path: root/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/editor_plugin_src.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/editor_plugin_src.js')
1 files changed, 588 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/editor_plugin_src.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/editor_plugin_src.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..196d24640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/editor_plugin_src.js
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+ * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 28 2006-08-01 16:02:56Z spocke $
+ *
+ * @author Moxiecode
+ * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2006, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
+ */
+tinyMCE.importPluginLanguagePack('spellchecker', 'en,fr,sv,nn,nb');
+// Plucin static class
+var TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin = {
+ _contextMenu : new TinyMCE_Menu(),
+ _menu : new TinyMCE_Menu(),
+ _counter : 0,
+ _ajaxPage : '/tinyspell.php',
+ getInfo : function() {
+ return {
+ longname : 'Spellchecker',
+ author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
+ authorurl : '',
+ infourl : '',
+ version : tinyMCE.majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE.minorVersion
+ };
+ },
+ handleEvent : function(e) {
+ var elm = tinyMCE.isMSIE ? e.srcElement :;
+ var inst = tinyMCE.selectedInstance, args = '';
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin;
+ var cm = self._contextMenu;
+ var p, p2, x, y, sx, sy, h, elm;
+ // Handle click on word
+ if ((e.type == "click" || e.type == "contextmenu") && elm) {
+ do {
+ if (tinyMCE.getAttrib(elm, 'class') == "mceItemHiddenSpellWord") {
+ inst.spellCheckerElm = elm;
+ // Setup arguments
+ args += 'id=' + inst.editorId + "|" + (++self._counter);
+ args += '&cmd=suggest&check=' + encodeURIComponent(elm.innerHTML);
+ args += '&lang=' + escape(inst.spellCheckerLang);
+ elm = inst.spellCheckerElm;
+ p = tinyMCE.getAbsPosition(inst.iframeElement);
+ p2 = tinyMCE.getAbsPosition(elm);
+ h = parseInt(elm.offsetHeight);
+ sx = inst.getBody().scrollLeft;
+ sy = inst.getBody().scrollTop;
+ x = p.absLeft + p2.absLeft - sx;
+ y = p.absTop + p2.absTop - sy + h;
+ cm.clear();
+ cm.addTitle(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_wait', '', true));
+ cm.moveTo(x, y);
+ inst.selection.selectNode(elm, false, false);
+ self._sendAjax(self.baseURL + self._ajaxPage, self._ajaxResponse, 'post', args);
+ tinyMCE.cancelEvent(e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while ((elm = elm.parentNode));
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ initInstance : function(inst) {
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin, m = self._menu, cm = self._contextMenu, e;
+ tinyMCE.importCSS(inst.getDoc(), tinyMCE.baseURL + "/plugins/spellchecker/css/content.css");
+ if (!tinyMCE.hasMenu('spellcheckercontextmenu')) {
+ tinyMCE.importCSS(document, tinyMCE.baseURL + "/plugins/spellchecker/css/spellchecker.css");
+ cm.init({drop_menu : false});
+ tinyMCE.addMenu('spellcheckercontextmenu', cm);
+ }
+ if (!tinyMCE.hasMenu('spellcheckermenu')) {
+ m.init({});
+ tinyMCE.addMenu('spellcheckermenu', m);
+ }
+ inst.spellCheckerLang = 'en';
+ self._buildSettingsMenu(inst, null);
+ e = self._getBlockBoxLayer(inst).create('div', 'mceBlockBox', document.getElementById(inst.editorId + '_parent'));
+ self._getMsgBoxLayer(inst).create('div', 'mceMsgBox', document.getElementById(inst.editorId + '_parent'));
+ },
+ _getMsgBoxLayer : function(inst) {
+ if (!inst.spellCheckerMsgBoxL)
+ inst.spellCheckerMsgBoxL = new TinyMCE_Layer(inst.editorId + '_spellcheckerMsgBox', false);
+ return inst.spellCheckerMsgBoxL;
+ },
+ _getBlockBoxLayer : function(inst) {
+ if (!inst.spellCheckerBoxL)
+ inst.spellCheckerBoxL = new TinyMCE_Layer(inst.editorId + '_spellcheckerBlockBox', false);
+ return inst.spellCheckerBoxL;
+ },
