function(tag_name, class_name, /*optional*/ parent) {
- var class_elements = [];
- if(!AJS.isDefined(parent))
- parent = document;
- if(!AJS.isDefined(tag_name))
- tag_name = '*';
- var els = parent.getElementsByTagName(tag_name);
- var els_len = els.length;
- var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + class_name + "(\\s|$)");
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < els_len; i++) {
- if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) || class_name == null ) {
- class_elements[j] = els[i];
- j++;
- }
- }
- return class_elements;
- },
- _nodeWalk: function(elm, tag_name, class_name, fn_next_elm) {
- var p = fn_next_elm(elm);
- var checkFn;
- if(tag_name && class_name) {
- checkFn = function(p) {
- return AJS.nodeName(p) == tag_name && AJS.hasClass(p, class_name);
- }
- }
- else if(tag_name) {
- checkFn = function(p) { return AJS.nodeName(p) == tag_name; }
- }
- else {
- checkFn = function(p) { return AJS.hasClass(p, class_name); }
- }
- while(p) {
- if(checkFn(p))
- return p;
- p = fn_next_elm(p);
- }
- return null;
- },
- getParentBytc: function(elm, tag_name, class_name) {
- return AJS._nodeWalk(elm, tag_name, class_name, function(m) { return m.parentNode; });
- },
- getPreviousSiblingBytc: function(elm, tag_name, class_name) {
- return AJS._nodeWalk(elm, tag_name, class_name, function(m) { return m.previousSibling; });
- },
- getNextSiblingBytc: function(elm, tag_name, class_name) {
- return AJS._nodeWalk(elm, tag_name, class_name, function(m) { return m.nextSibling; });
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.$f
- getFormElement: function(form, name) {
- form = AJS.$(form);
- var r = null;
-, function(elm) {
- if( && == name)
- r = elm;
- });
- return r;
- },
- formContents: function(form) {
- var form = AJS.$(form);
- var r = {};
- var fn = function(elms) {
-, function(e) {
- if(
- r[] = e.value || '';
- });
- }
- fn(AJS.$bytc('input', null, form));
- fn(AJS.$bytc('textarea', null, form));
- return r;
- },
- getBody: function() {
- return AJS.$bytc('body')[0]
- },
- nodeName: function(elm) {
- return elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- },
- hasParent: function(elm, parent_to_consider, max_look_up) {
- if(elm == parent_to_consider)
- return true;
- if(max_look_up == 0)
- return false;
- return AJS.hasParent(elm.parentNode, parent_to_consider, max_look_up-1);
- },
- isElementHidden: function(elm) {
- return (( == "none") || ( == "hidden"));
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.DI
- documentInsert: function(elm) {
- if(typeof(elm) == 'string')
- elm = AJS.HTML2DOM(elm);
- document.write('<span id="dummy_holder"></span>');
- AJS.swapDOM(AJS.$('dummy_holder'), elm);
- },
- cloner: function(element) {
- return function() {
- return element.cloneNode(true);
- }
- },
- appendToTop: function(elm/*, elms...*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments).slice(1);
- if(args.length >= 1) {
- var first_child = elm.firstChild;
- if(first_child) {
- while(true) {
- var t_elm = args.shift();
- if(t_elm)
- AJS.insertBefore(t_elm, first_child);
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- AJS.ACN.apply(null, arguments);
- }
- }
- return elm;
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.ACN
- appendChildNodes: function(elm/*, elms...*/) {
- if(arguments.length >= 2) {
-, function(n) {
- if(AJS.isString(n))
- n = AJS.TN(n);
- if(AJS.isDefined(n))
- elm.appendChild(n);
- }, 1);
- }
- return elm;
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.RCN
- replaceChildNodes: function(elm/*, elms...*/) {
- var child;
- while ((child = elm.firstChild))
- elm.removeChild(child);
- if (arguments.length < 2)
- return elm;
- else
- return AJS.appendChildNodes.apply(null, arguments);
- return elm;
- },
- insertAfter: function(elm, reference_elm) {
- reference_elm.parentNode.insertBefore(elm, reference_elm.nextSibling);
- return elm;
- },
- insertBefore: function(elm, reference_elm) {
- reference_elm.parentNode.insertBefore(elm, reference_elm);
- return elm;
- },
- showElement: function(/*elms...*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
-, function(elm) { = ''});
- },
- hideElement: function(elm) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
-, function(elm) { = 'none'});
- },
- swapDOM: function(dest, src) {
- dest = AJS.getElement(dest);
- var parent = dest.parentNode;
- if (src) {
- src = AJS.getElement(src);
- parent.replaceChild(src, dest);
- } else {
- parent.removeChild(dest);
- }
- return src;
- },
- removeElement: function(/*elm1, elm2...*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
-, function(elm) { AJS.swapDOM(elm, null); });
- },
- createDOM: function(name, attrs) {
- var i=0, attr;
- elm = document.createElement(name);
- if(AJS.isDict(attrs[i])) {
- for(k in attrs[0]) {
- attr = attrs[0][k];
- if(k == "style")
- = attr;
- else if(k == "class" || k == 'className')
- elm.className = attr;
- else {
- elm.setAttribute(k, attr);
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(attrs[0] == null)
- i = 1;
-, function(n) {
- if(n) {
- if(AJS.isString(n) || AJS.isNumber(n))
- n = AJS.TN(n);
- elm.appendChild(n);
- }
- }, i);
- return elm;
- },
- _createDomShortcuts: function() {
- var elms = [
- "ul", "li", "td", "tr", "th",
- "tbody", "table", "input", "span", "b",
- "a", "div", "img", "button", "h1",
- "h2", "h3", "br", "textarea", "form",
- "p", "select", "option", "optgroup", "iframe", "script",
- "center", "dl", "dt", "dd", "small",
- "pre"
- ];
- var extends_ajs = function(elm) {
- AJS[elm.toUpperCase()] = function() {
- return AJS.createDOM.apply(null, [elm, arguments]);
- };
- }
-, extends_ajs);
- AJS.TN = function(text) { return document.createTextNode(text) };
- },
- getCssDim: function(dim) {
- if(AJS.isString(dim))
- return dim;
- else
- return dim + "px";
- },
- getCssProperty: function(elm, prop) {
- elm = AJS.$(elm);
- var y;
- if(elm.currentStyle)
- y = elm.currentStyle[prop];
- else if (window.getComputedStyle)
- y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm,null).getPropertyValue(prop);
- return y;
- },
- setStyle: function(/*elm1, elm2..., property, new_value*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- var new_val = args.pop();
- var property = args.pop();
-, function(elm) {
-[property] = AJS.getCssDim(new_val);
- });
- },
- setWidth: function(/*elm1, elm2..., width*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- args.splice(args.length-1, 0, 'width');
- AJS.setStyle.apply(null, args);
- },
- setHeight: function(/*elm1, elm2..., height*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- args.splice(args.length-1, 0, 'height');
- AJS.setStyle.apply(null, args);
- },
- setLeft: function(/*elm1, elm2..., left*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- args.splice(args.length-1, 0, 'left');
- AJS.setStyle.apply(null, args);
- },
- setTop: function(/*elm1, elm2..., top*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- args.splice(args.length-1, 0, 'top');
- AJS.setStyle.apply(null, args);
- },
- setClass: function(/*elm1, elm2..., className*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- var c = args.pop();
-, function(elm) { elm.className = c});
- },
- addClass: function(/*elm1, elm2..., className*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- var cls = args.pop();
- var add_class = function(o) {
- if(!new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + cls + "(\\s|$)").test(o.className))
- o.className += (o.className ? " " : "") + cls;
- };
-, function(elm) { add_class(elm); });
- },
- hasClass: function(elm, cls) {
- if(!elm.className)
- return false;
- return elm.className == cls ||
- RegExp(" " + cls + "|^" + cls)) != -1
- },
- removeClass: function(/*elm1, elm2..., className*/) {
- var args = AJS.forceArray(arguments);
- var cls = args.pop();
- var rm_class = function(o) {
- o.className = o.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s?" + cls, 'g'), "");
- };
-, function(elm) { rm_class(elm); });
- },
- setHTML: function(elm, html) {
- elm.innerHTML = html;
- return elm;
- },
- RND: function(tmpl, ns, scope) {
- scope = scope || window;
- var fn = function(w, g) {
- g = g.split("|");
- var cnt = ns[g[0]];
- for(var i=1; i < g.length; i++)
- cnt = scope[g[i]](cnt);
- if(cnt == '')
- return '';
- if(cnt == 0 || cnt == -1)
- cnt += '';
- return cnt || w;
- };
- return tmpl.replace(/%\(([A-Za-z0-9_|.]*)\)/g, fn);
- },
- HTML2DOM: function(html,/*optional*/ first_child) {
- var d = AJS.DIV();
- d.innerHTML = html;
- if(first_child)
- return d.childNodes[0];
- else
- return d;
- },
- preloadImages: function(/*img_src1, ..., img_srcN*/) {
- AJS.AEV(window, 'load', AJS.$p(function(args) {
-, function(src) {
- var pic = new Image();
- pic.src = src;
- });
- }, arguments));
- },
-// Effects
