path: root/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js')
5 files changed, 389 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/anchor.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/anchor.js
index 04f41e0ca..2940db359 100644
--- a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/anchor.js
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/anchor.js
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ var AnchorDialog = {
elm.setAttribute('name', name); = name;
} else
- ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', 0, ed.dom.createHTML('a', {name : name, 'class' : 'mceItemAnchor'}, ''));
+ // create with zero-sized nbsp so that in Webkit where anchor is on last line by itself caret cannot be placed after it
+ ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', 0, ed.dom.createHTML('a', {name : name, 'class' : 'mceItemAnchor'}, '\uFEFF'));
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/charmap.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/charmap.js
index 1cead6dfe..bb1869558 100644
--- a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/charmap.js
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/charmap.js
@@ -281,13 +281,21 @@ tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(function() {
function addKeyboardNavigation(){
var tableElm, cells, settings;
- cells =".charmaplink", "charmapgroup");
+ cells ="a.charmaplink", "charmapgroup");
settings ={
root: "charmapgroup",
items: cells
+ cells[0].tabindex=0;
+ tinyMCEPopup.dom.addClass(cells[0], "mceFocus");
+ if (tinymce.isGecko) {
+ cells[0].focus();
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ cells[0].focus();
+ }, 100);
+ }
tinyMCEPopup.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation', settings, tinyMCEPopup.dom);
@@ -306,7 +314,7 @@ function renderCharMapHTML() {
previewCharFn = 'previewChar(\'' + charmap[i][1].substring(1,charmap[i][1].length) + '\',\'' + charmap[i][0].substring(1,charmap[i][0].length) + '\',\'' + charmap[i][3] + '\');';
html += ''
+ '<td class="charmap">'
- + '<a class="charmaplink" role="button" onmouseover="'+previewCharFn+'" onfocus="'+previewCharFn+'" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="insertChar(\'' + charmap[i][1].substring(2,charmap[i][1].length-1) + '\');" onclick="return false;" onmousedown="return false;" title="' + charmap[i][3] + '">'
+ + '<a class="charmaplink" role="button" onmouseover="'+previewCharFn+'" onfocus="'+previewCharFn+'" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="insertChar(\'' + charmap[i][1].substring(2,charmap[i][1].length-1) + '\');" onclick="return false;" onmousedown="return false;" title="' + charmap[i][3] + ' '+ tinyMCEPopup.editor.translate("advanced_dlg.charmap_usage")+'">'
+ charmap[i][1]
+ '</a></td>';
if ((cols+1) % charsPerRow == 0)
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/color_picker.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/color_picker.js
index 7decac5b4..cc891c171 100644
--- a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/color_picker.js
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/color_picker.js
@@ -1,329 +1,345 @@
-var detail = 50, strhex = "0123456789ABCDEF", i, isMouseDown = false, isMouseOver = false;
-var colors = [
- "#000000","#000033","#000066","#000099","#0000cc","#0000ff","#330000","#330033",
- "#330066","#330099","#3300cc","#3300ff","#660000","#660033","#660066","#660099",
- "#6600cc","#6600ff","#990000","#990033","#990066","#990099","#9900cc","#9900ff",
- "#cc0000","#cc0033","#cc0066","#cc0099","#cc00cc","#cc00ff","#ff0000","#ff0033",
- "#ff0066","#ff0099","#ff00cc","#ff00ff","#003300","#003333","#003366","#003399",
- "#0033cc","#0033ff","#333300","#333333","#333366","#333399","#3333cc","#3333ff",
- "#663300","#663333","#663366","#663399","#6633cc","#6633ff","#993300","#993333",
- "#993366","#993399","#9933cc","#9933ff","#cc3300","#cc3333","#cc3366","#cc3399",
- "#cc33cc","#cc33ff","#ff3300","#ff3333","#ff3366","#ff3399","#ff33cc","#ff33ff",
- "#006600","#006633","#006666","#006699","#0066cc","#0066ff","#336600","#336633",
- "#336666","#336699","#3366cc","#3366ff","#666600","#666633","#666666","#666699",
- "#6666cc","#6666ff","#996600","#996633","#996666","#996699","#9966cc","#9966ff",