+ _buildSettingsMenu : function(inst, lang) {
+ var i, ar = tinyMCE.getParam('spellchecker_languages', '+English=en').split(','), p;
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin, m = self._menu, c;
+ m.clear();
+ m.addTitle(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_langs', '', true));
+ for (i=0; i<ar.length; i++) {
+ if (ar[i] != '') {
+ p = ar[i].split('=');
+ c = 'mceMenuCheckItem';
+ if (p[0].charAt(0) == '+') {
+ p[0] = p[0].substring(1);
+ if (lang == null) {
+ c = 'mceMenuSelectedItem';
+ inst.spellCheckerLang = p[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (lang == p[1])
+ c = 'mceMenuSelectedItem';
+ m.add({text : p[0], js : "tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand('" + inst.editorId + "','mceSpellCheckerSetLang',false,'" + p[1] + "');", class_name : c});
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setupContent : function(editor_id, body, doc) {
+ TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin._removeWords(doc);
+ },
+ getControlHTML : function(cn) {
+ switch (cn) {
+ case "spellchecker":
+ return TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin._getMenuButtonHTML(cn, 'lang_spellchecker_desc', '{$pluginurl}/images/spellchecker.gif', 'lang_spellchecker_desc', 'mceSpellCheckerMenu', 'mceSpellCheck');
+ }
+ return "";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the HTML code for a normal button control.
+ *
+ * @param {string} id Button control id, this will be the suffix for the element id, the prefix is the editor id.
+ * @param {string} lang Language variable key name to insert as the title/alt of the button image.
+ * @param {string} img Image URL to insert, {$themeurl} and {$pluginurl} will be replaced.
+ * @param {string} mlang Language variable key name to insert as the title/alt of the menu button image.
+ * @param {string} mid Menu by id to display when the menu button is pressed.
+ * @param {string} cmd Command to execute when the user clicks the button.
+ * @param {string} ui Optional user interface boolean for command.
+ * @param {string} val Optional value for command.
+ * @return HTML code for a normal button based in input information.
+ * @type string
+ */
+ _getMenuButtonHTML : function(id, lang, img, mlang, mid, cmd, ui, val) {
+ var h = '', m, x;
+ cmd = 'tinyMCE.hideMenus();tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand(\'{$editor_id}\',\'' + cmd + '\'';
+ if (typeof(ui) != "undefined" && ui != null)
+ cmd += ',' + ui;
+ if (typeof(val) != "undefined" && val != null)
+ cmd += ",'" + val + "'";
+ cmd += ');';
+ // Use tilemaps when enabled and found and never in MSIE since it loads the tile each time from cache if cahce is disabled
+ if (tinyMCE.getParam('button_tile_map') && (!tinyMCE.isMSIE || tinyMCE.isOpera) && (m = tinyMCE.buttonMap[id]) != null && (tinyMCE.getParam("language") == "en" || img.indexOf('$lang') == -1)) {
+ // Tiled button
+ x = 0 - (m * 20) == 0 ? '0' : 0 - (m * 20);
+ h += '<a id="{$editor_id}_' + id + '" href="javascript:' + cmd + '" onclick="' + cmd + 'return false;" onmousedown="return false;" class="mceTiledButton mceButtonNormal" target="_self">';
+ h += '<img src="{$themeurl}/images/spacer.gif" style="background-position: ' + x + 'px 0" title="{$' + lang + '}" />';
+ h += '<img src="{$themeurl}/images/button_menu.gif" title="{$' + lang + '}" class="mceMenuButton" onclick="' + mcmd + 'return false;" />';
+ h += '</a>';
+ } else {
+ if (tinyMCE.isMSIE && !tinyMCE.isOpera)
+ h += '<span id="{$editor_id}_' + id + '" class="mceMenuButton" onmouseover="tinyMCE.plugins.spellchecker._menuButtonEvent(\'over\',this);" onmouseout="tinyMCE.plugins.spellchecker._menuButtonEvent(\'out\',this);">';
+ else
+ h += '<span id="{$editor_id}_' + id + '" class="mceMenuButton">';
+ h += '<a href="javascript:' + cmd + '" onclick="' + cmd + 'return false;" onmousedown="return false;" class="mceMenuButtonNormal" target="_self">';