- setOpacity: function(elm, p) {
- = p;
- = "alpha(opacity="+ p*100 +")";
- },
- resetOpacity: function(elm) {
- = 1;
- = "";
- },
-// Ajax functions
- getXMLHttpRequest: function() {
- var try_these = [
- function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); },
- function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); },
- function () { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); },
- function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); },
- function () { throw "Browser does not support XMLHttpRequest"; }
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < try_these.length; i++) {
- var func = try_these[i];
- try {
- return func();
- } catch (e) {
- }
- }
- },
- getRequest: function(url, data, type) {
- if(!type)
- type = "POST";
- var req = AJS.getXMLHttpRequest();
- if(url.indexOf("http://") == -1) {
- if(AJS.BASE_URL != '') {
- if(AJS.BASE_URL.lastIndexOf('/') != AJS.BASE_URL.length-1)
- AJS.BASE_URL += '/';
- url = AJS.BASE_URL + url;
- }
- }
-, url, true);
- if(type == "POST")
- req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- return AJS._sendXMLHttpRequest(req);
- },
- _sendXMLHttpRequest: function(req, data) {
- var d = new AJSDeferred(req);
- var onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (req.readyState == 4) {
- var status = '';
- try {
- status = req.status;
- }
- catch(e) {};
- if(status == 200 || status == 304 || req.responseText == null) {
- d.callback();
- }
- else {
- if(d.errbacks.length == 0) {
- if(AJS.ajaxErrorHandler)
- AJS.ajaxErrorHandler(req.responseText, req);
- }
- else
- d.errback();
- }
- }
- }
- req.onreadystatechange = onreadystatechange;
- return d;
- },
- _reprString: function(o) {
- return ('"' + o.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"'
- ).replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f"
- ).replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b"
- ).replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n"
- ).replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t"
- ).replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r");
- },
- _reprDate: function(db) {
- var year = db.getFullYear();
- var dd = db.getDate();
- var mm = db.getMonth()+1;
- var hh = db.getHours();
- var mins = db.getMinutes();
- function leadingZero(nr) {
- if (nr < 10) nr = "0" + nr;
- return nr;
- }
- if(hh == 24) hh = '00';
- var time = leadingZero(hh) + ':' + leadingZero(mins);
- return '"' + year + '-' + mm + '-' + dd + 'T' + time + '"';
- },
- serializeJSON: function(o) {
- var objtype = typeof(o);
- if (objtype == "undefined") {
- return "undefined";
- } else if (objtype == "number" || objtype == "boolean") {
- return o + "";
- } else if (o === null) {
- return "null";
- }
- if (objtype == "string") {
- return AJS._reprString(o);
- }
- if(objtype == 'object' && o.getFullYear) {
- return AJS._reprDate(o);
- }
- var me = arguments.callee;
- if (objtype != "function" && typeof(o.length) == "number") {
- var res = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
- var val = me(o[i]);
- if (typeof(val) != "string") {
- val = "undefined";
- }
- res.push(val);
- }
- return "[" + res.join(",") + "]";
- }
- // it's a function with no adapter, bad
- if (objtype == "function")
- return null;
- res = [];
- for (var k in o) {
- var useKey;
- if (typeof(k) == "number") {
- useKey = '"' + k + '"';
- } else if (typeof(k) == "string") {
- useKey = AJS._reprString(k);
- } else {
- // skip non-string or number keys
- continue;
- }
- val = me(o[k]);
- if (typeof(val) != "string") {
- // skip non-serializable values
- continue;
- }
- res.push(useKey + ":" + val);
- }
- return "{" + res.join(",") + "}";
- },
- loadJSONDoc: function(url) {
- var d = AJS.getRequest(url);
- var eval_req = function(data, req) {
- var text = req.responseText;
- if(text == "Error")
- d.errback(req);
- else
- return AJS.evalTxt(text);
- };
- d.addCallback(eval_req);
- return d;
- },
- evalTxt: function(txt) {
- try {
- return eval('('+ txt + ')');
- }
- catch(e) {
- return eval(txt);
- }
- },
- evalScriptTags: function(html) {
- var script_data = html.match(/<script.*?>((\n|\r|.)*?)<\/script>/g);
- if(script_data != null) {
- for(var i=0; i < script_data.length; i++) {
- var script_only = script_data[i].replace(/<script.*?>/g, "");
- script_only = script_only.replace(/<\/script>/g, "");
- eval(script_only);
- }
- }
- },
- queryArguments: function(data) {
- var post_data = [];
- for(k in data)
- post_data.push(k + "=" + AJS.urlencode(data[k]));
- return post_data.join("&");
- },
-// Position and size
- getMousePos: function(e) {
- var posx = 0;
- var posy = 0;
- if (!e) var e = window.event;
- if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
- posx = e.pageX;
- posy = e.pageY;
- }
- else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
- posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
- posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- }
- return {x: posx, y: posy};
- },
- getScrollTop: function() {
- //From:
- var t;
- if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
- t = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- else if (document.body)
- t = document.body.scrollTop;
- return t;
- },
- absolutePosition: function(elm) {
- var posObj = {'x': elm.offsetLeft, 'y': elm.offsetTop};
- if(elm.offsetParent) {
- var next = elm.offsetParent;
- while(next) {
- posObj.x += next.offsetLeft;
- posObj.y += next.offsetTop;
- next = next.offsetParent;
- }
- }
- // safari bug
- if (AJS.isSafari() && == 'absolute' ) {
- posObj.x -= document.body.offsetLeft;
- posObj.y -= document.body.offsetTop;
- }
- return posObj;
- },
- getWindowSize: function(doc) {
- doc = doc || document;
- var win_w, win_h;
- if (self.innerHeight) {
- win_w = self.innerWidth;
- win_h = self.innerHeight;
- } else if (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.clientHeight) {
- win_w = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
- win_h = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
- } else if (doc.body) {
- win_w = doc.body.clientWidth;
- win_h = doc.body.clientHeight;
- }
- return {'w': win_w, 'h': win_h};
- },
- isOverlapping: function(elm1, elm2) {
- var pos_elm1 = AJS.absolutePosition(elm1);
- var pos_elm2 = AJS.absolutePosition(elm2);
- var top1 = pos_elm1.y;
- var left1 = pos_elm1.x;
- var right1 = left1 + elm1.offsetWidth;
- var bottom1 = top1 + elm1.offsetHeight;
- var top2 = pos_elm2.y;
- var left2 = pos_elm2.x;
- var right2 = left2 + elm2.offsetWidth;
- var bottom2 = top2 + elm2.offsetHeight;
- var getSign = function(v) {
- if(v > 0) return "+";
- else if(v < 0) return "-";
- else return 0;
- }
- if ((getSign(top1 - bottom2) != getSign(bottom1 - top2)) &&
- (getSign(left1 - right2) != getSign(right1 - left2)))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
-// Events
- getEventElm: function(e) {
- if(e && !e.type && !e.keyCode)
- return e
- var targ;
- if (!e) var e = window.event;
- if ( targ =;
- else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;
- if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
- targ = targ.parentNode;
- return targ;
- },
- _getRealScope: function(fn, /*optional*/ extra_args) {
- extra_args = AJS.$A(extra_args);
- var scope = fn._cscope || window;
- return function() {
- var args = AJS.$FA(arguments).concat(extra_args);
- return fn.apply(scope, args);
- };
- },
- _unloadListeners: function() {
- if(AJS.listeners)
-, function(elm, type, fn) { AJS.REV(elm, type, fn) });
- AJS.listeners = [];
- },
- setEventKey: function(e) {
- e.key = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
- if(window.event) {
- e.ctrl = window.event.ctrlKey;
- e.shift = window.event.shiftKey;
- }
- else {
- e.ctrl = e.ctrlKey;
- e.shift = e.shiftKey;
- }
- switch(e.key) {
- case 63232:
- e.key = 38;
- break;
- case 63233:
- e.key = 40;
- break;
- case 63235:
- e.key = 39;
- break;
- case 63234:
- e.key = 37;
- break;
- }
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.AEV
- addEventListener: function(elm, type, fn, /*optional*/listen_once, cancle_bubble) {
- if(!cancle_bubble)
- cancle_bubble = false;
- var elms = AJS.$A(elm);
-, function(elmz) {
- if(listen_once)
- fn = AJS._listenOnce(elmz, type, fn);
- //Hack since it does not work in all browsers
- if(AJS.isIn(type, ['submit', 'load', 'scroll', 'resize'])) {
- var old = elm['on' + type];
- elm['on' + type] = function() {
- if(old) {
- fn(arguments);
- return old(arguments);
- }
- else
- return fn(arguments);
- };
- return;
- }
- //Fix keyCode
- if(AJS.isIn(type, ['keypress', 'keydown', 'keyup', 'click'])) {
- var old_fn = fn;
- fn = function(e) {
- AJS.setEventKey(e);
- return old_fn.apply(null, arguments);
- }
- }
- if (elmz.attachEvent) {
- //FIXME: We ignore cancle_bubble for IE... could be a problem?
