path: root/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x')
2 files changed, 614 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x/editor_plugin.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x/editor_plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..090c94b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x/editor_plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(function(){var DOM=tinymce.DOM,Event=tinymce.dom.Event,each=tinymce.each,;tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Compat2x',{getInfo:function(){return{longname:'Compat2x',author:'Moxiecode Systems AB',authorurl:'',infourl:'',version:tinyMCE.majorVersion+"."+tinyMCE.minorVersion};}});(function(){tinymce.extend(tinyMCE,{addToLang:function(p,l){each(l,function(v,k){tinyMCE.i18n[(tinyMCE.settings.language||'en')+'.'+(p?p+'_':'')+k]=v;});},getInstanceById:function(n){return this.get(n);}});})();(function(){var EditorManager=tinymce.EditorManager;tinyMCE.instances={};tinyMCE.plugins={};tinymce.PluginManager.onAdd.add(function(pm,n,p){tinyMCE.plugins[n]=p;});tinyMCE.majorVersion=tinymce.majorVersion;tinyMCE.minorVersion=tinymce.minorVersion;tinyMCE.releaseDate=tinymce.releaseDate;tinyMCE.baseURL=tinymce.baseURL;tinyMCE.isIE=tinyMCE.isMSIE=tinymce.isIE||tinymce.isOpera;tinyMCE.isMSIE5=tinymce.isIE;tinyMCE.isMSIE5_0=tinymce.isIE;tinyMCE.isMSIE7=tinymce.isIE;tinyMCE.isGecko=tinymce.isGecko;tinyMCE.isSafari=tinymce.isWebKit;tinyMCE.isOpera=tinymce.isOpera;tinyMCE.isMac=false;tinyMCE.isNS7=false;tinyMCE.isNS71=false;tinyMCE.compat=true;TinyMCE_Engine=tinyMCE;tinymce.extend(tinyMCE,{getParam:function(n,dv){return this.activeEditor.getParam(n,dv);},addEvent:function(e,na,f,sc){tinymce.dom.Event.add(e,na,f,sc||this);},getControlHTML:function(n){return EditorManager.activeEditor.controlManager.createControl(n);},loadCSS:function(u){tinymce.DOM.loadCSS(u);},importCSS:function(doc,u){if(doc==document)this.loadCSS(u);else new tinymce.dom.DOMUtils(doc).loadCSS(u);},log:function(){console.debug.apply(console,arguments);},getLang:function(n,dv){var v=EditorManager.activeEditor.getLang(n.replace(/^lang_/g,''),dv);if(/^[0-9\-.]+$/g.test(v))return parseInt(v);return v;},isInstance:function(o){return o!=null&&typeof(o)=="object"&&o.execCommand;},triggerNodeChange:function(){EditorManager.activeEditor.nodeChanged();},regexpReplace:function(in_str,reg_exp,replace_str,opts){var re;if(in_str==null)return in_str;if(typeof(opts)=="undefined")opts='g';re=new RegExp(reg_exp,opts);return in_str.replace(re,replace_str);},trim:function(s){return tinymce.trim(s);},xmlEncode:function(s){return tinymce.DOM.encode(s);},explode:function(s,d){var o=[];tinymce.each(s.split(d),function(v){if(v!='')o.push(v);});return o;},switchClass:function(id,cls){var b;if(/^mceButton/.test(cls)){b=EditorManager.activeEditor.controlManager.get(id);if(!b)return;switch(cls){case"mceButtonNormal":b.setDisabled(false);b.setActive(false);return;case"mceButtonDisabled":b.setDisabled(true);return;case"mceButtonSelected":b.setActive(true);b.setDisabled(false);return;}}},addCSSClass:function(e,n,b){return tinymce.DOM.addClass(e,n,b);},hasCSSClass:function(e,n){return tinymce.DOM.hasClass(e,n);},removeCSSClass:function(e,n){return