+ h += '<img src="' + img + '" title="{$' + lang + '}" /></a>';
+ h += '<a href="#" onclick="tinyMCE.plugins.spellchecker._toggleMenu(\'{$editor_id}\',\'' + mid + '\');return false;" onmousedown="return false;"><img src="{$themeurl}/images/button_menu.gif" title="{$' + lang + '}" class="mceMenuButton" />';
+ h += '</a></span>';
+ }
+ return h;
+ },
+ _menuButtonEvent : function(e, o) {
+ if (o.className == 'mceMenuButtonFocus')
+ return;
+ if (e == 'over')
+ o.className = o.className + ' mceMenuHover';
+ else
+ o.className = o.className.replace(/\s.*$/, '');
+ },
+ _toggleMenu : function(editor_id, id) {
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin;
+ var e = document.getElementById(editor_id + '_spellchecker');
+ var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(editor_id);
+ if (self._menu.isVisible()) {
+ tinyMCE.hideMenus();
+ return;
+ }
+ tinyMCE.lastMenuBtnClass = e.className.replace(/\s.*$/, '');
+ tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_spellchecker', 'mceMenuButtonFocus');
+ self._menu.moveRelativeTo(e, 'bl');
+ self._menu.moveBy(tinyMCE.isMSIE && !tinyMCE.isOpera ? 0 : 1, -1);
+ if (tinyMCE.isOpera)
+ self._menu.moveBy(0, -2);
+ self._onMenuEvent(inst, self._menu, 'show');
+ tinyMCE.lastSelectedMenuBtn = editor_id + '_spellchecker';
+ },
+ _onMenuEvent : function(inst, m, n) {
+ TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin._buildSettingsMenu(inst, inst.spellCheckerLang);
+ },
+ execCommand : function(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value) {
+ var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(editor_id), self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin, args = '', co, bb, mb, nl, i, e;
+ // Handle commands
+ switch (command) {
+ case "mceSpellCheck":
+ if (!inst.spellcheckerOn) {
+ inst.spellCheckerBookmark = inst.selection.getBookmark();
+ // Setup arguments
+ args += 'id=' + inst.editorId + "|" + (++self._counter);
+ args += '&cmd=spell&check=' + encodeURIComponent(self._getWordList(inst.getBody())).replace( /\'/g, '%27' );
+ args += '&lang=' + escape(inst.spellCheckerLang);
+ co = document.getElementById(inst.editorId + '_parent').firstChild;
+ bb = self._getBlockBoxLayer(inst);
+ bb.moveRelativeTo(co, 'tl');
+ bb.resizeTo(co.offsetWidth, co.offsetHeight);
+ // Setup message box
+ mb = self._getMsgBoxLayer(inst);
+ e = mb.getElement();
+ e.innerHTML = '<span>' + tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_swait', '', true) + '</span>';
+ mb.moveRelativeTo(co, 'cc');
+ if (tinyMCE.isMSIE && !tinyMCE.isOpera) {
+ nl = co.getElementsByTagName('select');
+ for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++)
+ nl[i].disabled = true;
+ }
+ inst.spellcheckerOn = true;
+ tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_spellchecker', 'mceMenuButtonSelected');
+ self._sendAjax(self.baseURL + self._ajaxPage, self._ajaxResponse, 'post', args);
+ } else {
+ self._removeWords(inst.getDoc());
+ inst.spellcheckerOn = false;
+ tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_spellchecker', 'mceMenuButton');
+ }
+ return true;
+ case "mceSpellCheckReplace":
+ if (inst.spellCheckerElm)
+ tinyMCE.setOuterHTML(inst.spellCheckerElm, value);
+ self._checkDone(inst);
+ self._contextMenu.hide();
+ self._menu.hide();
+ return true;
+ case "mceSpellCheckIgnore":
+ if (inst.spellCheckerElm)
+ self._removeWord(inst.spellCheckerElm);
+ self._checkDone(inst);
+ self._contextMenu.hide();
+ self._menu.hide();
+ return true;
+ case "mceSpellCheckIgnoreAll":
+ if (inst.spellCheckerElm)
+ self._removeWords(inst.getDoc(), inst.spellCheckerElm.innerHTML);
+ self._checkDone(inst);
+ self._contextMenu.hide();
+ self._menu.hide();
+ return true;
+ case "mceSpellCheckerSetLang":
+ tinyMCE.hideMenus();
+ inst.spellCheckerLang = value;
+ self._removeWords(inst.getDoc());
+ inst.spellcheckerOn = false;
+ tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_spellchecker', 'mceMenuButton');