- elmz.attachEvent("on" + type, fn);
- }
- else if(elmz.addEventListener)
- elmz.addEventListener(type, fn, cancle_bubble);
- AJS.listeners = AJS.$A(AJS.listeners);
- AJS.listeners.push([elmz, type, fn]);
- });
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.REV
- removeEventListener: function(elm, type, fn, /*optional*/cancle_bubble) {
- if(!cancle_bubble)
- cancle_bubble = false;
- if(elm.removeEventListener) {
- elm.removeEventListener(type, fn, cancle_bubble);
- if(AJS.isOpera())
- elm.removeEventListener(type, fn, !cancle_bubble);
- }
- else if(elm.detachEvent)
- elm.detachEvent("on" + type, fn);
- },
- //Shortcut: AJS.$b
- bind: function(fn, scope, /*optional*/ extra_args) {
- fn._cscope = scope;
- return AJS._getRealScope(fn, extra_args);
- },
- bindMethods: function(self) {
- for (var k in self) {
- var func = self[k];
- if (typeof(func) == 'function') {
- self[k] = AJS.$b(func, self);
- }
- }
- },
- _listenOnce: function(elm, type, fn) {
- var r_fn = function() {
- AJS.removeEventListener(elm, type, r_fn);
- fn(arguments);
- }
- return r_fn;
- },
- callLater: function(fn, interval) {
- var fn_no_send = function() {
- fn();
- };
- window.setTimeout(fn_no_send, interval);
- },
- preventDefault: function(e) {
- if(AJS.isIe())
- window.event.returnValue = false;
- else
- e.preventDefault();
- },
-// Drag and drop
- dragAble: function(elm, /*optional*/ handler, args) {
- if(!args)
- args = {};
- if(!AJS.isDefined(args['move_x']))
- args['move_x'] = true;
- if(!AJS.isDefined(args['move_y']))
- args['move_y'] = true;
- if(!AJS.isDefined(args['moveable']))
- args['moveable'] = false;
- if(!AJS.isDefined(args['hide_on_move']))
- args['hide_on_move'] = true;
- if(!AJS.isDefined(args['on_mouse_up']))
- args['on_mouse_up'] = null;
- if(!AJS.isDefined(args['cursor']))
- args['cursor'] = 'move';
- if(!AJS.isDefined(args['max_move']))
- args['max_move'] = {'top': null, 'left': null};
- elm = AJS.$(elm);
- if(!handler)
- handler = elm;
- handler = AJS.$(handler);
- var old_cursor =;
- = args['cursor'];
- = 'relative';
- AJS.addClass(handler, '_ajs_handler');
- handler._args = args;
- handler._elm = elm;
- AJS.AEV(handler, 'mousedown', AJS._dragStart);
- },
- _dragStart: function(e) {
- var handler = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- if(!AJS.hasClass(handler, '_ajs_handler')) {
- handler = AJS.getParentBytc(handler, null, '_ajs_handler');
- }
- if(handler)
- AJS._dragInit(e, handler._elm, handler._args);
- },
- dropZone: function(elm, args) {
- elm = AJS.$(elm);
- var item = {elm: elm};
- AJS.update(item, args);
- AJS._drop_zones.push(item);
- },
- removeDragAble: function(elm) {
- AJS.REV(elm, 'mousedown', AJS._dragStart);
- = '';
- },
- removeDropZone: function(elm) {
- var i = AJS.getIndex(elm, AJS._drop_zones, function(item) {
- if(item.elm == elm) return true;
- });
- if(i != -1) {
- AJS._drop_zones.splice(i, 1);
- }
- },
- _dragInit: function(e, click_elm, args) {
- AJS.drag_obj = new Object();
- AJS.drag_obj.args = args;
- AJS.drag_obj.click_elm = click_elm;
- AJS.drag_obj.mouse_pos = AJS.getMousePos(e);
- AJS.drag_obj.click_elm_pos = AJS.absolutePosition(click_elm);
- AJS.AEV(document, 'mousemove', AJS._dragMove, false, true);
- AJS.AEV(document, 'mouseup', AJS._dragStop, false, true);
- if (AJS.isIe())
- window.event.cancelBubble = true;
- AJS.preventDefault(e);
- },
- _initDragElm: function(elm) {
- if(AJS.drag_elm && == 'none')
- AJS.removeElement(AJS.drag_elm);
- if(!AJS.drag_elm) {
- AJS.drag_elm = AJS.DIV();
- var d = AJS.drag_elm;
- AJS.insertBefore(d, AJS.getBody().firstChild);
- AJS.setHTML(d, elm.innerHTML);
- d.className = elm.className;
- =;
- = 'absolute';
- = 10000;
- var t = AJS.absolutePosition(elm);
- AJS.setTop(d, t.y);
- AJS.setLeft(d, t.x);
- if(AJS.drag_obj.args.on_init) {
- AJS.drag_obj.args.on_init(elm);
- }
- }
- },
- _dragMove: function(e) {
- var drag_obj = AJS.drag_obj;
- var click_elm = drag_obj.click_elm;
- AJS._initDragElm(click_elm);
- var drag_elm = AJS.drag_elm;
- if(drag_obj.args['hide_on_move'])
- = 'hidden';
- var cur_pos = AJS.getMousePos(e);
- var mouse_pos = drag_obj.mouse_pos;
- var click_elm_pos = drag_obj.click_elm_pos;
- var p_x, p_y;
- p_x = cur_pos.x - (mouse_pos.x - click_elm_pos.x);
- p_y = cur_pos.y - (mouse_pos.y - click_elm_pos.y);
-, function(d_z) {
- if(AJS.isOverlapping(d_z['elm'], drag_elm)) {
- if(d_z['elm'] != drag_elm) {
- var on_hover = d_z['on_hover'];
- if(on_hover)
- on_hover(d_z['elm'], click_elm, drag_elm);
- }
- }
- });
- if(drag_obj.args['on_drag'])
- drag_obj.args['on_drag'](click_elm, e);
- var max_move_top = drag_obj.args['max_move']['top'];
- var max_move_left = drag_obj.args['max_move']['left'];
- if(drag_obj.args['move_x']) {
- if(max_move_left == null || max_move_left <= p)
- AJS.setLeft(elm, p_x);
- }
- if(drag_obj.args['move_y']) {
- if(max_move_top == null || max_move_top <= p_y)
- AJS.setTop(elm, p_y);
- }
- if(AJS.isIe()) {
- window.event.cancelBubble = true;
- window.event.returnValue = false;
- }
- else
- e.preventDefault();
- //Moving scroll to the top, should move the scroll up
- var sc_top = AJS.getScrollTop();
- var sc_bottom = sc_top + AJS.getWindowSize().h;
- var d_e_top = AJS.absolutePosition(drag_elm).y;
- var d_e_bottom = drag_elm.offsetTop + drag_elm.offsetHeight;
- if(d_e_top <= sc_top + 20) {
- window.scrollBy(0, -15);
- }
- else if(d_e_bottom >= sc_bottom - 20) {
- window.scrollBy(0, 15);
- }
- },
- _dragStop: function(e) {
- var drag_obj = AJS.drag_obj;
- var drag_elm = AJS.drag_elm;
- var click_elm = drag_obj.click_elm;
- AJS.REV(document, "mousemove", AJS._dragMove, true);
- AJS.REV(document, "mouseup", AJS._dragStop, true);
- var dropped = false;
-, function(d_z) {
- if(AJS.isOverlapping(d_z['elm'], click_elm)) {
- if(d_z['elm'] != click_elm) {
- var on_drop = d_z['on_drop'];
- if(on_drop) {
- dropped = true;
- on_drop(d_z['elm'], click_elm);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- if(drag_obj.args['moveable']) {
- var t = parseInt( || 0;
- var l = parseInt( || 0;
- var drag_elm_xy = AJS.absolutePosition(drag_elm);
- var click_elm_xy = AJS.absolutePosition(click_elm);
- AJS.setTop(click_elm, t + drag_elm_xy.y - click_elm_xy.y);
- AJS.setLeft(click_elm, l + drag_elm_xy.x - click_elm_xy.x);
- }
- if(!dropped && drag_obj.args['on_mouse_up'])
- drag_obj.args['on_mouse_up'](click_elm, e);
- if(drag_obj.args['hide_on_move'])
- = 'visible';
- if(drag_obj.args.on_end) {
- drag_obj.args.on_end(click_elm);
- }
- AJS._dragObj = null;
- if(drag_elm)
- AJS.hideElement(drag_elm);
- AJS.drag_elm = null;
- },
-// Misc.
- keys: function(obj) {
- var rval = [];
- for (var prop in obj) {
- rval.push(prop);
- }
- return rval;
- },
- values: function(obj) {
- var rval = [];
- for (var prop in obj) {
- rval.push(obj[prop]);
- }
- return rval;
- },
- urlencode: function(str) {
- return encodeURIComponent(str.toString());
- },
- isDefined: function(o) {
- return (o != "undefined" && o != null)
- },
- isArray: function(obj) {
- return obj instanceof Array;
- },
- isString: function(obj) {
- return (typeof obj == 'string');
- },
- isNumber: function(obj) {
- return (typeof obj == 'number');
- },
- isObject: function(obj) {
- return (typeof obj == 'object');
- },
- isFunction: function(obj) {
- return (typeof obj == 'function');
- },
- isDict: function(o) {
- var str_repr = String(o);
- return str_repr.indexOf(" Object") != -1;
- },
- exportToGlobalScope: function() {
- for(e in AJS)
- window[e] = AJS[e];
- },
- log: function(o) {
- if(window.console)
- console.log(o);
- else {
- var div = AJS.$('ajs_logger');
- if(!div) {
- div = AJS.DIV({id: 'ajs_logger', 'style': 'color: green; position: absolute; left: 0'});
- = AJS.getScrollTop() + 'px';
- AJS.ACN(AJS.getBody(), div);
- }
- AJS.setHTML(div, ''+o);
- }
- }
-AJS.Class = function(members) {
- var fn = function() {
- if(arguments[0] != 'no_init') {
- return this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
- fn.prototype = members;
- AJS.update(fn, AJS.Class.prototype);
- return fn;
-AJS.Class.prototype = {
- extend: function(members) {
- var parent = new this('no_init');
- for(k in members) {
- var prev = parent[k];
- var cur = members[k];
- if (prev && prev != cur && typeof cur == 'function') {
- cur = this._parentize(cur, prev);
- }
- parent[k] = cur;
- }
- return new AJS.Class(parent);
- },
- implement: function(members) {
- AJS.update(this.prototype, members);
- },
- _parentize: function(cur, prev) {
- return function(){
- this.parent = prev;
- return cur.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
-AJS.$ = AJS.getElement;
-AJS.$$ = AJS.getElements;
-AJS.$f = AJS.getFormElement;
-AJS.$b = AJS.bind;
-AJS.$p = AJS.partial;
-AJS.$FA = AJS.forceArray;
-AJS.$A = AJS.createArray;
-AJS.DI = AJS.documentInsert;
-AJS.ACN = AJS.appendChildNodes;
-AJS.RCN = AJS.replaceChildNodes;
-AJS.AEV = AJS.addEventListener;
-AJS.REV = AJS.removeEventListener;
-AJS.$bytc = AJS.getElementsByTagAndClassName;
-AJSDeferred = function(req) {
- this.callbacks = [];
- this.errbacks = [];
- this.req = req;
-AJSDeferred.prototype = {
- excCallbackSeq: function(req, list) {
- var data = req.responseText;
- while (list.length > 0) {
- var fn = list.pop();
- var new_data = fn(data, req);
- if(new_data)
- data = new_data;
- }
- },
- callback: function () {
- this.excCallbackSeq(this.req, this.callbacks);
- },
- errback: function() {
- if(this.errbacks.length == 0)
- alert("Error encountered:\n" + this.req.responseText);
- this.excCallbackSeq(this.req, this.errbacks);
- },
- addErrback: function(fn) {
- this.errbacks.unshift(fn);
- },
- addCallback: function(fn) {
- this.callbacks.unshift(fn);
- },
- abort: function() {
- this.req.abort();
- },
- addCallbacks: function(fn1, fn2) {
- this.addCallback(fn1);
- this.addErrback(fn2);
- },
- sendReq: function(data) {
- if(AJS.isObject(data)) {
- this.req.send(AJS.queryArguments(data));
- }
- else if(AJS.isDefined(data))
- this.req.send(data);
- else {
- this.req.send("");
- }
- }
-//Prevent memory-leaks
-AJS.addEventListener(window, 'unload', AJS._unloadListeners);
-script_loaded = true;
-Last Modified: 13/05/07 00:25:28
- GoogieSpell
- Google spell checker for your own web-apps :)
+ SpellCheck
+ jQuery'fied spell checker based on GoogieSpell 4.0
Copyright Amir Salihefendic 2006
+ Copyright Aleksander Machniak 2009
- GPL (see gpl.txt for more information)
- This basically means that you can't use this script with/in proprietary software!