- "#cc6600","#cc6633","#cc6666","#cc6699","#cc66cc","#cc66ff","#ff6600","#ff6633",
- "#ff6666","#ff6699","#ff66cc","#ff66ff","#009900","#009933","#009966","#009999",
- "#0099cc","#0099ff","#339900","#339933","#339966","#339999","#3399cc","#3399ff",
- "#669900","#669933","#669966","#669999","#6699cc","#6699ff","#999900","#999933",
- "#999966","#999999","#9999cc","#9999ff","#cc9900","#cc9933","#cc9966","#cc9999",
- "#cc99cc","#cc99ff","#ff9900","#ff9933","#ff9966","#ff9999","#ff99cc","#ff99ff",
- "#00cc00","#00cc33","#00cc66","#00cc99","#00cccc","#00ccff","#33cc00","#33cc33",
- "#33cc66","#33cc99","#33cccc","#33ccff","#66cc00","#66cc33","#66cc66","#66cc99",
- "#66cccc","#66ccff","#99cc00","#99cc33","#99cc66","#99cc99","#99cccc","#99ccff",
- "#cccc00","#cccc33","#cccc66","#cccc99","#cccccc","#ccccff","#ffcc00","#ffcc33",
- "#ffcc66","#ffcc99","#ffcccc","#ffccff","#00ff00","#00ff33","#00ff66","#00ff99",
- "#00ffcc","#00ffff","#33ff00","#33ff33","#33ff66","#33ff99","#33ffcc","#33ffff",
- "#66ff00","#66ff33","#66ff66","#66ff99","#66ffcc","#66ffff","#99ff00","#99ff33",
- "#99ff66","#99ff99","#99ffcc","#99ffff","#ccff00","#ccff33","#ccff66","#ccff99",
- "#ccffcc","#ccffff","#ffff00","#ffff33","#ffff66","#ffff99","#ffffcc","#ffffff"
-var named = {
- '#F0F8FF':'Alice Blue','#FAEBD7':'Antique White','#00FFFF':'Aqua','#7FFFD4':'Aquamarine','#F0FFFF':'Azure','#F5F5DC':'Beige',
- '#FFE4C4':'Bisque','#000000':'Black','#FFEBCD':'Blanched Almond','#0000FF':'Blue','#8A2BE2':'Blue Violet','#A52A2A':'Brown',
- '#DEB887':'Burly Wood','#5F9EA0':'Cadet Blue','#7FFF00':'Chartreuse','#D2691E':'Chocolate','#FF7F50':'Coral','#6495ED':'Cornflower Blue',
- '#FFF8DC':'Cornsilk','#DC143C':'Crimson','#00FFFF':'Cyan','#00008B':'Dark Blue','#008B8B':'Dark Cyan','#B8860B':'Dark Golden Rod',
- '#A9A9A9':'Dark Gray','#A9A9A9':'Dark Grey','#006400':'Dark Green','#BDB76B':'Dark Khaki','#8B008B':'Dark Magenta','#556B2F':'Dark Olive Green',
- '#FF8C00':'Darkorange','#9932CC':'Dark Orchid','#8B0000':'Dark Red','#E9967A':'Dark Salmon','#8FBC8F':'Dark Sea Green','#483D8B':'Dark Slate Blue',
- '#2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Gray','#2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Grey','#00CED1':'Dark Turquoise','#9400D3':'Dark Violet','#FF1493':'Deep Pink','#00BFFF':'Deep Sky Blue',
- '#696969':'Dim Gray','#696969':'Dim Grey','#1E90FF':'Dodger Blue','#B22222':'Fire Brick','#FFFAF0':'Floral White','#228B22':'Forest Green',
- '#FF00FF':'Fuchsia','#DCDCDC':'Gainsboro','#F8F8FF':'Ghost White','#FFD700':'Gold','#DAA520':'Golden Rod','#808080':'Gray','#808080':'Grey',
- '#008000':'Green','#ADFF2F':'Green Yellow','#F0FFF0':'Honey Dew','#FF69B4':'Hot Pink','#CD5C5C':'Indian Red','#4B0082':'Indigo','#FFFFF0':'Ivory',
- '#F0E68C':'Khaki','#E6E6FA':'Lavender','#FFF0F5':'Lavender Blush','#7CFC00':'Lawn Green','#FFFACD':'Lemon Chiffon','#ADD8E6':'Light Blue',
- '#F08080':'Light Coral','#E0FFFF':'Light Cyan','#FAFAD2':'Light Golden Rod Yellow','#D3D3D3':'Light Gray','#D3D3D3':'Light Grey','#90EE90':'Light Green',
- '#FFB6C1':'Light Pink','#FFA07A':'Light Salmon','#20B2AA':'Light Sea Green','#87CEFA':'Light Sky Blue','#778899':'Light Slate Gray','#778899':'Light Slate Grey',
- '#B0C4DE':'Light Steel Blue','#FFFFE0':'Light Yellow','#00FF00':'Lime','#32CD32':'Lime Green','#FAF0E6':'Linen','#FF00FF':'Magenta','#800000':'Maroon',
- '#66CDAA':'Medium Aqua Marine','#0000CD':'Medium Blue','#BA55D3':'Medium Orchid','#9370D8':'Medium Purple','#3CB371':'Medium Sea Green','#7B68EE':'Medium Slate Blue',
- '#00FA9A':'Medium Spring Green','#48D1CC':'Medium Turquoise','#C71585':'Medium Violet Red','#191970':'Midnight Blue','#F5FFFA':'Mint Cream','#FFE4E1':'Misty Rose','#FFE4B5':'Moccasin',
- '#FFDEAD':'Navajo White','#000080':'Navy','#FDF5E6':'Old Lace','#808000':'Olive','#6B8E23':'Olive Drab','#FFA500':'Orange','#FF4500':'Orange Red','#DA70D6':'Orchid',
- '#EEE8AA':'Pale Golden Rod','#98FB98':'Pale Green','#AFEEEE':'Pale Turquoise','#D87093':'Pale Violet Red','#FFEFD5':'Papaya Whip','#FFDAB9':'Peach Puff',
- '#CD853F':'Peru','#FFC0CB':'Pink','#DDA0DD':'Plum','#B0E0E6':'Powder Blue','#800080':'Purple','#FF0000':'Red','#BC8F8F':'Rosy Brown','#4169E1':'Royal Blue',