tinymce.DOM.removeClass(e,n);},getCSSClasses:function(){var cl=EditorManager.activeEditor.dom.getClasses(),o=[];each(cl,function(c){o.push(c['class']);});return o;},setWindowArg:function(n,v){EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager.params[n]=v;},getWindowArg:function(n,dv){var wm=EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager,v;v=wm.getParam(n);if(v==='')return'';return v||wm.getFeature(n)||dv;},getParentNode:function(n,f){return this._getDOM().getParent(n,f);},selectElements:function(n,na,f){var i,a=[],nl,x;for(x=0,na=na.split(',');x<na.length;x++)for(i=0,nl=n.getElementsByTagName(na[x]);i<nl.length;i++)(!f||f(nl[i]))&&a.push(nl[i]);return a;},getNodeTree:function(n,na,t,nn){return this.selectNodes(n,function(n){return(!t||n.nodeType==t)&&(!nn||n.nodeName==nn);},na?na:[]);},getAttrib:function(e,n,dv){return this._getDOM().getAttrib(e,n,dv);},setAttrib:function(e,n,v){return this._getDOM().setAttrib(e,n,v);},getElementsByAttributeValue:function(n,e,a,v){var i,nl=n.getElementsByTagName(e),o=[];for(i=0;i<nl.length;i++){if(tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i],a).indexOf(v)!=-1)o[o.length]=nl[i];}return o;},selectNodes:function(n,f,a){var i;if(!a)a=[];if(f(n))a[a.length]=n;if(n.hasChildNodes()){for(i=0;i<n.childNodes.length;i++)tinyMCE.selectNodes(n.childNodes[i],f,a);}return a;},getContent:function(){return EditorManager.activeEditor.getContent();},getParentElement:function(n,na,f){if(na)na=new RegExp('^('+na.toUpperCase().replace(/,/g,'|')+')$','g');return this._getDOM().getParent(n,function(n){return n.nodeType==1&&(!na||na.test(n.nodeName))&&(!f||f(n));},this.activeEditor.getBody());},importPluginLanguagePack:function(n){tinymce.PluginManager.requireLangPack(n);},getButtonHTML:function(cn,lang,img,c,u,v){var ed=EditorManager.activeEditor;img=img.replace(/\{\$pluginurl\}/g,tinyMCE.pluginURL);img=img.replace(/\{\$themeurl\}/g,tinyMCE.themeURL);lang=lang.replace(/^lang_/g,'');return ed.controlManager.createButton(cn,{title:lang,command:c,ui:u,value:v,scope:this,'class':'compat',image:img});},addSelectAccessibility:function(e,s,w){if(!s._isAccessible){s.onkeydown=tinyMCE.accessibleEventHandler;s.onblur=tinyMCE.accessibleEventHandler;s._isAccessible=true;s._win=w;}return false;},accessibleEventHandler:function(e){var elm,win=this._win;e=tinymce.isIE?win.event:e;elm=tinymce.isIE?;if(e.type=="blur"){if(elm.oldonchange){elm.onchange=elm.oldonchange;elm.oldonchange=null;}return true;}if(elm.nodeName=="SELECT"&&!elm.oldonchange){elm.oldonchange=elm.onchange;elm.onchange=null;}if(e.keyCode==13||e.keyCode==32){elm.onchange=elm.oldonchange;elm.onchange();elm.oldonchange=null;tinyMCE.cancelEvent(e);return false;}return true;},cancelEvent:function(e){return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e);},handleVisualAid:function(e){EditorManager.activeEditor.addVisual(e);},getAbsPosition:function(n,r){return tinymce.DOM.getPos(n,r);},cleanupEventStr:function(s){s=""+s;s=s.replace('function anonymous()\n{\n','');s=s.replace('\n}','');s=s.replace(/^return true;/gi,'');return s;},getVisualAidClass:function(s){return s;},parseStyle:function(s){return this._getDOM().parseStyle(s);},serializeStyle:function(s){return