- There is another license that permits you to use this script with proprietary software. Check out:... for more info.
4mir Salihefendic ( -
- 4.0
-var GOOGIE_CUR_LANG = null;
+ Aleksander Machniak - alec [at]
+var SPELL_CUR_LANG = null;
function GoogieSpell(img_dir, server_url) {
- var cookie_value;
- var lang;
- cookie_value = getCookie('language');
+ var ref = this;
- if(cookie_value != null)
- GOOGIE_CUR_LANG = cookie_value;
- else
+ this.array_keys = function(arr) {
+ var res = [];
+ for (var key in arr) { res.push([key]); }
+ return res;
+ }
+ var cookie_value = getCookie('language');
+ GOOGIE_CUR_LANG = cookie_value != null ? cookie_value : GOOGIE_DEFAULT_LANG;
this.img_dir = img_dir;
this.server_url = server_url;
- this.org_lang_to_word = {"da": "Dansk", "de": "Deutsch", "en": "English",
- "es": "Espa&#241;ol", "fr": "Fran&#231;ais", "it": "Italiano",
- "nl": "Nederlands", "pl": "Polski", "pt": "Portugu&#234;s",
- "fi": "Suomi", "sv": "Svenska"};
+ this.org_lang_to_word = {
+ "da": "Dansk", "de": "Deutsch", "en": "English",
+ "es": "Espa&#241;ol", "fr": "Fran&#231;ais", "it": "Italiano",
+ "nl": "Nederlands", "pl": "Polski", "pt": "Portugu&#234;s",
+ "fi": "Suomi", "sv": "Svenska"
+ };
this.lang_to_word = this.org_lang_to_word;
- this.langlist_codes = AJS.keys(this.lang_to_word);
+ this.langlist_codes = this.array_keys(this.lang_to_word);
this.show_change_lang_pic = true;
- this.change_lang_pic_placement = "left";
+ this.change_lang_pic_placement = 'right';
this.report_state_change = true;
this.ta_scroll_top = 0;
@@ -1475,7 +50,7 @@ function GoogieSpell(img_dir, server_url) {
this.lang_no_error_found = "No spelling errors found";
this.lang_no_suggestions = "No suggestions";
- this.show_spell_img = false; // modified by roundcube
+ this.show_spell_img = false; // roundcube mod.
this.decoration = true;
this.use_close_btn = true;
this.edit_layer_dbl_click = true;
@@ -1504,102 +79,89 @@ function GoogieSpell(img_dir, server_url) {
this.cnt_errors = 0;
this.cnt_errors_fixed = 0;
//Set document on click to hide the language and error menu
- var fn = function(e) {
- var elm = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- if(elm.googie_action_btn != "1" && this.isLangWindowShown())
- this.hideLangWindow();
- if(elm.googie_action_btn != "1" && this.isErrorWindowShown())
- this.hideErrorWindow();
- };
- AJS.AEV(document, "click", AJS.$b(fn, this));
+ $(document).bind('click', function(e) {
+ if($('googie_action_btn') != '1' && ref.isLangWindowShown())
+ ref.hideLangWindow();
+ if($('googie_action_btn') != '1' && ref.isErrorWindowShown())
+ ref.hideErrorWindow();
+ });
-GoogieSpell.prototype.decorateTextarea = function(id) {
- if(typeof(id) == "string")
- this.text_area = AJS.$(id);
- else
- this.text_area = id;
- var r_width, r_height;
- if(this.text_area != null) {
- if(!AJS.isDefined(this.spell_container) && this.decoration) {
- var table = AJS.TABLE();
- var tbody = AJS.TBODY();
- var tr = AJS.TR();
- if(AJS.isDefined(this.force_width))
- r_width = this.force_width;
- else
- r_width = this.text_area.offsetWidth + "px";
- if(AJS.isDefined(this.force_height))
- r_height = this.force_height;
- else
- r_height = "";
- var spell_container = AJS.TD();
- this.spell_container = spell_container;
- tr.appendChild(spell_container);
+this.decorateTextarea = function(id) {
+ this.text_area = typeof(id) == 'string' ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
- tbody.appendChild(tr);
- table.appendChild(tbody);
+ if (this.text_area) {
+ if (!this.spell_container && this.decoration) {
+ var table = document.createElement('TABLE');
+ var tbody = document.createElement('TBODY');
+ var tr = document.createElement('TR');
+ var spell_container = document.createElement('TD');
- AJS.insertBefore(table, this.text_area);
+ var r_width = this.isDefined(this.force_width) ? this.force_width : this.text_area.offsetWidth;
+ var r_height = this.isDefined(this.force_height) ? this.force_height : 16;
- //Set width
- AJS.setHeight(table, spell_container, r_height);
- AJS.setWidth(table, spell_container, '100%'); // modified by roundcube (old: r_width)
+ tr.appendChild(spell_container);
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ $(table).append(tbody).insertBefore(this.text_area).width('100%').height(r_height);
+ $(spell_container).height(r_height).width(r_width).css('text-align', 'right');
- = "right";
+ this.spell_container = spell_container;
- if(this.report_ta_not_found)
- alert("Text area not found");
+ if (this.report_ta_not_found)
+ alert('Text area not found');
// API Functions (the ones that you can call)
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setSpellContainer = function(elm) {
- this.spell_container = AJS.$(elm);
+this.setSpellContainer = function(id) {
+ this.spell_container = typeof(id) == 'string' ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setLanguages = function(lang_dict) {
+this.setLanguages = function(lang_dict) {
this.lang_to_word = lang_dict;
- this.langlist_codes = AJS.keys(lang_dict);
+ this.langlist_codes = this.array_keys(lang_dict);
+this.setCurrentLanguage = function(lan_code) {
+ GOOGIE_CUR_LANG = lan_code;
+ //Set cookie
+ var now = new Date();
+ now.setTime(now.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+ setCookie('language', lan_code, now);
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setForceWidthHeight = function(width, height) {
- /***
- Set to null if you want to use one of them
- ***/
+this.setForceWidthHeight = function(width, height) {
+ // Set to null if you want to use one of them
this.force_width = width;
this.force_height = height;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setDecoration = function(bool) {
+this.setDecoration = function(bool) {
this.decoration = bool;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.dontUseCloseButtons = function() {
+this.dontUseCloseButtons = function() {
this.use_close_btn = false;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.appendNewMenuItem = function(name, call_back_fn, checker) {
+this.appendNewMenuItem = function(name, call_back_fn, checker) {
this.extra_menu_items.push([name, call_back_fn, checker]);
-GoogieSpell.prototype.appendCustomMenuBuilder = function(eval, builder) {
+this.appendCustomMenuBuilder = function(eval, builder) {
this.custom_menu_builder.push([eval, builder]);
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setFocus = function() {
+this.setFocus = function() {
try {
@@ -1610,25 +172,17 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.setFocus = function() {
-GoogieSpell.prototype.getValue = function(ta) {
- return ta.value;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setValue = function(ta, value) {
- ta.value = value;
// Set functions (internal)
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setStateChanged = function(current_state) {
+this.setStateChanged = function(current_state) {
this.state = current_state;
- if(this.spelling_state_observer != null && this.report_state_change)
+ if (this.spelling_state_observer != null && this.report_state_change)
this.spelling_state_observer(current_state, this);
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setReportStateChange = function(bool) {
+this.setReportStateChange = function(bool) {
this.report_state_change = bool;
@@ -1636,219 +190,181 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.setReportStateChange = function(bool) {
// Request functions
-GoogieSpell.prototype.getGoogleUrl = function() {
+this.getUrl = function() {
return this.server_url + GOOGIE_CUR_LANG;
-GoogieSpell.escapeSepcial = function(val) {
+this.escapeSpecial = function(val) {
return val.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
-GoogieSpell.createXMLReq = function (text) {
- return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><spellrequest textalreadyclipped="0" ignoredups="0" ignoredigits="1" ignoreallcaps="1"><text>' + text + '</text></spellrequest>';
+this.createXMLReq = function (text) {
+ return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'
+ + '<spellrequest textalreadyclipped="0" ignoredups="0" ignoredigits="1" ignoreallcaps="1">'
+ + '<text>' + text + '</text></spellrequest>';
-GoogieSpell.prototype.spellCheck = function(ignore) {
- var me = this;
+this.spellCheck = function(ignore) {
this.cnt_errors_fixed = 0;
this.cnt_errors = 0;
- this.setStateChanged("checking_spell");
+ this.setStateChanged('checking_spell');
- if(this.main_controller)
+ if (this.main_controller)
this.error_links = [];
this.ta_scroll_top = this.text_area.scrollTop;
- try { this.hideLangWindow(); }
- catch(e) {}
this.ignore = ignore;
+ this.hideLangWindow();
- if(this.getValue(this.text_area) == '' || ignore) {
- if(!me.custom_no_spelling_error)
- me.flashNoSpellingErrorState();
+ if ($(this.text_area).val() == '' || ignore) {
+ if (!this.custom_no_spelling_error)
+ this.flashNoSpellingErrorState();
- me.custom_no_spelling_error(me);
- me.removeIndicator();
- return ;
+ this.custom_no_spelling_error(this);
+ this.removeIndicator();
+ return;
this.createEditLayer(this.text_area.offsetWidth, this.text_area.offsetHeight);
- AJS.getBody().appendChild(this.error_window);
+ $('body').append(this.error_window);