- '#8B4513':'Saddle Brown','#FA8072':'Salmon','#F4A460':'Sandy Brown','#2E8B57':'Sea Green','#FFF5EE':'Sea Shell','#A0522D':'Sienna','#C0C0C0':'Silver',
- '#87CEEB':'Sky Blue','#6A5ACD':'Slate Blue','#708090':'Slate Gray','#708090':'Slate Grey','#FFFAFA':'Snow','#00FF7F':'Spring Green',
- '#4682B4':'Steel Blue','#D2B48C':'Tan','#008080':'Teal','#D8BFD8':'Thistle','#FF6347':'Tomato','#40E0D0':'Turquoise','#EE82EE':'Violet',
- '#F5DEB3':'Wheat','#FFFFFF':'White','#F5F5F5':'White Smoke','#FFFF00':'Yellow','#9ACD32':'Yellow Green'
-var namedLookup = {};
-function init() {
- var inputColor = convertRGBToHex(tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg('input_color')), key, value;
- tinyMCEPopup.resizeToInnerSize();
- generatePicker();
- generateWebColors();
- generateNamedColors();
- if (inputColor) {
- changeFinalColor(inputColor);
- col = convertHexToRGB(inputColor);
- if (col)
- updateLight(col.r, col.g, col.b);
- }
- for (key in named) {
- value = named[key];
- namedLookup[value.replace(/\s+/, '').toLowerCase()] = key.replace(/#/, '').toLowerCase();
- }
-function toHexColor(color) {
- var matches, red, green, blue, toInt = parseInt;
- function hex(value) {
- value = parseInt(value).toString(16);
- return value.length > 1 ? value : '0' + value; // Padd with leading zero
- };
- color = color.replace(/[\s#]+/g, '').toLowerCase();
- color = namedLookup[color] || color;
- matches = /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)|([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})|([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])$/.exec(color);
- if (matches) {
- if (matches[1]) {
- red = toInt(matches[1]);
- green = toInt(matches[2]);
- blue = toInt(matches[3]);
- } else if (matches[4]) {
- red = toInt(matches[4], 16);
- green = toInt(matches[5], 16);
- blue = toInt(matches[6], 16);
- } else if (matches[7]) {
- red = toInt(matches[7] + matches[7], 16);
- green = toInt(matches[8] + matches[8], 16);
- blue = toInt(matches[9] + matches[9], 16);
- }
- return '#' + hex(red) + hex(green) + hex(blue);
- }
- return '';
-function insertAction() {
- var color = document.getElementById("color").value, f = tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg('func');
- tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection();
- if (f)
- f(toHexColor(color));
- tinyMCEPopup.close();
-function showColor(color, name) {
- if (name)
- document.getElementById("colorname").innerHTML = name;
- document.getElementById("preview").style.backgroundColor = color;
- document.getElementById("color").value = color.toUpperCase();
-function convertRGBToHex(col) {
- var re = new RegExp("rgb\\s*\\(\\s*([0-9]+).*,\\s*([0-9]+).*,\\s*([0-9]+).*\\)", "gi");
- if (!col)
- return col;
- var rgb = col.replace(re, "$1,$2,$3").split(',');
- if (rgb.length == 3) {
- r = parseInt(rgb[0]).toString(16);
- g = parseInt(rgb[1]).toString(16);
- b = parseInt(rgb[2]).toString(16);
- r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r;
- g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g;
- b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b;
- return "#" + r + g + b;
- }
- return col;
-function convertHexToRGB(col) {
- if (col.indexOf('#') != -1) {
- col = col.replace(new RegExp('[^0-9A-F]', 'gi'), '');
- r = parseInt(col.substring(0, 2), 16);
- g = parseInt(col.substring(2, 4), 16);
- b = parseInt(col.substring(4, 6), 16);
- return {r : r, g : g, b : b};
- }
- return null;
-function generatePicker() {
- var el = document.getElementById('light'), h = '', i;
- for (i = 0; i < detail; i++){
- h += '<div id="gs'+i+'" style="background-color:#000000; width:15px; height:3px; border-style:none; border-width:0px;"'
- + ' onclick="changeFinalColor("'
- + ' onmousedown="isMouseDown = true; return false;"'
- + ' onmouseup="isMouseDown = false;"'
- + ' onmousemove="if (isMouseDown && isMouseOver) changeFinalColor(; return false;"'
- + ' onmouseover="isMouseOver = true;"'
- + ' onmouseout="isMouseOver = false;"'
- + '></div>';
- }
- el.innerHTML = h;
-function generateWebColors() {
- var el = document.getElementById('webcolors'), h = '', i;
- if (el.className == 'generated')
- return;
- // TODO: VoiceOver doesn't seem to support legend as a label referenced by labelledby.