this._getDOM().serializeStyle(s);},openWindow:function(tpl,args){var ed=EditorManager.activeEditor,o={},n;for(n in tpl)o[n]=tpl[n];tpl=o;args=args||{};tpl.url=new tinymce.util.URI(tinymce.ThemeManager.themeURLs[ed.settings.theme]).toAbsolute(tpl.file);tpl.inline=tpl.inline||args.inline;,args);},closeWindow:function(win){EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager.close(win);},getOuterHTML:function(e){return tinymce.DOM.getOuterHTML(e);},setOuterHTML:function(e,h,d){return tinymce.DOM.setOuterHTML(e,h,d);},hasPlugin:function(n){return tinymce.PluginManager.get(n)!=null;},_setEventsEnabled:function(){},addPlugin:function(pn,f){var t=this;function PluginWrapper(ed){tinyMCE.selectedInstance=ed;ed.onInit.add(function(){t.settings=ed.settings;t.settings['base_href']=tinyMCE.documentBasePath;tinyMCE.settings=t.settings;tinyMCE.documentBasePath=ed.documentBasePath;if(f.initInstance)f.initInstance(ed);ed.contentDocument=ed.getDoc();ed.contentWindow=ed.getWin();ed.undoRedo=ed.undoManager;ed.startContent=ed.getContent({format:'raw'});tinyMCE.instances[]=ed;tinyMCE.loadedFiles=[];});ed.onActivate.add(function(){tinyMCE.settings=ed.settings;tinyMCE.selectedInstance=ed;});if(f.handleNodeChange){ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed,cm,n){f.handleNodeChange(,n,0,0,false,!ed.selection.isCollapsed());});}if(f.onChange){ed.onChange.add(function(ed,n){return f.onChange(ed);});}if(f.cleanup){ed.onGetContent.add(function(){});}this.getInfo=function(){return f.getInfo();};this.createControl=function(n){tinyMCE.pluginURL=tinymce.baseURL+'/plugins/'+pn;tinyMCE.themeURL=tinymce.baseURL+'/themes/'+tinyMCE.activeEditor.settings.theme;if(f.getControlHTML)return f.getControlHTML(n);return null;};this.execCommand=function(cmd,ui,val){if(f.execCommand)return f.execCommand(,ed.getBody(),cmd,ui,val);return false;};};tinymce.PluginManager.add(pn,PluginWrapper);},_getDOM:function(){return tinyMCE.activeEditor?tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom:tinymce.DOM;},convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL:function(b,u){return new tinymce.util.URI(b).toAbsolute(u);},convertAbsoluteURLToRelativeURL:function(b,u){return new tinymce.util.URI(b).toRelative(u);}});tinymce.extend(tinymce.Editor.prototype,{getFocusElement:function(){return this.selection.getNode();},getData:function(n){if(![];if(![n])[n]=[];return[n];},hasPlugin:function(n){return this.plugins[n]!=null;},getContainerWin:function(){return window;},getHTML:function(raw){return this.getContent({format:raw?'raw':'html'});},setHTML:function(h){this.setContent(h);},getSel:function(){return this.selection.getSel();},getRng:function(){return this.selection.getRng();},isHidden:function(){var s;if(!tinymce.isGecko)return false;s=this.getSel();return(!s||!s.rangeCount||s.rangeCount==0);},translate:function(s){var c=this.settings.language,o;o=tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c+'.'+s]||s.replace(/{\#([^}]+)\}/g,function(a,b){return tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c+'.'+b]||'{#'+b+'}';});o=o.replace(/{\$lang_([^}]+)\}/g,function(a,b){return tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c+'.'