try {"UniversalBrowserRead"); }
catch (e) { }
- if(this.main_controller)
- this.spell_span.onclick = null;
- this.orginal_text = this.getValue(this.text_area);
- //Create request
- var d = AJS.getRequest(this.getGoogleUrl());
- var reqdone = function(res_txt) {
- var r_text = res_txt;
- me.results = me.parseResult(r_text);
- if(r_text.match(/<c.*>/) != null) {
- //Before parsing be sure that errors were found
- me.showErrorsInIframe();
- me.resumeEditingState();
- }
- else {
- if(!me.custom_no_spelling_error)
- me.flashNoSpellingErrorState();
- else
- me.custom_no_spelling_error(me);
- }
- me.removeIndicator();
- };
- d.addCallback(reqdone);
- reqdone = null;
- var reqfailed = function(res_txt, req) {
- if(me.custom_ajax_error)
- me.custom_ajax_error(req);
- else
- alert("An error was encountered on the server. Please try again later.");
- if(me.main_controller) {
- AJS.removeElement(me.spell_span);
- me.removeIndicator();
- }
- me.checkSpellingState();
- };
- d.addErrback(reqfailed);
- reqfailed = null;
- var req_text = GoogieSpell.escapeSepcial(this.orginal_text);
- d.sendReq(GoogieSpell.createXMLReq(req_text));
+ if (this.main_controller)
+ $(this.spell_span).unbind('click');
+ this.orginal_text = $(this.text_area).val();
+ var req_text = this.escapeSpecial(this.orginal_text);
+ var ref = this;
+ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: this.getUrl(),
+ data: this.createXMLReq(req_text), dataType: 'text',
+ error: function(o) {
+ if (ref.custom_ajax_error)
+ ref.custom_ajax_error(ref);
+ else
+ alert('An error was encountered on the server. Please try again later.');
+ if (ref.main_controller) {
+ $(ref.spell_span).remove();
+ ref.removeIndicator();
+ }
+ ref.checkSpellingState();
+ },
+ success: function(data) {
+ var r_text = data;
+ ref.results = ref.parseResult(r_text);
+ if (r_text.match(/<c.*>/) != null) {
+ //Before parsing be sure that errors were found
+ ref.showErrorsInIframe();
+ ref.resumeEditingState();
+ } else {
+ if (!ref.custom_no_spelling_error)
+ ref.flashNoSpellingErrorState();
+ else
+ ref.custom_no_spelling_error(ref);
+ }
+ ref.removeIndicator();
+ }
+ });
// Spell checking functions
-GoogieSpell.prototype.parseResult = function(r_text) {
- /***
- Retunrs an array
- result[item] -> ['attrs'], ['suggestions']
- ***/
+this.parseResult = function(r_text) {
+ // Returns an array: result[item] -> ['attrs'], ['suggestions']
var re_split_attr_c = /\w+="(\d+|true)"/g;
var re_split_text = /\t/g;
var matched_c = r_text.match(/<c[^>]*>[^<]*<\/c>/g);
var results = new Array();
- if(matched_c == null)
+ if (matched_c == null)
return results;
- for(var i=0; i < matched_c.length; i++) {
+ for (var i=0; i < matched_c.length; i++) {
var item = new Array();
//Get attributes
item['attrs'] = new Array();
var split_c = matched_c[i].match(re_split_attr_c);
- for(var j=0; j < split_c.length; j++) {
+ for (var j=0; j < split_c.length; j++) {
var c_attr = split_c[j].split(/=/);
var val = c_attr[1].replace(/"/g, '');
- if(val != "true")
- item['attrs'][c_attr[0]] = parseInt(val);
- else {
- item['attrs'][c_attr[0]] = val;
- }
+ item['attrs'][c_attr[0]] = val != 'true' ? parseInt(val) : val;
//Get suggestions
item['suggestions'] = new Array();
- var only_text = matched_c[i].replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "");
+ var only_text = matched_c[i].replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
var split_t = only_text.split(re_split_text);
- for(var k=0; k < split_t.length; k++) {
- if(split_t[k] != "")
- item['suggestions'].push(split_t[k]);
- }
+ for (var k=0; k < split_t.length; k++) {
+ if(split_t[k] != '')
+ item['suggestions'].push(split_t[k]);
+ }
return results;
-// Counters
-GoogieSpell.prototype.errorFixed = function() {
- this.cnt_errors_fixed++;
- if(this.all_errors_fixed_observer)
- if(this.cnt_errors_fixed == this.cnt_errors) {
- this.hideErrorWindow();
- this.all_errors_fixed_observer();
- }
-GoogieSpell.prototype.errorFound = function() { this.cnt_errors++; }
// Error menu functions
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createErrorWindow = function() {
- this.error_window = AJS.DIV();
- this.error_window.className = "googie_window";
- this.error_window.googie_action_btn = "1";
+this.createErrorWindow = function() {
+ this.error_window = document.createElement('DIV');
+ $(this.error_window).addClass('googie_window').attr('googie_action_btn', '1');
-GoogieSpell.prototype.isErrorWindowShown = function() {
- return this.error_window != null && == "visible";
+this.isErrorWindowShown = function() {
+ return $(this.error_window).is(':visible');
-GoogieSpell.prototype.hideErrorWindow = function() {
- try {
- = "hidden";
- if(this.error_window_iframe)
- = "hidden";
- }
- catch(e) {}
+this.hideErrorWindow = function() {
+ $(this.error_window).css('visibility', 'hidden');
+ $(this.error_window_iframe).css('visibility', 'hidden');
-GoogieSpell.prototype.updateOrginalText = function(offset, old_value, new_value, id) {
+this.updateOrginalText = function(offset, old_value, new_value, id) {
var part_1 = this.orginal_text.substring(0, offset);
var part_2 = this.orginal_text.substring(offset+old_value.length);
this.orginal_text = part_1 + new_value + part_2;
- this.setValue(this.text_area, this.orginal_text);
+ $(this.text_area).val(this.orginal_text);
var add_2_offset = new_value.length - old_value.length;
- for(var j=0; j < this.results.length; j++) {
+ for (var j=0; j < this.results.length; j++) {
//Don't edit the offset of the current item
- if(j != id && j > id){
+ if (j != id && j > id)
this.results[j]['attrs']['o'] += add_2_offset;
- }
-GoogieSpell.prototype.saveOldValue = function(elm, old_value) {
+this.saveOldValue = function(elm, old_value) {
elm.is_changed = true;
elm.old_value = old_value;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createListSeparator = function() {
- var e_col = AJS.TD(" ");
- e_col.googie_action_btn = "1";
- = "default";
- = "3px";
- = "1px solid #ccc";
- = "3px";
+this.createListSeparator = function() {
+ var td = document.createElement('TD');
+ var tr = document.createElement('TR');
- return AJS.TR(e_col);
+ $(td).html(' ').attr('googie_action_btn', '1')
+ .css({'cursor': 'default', 'font-size': '3px', 'border-top': '1px solid #ccc', 'padding-top': '3px'});
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ return tr;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.correctError = function(id, elm, l_elm, /*optional*/ rm_pre_space) {
+this.correctError = function(id, elm, l_elm, rm_pre_space) {
var old_value = elm.innerHTML;
var new_value = l_elm.innerHTML;
var offset = this.results[id]['attrs']['o'];
- if(rm_pre_space) {
+ if (rm_pre_space) {
var pre_length = elm.previousSibling.innerHTML;
elm.previousSibling.innerHTML = pre_length.slice(0, pre_length.length-1);
old_value = " " + old_value;
@@ -1856,44 +372,38 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.correctError = function(id, elm, l_elm, /*optional*/ rm_pr
this.updateOrginalText(offset, old_value, new_value, id);
- elm.innerHTML = new_value;
- = "green";
- elm.is_corrected = true;
+ $(elm).html(new_value).css('color', 'green').attr('is_corrected', true);
this.results[id]['attrs']['l'] = new_value.length;
- if(!AJS.isDefined(elm.old_value))
+ if (!this.isDefined(elm.old_value))
this.saveOldValue(elm, old_value);
-GoogieSpell.prototype.showErrorWindow = function(elm, id) {
- if(this.show_menu_observer)
+this.showErrorWindow = function(elm, id) {
+ if (this.show_menu_observer)
- var me = this;
- var abs_pos = AJS.absolutePosition(elm);
- abs_pos.y -= this.edit_layer.scrollTop;
- = "visible";
+ var ref = this;
+ var pos = $(elm).offset();
+ -= this.edit_layer.scrollTop;
- AJS.setTop(this.error_window, (abs_pos.y+20));
- AJS.setLeft(this.error_window, (abs_pos.x));
+ $(this.error_window).css({'visibility': 'visible',
+ 'top': ('px', 'left': (pos.left)+'px'}).html('');
- this.error_window.innerHTML = "";
+ var table = document.createElement('TABLE');
+ var list = document.createElement('TBODY');
- var table = AJS.TABLE({'class': 'googie_list'});
- table.googie_action_btn = "1";
- var list = AJS.TBODY();
+ $(table).addClass('googie_list').attr('googie_action_btn', '1');
//Check if we should use custom menu builder, if not we use the default
var changed = false;
- if(this.custom_menu_builder != []) {
- for(var k=0; k<this.custom_menu_builder.length; k++) {
+ if (this.custom_menu_builder != []) {
+ for (var k=0; k<this.custom_menu_builder.length; k++) {
var eb = this.custom_menu_builder[k];
changed = eb[1](this, list, elm);
@@ -1901,137 +411,131 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.showErrorWindow = function(elm, id) {
- if(!changed) {
+ if (!changed) {
//Build up the result list
var suggestions = this.results[id]['suggestions'];
var offset = this.results[id]['attrs']['o'];
var len = this.results[id]['attrs']['l'];
- if(suggestions.length == 0) {
- var row = AJS.TR();
- var item = AJS.TD({'style': 'cursor: default;'});
- var dummy = AJS.SPAN();
- dummy.innerHTML = this.lang_no_suggestions;
- AJS.ACN(item, AJS.TN(dummy.innerHTML));
- item.googie_action_btn = "1";
+ if (suggestions.length == 0) {
+ var row = document.createElement('TR');
+ var item = document.createElement('TD');