- h += '<div role="listbox" aria-labelledby="webcolors_title" tabindex="0"><table role="presentation" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">'
- + '<tr>';
- for (i=0; i<colors.length; i++) {
- h += '<td bgcolor="' + colors[i] + '" width="10" height="10">'
- + '<a href="javascript:insertAction();" role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="web_colors_' + i + '" onfocus="showColor(\'' + colors[i] + '\');" onmouseover="showColor(\'' + colors[i] + '\');" style="display:block;width:10px;height:10px;overflow:hidden;">';
- if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.forcedHighContrastMode) {
- h += '<canvas class="mceColorSwatch" height="10" width="10" data-color="' + colors[i] + '"></canvas>';
- }
- h += '<span class="mceVoiceLabel" style="display:none;" id="web_colors_' + i + '">' + colors[i].toUpperCase() + '</span>';
- h += '</a></td>';
- if ((i+1) % 18 == 0)
- h += '</tr><tr>';
- }
- h += '</table></div>';
- el.innerHTML = h;
- el.className = 'generated';
- paintCanvas(el);
- enableKeyboardNavigation(el.firstChild);
-function paintCanvas(el) {
- tinyMCEPopup.getWin().tinymce.each('canvas.mceColorSwatch', el), function(canvas) {
- var context;
- if (canvas.getContext && (context = canvas.getContext("2d"))) {
- context.fillStyle = canvas.getAttribute('data-color');
- context.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
- }
- });
-function generateNamedColors() {
- var el = document.getElementById('namedcolors'), h = '', n, v, i = 0;
- if (el.className == 'generated')
- return;
- for (n in named) {
- v = named[n];
- h += '<a href="javascript:insertAction();" role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="named_colors_' + i + '" onfocus="showColor(\'' + n + '\',\'' + v + '\');" onmouseover="showColor(\'' + n + '\',\'' + v + '\');" style="background-color: ' + n + '">';
- if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.forcedHighContrastMode) {
- h += '<canvas class="mceColorSwatch" height="10" width="10" data-color="' + colors[i] + '"></canvas>';
- }
- h += '<span class="mceVoiceLabel" style="display:none;" id="named_colors_' + i + '">' + v + '</span>';
- h += '</a>';
- i++;
- }
- el.innerHTML = h;
- el.className = 'generated';
- paintCanvas(el);
- enableKeyboardNavigation(el);
-function enableKeyboardNavigation(el) {
- tinyMCEPopup.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation', {
- root: el,
- items:'a', el)
- }, tinyMCEPopup.dom);
-function dechex(n) {
- return strhex.charAt(Math.floor(n / 16)) + strhex.charAt(n % 16);
-function computeColor(e) {
- var x, y, partWidth, partDetail, imHeight, r, g, b, coef, i, finalCoef, finalR, finalG, finalB;
- x = e.offsetX ? e.offsetX : ( ? e.clientX - : 0);
- y = e.offsetY ? e.offsetY : ( ? e.clientY - : 0);
- partWidth = document.getElementById('colors').width / 6;
- partDetail = detail / 2;
- imHeight = document.getElementById('colors').height;
- r = (x >= 0)*(x < partWidth)*255 + (x >= partWidth)*(x < 2*partWidth)*(2*255 - x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= 4*partWidth)*(x < 5*partWidth)*(-4*255 + x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= 5*partWidth)*(x < 6*partWidth)*255;
- g = (x >= 0)*(x < partWidth)*(x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= partWidth)*(x < 3*partWidth)*255 + (x >= 3*partWidth)*(x < 4*partWidth)*(4*255 - x * 255 / partWidth);
- b = (x >= 2*partWidth)*(x < 3*partWidth)*(-2*255 + x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= 3*partWidth)*(x < 5*partWidth)*255 + (x >= 5*partWidth)*(x < 6*partWidth)*(6*255 - x * 255 / partWidth);
- coef = (imHeight - y) / imHeight;
- r = 128 + (r - 128) * coef;
- g = 128 + (g - 128) * coef;
- b = 128 + (b - 128) * coef;
- changeFinalColor('#' + dechex(r) + dechex(g) + dechex(b));
- updateLight(r, g, b);
-function updateLight(r, g, b) {
- var i, partDetail = detail / 2, finalCoef, finalR, finalG, finalB, color;
- for (i=0; i<detail; i++) {
- if ((i>=0) && (i<partDetail)) {
- finalCoef = i / partDetail;
- finalR = dechex(255 - (255 - r) * finalCoef);
- finalG = dechex(255 - (255 - g) * finalCoef);
- finalB = dechex(255 - (255 - b) * finalCoef);
- } else {
- finalCoef = 2 - i / partDetail;
- finalR = dechex(r * finalCoef);
- finalG = dechex(g * finalCoef);