+b]||'{$lang_'+b+'}';});return o;},repaint:function(){this.execCommand('mceRepaint');}});tinymce.extend(tinymce.dom.Selection.prototype,{getSelectedText:function(){return this.getContent({format:'text'});},getSelectedHTML:function(){return this.getContent({format:'html'});},getFocusElement:function(){return this.getNode();},selectNode:function(node,collapse,select_text_node,to_start){var t=this;,select_text_node||0);if(!is(collapse))collapse=true;if(collapse){if(!is(to_start))to_start=true;t.collapse(to_start);}}});}).call(this);tinymce.PluginManager.add('compat2x',tinymce.plugins.Compat2x);})(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x/editor_plugin_src.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x/editor_plugin_src.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afad77c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/compat2x/editor_plugin_src.js
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+ * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 264 2007-04-26 20:53:09Z spocke $
+ *
+ * @author Moxiecode
+ * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
+ */
+(function() {
+ var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, is =;
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Compat2x', {
+ getInfo : function() {
+ return {
+ longname : 'Compat2x',
+ author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
+ authorurl : '',
+ infourl : '',
+ version : tinyMCE.majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE.minorVersion
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ (function() {
+ // Extend tinyMCE/EditorManager
+ tinymce.extend(tinyMCE, {
+ addToLang : function(p, l) {
+ each(l, function(v, k) {
+ tinyMCE.i18n[(tinyMCE.settings.language || 'en') + '.' + (p ? p + '_' : '') + k] = v;
+ });
+ },
+ getInstanceById : function(n) {
+ return this.get(n);
+ }
+ });
+ })();
+ (function() {
+ var EditorManager = tinymce.EditorManager;
+ tinyMCE.instances = {};
+ tinyMCE.plugins = {};
+ tinymce.PluginManager.onAdd.add(function(pm, n, p) {
+ tinyMCE.plugins[n] = p;
+ });
+ tinyMCE.majorVersion = tinymce.majorVersion;
+ tinyMCE.minorVersion = tinymce.minorVersion;
+ tinyMCE.releaseDate = tinymce.releaseDate;
+ tinyMCE.baseURL = tinymce.baseURL;
+ tinyMCE.isIE = tinyMCE.isMSIE = tinymce.isIE || tinymce.isOpera;
+ tinyMCE.isMSIE5 = tinymce.isIE;
+ tinyMCE.isMSIE5_0 = tinymce.isIE;
+ tinyMCE.isMSIE7 = tinymce.isIE;
+ tinyMCE.isGecko = tinymce.isGecko;
+ tinyMCE.isSafari = tinymce.isWebKit;
+ tinyMCE.isOpera = tinymce.isOpera;
+ tinyMCE.isMac = false;
+ tinyMCE.isNS7 = false;
+ tinyMCE.isNS71 = false;
+ tinyMCE.compat = true;
+ // Extend tinyMCE class
+ TinyMCE_Engine = tinyMCE;
+ tinymce.extend(tinyMCE, {
+ getParam : function(n, dv) {
+ return this.activeEditor.getParam(n, dv);
+ },
+ addEvent : function(e, na, f, sc) {
+ tinymce.dom.Event.add(e, na, f, sc || this);
+ },
+ getControlHTML : function(n) {
+ return EditorManager.activeEditor.controlManager.createControl(n);
+ },
+ loadCSS : function(u) {
+ tinymce.DOM.loadCSS(u);
+ },
+ importCSS : function(doc, u) {
+ if (doc == document)
+ this.loadCSS(u);
+ else
+ new tinymce.dom.DOMUtils(doc).loadCSS(u);
+ },
+ log : function() {
+ console.debug.apply(console, arguments);
+ },
+ getLang : function(n, dv) {