+ var dummy = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ $(dummy).text(this.lang_no_suggestions);
+ $(item).attr('googie_action_btn', '1').css('cursor', 'default');
+ item.appendChild(dummy);
- for(i=0; i < suggestions.length; i++) {
- var row = AJS.TR();
- var item = AJS.TD();
- var dummy = AJS.SPAN();
- dummy.innerHTML = suggestions[i];
- item.appendChild(AJS.TN(dummy.innerHTML));
- var fn = function(e) {
- var l_elm = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- this.correctError(id, elm, l_elm);
- };
+ for (i=0; i < suggestions.length; i++) {
+ var row = document.createElement('TR');
+ var item = document.createElement('TD');
+ var dummy = document.createElement('SPAN');
- AJS.AEV(item, "click", AJS.$b(fn, this));
+ $(dummy).html(suggestions[i]);
+ $(item).bind('mouseover', this.item_onmouseover)
+ .bind('mouseout', this.item_onmouseout)
+ .bind('click', function(e) { ref.correctError(id, elm, });
- item.onmouseover = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseover;
- item.onmouseout = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseout;
+ item.appendChild(dummy);
//The element is changed, append the revert
- if(elm.is_changed && elm.innerHTML != elm.old_value) {
+ if (elm.is_changed && elm.innerHTML != elm.old_value) {
var old_value = elm.old_value;
- var revert_row = AJS.TR();
- var revert = AJS.TD();
+ var revert_row = document.createElement('TR');
+ var revert = document.createElement('TD');
+ var rev_span = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ $(rev_span).addClass('googie_list_revert').html(this.lang_revert + ' ' + old_value);
+ $(revert).bind('mouseover', this.item_onmouseover)
+ .bind('mouseout', this.item_onmouseout)
+ .bind('click', function(e) {
+ ref.updateOrginalText(offset, elm.innerHTML, old_value, id);
+ $(elm).attr('is_corrected', true).css('color', '#b91414').html(old_value);
+ ref.hideErrorWindow();
+ });
- revert.onmouseover = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseover;
- revert.onmouseout = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseout;
- var rev_span = AJS.SPAN({'class': 'googie_list_revert'});
- rev_span.innerHTML = this.lang_revert + " " + old_value;
- var fn = function(e) {
- this.updateOrginalText(offset, elm.innerHTML, old_value, id);
- elm.is_corrected = true;
- = "#b91414";
- elm.innerHTML = old_value;
- this.hideErrorWindow();
- };
- AJS.AEV(revert, "click", AJS.$b(fn, this));
//Append the edit box
- var edit_row = AJS.TR();
- var edit = AJS.TD({'style': 'cursor: default'});
- var edit_input = AJS.INPUT({'style': 'width: 120px; margin:0; padding:0', 'value': elm.innerHTML});
- edit_input.googie_action_btn = "1";
+ var edit_row = document.createElement('TR');
+ var edit = document.createElement('TD');
+ var edit_input = document.createElement('INPUT');
+ var ok_pic = document.createElement('IMG');
+ var edit_form = document.createElement('FORM');
var onsub = function () {
- if(edit_input.value != "") {
- if(!AJS.isDefined(elm.old_value))
- this.saveOldValue(elm, elm.innerHTML);
- this.updateOrginalText(offset, elm.innerHTML, edit_input.value, id);
- = "green"
- elm.is_corrected = true;
- elm.innerHTML = edit_input.value;
- this.hideErrorWindow();
+ if (edit_input.value != '') {
+ if (!ref.isDefined(elm.old_value))
+ ref.saveOldValue(elm, elm.innerHTML);
+ ref.updateOrginalText(offset, elm.innerHTML, edit_input.value, id);
+ $(elm).attr('is_corrected', true).css('color', 'green').html(edit_input.value);
+ ref.hideErrorWindow();
return false;
- onsub = AJS.$b(onsub, this);
- var ok_pic = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_dir + "ok.gif", 'style': 'width: 32px; height: 16px; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; cursor: pointer;'});
- var edit_form = AJS.FORM({'style': 'margin: 0; padding: 0; cursor: default;'}, edit_input, ok_pic);
- edit_form.googie_action_btn = "1";
- edit.googie_action_btn = "1";
+ $(edit_input).width(120).css({'margin': 0, 'padding': 0});
+ $(edit_input).val(elm.innerHTML).attr('googie_action_btn', '1');
+ $(edit).css('cursor', 'default').attr('googie_action_btn', '1');
+ $(ok_pic).attr('src', this.img_dir + 'ok.gif')
+ .width(32).height(16)
+ .css({'cursor': 'pointer', 'margin-left': '2px', 'margin-right': '2px'})
+ .bind('click', onsub);
- AJS.AEV(edit_form, "submit", onsub);
- AJS.AEV(ok_pic, "click", onsub);
+ $(edit_form).attr('googie_action_btn', '1')
+ .css({'margin': 0, 'padding': 0, 'cursor': 'default', 'white-space': 'nowrap'})
+ .bind('submit', onsub);
+ edit_form.appendChild(edit_input);
+ edit_form.appendChild(ok_pic);
//Append extra menu items
- if(this.extra_menu_items.length > 0)
- AJS.ACN(list, this.createListSeparator());
+ if (this.extra_menu_items.length > 0)
+ list.appendChild(this.createListSeparator());
var loop = function(i) {
- if(i < me.extra_menu_items.length) {
- var e_elm = me.extra_menu_items[i];
- if(!e_elm[2] || e_elm[2](elm, me)) {
- var e_row = AJS.TR();
- var e_col = AJS.TD(e_elm[0]);
- e_col.onmouseover = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseover;
- e_col.onmouseout = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseout;
- var fn = function() {
- return e_elm[1](elm, me);
- };
- AJS.AEV(e_col, "click", fn);
- AJS.ACN(e_row, e_col);
- AJS.ACN(list, e_row);
+ if (i < ref.extra_menu_items.length) {
+ var e_elm = ref.extra_menu_items[i];
+ if (!e_elm[2] || e_elm[2](elm, ref)) {
+ var e_row = document.createElement('TR');
+ var e_col = document.createElement('TD');
+ $(e_col).html(e_elm[0])
+ .bind('mouseover', ref.item_onmouseover)
+ .bind('mouseout', ref.item_onmouseout)
+ .bind('click', function() { return e_elm[1](elm, ref) });
+ e_row.appendChild(e_col);
+ list.appendChild(e_row);
loop = null;
//Close button
- if(this.use_close_btn) {
- AJS.ACN(list, this.createCloseButton(this.hideErrorWindow));
+ if (this.use_close_btn) {
+ list.appendChild(this.createCloseButton(this.hideErrorWindow));
@@ -2039,154 +543,117 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.showErrorWindow = function(elm, id) {
//Dummy for IE - dropdown bug fix
- if(AJS.isIe() && !this.error_window_iframe) {
- var iframe = AJS.IFRAME({'style': 'position: absolute; z-index: 0;'});
- AJS.ACN(AJS.getBody(), iframe);
- this.error_window_iframe = iframe;
- }
- if(AJS.isIe()) {
- var iframe = this.error_window_iframe;
- AJS.setTop(iframe, this.error_window.offsetTop);
- AJS.setLeft(iframe, this.error_window.offsetLeft);
- AJS.setWidth(iframe, this.error_window.offsetWidth);
- AJS.setHeight(iframe, this.error_window.offsetHeight);
- = "visible";
+ if ($.browser.msie) {
+ if (!this.error_window_iframe) {
+ var iframe = $('<iframe>').css('position', 'absolute').css('z-index', 0);
+ $('body').append(iframe);
+ this.error_window_iframe = iframe;
+ }
+ $(this.error_window_iframe).css({'visibility': 'visible',
+ 'top': this.error_window.offsetTop, 'left': this.error_window.offsetLeft,
+ 'width': this.error_window.offsetWidth, 'height': this.error_window.offsetHeight});
- //Set focus on the last element
- var link = this.createFocusLink('link');
- list.appendChild(AJS.TR(AJS.TD({'style': 'text-align: right; font-size: 1px; height: 1px; margin: 0; padding: 0;'}, link)));
- link.focus();
// Edit layer (the layer where the suggestions are stored)
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createEditLayer = function(width, height) {
- this.edit_layer = AJS.DIV({'class': 'googie_edit_layer'});
+this.createEditLayer = function(width, height) {
+ this.edit_layer = document.createElement('DIV');
+ $(this.edit_layer).addClass('googie_edit_layer').width(width-10).height(height);
- //Set the style so it looks like edit areas
- this.edit_layer.className = this.text_area.className;
- = "1px solid #999";
- = "#F1EDFE"; // modified by roundcube
- = "3px";
- = "0px";
- AJS.setWidth(this.edit_layer, (width-8));
- if(AJS.nodeName(this.text_area) != "input" || this.getValue(this.text_area) == "") {
- = "auto";
- AJS.setHeight(this.edit_layer, (height-6));
- }
- else {
- = "hidden";
+ if (this.text_area.nodeName != 'INPUT' || $(this.text_area).val() == '') {
+ $(this.edit_layer).css('overflow', 'auto').height(height-4);
+ } else {
+ $(this.edit_layer).css('overflow', 'hidden');
- if(this.edit_layer_dbl_click) {
- var me = this;
- var fn = function(e) {
- if(AJS.getEventElm(e).className != "googie_link" && !me.isErrorWindowShown()) {
- me.resumeEditing();
+ var ref = this;
+ if (this.edit_layer_dbl_click) {
+ $(this.edit_layer).bind('click', function(e) {
+ if ( != 'googie_link' && !ref.isErrorWindowShown()) {
+ ref.resumeEditing();
var fn1 = function() {
- me.text_area.focus();
+ $(ref.text_area).focus();
fn1 = null;
- AJS.callLater(fn1, 10);
+ window.setTimeout(fn1, 10);
return false;
- };
- this.edit_layer.ondblclick = fn;
- fn = null;
+ });
-GoogieSpell.prototype.resumeEditing = function() {
- this.setStateChanged("spell_check");
- = "inline";
+this.resumeEditing = function() {
+ this.setStateChanged('ready');
- if(this.edit_layer)
+ if (this.edit_layer)
this.el_scroll_top = this.edit_layer.scrollTop;
- if(this.main_controller)
- this.spell_span.className = "googie_no_style";
+ if (this.main_controller)
+ $(this.spell_span).removeClass().addClass('googie_no_style');