- finalB = dechex(b * finalCoef);
- }
- color = finalR + finalG + finalB;
- setCol('gs' + i, '#'+color);
- }
-function changeFinalColor(color) {
- if (color.indexOf('#') == -1)
- color = convertRGBToHex(color);
- setCol('preview', color);
- document.getElementById('color').value = color;
-function setCol(e, c) {
- try {
- document.getElementById(e).style.backgroundColor = c;
- } catch (ex) {
- // Ignore IE warning
- }
+var detail = 50, strhex = "0123456789abcdef", i, isMouseDown = false, isMouseOver = false;
+var colors = [
+ "#000000","#000033","#000066","#000099","#0000cc","#0000ff","#330000","#330033",
+ "#330066","#330099","#3300cc","#3300ff","#660000","#660033","#660066","#660099",
+ "#6600cc","#6600ff","#990000","#990033","#990066","#990099","#9900cc","#9900ff",
+ "#cc0000","#cc0033","#cc0066","#cc0099","#cc00cc","#cc00ff","#ff0000","#ff0033",
+ "#ff0066","#ff0099","#ff00cc","#ff00ff","#003300","#003333","#003366","#003399",
+ "#0033cc","#0033ff","#333300","#333333","#333366","#333399","#3333cc","#3333ff",
+ "#663300","#663333","#663366","#663399","#6633cc","#6633ff","#993300","#993333",
+ "#993366","#993399","#9933cc","#9933ff","#cc3300","#cc3333","#cc3366","#cc3399",
+ "#cc33cc","#cc33ff","#ff3300","#ff3333","#ff3366","#ff3399","#ff33cc","#ff33ff",
+ "#006600","#006633","#006666","#006699","#0066cc","#0066ff","#336600","#336633",
+ "#336666","#336699","#3366cc","#3366ff","#666600","#666633","#666666","#666699",
+ "#6666cc","#6666ff","#996600","#996633","#996666","#996699","#9966cc","#9966ff",
+ "#cc6600","#cc6633","#cc6666","#cc6699","#cc66cc","#cc66ff","#ff6600","#ff6633",
+ "#ff6666","#ff6699","#ff66cc","#ff66ff","#009900","#009933","#009966","#009999",
+ "#0099cc","#0099ff","#339900","#339933","#339966","#339999","#3399cc","#3399ff",
+ "#669900","#669933","#669966","#669999","#6699cc","#6699ff","#999900","#999933",
+ "#999966","#999999","#9999cc","#9999ff","#cc9900","#cc9933","#cc9966","#cc9999",
+ "#cc99cc","#cc99ff","#ff9900","#ff9933","#ff9966","#ff9999","#ff99cc","#ff99ff",
+ "#00cc00","#00cc33","#00cc66","#00cc99","#00cccc","#00ccff","#33cc00","#33cc33",
+ "#33cc66","#33cc99","#33cccc","#33ccff","#66cc00","#66cc33","#66cc66","#66cc99",
+ "#66cccc","#66ccff","#99cc00","#99cc33","#99cc66","#99cc99","#99cccc","#99ccff",
+ "#cccc00","#cccc33","#cccc66","#cccc99","#cccccc","#ccccff","#ffcc00","#ffcc33",
+ "#ffcc66","#ffcc99","#ffcccc","#ffccff","#00ff00","#00ff33","#00ff66","#00ff99",
+ "#00ffcc","#00ffff","#33ff00","#33ff33","#33ff66","#33ff99","#33ffcc","#33ffff",
+ "#66ff00","#66ff33","#66ff66","#66ff99","#66ffcc","#66ffff","#99ff00","#99ff33",
+ "#99ff66","#99ff99","#99ffcc","#99ffff","#ccff00","#ccff33","#ccff66","#ccff99",
+ "#ccffcc","#ccffff","#ffff00","#ffff33","#ffff66","#ffff99","#ffffcc","#ffffff"
+var named = {
+ '#F0F8FF':'Alice Blue','#FAEBD7':'Antique White','#00FFFF':'Aqua','#7FFFD4':'Aquamarine','#F0FFFF':'Azure','#F5F5DC':'Beige',
+ '#FFE4C4':'Bisque','#000000':'Black','#FFEBCD':'Blanched Almond','#0000FF':'Blue','#8A2BE2':'Blue Violet','#A52A2A':'Brown',
+ '#DEB887':'Burly Wood','#5F9EA0':'Cadet Blue','#7FFF00':'Chartreuse','#D2691E':'Chocolate','#FF7F50':'Coral','#6495ED':'Cornflower Blue',
+ '#FFF8DC':'Cornsilk','#DC143C':'Crimson','#00FFFF':'Cyan','#00008B':'Dark Blue','#008B8B':'Dark Cyan','#B8860B':'Dark Golden Rod',
+ '#A9A9A9':'Dark Gray','#A9A9A9':'Dark Grey','#006400':'Dark Green','#BDB76B':'Dark Khaki','#8B008B':'Dark Magenta','#556B2F':'Dark Olive Green',
+ '#FF8C00':'Darkorange','#9932CC':'Dark Orchid','#8B0000':'Dark Red','#E9967A':'Dark Salmon','#8FBC8F':'Dark Sea Green','#483D8B':'Dark Slate Blue',
+ '#2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Gray','#2F4F4F':'Dark Slate Grey','#00CED1':'Dark Turquoise','#9400D3':'Dark Violet','#FF1493':'Deep Pink','#00BFFF':'Deep Sky Blue',
+ '#696969':'Dim Gray','#696969':'Dim Grey','#1E90FF':'Dodger Blue','#B22222':'Fire Brick','#FFFAF0':'Floral White','#228B22':'Forest Green',
+ '#FF00FF':'Fuchsia','#DCDCDC':'Gainsboro','#F8F8FF':'Ghost White','#FFD700':'Gold','#DAA520':'Golden Rod','#808080':'Gray','#808080':'Grey',
+ '#008000':'Green','#ADFF2F':'Green Yellow','#F0FFF0':'Honey Dew','#FF69B4':'Hot Pink','#CD5C5C':'Indian Red','#4B0082':'Indigo','#FFFFF0':'Ivory',