+ var v = EditorManager.activeEditor.getLang(n.replace(/^lang_/g, ''), dv);
+ // Is number
+ if (/^[0-9\-.]+$/g.test(v))
+ return parseInt(v);
+ return v;
+ },
+ isInstance : function(o) {
+ return o != null && typeof(o) == "object" && o.execCommand;
+ },
+ triggerNodeChange : function() {
+ EditorManager.activeEditor.nodeChanged();
+ },
+ regexpReplace : function(in_str, reg_exp, replace_str, opts) {
+ var re;
+ if (in_str == null)
+ return in_str;
+ if (typeof(opts) == "undefined")
+ opts = 'g';
+ re = new RegExp(reg_exp, opts);
+ return in_str.replace(re, replace_str);
+ },
+ trim : function(s) {
+ return tinymce.trim(s);
+ },
+ xmlEncode : function(s) {
+ return tinymce.DOM.encode(s);
+ },
+ explode : function(s, d) {
+ var o = [];
+ tinymce.each(s.split(d), function(v) {
+ if (v != '')
+ o.push(v);
+ });
+ return o;
+ },
+ switchClass : function(id, cls) {
+ var b;
+ if (/^mceButton/.test(cls)) {
+ b = EditorManager.activeEditor.controlManager.get(id);
+ if (!b)
+ return;
+ switch (cls) {
+ case "mceButtonNormal":
+ b.setDisabled(false);
+ b.setActive(false);
+ return;
+ case "mceButtonDisabled":
+ b.setDisabled(true);
+ return;
+ case "mceButtonSelected":
+ b.setActive(true);
+ b.setDisabled(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ addCSSClass : function(e, n, b) {
+ return tinymce.DOM.addClass(e, n, b);
+ },
+ hasCSSClass : function(e, n) {
+ return tinymce.DOM.hasClass(e, n);
+ },
+ removeCSSClass : function(e, n) {
+ return tinymce.DOM.removeClass(e, n);
+ },
+ getCSSClasses : function() {
+ var cl = EditorManager.activeEditor.dom.getClasses(), o = [];
+ each(cl, function(c) {
+ o.push(c['class']);
+ });
+ return o;
+ },
+ setWindowArg : function(n, v) {
+ EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager.params[n] = v;
+ },
+ getWindowArg : function(n, dv) {
+ var wm = EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager, v;
+ v = wm.getParam(n);
+ if (v === '')
+ return '';
+ return v || wm.getFeature(n) || dv;
+ },
+ getParentNode : function(n, f) {
+ return this._getDOM().getParent(n, f);
+ },
+ selectElements : function(n, na, f) {
+ var i, a = [], nl, x;
+ for (x=0, na = na.split(','); x<na.length; x++)
+ for (i=0, nl = n.getElementsByTagName(na[x]); i<nl.length; i++)
+ (!f || f(nl[i])) && a.push(nl[i]);
+ return a;
+ },
+ getNodeTree : function(n, na, t, nn) {
+ return this.selectNodes(n, function(n) {
+ return (!t || n.nodeType == t) && (!nn || n.nodeName == nn);
+ }, na ? na : []);
+ },
+ getAttrib : function(e, n, dv) {
+ return this._getDOM().getAttrib(e, n, dv);
+ },
+ setAttrib : function(e, n, v) {
+ return this._getDOM().setAttrib(e, n, v);
+ },
+ getElementsByAttributeValue : function(n, e, a, v) {
+ var i, nl = n.getElementsByTagName(e), o = [];
+ for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
+ if (tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], a).indexOf(v) != -1)
+ o[o.length] = nl[i];
+ }
+ return o;
+ },
+ selectNodes : function(n, f, a) {
+ var i;
+ if (!a)
+ a = [];
+ if (f(n))
+ a[a.length] = n;
+ if (n.hasChildNodes()) {
+ for (i=0; i<n.childNodes.length; i++)
+ tinyMCE.selectNodes(n.childNodes[i], f, a);
+ }
+ return a;
+ },
+ getContent : function() {
+ return EditorManager.activeEditor.getContent();
+ },