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Pass to next handler in chain
+ return false;
+ },
+ cleanup : function(type, content, inst) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case "get_from_editor_dom":
+ TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin._removeWords(content);
+ inst.spellcheckerOn = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return content;
+ },
+ // Private plugin specific methods
+ _displayUI : function(inst) {
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin;
+ var bb = self._getBlockBoxLayer(inst);
+ var mb = self._getMsgBoxLayer(inst);
+ var nl, i;
+ var co = document.getElementById(inst.editorId + '_parent').firstChild;
+ if (tinyMCE.isMSIE && !tinyMCE.isOpera) {
+ nl = co.getElementsByTagName('select');
+ for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++)
+ nl[i].disabled = false;
+ }
+ bb.hide();
+ mb.hide();
+ },
+ _ajaxResponse : function(xml) {
+ var el = xml ? xml.documentElement : null;
+ var inst = tinyMCE.selectedInstance, self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin;
+ var cmd = el ? el.getAttribute("cmd") : null, err, id = el ? el.getAttribute("id") : null;
+ if (id)
+ inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(id.substring(0, id.indexOf('|')));
+ self._displayUI(inst);
+ // Ignore suggestions for other ajax responses
+ if (cmd == "suggest" && id != inst.editorId + "|" + self._counter)
+ return;
+ if (!el) {
+ inst.spellcheckerOn = false;
+ tinyMCE.switchClass(inst.editorId + '_spellchecker', 'mceMenuButton');
+ alert("Could not execute AJAX call, server didn't return valid a XML.");
+ return;
+ }
+ err = el.getAttribute("error");
+ if (err == "true") {
+ inst.spellcheckerOn = false;
+ tinyMCE.switchClass(inst.editorId + '_spellchecker', 'mceMenuButton');
+ alert(el.getAttribute("msg"));
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case "spell":
+ if (xml.documentElement.firstChild) {
+ self._markWords(inst.getDoc(), inst.getBody(), decodeURIComponent(el.firstChild.nodeValue).split('+'));
+ inst.selection.moveToBookmark(inst.spellCheckerBookmark);
+ if(tinyMCE.getParam('spellchecker_report_mispellings', false))
+ alert(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_mpell_found', '', true, {words : self._countWords(inst)}));
+ } else
+ alert(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_no_mpell', '', true));
+ self._checkDone(inst);
+ break;
+ case "suggest":
+ self._buildMenu(el.firstChild ? decodeURIComponent(el.firstChild.nodeValue).split('+') : null, 10);
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ _getWordSeparators : function() {
+ var i, re = '', ch = tinyMCE.getParam('spellchecker_word_separator_chars', '\\s!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}§©«®±¶·¸»¼½¾¿×÷¤\u201d\u201c');
+ for (i=0; i<ch.length; i++)
+ re += '\\' + ch.charAt(i);
+ return re;
+ },
+ _getWordList : function(n) {
+ var i, x, s, nv = '', nl = tinyMCE.getNodeTree(n, new Array(), 3), wl = new Array();
+ var re = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin._getWordSeparators();
+ for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
+ if (!new RegExp('/SCRIPT|STYLE/').test(nl[i].parentNode.nodeName))
+ nv += nl[i].nodeValue + " ";
+ }
+ nv = nv.replace(new RegExp('([0-9]|[' + re + '])', 'g'), ' ');
+ nv = tinyMCE.trim(nv.replace(/(\s+)/g, ' '));
+ nl = nv.split(/\s+/);
+ for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
+ s = false;
+ for (x=0; x<wl.length; x++) {
+ if (wl[x] == nl[i]) {
+ s = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!s && nl[i].length > 0)
+ wl[wl.length] = nl[i];
+ }
+ return wl.join(' ');
+ },
+ _removeWords : function(doc, word) {
+ var i, c, nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("span");
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin;
+ var inst = tinyMCE.selectedInstance, b = inst ? inst.selection.getBookmark() : null;