+ '#F0E68C':'Khaki','#E6E6FA':'Lavender','#FFF0F5':'Lavender Blush','#7CFC00':'Lawn Green','#FFFACD':'Lemon Chiffon','#ADD8E6':'Light Blue',
+ '#F08080':'Light Coral','#E0FFFF':'Light Cyan','#FAFAD2':'Light Golden Rod Yellow','#D3D3D3':'Light Gray','#D3D3D3':'Light Grey','#90EE90':'Light Green',
+ '#FFB6C1':'Light Pink','#FFA07A':'Light Salmon','#20B2AA':'Light Sea Green','#87CEFA':'Light Sky Blue','#778899':'Light Slate Gray','#778899':'Light Slate Grey',
+ '#B0C4DE':'Light Steel Blue','#FFFFE0':'Light Yellow','#00FF00':'Lime','#32CD32':'Lime Green','#FAF0E6':'Linen','#FF00FF':'Magenta','#800000':'Maroon',
+ '#66CDAA':'Medium Aqua Marine','#0000CD':'Medium Blue','#BA55D3':'Medium Orchid','#9370D8':'Medium Purple','#3CB371':'Medium Sea Green','#7B68EE':'Medium Slate Blue',
+ '#00FA9A':'Medium Spring Green','#48D1CC':'Medium Turquoise','#C71585':'Medium Violet Red','#191970':'Midnight Blue','#F5FFFA':'Mint Cream','#FFE4E1':'Misty Rose','#FFE4B5':'Moccasin',
+ '#FFDEAD':'Navajo White','#000080':'Navy','#FDF5E6':'Old Lace','#808000':'Olive','#6B8E23':'Olive Drab','#FFA500':'Orange','#FF4500':'Orange Red','#DA70D6':'Orchid',
+ '#EEE8AA':'Pale Golden Rod','#98FB98':'Pale Green','#AFEEEE':'Pale Turquoise','#D87093':'Pale Violet Red','#FFEFD5':'Papaya Whip','#FFDAB9':'Peach Puff',
+ '#CD853F':'Peru','#FFC0CB':'Pink','#DDA0DD':'Plum','#B0E0E6':'Powder Blue','#800080':'Purple','#FF0000':'Red','#BC8F8F':'Rosy Brown','#4169E1':'Royal Blue',
+ '#8B4513':'Saddle Brown','#FA8072':'Salmon','#F4A460':'Sandy Brown','#2E8B57':'Sea Green','#FFF5EE':'Sea Shell','#A0522D':'Sienna','#C0C0C0':'Silver',
+ '#87CEEB':'Sky Blue','#6A5ACD':'Slate Blue','#708090':'Slate Gray','#708090':'Slate Grey','#FFFAFA':'Snow','#00FF7F':'Spring Green',
+ '#4682B4':'Steel Blue','#D2B48C':'Tan','#008080':'Teal','#D8BFD8':'Thistle','#FF6347':'Tomato','#40E0D0':'Turquoise','#EE82EE':'Violet',
+ '#F5DEB3':'Wheat','#FFFFFF':'White','#F5F5F5':'White Smoke','#FFFF00':'Yellow','#9ACD32':'Yellow Green'
+var namedLookup = {};
+function init() {
+ var inputColor = convertRGBToHex(tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg('input_color')), key, value;
+ tinyMCEPopup.resizeToInnerSize();
+ generatePicker();
+ generateWebColors();
+ generateNamedColors();
+ if (inputColor) {
+ changeFinalColor(inputColor);
+ col = convertHexToRGB(inputColor);
+ if (col)
+ updateLight(col.r, col.g, col.b);
+ }
+ for (key in named) {
+ value = named[key];
+ namedLookup[value.replace(/\s+/, '').toLowerCase()] = key.replace(/#/, '').toLowerCase();
+ }
+function toHexColor(color) {
+ var matches, red, green, blue, toInt = parseInt;
+ function hex(value) {
+ value = parseInt(value).toString(16);
+ return value.length > 1 ? value : '0' + value; // Padd with leading zero
+ };
+ color = tinymce.trim(color);
+ color = color.replace(/^[#]/, '').toLowerCase(); // remove leading '#'
+ color = namedLookup[color] || color;
+ matches = /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)$/.exec(color);
+ if (matches) {
+ red = toInt(matches[1]);
+ green = toInt(matches[2]);
+ blue = toInt(matches[3]);
+ } else {
+ matches = /^([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/.exec(color);
+ if (matches) {
+ red = toInt(matches[1], 16);
+ green = toInt(matches[2], 16);
+ blue = toInt(matches[3], 16);
+ } else {
+ matches = /^([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/.exec(color);
+ if (matches) {
+ red = toInt(matches[1] + matches[1], 16);
+ green = toInt(matches[2] + matches[2], 16);
+ blue = toInt(matches[3] + matches[3], 16);
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '#' + hex(red) + hex(green) + hex(blue);
+function insertAction() {
+ var color = document.getElementById("color").value, f = tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg('func');
+ var hexColor = toHexColor(color);
+ if (hexColor === '') {
+ var text = tinyMCEPopup.editor.getLang('advanced_dlg.invalid_color_value');
+ tinyMCEPopup.alert(text + ': ' + color);
+ }
+ else {
+ tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection();
+ if (f)
+ f(hexColor);
+ tinyMCEPopup.close();
+ }
+function showColor(color, name) {
+ if (name)
+ document.getElementById("colorname").innerHTML = name;
+ document.getElementById("preview").style.backgroundColor = color;
+ document.getElementById("color").value = color.toUpperCase();
