path: root/program/js/tiny_mce/langs/sq.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/tiny_mce/langs/sq.js')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/langs/sq.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/langs/sq.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9837ac060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/langs/sq.js
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+edit_confirm:"Doni t\u00EB p\u00EBrdorni m\u00EBnyr\u00EBn WYSIWYG p\u00EBr k\u00EBt\u00EB tekst?",
+not_set:"-- pa v\u00EBn\u00EB --",
+clipboard_msg:"Kopja/Prerja/Ngjitja nuk suportohen n\u00EB Mozilla dhe Firefox.\nD\u00EBshironi m\u00EB shum\u00EB informacione p\u00EBr k\u00EBt\u00EB \u00E7\u00EBshtje?",
+clipboard_no_support:"Aktualisht nuk suportohet nga Shfletuesi juaj, p\u00EBrdorni tastjer\u00EBn.",
+popup_blocked:"Ju k\u00EBrkojm\u00EB ndjes\u00EB, por bllokuesi i popup-eve ka bllokuar nj\u00EB dritare q\u00EB ofron funksjonalitet p\u00EBr programin. Duhet t'a \u00E7aktivizoni bllokuesin e popup-eve n\u00EB m\u00EBnyr\u00EB q\u00EB t'i p\u00EBrdorni opsionet.",
+invalid_data:"Gabim: Keni futur vlera t\u00EB pavlefshme, t\u00EB cilat jan\u00EB sh\u00EBnuar me t\u00EB kuqe.",
+more_colors:"M\u00EB shum\u00EB ngjyra"
+full:"I Plot\u00EB"
+insertdate_desc:"Fut dat\u00EBn",
+inserttime_desc:"Fut or\u00EBn",
+day_long:"E Djel\u00EB,E H\u00EBn\u00EB,E Mart\u00EB,E M\u00EBrkur\u00EB,E Enjte,E Premte,E Shtun\u00EB,E Djel\u00EB",
+ltr_desc:"Drejtimi majtas-djathtas",
+rtl_desc:"Drejtimi djathtas-majtas"
+insertlayer_desc:"Fut shtres\u00EB t\u00EB re",
+forward_desc:"L\u00EBviz para",
+backward_desc:"L\u00EBviz prapa",
+absolute_desc:"Aktivizo/\u00E7aktivizo pozicionimin absolut",
+content:"Shtres\u00EB e re..."
+cancel_desc:"Anuloji t\u00EB gjitha ndryshimet"
+nonbreaking_desc:"Fut hap\u00EBsir\u00EB"
+iespell_desc:"Kontrollo p\u00EBr gabime drejt\u00EBshkrimore",
+download:"ieSpell nuk u detektua. D\u00EBshironi ta instaloni?"
+advhr_desc:"Linj\u00EB horizontale"
+image_desc:"Fut/edito foto"
+link_desc:"Fut/edito lidhje"
+attribs_desc:"Fut/Edito Tipare"
+desc:"Edito Stilet CSS"
+paste_text_desc:"Ngjit si Tekst",
+paste_word_desc:"Ngjit nga Word",
+selectall_desc:"Zgjidhi t\u00EB gjitha",
+plaintext_mode_sticky:"Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode. After you paste something you will be returned to regular paste mode.",
+plaintext_mode:"Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode."
+text_title:"P\u00EBrdor CTRL+V p\u00EBr t\u00EB ngjitur tekstin.",
+text_linebreaks:"Ruaj linjat e reja",
+word_title:"P\u00EBrdor CTRL+V p\u00EBr t\u00EB ngjitur tekstin."
+desc:"Fut nj\u00EB tabel\u00EB t\u00EB re",
+row_before_desc:"Fut rresht p\u00EBrpara",
+row_after_desc:"Fut rresht pas",
+delete_row_desc:"Fshi rreshtin",
+col_before_desc:"Fut kolon\u00EB p\u00EBrpara",
+col_after_desc:"Fut kolon\u00EB pas",
+delete_col_desc:"Fshi kolon\u00EBn",
+split_cells_desc:"Ndaji qelizat e bashkuara",
+merge_cells_desc:"Bashkoji qelizat",
+row_desc:"Tiparet e rreshtit",
+cell_desc:"Tiparet e qeliz\u00EBs",
+props_desc:"Tiparet e tabel\u00EBs",
+paste_row_before_desc:"Ngjite rreshtin p\u00EBrpara",
+paste_row_after_desc:"Ngjite rreshtin pas",
+cut_row_desc:"Prit rreshtin",
+copy_row_desc:"Kopjo rreshtin",
+del:"Fshi tabel\u00EBn",
+unload_msg:"Ndryshimet q\u00EB keni b\u00EBr\u00EB do t\u00EB humbasin n\u00EBse largoheni nga kjo faqe.",
+restore_content:"Restore auto-saved content.",
+warning_message:"If you restore the saved content, you will lose all the content that is currently in the editor.\n\nAre you sure you want to restore the saved content?."
+desc:"Aktivizo/\u00E7aktivizo pamjen e plot\u00EB"
+desc:"Fut / edito media",
+edit:"Edito media"
+desc:"Tiparet e dokumentit"
+desc:"Fut p\u00EBrmbajtje shabllon"
+desc:"Karakteret e kontrollit vizual: on/off."
+desc:"Aktivizo/\u00E7aktivizo kontrolluesin e gabimeve",
+menu:"Tiparet e kontrolluesit t\u00EB gabimeve",
+ignore_word:"Injoro fjal\u00EBn",
+ignore_words:"Injoroji t\u00EB gjitha",
+wait:"Ju lutem prisni...",
+no_sug:"Asnj\u00EB sygjerim",
+no_mpell:"Nuk u gjet asnj\u00EB gabim."
+desc:"Fut thyerje faqeje."
+lower_alpha:"Lower alpha",
+lower_greek:"Lower greek",
+lower_roman:"Lower roman",
+upper_alpha:"Upper alpha",
+upper_roman:"Upper roman",
+}}}); \ No newline at end of file