+ word = typeof(word) == 'undefined' ? null : word;
+ for (i=nl.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ c = tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], 'class');
+ if ((c == 'mceItemHiddenSpellWord' || c == 'mceItemHidden') && (word == null || nl[i].innerHTML == word))
+ self._removeWord(nl[i]);
+ }
+ if (b)
+ inst.selection.moveToBookmark(b);
+ },
+ _checkDone : function(inst) {
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin;
+ var w = self._countWords(inst);
+ if (w == 0) {
+ self._removeWords(inst.getDoc());
+ inst.spellcheckerOn = false;
+ tinyMCE.switchClass(inst.editorId + '_spellchecker', 'mceMenuButton');
+ }
+ },
+ _countWords : function(inst) {
+ var i, w = 0, nl = inst.getDoc().getElementsByTagName("span"), c;
+ var self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin;
+ for (i=nl.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ c = tinyMCE.getAttrib(nl[i], 'class');
+ if (c == 'mceItemHiddenSpellWord')
+ w++;
+ }
+ return w;
+ },
+ _removeWord : function(e) {
+ if (e != null)
+ tinyMCE.setOuterHTML(e, e.innerHTML);
+ },
+ _markWords : function(doc, n, wl) {
+ var i, nv, nn, nl = tinyMCE.getNodeTree(n, new Array(), 3);
+ var r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, w = '';
+ var re = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin._getWordSeparators();
+ for (i=0; i<wl.length; i++) {
+ if (wl[i].length > 0)
+ w += wl[i] + ((i == wl.length-1) ? '' : '|');
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
+ nv = nl[i].nodeValue;
+ r1 = new RegExp('([' + re + '])(' + w + ')([' + re + '])', 'g');
+ r2 = new RegExp('^(' + w + ')', 'g');
+ r3 = new RegExp('(' + w + ')([' + re + ']?)$', 'g');
+ r4 = new RegExp('^(' + w + ')([' + re + ']?)$', 'g');
+ r5 = new RegExp('(' + w + ')([' + re + '])', 'g');
+ if (r1.test(nv) || r2.test(nv) || r3.test(nv) || r4.test(nv)) {
+ nv = tinyMCE.xmlEncode(nv);
+ nv = nv.replace(r5, '<span class="mceItemHiddenSpellWord">$1</span>$2');
+ nv = nv.replace(r3, '<span class="mceItemHiddenSpellWord">$1</span>$2');
+ nn = doc.createElement('span');
+ nn.className = "mceItemHidden";
+ nn.innerHTML = nv;
+ // Remove old text node
+ nl[i].parentNode.replaceChild(nn, nl[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _buildMenu : function(sg, max) {
+ var i, self = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin, cm = self._contextMenu;
+ cm.clear();
+ if (sg != null) {
+ cm.addTitle(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_sug', '', true));
+ for (i=0; i<sg.length && i<max; i++)
+ cm.addItem(sg[i], 'tinyMCE.execCommand("mceSpellCheckReplace",false,"' + sg[i] + '");');
+ cm.addSeparator();
+ } else
+ cm.addTitle(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_no_sug', '', true));
+ cm.addItem(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_ignore_word', '', true), 'tinyMCE.execCommand(\'mceSpellCheckIgnore\');');
+ cm.addItem(tinyMCE.getLang('lang_spellchecker_ignore_words', '', true), 'tinyMCE.execCommand(\'mceSpellCheckIgnoreAll\');');
+ cm.update();
+ },
+ _getAjaxHTTP : function() {
+ try {
+ return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
+ } catch (e) {
+ return new XMLHttpRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Perform AJAX call.
+ *
+ * @param {string} u URL of AJAX service.
+ * @param {function} f Function to call when response arrives.
+ * @param {string} m Request method post or get.
+ * @param {Array} a Array with arguments to send.
+ */
+ _sendAjax : function(u, f, m, a) {
+ var x = TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin._getAjaxHTTP();
+, u, true);
+ x.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (x.readyState == 4)
+ f(x.responseXML);
+ };
+ if (m == 'post')
+ x.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+ x.send(a);
+ }
+// Register plugin
+tinyMCE.addPlugin('spellchecker', TinyMCE_SpellCheckerPlugin);