+function convertRGBToHex(col) {
+ var re = new RegExp("rgb\\s*\\(\\s*([0-9]+).*,\\s*([0-9]+).*,\\s*([0-9]+).*\\)", "gi");
+ if (!col)
+ return col;
+ var rgb = col.replace(re, "$1,$2,$3").split(',');
+ if (rgb.length == 3) {
+ r = parseInt(rgb[0]).toString(16);
+ g = parseInt(rgb[1]).toString(16);
+ b = parseInt(rgb[2]).toString(16);
+ r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r;
+ g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g;
+ b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b;
+ return "#" + r + g + b;
+ }
+ return col;
+function convertHexToRGB(col) {
+ if (col.indexOf('#') != -1) {
+ col = col.replace(new RegExp('[^0-9A-F]', 'gi'), '');
+ r = parseInt(col.substring(0, 2), 16);
+ g = parseInt(col.substring(2, 4), 16);
+ b = parseInt(col.substring(4, 6), 16);
+ return {r : r, g : g, b : b};
+ }
+ return null;
+function generatePicker() {
+ var el = document.getElementById('light'), h = '', i;
+ for (i = 0; i < detail; i++){
+ h += '<div id="gs'+i+'" style="background-color:#000000; width:15px; height:3px; border-style:none; border-width:0px;"'
+ + ' onclick="changeFinalColor("'
+ + ' onmousedown="isMouseDown = true; return false;"'
+ + ' onmouseup="isMouseDown = false;"'
+ + ' onmousemove="if (isMouseDown && isMouseOver) changeFinalColor(; return false;"'
+ + ' onmouseover="isMouseOver = true;"'
+ + ' onmouseout="isMouseOver = false;"'
+ + '></div>';
+ }
+ el.innerHTML = h;
+function generateWebColors() {
+ var el = document.getElementById('webcolors'), h = '', i;
+ if (el.className == 'generated')
+ return;
+ // TODO: VoiceOver doesn't seem to support legend as a label referenced by labelledby.
+ h += '<div role="listbox" aria-labelledby="webcolors_title" tabindex="0"><table role="presentation" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">'
+ + '<tr>';
+ for (i=0; i<colors.length; i++) {
+ h += '<td bgcolor="' + colors[i] + '" width="10" height="10">'
+ + '<a href="javascript:insertAction();" role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="web_colors_' + i + '" onfocus="showColor(\'' + colors[i] + '\');" onmouseover="showColor(\'' + colors[i] + '\');" style="display:block;width:10px;height:10px;overflow:hidden;">';
+ if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.forcedHighContrastMode) {
+ h += '<canvas class="mceColorSwatch" height="10" width="10" data-color="' + colors[i] + '"></canvas>';
+ }
+ h += '<span class="mceVoiceLabel" style="display:none;" id="web_colors_' + i + '">' + colors[i].toUpperCase() + '</span>';
+ h += '</a></td>';
+ if ((i+1) % 18 == 0)
+ h += '</tr><tr>';
+ }
+ h += '</table></div>';
+ el.innerHTML = h;
+ el.className = 'generated';
+ paintCanvas(el);
+ enableKeyboardNavigation(el.firstChild);
+function paintCanvas(el) {
+ tinyMCEPopup.getWin().tinymce.each('canvas.mceColorSwatch', el), function(canvas) {
+ var context;
+ if (canvas.getContext && (context = canvas.getContext("2d"))) {
+ context.fillStyle = canvas.getAttribute('data-color');
+ context.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
+ }
+ });
+function generateNamedColors() {
+ var el = document.getElementById('namedcolors'), h = '', n, v, i = 0;
+ if (el.className == 'generated')
+ return;
+ for (n in named) {
+ v = named[n];
+ h += '<a href="javascript:insertAction();" role="option" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="named_colors_' + i + '" onfocus="showColor(\'' + n + '\',\'' + v + '\');" onmouseover="showColor(\'' + n + '\',\'' + v + '\');" style="background-color: ' + n + '">';
+ if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.forcedHighContrastMode) {
+ h += '<canvas class="mceColorSwatch" height="10" width="10" data-color="' + colors[i] + '"></canvas>';
+ }
+ h += '<span class="mceVoiceLabel" style="display:none;" id="named_colors_' + i + '">' + v + '</span>';
+ h += '</a>';
+ i++;
+ }
+ el.innerHTML = h;
+ el.className = 'generated';
+ paintCanvas(el);
+ enableKeyboardNavigation(el);
+function enableKeyboardNavigation(el) {
+ tinyMCEPopup.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation', {
+ root: el,
+ items:'a', el)
+ }, tinyMCEPopup.dom);
+function dechex(n) {
+ return strhex.charAt(Math.floor(n / 16)) + strhex.charAt(n % 16);
+function computeColor(e) {