- if(!this.ignore) {
- //Remove the EDIT_LAYER
- try {
- this.edit_layer.parentNode.removeChild(this.edit_layer);
- if(this.use_focus) {
- AJS.removeElement(this.focus_link_t);
- AJS.removeElement(this.focus_link_b);
- }
- }
- catch(e) {
+ if (!this.ignore) {
+ if (this.use_focus) {
+ $(this.focus_link_t).remove();
+ $(this.focus_link_b).remove();
- AJS.showElement(this.text_area);
+ $(this.edit_layer).remove();
+ $(this.text_area).show();
- if(this.el_scroll_top != undefined)
+ if (this.el_scroll_top != undefined)
this.text_area.scrollTop = this.el_scroll_top;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createErrorLink = function(text, id) {
- var elm = AJS.SPAN({'class': 'googie_link'});
- var me = this;
+this.createErrorLink = function(text, id) {
+ var elm = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ var ref = this;
var d = function (e) {
- me.showErrorWindow(elm, id);
- d = null;
- return false;
+ ref.showErrorWindow(elm, id);
+ d = null;
+ return false;
- AJS.AEV(elm, "click", d);
+ $(elm).html(text).addClass('googie_link').bind('click', d)
+ .attr({'googie_action_btn' : '1', 'g_id' : id, 'is_corrected' : false});
- elm.googie_action_btn = "1";
- elm.g_id = id;
- elm.is_corrected = false;
- elm.oncontextmenu = d;
- elm.innerHTML = text;
return elm;
-GoogieSpell.createPart = function(txt_part) {
- if(txt_part == " ")
- return AJS.TN(" ");
- var result = AJS.SPAN();
- var is_first = true;
- var is_safari = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari") != -1);
+this.createPart = function(txt_part) {
+ if (txt_part == " ")
+ return document.createTextNode(" ");
- var part = AJS.SPAN();
- txt_part = GoogieSpell.escapeSepcial(txt_part);
+ txt_part = this.escapeSpecial(txt_part);
txt_part = txt_part.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
txt_part = txt_part.replace(/ /g, " &nbsp;");
txt_part = txt_part.replace(/^ /g, "&nbsp;");
txt_part = txt_part.replace(/ $/g, "&nbsp;");
- part.innerHTML = txt_part;
- return part;
+ var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ $(span).html(txt_part);
+ return span;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.showErrorsInIframe = function() {
- var output = AJS.DIV();
- = "left";
+this.showErrorsInIframe = function() {
+ var output = document.createElement('DIV')
var pointer = 0;
var results = this.results;
- if(results.length > 0) {
- for(var i=0; i < results.length; i++) {
+ if (results.length > 0) {
+ for (var i=0; i < results.length; i++) {
var offset = results[i]['attrs']['o'];
var len = results[i]['attrs']['l'];
var part_1_text = this.orginal_text.substring(pointer, offset);
- var part_1 = GoogieSpell.createPart(part_1_text);
+ var part_1 = this.createPart(part_1_text);
pointer += offset - pointer;
@@ -2198,96 +665,90 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.showErrorsInIframe = function() {
//Insert the rest of the orginal text
var part_2_text = this.orginal_text.substr(pointer, this.orginal_text.length);
+ var part_2 = this.createPart(part_2_text);
- var part_2 = GoogieSpell.createPart(part_2_text);
output.innerHTML = this.orginal_text;
+ $(output).css('text-align', 'left');
var me = this;
- if(this.custom_item_evaulator)
-, function(elm){me.custom_item_evaulator(me, elm)});
+ if (this.custom_item_evaulator)
+ $.map(this.error_links, function(elm){me.custom_item_evaulator(me, elm)});
- AJS.ACN(this.edit_layer, output);
- //Hide text area
- this.text_area_bottom = this.text_area.offsetTop + this.text_area.offsetHeight;
- AJS.hideElement(this.text_area);
+ $(this.edit_layer).append(output);
- AJS.insertBefore(this.edit_layer, this.text_area);
+ //Hide text area and show edit layer
+ $(this.text_area).hide();
+ $(this.edit_layer).insertBefore(this.text_area);
- if(this.use_focus) {
+ if (this.use_focus) {
this.focus_link_t = this.createFocusLink('focus_t');
this.focus_link_b = this.createFocusLink('focus_b');
- AJS.insertBefore(this.focus_link_t, this.edit_layer);
- AJS.insertAfter(this.focus_link_b, this.edit_layer);
+ $(this.focus_link_t).insertBefore(this.edit_layer);
+ $(this.focus_link_b).insertAfter(this.edit_layer);
- this.edit_layer.scrollTop = this.ta_scroll_top;
+// this.edit_layer.scrollTop = this.ta_scroll_top;
// Choose language menu
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createLangWindow = function() {
- this.language_window = AJS.DIV({'class': 'googie_window'});
- AJS.setWidth(this.language_window, 100);
- this.language_window.googie_action_btn = "1";
+this.createLangWindow = function() {
+ this.language_window = document.createElement('DIV');
+ $(this.language_window).addClass('googie_window')
+ .width(100).attr('googie_action_btn', '1');
//Build up the result list
- var table = AJS.TABLE({'class': 'googie_list'});
- AJS.setWidth(table, "100%");
- var list = AJS.TBODY();
+ var table = document.createElement('TABLE');
+ var list = document.createElement('TBODY');
+ var ref = this;
+ $(table).addClass('googie_list').width('100%');
this.lang_elms = new Array();
- for(i=0; i < this.langlist_codes.length; i++) {
- var row = AJS.TR();
- var item = AJS.TD();
- item.googieId = this.langlist_codes[i];
+ for (i=0; i < this.langlist_codes.length; i++) {
+ var row = document.createElement('TR');
+ var item = document.createElement('TD');
+ var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ $(span).text(this.lang_to_word[this.langlist_codes[i]]);
- var lang_span = AJS.SPAN();
- lang_span.innerHTML = this.lang_to_word[this.langlist_codes[i]];
- item.appendChild(AJS.TN(lang_span.innerHTML));
- var fn = function(e) {
- var elm = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- this.deHighlightCurSel();
- this.setCurrentLanguage(elm.googieId);
- if(this.lang_state_observer != null) {
- this.lang_state_observer();
- }
- this.highlightCurSel();
- this.hideLangWindow();
- };
- AJS.AEV(item, "click", AJS.$b(fn, this));
- item.onmouseover = function(e) {
- var i_it = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- if(i_it.className != "googie_list_selected")
- i_it.className = "googie_list_onhover";
- };
- item.onmouseout = function(e) {
- var i_it = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- if(i_it.className != "googie_list_selected")
- i_it.className = "googie_list_onout";
- };
+ $(item).attr('googieId', this.langlist_codes[i])
+ .bind('click', function(e) {
+ ref.deHighlightCurSel();
+ ref.setCurrentLanguage($(this).attr('googieId'));
+ if (ref.lang_state_observer != null) {
+ ref.lang_state_observer();
+ }
+ ref.highlightCurSel();
+ ref.hideLangWindow();
+ })
+ .bind('mouseover', function(e) {
+ if (this.className != "googie_list_selected")
+ this.className = "googie_list_onhover";
+ })
+ .bind('mouseout', function(e) {
+ if (this.className != "googie_list_selected")
+ this.className = "googie_list_onout";
+ });
+ item.appendChild(span);
//Close button
- if(this.use_close_btn) {
- list.appendChild(this.createCloseButton(this.hideLangWindow));
+ if (this.use_close_btn) {
+ list.appendChild(this.createCloseButton(function () { ref.hideLangWindow.apply(ref) }));
@@ -2296,36 +757,24 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.createLangWindow = function() {
-GoogieSpell.prototype.setCurrentLanguage = function(lan_code) {
- GOOGIE_CUR_LANG = lan_code;
- //Set cookie
- var now = new Date();
- now.setTime(now.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
- setCookie('language', lan_code, now);
+this.isLangWindowShown = function() {
+ return $(this.language_window).is(':hidden');
-GoogieSpell.prototype.isLangWindowShown = function() {
- return this.language_window != null && == "visible";
-GoogieSpell.prototype.hideLangWindow = function() {
- try {
- = "hidden";
- this.switch_lan_pic.className = "googie_lang_3d_on";
- }
- catch(e) {}
+this.hideLangWindow = function() {
+ $(this.language_window).css('visibility', 'hidden');
+ $(this.switch_lan_pic).removeClass().addClass('googie_lang_3d_on');
-GoogieSpell.prototype.deHighlightCurSel = function() {
- this.lang_cur_elm.className = "googie_list_onout";
+this.deHighlightCurSel = function() {
+ $(this.lang_cur_elm).removeClass().addClass('googie_list_onout');
-GoogieSpell.prototype.highlightCurSel = function() {
- if(GOOGIE_CUR_LANG == null)
+this.highlightCurSel = function() {
+ if (GOOGIE_CUR_LANG == null)
- for(var i=0; i < this.lang_elms.length; i++) {
- if(this.lang_elms[i].googieId == GOOGIE_CUR_LANG) {
+ for (var i=0; i < this.lang_elms.length; i++) {
+ if ($(this.lang_elms[i]).attr('googieId') == GOOGIE_CUR_LANG) {
this.lang_elms[i].className = "googie_list_selected";
this.lang_cur_elm = this.lang_elms[i];
@@ -2335,219 +784,223 @@ GoogieSpell.prototype.highlightCurSel = function() {
-GoogieSpell.prototype.showLangWindow = function(elm, ofst_top, ofst_left) {
- if(this.show_menu_observer)
+this.showLangWindow = function(elm) {
+ if (this.show_menu_observer)
- if(!AJS.isDefined(ofst_top))
- ofst_top = 18; // modified by roundcube
- if(!AJS.isDefined(ofst_left))
- ofst_left = 22; // modified by roundcube
- AJS.getBody().appendChild(this.language_window);
+ $('body').append(this.language_window);
+ var pos = $(elm).offset();
+ var top = + $(elm).height();
+ var left = this.change_lang_pic_placement == 'right' ?