+ getParentElement : function(n, na, f) {
+ if (na)
+ na = new RegExp('^(' + na.toUpperCase().replace(/,/g, '|') + ')$', 'g');
+ return this._getDOM().getParent(n, function(n) {
+ return n.nodeType == 1 && (!na || na.test(n.nodeName)) && (!f || f(n));
+ }, this.activeEditor.getBody());
+ },
+ importPluginLanguagePack : function(n) {
+ tinymce.PluginManager.requireLangPack(n);
+ },
+ getButtonHTML : function(cn, lang, img, c, u, v) {
+ var ed = EditorManager.activeEditor;
+ img = img.replace(/\{\$pluginurl\}/g, tinyMCE.pluginURL);
+ img = img.replace(/\{\$themeurl\}/g, tinyMCE.themeURL);
+ lang = lang.replace(/^lang_/g, '');
+ return ed.controlManager.createButton(cn, {
+ title : lang,
+ command : c,
+ ui : u,
+ value : v,
+ scope : this,
+ 'class' : 'compat',
+ image : img
+ });
+ },
+ addSelectAccessibility : function(e, s, w) {
+ // Add event handlers
+ if (!s._isAccessible) {
+ s.onkeydown = tinyMCE.accessibleEventHandler;
+ s.onblur = tinyMCE.accessibleEventHandler;
+ s._isAccessible = true;
+ s._win = w;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ accessibleEventHandler : function(e) {
+ var elm, win = this._win;
+ e = tinymce.isIE ? win.event : e;
+ elm = tinymce.isIE ? e.srcElement :;
+ // Unpiggyback onchange on blur
+ if (e.type == "blur") {
+ if (elm.oldonchange) {
+ elm.onchange = elm.oldonchange;
+ elm.oldonchange = null;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Piggyback onchange
+ if (elm.nodeName == "SELECT" && !elm.oldonchange) {
+ elm.oldonchange = elm.onchange;
+ elm.onchange = null;
+ }
+ // Execute onchange and remove piggyback
+ if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) {
+ elm.onchange = elm.oldonchange;
+ elm.onchange();
+ elm.oldonchange = null;
+ tinyMCE.cancelEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ cancelEvent : function(e) {
+ return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e);
+ },
+ handleVisualAid : function(e) {
+ EditorManager.activeEditor.addVisual(e);
+ },
+ getAbsPosition : function(n, r) {
+ return tinymce.DOM.getPos(n, r);
+ },
+ cleanupEventStr : function(s) {
+ s = "" + s;
+ s = s.replace('function anonymous()\n{\n', '');
+ s = s.replace('\n}', '');
+ s = s.replace(/^return true;/gi, ''); // Remove event blocker
+ return s;
+ },
+ getVisualAidClass : function(s) {
+ // TODO: Implement
+ return s;
+ },
+ parseStyle : function(s) {
+ return this._getDOM().parseStyle(s);
+ },
+ serializeStyle : function(s) {
+ return this._getDOM().serializeStyle(s);
+ },
+ openWindow : function(tpl, args) {
+ var ed = EditorManager.activeEditor, o = {}, n;
+ // Convert name/value array to object
+ for (n in tpl)
+ o[n] = tpl[n];
+ tpl = o;
+ args = args || {};
+ tpl.url = new tinymce.util.URI(tinymce.ThemeManager.themeURLs[ed.settings.theme]).toAbsolute(tpl.file);
+ tpl.inline = tpl.inline || args.inline;
+, args);
+ },
+ closeWindow : function(win) {
+ EditorManager.activeEditor.windowManager.close(win);
+ },
+ getOuterHTML : function(e) {
+ return tinymce.DOM.getOuterHTML(e);
+ },
+ setOuterHTML : function(e, h, d) {
+ return tinymce.DOM.setOuterHTML(e, h, d);
+ },
+ hasPlugin : function(n) {
+ return tinymce.PluginManager.get(n) != null;
+ },
+ _setEventsEnabled : function() {
+ // Ignore it!!