+ var x, y, partWidth, partDetail, imHeight, r, g, b, coef, i, finalCoef, finalR, finalG, finalB, pos = tinyMCEPopup.dom.getPos(;
+ x = e.offsetX ? e.offsetX : ( ? e.clientX - pos.x : 0);
+ y = e.offsetY ? e.offsetY : ( ? e.clientY - pos.y : 0);
+ partWidth = document.getElementById('colors').width / 6;
+ partDetail = detail / 2;
+ imHeight = document.getElementById('colors').height;
+ r = (x >= 0)*(x < partWidth)*255 + (x >= partWidth)*(x < 2*partWidth)*(2*255 - x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= 4*partWidth)*(x < 5*partWidth)*(-4*255 + x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= 5*partWidth)*(x < 6*partWidth)*255;
+ g = (x >= 0)*(x < partWidth)*(x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= partWidth)*(x < 3*partWidth)*255 + (x >= 3*partWidth)*(x < 4*partWidth)*(4*255 - x * 255 / partWidth);
+ b = (x >= 2*partWidth)*(x < 3*partWidth)*(-2*255 + x * 255 / partWidth) + (x >= 3*partWidth)*(x < 5*partWidth)*255 + (x >= 5*partWidth)*(x < 6*partWidth)*(6*255 - x * 255 / partWidth);
+ coef = (imHeight - y) / imHeight;
+ r = 128 + (r - 128) * coef;
+ g = 128 + (g - 128) * coef;
+ b = 128 + (b - 128) * coef;
+ changeFinalColor('#' + dechex(r) + dechex(g) + dechex(b));
+ updateLight(r, g, b);
+function updateLight(r, g, b) {
+ var i, partDetail = detail / 2, finalCoef, finalR, finalG, finalB, color;
+ for (i=0; i<detail; i++) {
+ if ((i>=0) && (i<partDetail)) {
+ finalCoef = i / partDetail;
+ finalR = dechex(255 - (255 - r) * finalCoef);
+ finalG = dechex(255 - (255 - g) * finalCoef);
+ finalB = dechex(255 - (255 - b) * finalCoef);
+ } else {
+ finalCoef = 2 - i / partDetail;
+ finalR = dechex(r * finalCoef);
+ finalG = dechex(g * finalCoef);
+ finalB = dechex(b * finalCoef);
+ }
+ color = finalR + finalG + finalB;
+ setCol('gs' + i, '#'+color);
+ }
+function changeFinalColor(color) {
+ if (color.indexOf('#') == -1)
+ color = convertRGBToHex(color);
+ setCol('preview', color);
+ document.getElementById('color').value = color;
+function setCol(e, c) {
+ try {
+ document.getElementById(e).style.backgroundColor = c;
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // Ignore IE warning
+ }
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/image.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/image.js
index 6c2489a16..bb09e75bf 100644
--- a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/image.js
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/image.js
@@ -104,10 +104,12 @@ var ImageDialog = {
updateStyle : function() {
- var dom = tinyMCEPopup.dom, st, v, f = document.forms[0];
+ var dom = tinyMCEPopup.dom, st = {}, v, f = document.forms[0];
if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.settings.inline_styles) {
- st = tinyMCEPopup.dom.parseStyle(this.styleVal);
+ tinymce.each(tinyMCEPopup.dom.parseStyle(this.styleVal), function(value, key) {
+ st[key] = value;
+ });
// Handle align
v = getSelectValue(f, 'align');
diff --git a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/source_editor.js b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/source_editor.js
index 84546ad52..dd5e366fa 100644
--- a/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/source_editor.js
+++ b/program/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/js/source_editor.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function onLoadInit() {
document.getElementById('htmlSource').value = tinyMCEPopup.editor.getContent({source_view : true});
if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.getParam("theme_advanced_source_editor_wrap", true)) {
- setWrap('soft');
+ turnWrapOn();
document.getElementById('wraped').checked = true;
@@ -37,11 +37,33 @@ function setWrap(val) {
-function toggleWordWrap(elm) {
- if (elm.checked)
- setWrap('soft');
- else
+function setWhiteSpaceCss(value) {
+ var el = document.getElementById('htmlSource');
+ tinymce.DOM.setStyle(el, 'white-space', value);
+function turnWrapOff() {
+ if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
+ setWhiteSpaceCss('pre');
+ } else {
+ }
+function turnWrapOn() {
+ if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
+ setWhiteSpaceCss('pre-wrap');
+ } else {
+ setWrap('soft');
+ }
+function toggleWordWrap(elm) {
+ if (elm.checked) {
+ turnWrapOn();
+ } else {
+ turnWrapOff();
+ }
function resizeInputs() {