+ pos.left - 100 + $(elm).width() : pos.left + $(elm).width();
- var abs_pos = AJS.absolutePosition(elm);
- AJS.showElement(this.language_window);
- AJS.setTop(this.language_window, (abs_pos.y+ofst_top));
- AJS.setLeft(this.language_window, (abs_pos.x+ofst_left-this.language_window.offsetWidth));
+ $(this.language_window).css({'visibility': 'visible', 'top' : top+'px','left' : left+'px'});
- = "visible";
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createChangeLangPic = function() {
- var img = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_dir + 'change_lang.gif', 'alt': "Change language"});
- img.googie_action_btn = "1";
- var switch_lan = AJS.SPAN({'class': 'googie_lang_3d_on', 'style': 'padding-left: 6px;'}, img);
- var fn = function(e) {
- var elm = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- if(AJS.nodeName(elm) == 'img')
- elm = elm.parentNode;
- if(elm.className == "googie_lang_3d_click") {
- elm.className = "googie_lang_3d_on";
- this.hideLangWindow();
- }
- else {
- elm.className = "googie_lang_3d_click";
- this.showLangWindow(switch_lan);
- }
- }
+this.createChangeLangPic = function() {
+ var img = $('<img>')
+ .attr({src: this.img_dir + 'change_lang.gif', 'alt': 'Change language', 'googie_action_btn': '1'});
+ var switch_lan = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ var ref = this;
+ $(switch_lan).addClass('googie_lang_3d_on')
+ .append(img)
+ .bind('click', function(e) {
+ var elm = this.tagName == 'IMG' ? this.parentNode : this;
+ if($(elm).hasClass('googie_lang_3d_click')) {
+ elm.className = 'googie_lang_3d_on';
+ ref.hideLangWindow();
+ }
+ else {
+ elm.className = 'googie_lang_3d_click';
+ ref.showLangWindow(elm);
+ }
+ });
- AJS.AEV(switch_lan, "click", AJS.$b(fn, this));
return switch_lan;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createSpellDiv = function() {
- var chk_spell = AJS.SPAN({'class': 'googie_check_spelling_link'});
+this.createSpellDiv = function() {
+ var span = document.createElement('SPAN');
- chk_spell.innerHTML = this.lang_chck_spell;
- var spell_img = null;
- if(this.show_spell_img)
- spell_img = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_dir + "spellc.gif"});
- return AJS.SPAN(spell_img, " ", chk_spell);
+ $(span).addClass('googie_check_spelling_link').text(this.lang_chck_spell);
+ if (this.show_spell_img) {
+ $(span).append(' ').append($('<img>').attr('src', this.img_dir + 'spellc.gif'));
+ }
+ return span;
// State functions
-GoogieSpell.prototype.flashNoSpellingErrorState = function(on_finish) {
- var no_spell_errors;
- if(on_finish) {
- var fn = function() {
- on_finish();
- this.checkSpellingState();
- };
- no_spell_errors = fn;
- }
- else
- no_spell_errors = this.checkSpellingState;
- this.setStateChanged("no_error_found");
- if(this.main_controller) {
- AJS.hideElement(this.switch_lan_pic);
- var dummy = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_dir + "blank.gif", 'style': 'height: 16px; width: 1px;'});
- var rsm = AJS.SPAN();
- rsm.innerHTML = this.lang_no_error_found;
- AJS.RCN(this.spell_span, AJS.SPAN(dummy, rsm));
- this.spell_span.className = "googie_check_spelling_ok";
- = "none";
- = "default";
+this.flashNoSpellingErrorState = function(on_finish) {
+ this.setStateChanged('no_error_found');
+ var ref = this;
+ if (this.main_controller) {
+ var no_spell_errors;
+ if (on_finish) {
+ var fn = function() {
+ on_finish();
+ ref.checkSpellingState();
+ };
+ no_spell_errors = fn;
+ }
+ else
+ no_spell_errors = function () { ref.checkSpellingState() };
+ var rsm = $('<span>').text(this.lang_no_error_found);
+ $(this.switch_lan_pic).hide();
+ $(this.spell_span).empty().append(rsm)
+ .removeClass().addClass('googie_check_spelling_ok');
- AJS.callLater(AJS.$b(no_spell_errors, this), 1200, [false]);
+ window.setTimeout(no_spell_errors, 1000);
-GoogieSpell.prototype.resumeEditingState = function() {
- this.setStateChanged("resume_editing");
+this.resumeEditingState = function() {
+ this.setStateChanged('resume_editing');
//Change link text to resume
- if(this.main_controller) {
- AJS.hideElement(this.switch_lan_pic);
- var dummy = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_dir + "blank.gif", 'style': 'height: 16px; width: 1px;'});
- var rsm = AJS.SPAN();
- rsm.innerHTML = this.lang_rsm_edt;
- AJS.RCN(this.spell_span, AJS.SPAN(dummy, rsm));
- var fn = function(e) {
- this.resumeEditing();
- }
- this.spell_span.onclick = AJS.$b(fn, this);
+ if (this.main_controller) {
+ var rsm = $('<span>').text(this.lang_rsm_edt);
+ var ref = this;
- this.spell_span.className = "googie_resume_editing";
+ $(this.switch_lan_pic).hide();
+ $(this.spell_span).empty().unbind().append(rsm)
+ .bind('click', function() { ref.resumeEditing() })
+ .removeClass().addClass('googie_resume_editing');
try { this.edit_layer.scrollTop = this.ta_scroll_top; }
- catch(e) { }
+ catch (e) {};
-GoogieSpell.prototype.checkSpellingState = function(fire) {
- if(!AJS.isDefined(fire) || fire)
- this.setStateChanged("spell_check");
+this.checkSpellingState = function(fire) {
+ if (fire)
+ this.setStateChanged('ready');
- if(this.show_change_lang_pic)
+ if (this.show_change_lang_pic)
this.switch_lan_pic = this.createChangeLangPic();
- this.switch_lan_pic = AJS.SPAN();
+ this.switch_lan_pic = document.createElement('SPAN');
var span_chck = this.createSpellDiv();
- var fn = function() {
- this.spellCheck();
- };
+ var ref = this;
- if(this.custom_spellcheck_starter)
- span_chck.onclick = this.custom_spellcheck_starter;
+ if (this.custom_spellcheck_starter)
+ $(span_chck).bind('click', function(e) { ref.custom_spellcheck_starter() });
else {
- span_chck.onclick = AJS.$b(fn, this);
+ $(span_chck).bind('click', function(e) { ref.spellCheck() });
- this.spell_span = span_chck;
- if(this.main_controller) {
- if(this.change_lang_pic_placement == "left")
- AJS.RCN(this.spell_container, span_chck, " ", this.switch_lan_pic);
- else
- AJS.RCN(this.spell_container, this.switch_lan_pic, " ", span_chck);
+ if (this.main_controller) {
+ if (this.change_lang_pic_placement == 'left') {
+ $(this.spell_container).empty().append(this.switch_lan_pic).append(' ').append(span_chck);
+ } else {
+ $(this.spell_container).empty().append(span_chck).append(' ').append(this.switch_lan_pic);
+ }
- // modified by roundcube
- this.check_link = span_chck;
+ this.spell_span = span_chck;
// Misc. functions
-GoogieSpell.item_onmouseover = function(e) {
- var elm = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- if(elm.className != "googie_list_revert" && elm.className != "googie_list_close")
- elm.className = "googie_list_onhover";
- else
- elm.parentNode.className = "googie_list_onhover";
-GoogieSpell.item_onmouseout = function(e) {
- var elm = AJS.getEventElm(e);
- if(elm.className != "googie_list_revert" && elm.className != "googie_list_close")
- elm.className = "googie_list_onout";
- else
- elm.parentNode.className = "googie_list_onout";
+this.isDefined = function(o) {
+ return (o != 'undefined' && o != null)
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createCloseButton = function(c_fn) {
- return this.createButton(this.lang_close, 'googie_list_close', AJS.$b(c_fn, this));
+this.errorFixed = function() {
+ this.cnt_errors_fixed++;
+ if (this.all_errors_fixed_observer)
+ if (this.cnt_errors_fixed == this.cnt_errors) {
+ this.hideErrorWindow();
+ this.all_errors_fixed_observer();
+ }
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createButton = function(name, css_class, c_fn) {
- var btn_row = AJS.TR();
- var btn = AJS.TD();
+this.errorFound = function() {
+ this.cnt_errors++;
- btn.onmouseover = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseover;
- btn.onmouseout = GoogieSpell.item_onmouseout;
+this.createCloseButton = function(c_fn) {
+ return this.createButton(this.lang_close, 'googie_list_close', c_fn);
+this.createButton = function(name, css_class, c_fn) {
+ var btn_row = document.createElement('TR');
+ var btn = document.createElement('TD');
var spn_btn;
- if(css_class != "") {
- spn_btn = AJS.SPAN({'class': css_class});
- spn_btn.innerHTML = name;
- }
- else {
- spn_btn = AJS.TN(name);
+ if (css_class) {
+ spn_btn = document.createElement('SPAN');
+ $(spn_btn).addClass(css_class).html(name);
+ } else {
+ spn_btn = document.createTextNode(name);
+ $(btn).bind('click', c_fn)
+ .bind('mouseover', this.item_onmouseover)
+ .bind('mouseout', this.item_onmouseout);
- AJS.AEV(btn, "click", c_fn);
return btn_row;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.removeIndicator = function(elm) {
- // modified by roundcube
+this.removeIndicator = function(elm) {
+ //$(this.indicator).remove();
+ // roundcube mod.
if (window.rcmail)
- rcmail.set_busy(false);
- //try { AJS.removeElement(this.indicator); }
- //catch(e) {}
+ rcmail.set_busy(false);
-GoogieSpell.prototype.appendIndicator = function(elm) {
+this.appendIndicator = function(elm) {
// modified by roundcube
if (window.rcmail)
- rcmail.set_busy(true, 'checking');
- /*
- var img = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_dir + 'indicator.gif', 'style': 'margin-right: 5px;'});
- AJS.setWidth(img, 16);
- AJS.setHeight(img, 16);
- this.indicator = img;
- = "none";
- try {
- AJS.insertBefore(img, elm);
- }
- catch(e) {}
- */
+ rcmail.set_busy(true, 'checking');
+ this.indicator = document.createElement('IMG');
+ $(this.indicator).attr('src', this.img_dir + 'indicator.gif')
+ .css({'margin-right': '5px', 'text-decoration': 'none'}).width(16).height(16);
+ if (elm)
+ $(this.indicator).insertBefore(elm);
+ else
+ $('body').append(this.indicator);
+this.createFocusLink = function(name) {
+ var link = document.createElement('A');
+ $(link).attr({'href': 'javascript:;', 'name': name});
+ return link;
-GoogieSpell.prototype.createFocusLink = function(name) {
- return AJS.A({'href': 'javascript:;', name: name});
+this.item_onmouseover = function(e) {
+ if (this.className != "googie_list_revert" && this.className != "googie_list_close")
+ this.className = "googie_list_onhover";
+ else
+ this.parentNode.className = "googie_list_onhover";
+this.item_onmouseout = function(e) {
+ if (this.className != "googie_list_revert" && this.className != "googie_list_close")
+ this.className = "googie_list_onout";
+ else
+ this.parentNode.className = "googie_list_onout";