+ },
+ addPlugin : function(pn, f) {
+ var t = this;
+ function PluginWrapper(ed) {
+ tinyMCE.selectedInstance = ed;
+ ed.onInit.add(function() {
+ t.settings = ed.settings;
+ t.settings['base_href'] = tinyMCE.documentBasePath;
+ tinyMCE.settings = t.settings;
+ tinyMCE.documentBasePath = ed.documentBasePath;
+ //ed.formElement = DOM.get(;
+ if (f.initInstance)
+ f.initInstance(ed);
+ ed.contentDocument = ed.getDoc();
+ ed.contentWindow = ed.getWin();
+ ed.undoRedo = ed.undoManager;
+ ed.startContent = ed.getContent({format : 'raw'});
+ tinyMCE.instances[] = ed;
+ tinyMCE.loadedFiles = [];
+ });
+ ed.onActivate.add(function() {
+ tinyMCE.settings = ed.settings;
+ tinyMCE.selectedInstance = ed;
+ });
+ /* if (f.removeInstance) {
+ ed.onDestroy.add(function() {
+ return f.removeInstance(;
+ });
+ }*/
+ if (f.handleNodeChange) {
+ ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
+ f.handleNodeChange(, n, 0, 0, false, !ed.selection.isCollapsed());
+ });
+ }
+ if (f.onChange) {
+ ed.onChange.add(function(ed, n) {
+ return f.onChange(ed);
+ });
+ }
+ if (f.cleanup) {
+ ed.onGetContent.add(function() {
+ //f.cleanup(type, content, inst);
+ });
+ }
+ this.getInfo = function() {
+ return f.getInfo();
+ };
+ this.createControl = function(n) {
+ tinyMCE.pluginURL = tinymce.baseURL + '/plugins/' + pn;
+ tinyMCE.themeURL = tinymce.baseURL + '/themes/' + tinyMCE.activeEditor.settings.theme;
+ if (f.getControlHTML)
+ return f.getControlHTML(n);
+ return null;
+ };
+ this.execCommand = function(cmd, ui, val) {
+ if (f.execCommand)
+ return f.execCommand(, ed.getBody(), cmd, ui, val);
+ return false;
+ };
+ };
+ tinymce.PluginManager.add(pn, PluginWrapper);
+ },
+ _getDOM : function() {
+ return tinyMCE.activeEditor ? tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom : tinymce.DOM;
+ },
+ convertRelativeToAbsoluteURL : function(b, u) {
+ return new tinymce.util.URI(b).toAbsolute(u);
+ },
+ convertAbsoluteURLToRelativeURL : function(b, u) {
+ return new tinymce.util.URI(b).toRelative(u);
+ }
+ });
+ // Extend Editor class
+ tinymce.extend(tinymce.Editor.prototype, {
+ getFocusElement : function() {
+ return this.selection.getNode();
+ },
+ getData : function(n) {
+ if (!
+ = [];
+ if (![n])
+[n] = [];
+ return[n];
+ },
+ hasPlugin : function(n) {
+ return this.plugins[n] != null;
+ },
+ getContainerWin : function() {
+ return window;
+ },
+ getHTML : function(raw) {
+ return this.getContent({ format : raw ? 'raw' : 'html'});
+ },
+ setHTML : function(h) {
+ this.setContent(h);
+ },
+ getSel : function() {
+ return this.selection.getSel();
+ },
+ getRng : function() {
+ return this.selection.getRng();
+ },
+ isHidden : function() {
+ var s;
+ if (!tinymce.isGecko)
+ return false;
+ s = this.getSel();
+ // Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
+ return (!s || !s.rangeCount || s.rangeCount == 0);
+ },
+ translate : function(s) {
+ var c = this.settings.language, o;
+ o = tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c + '.' + s] || s.replace(/{\#([^}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
+ return tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c + '.' + b] || '{#' + b + '}';
+ });
+ o = o.replace(/{\$lang_([^}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
+ return tinymce.EditorManager.i18n[c + '.' + b] || '{$lang_' + b + '}';
+ });
+ return o;
+ },
+ repaint : function() {
+ this.execCommand('mceRepaint');
+ }
+ });
+ // Extend selection
+ tinymce.extend(tinymce.dom.Selection.prototype, {
+ getSelectedText : function() {
+ return this.getContent({format : 'text'});
+ },
+ getSelectedHTML : function() {
+ return this.getContent({format : 'html'});
+ },
+ getFocusElement : function() {
+ return this.getNode();
+ },
+ selectNode : function(node, collapse, select_text_node, to_start) {
+ var t = this;
+, select_text_node || 0);
+ if (!is(collapse))
+ collapse = true;
+ if (collapse) {
+ if (!is(to_start))
+ to_start = true;
+ t.collapse(to_start);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }).call(this);
+ // Register plugin
+ tinymce.PluginManager.add('compat2x', tinymce.plugins.Compat2x);