path: root/program/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/lib')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/program/lib/Mail/mime.php b/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
index 48bd5f5c0..6b3a992b0 100644
--- a/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
+++ b/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class Mail_mime
$this->_build_params = array(
'text_encoding' => '7bit',
'html_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
- 'header_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
+ 'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
'7bit_wrap' => 998,
'html_charset' => 'ISO-8859-1',
'text_charset' => 'ISO-8859-1',
diff --git a/program/lib/ b/program/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index ebff9d263..000000000
--- a/program/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-// include/
-// (C)Copyright 2002 Ryo Chijiiwa <>
-// This file is part of IlohaMail.
-// IlohaMail is free software released under the GPL
-// license. See enclosed file COPYING for details,
-// or see
- AUTHOR: Ryo Chijiiwa <>
- FILE: include/smtp.php
- Provide SMTP functionality using pure PHP.
- The functions here require a SMTP server configured to allow relaying.
- The following global variables are returned:
- $smtp_errornum - error number, 0 if successful
- $smtp_error - error message(s)
- $SMTP_TYPE - Optional
- The optional $smtp_message_file can be used for sending extremely large
- messages. Storing large messages in a variable will consume whatever
- amount of memory required, which may be more than is available if dealing
- with messages with large attachments. By storing them in a file, it becomes
- possible to read/send bits at a time, drastically reducing memory useage.
- This library only provides bare-bones SMTP functionality. It is up to the
- parent code to form valid RFC822 (MIME) messages.
- //set some global constants
- if (strcasecmp($SMTP_TYPE, "courier")==0){
- }else{
- }
- /* fgets replacement that's multi-line aware */
- function smtp_get_response($fp, $len){
- $end = false;
- do{
- $line = chop(fgets($fp, 5120));
- // echo "SMTP:".$line."<br>\n"; flush();
- if ((strlen($line)==3) || ($line[3]==' ')) $end = true;
- }while(!$end);
- return $line;
- }
- function smtp_check_reply($reply){
- global $smtp_error;
- $a = explode($SMTP_REPLY_DELIM, chop($reply));
- if (count($a) >= 1){
- if ($a[0]==250||$a[0]==354) return true;
- else{
- $smtp_error .= $reply."\n";
- }
- }else{
- $smtp_error .= "Invalid SMTP response line: $reply\n";
- }
- return false;
- }
- function smtp_split($str){
- $result = array();
- $pos = strpos($str, " ");
- if ($pos===false){
- $result[0] = $str;
- }else{
- $result[0] = substr($str, 0, $pos);
- $result[1] = substr($str, $pos+1);
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function smtp_ehlo(&$conn, $host){
- $result = "";
- fputs($conn, "EHLO $host\r\n");
- //echo "Sent: EHLO $host\n"; flush();
- do{
- $line = fgets($conn, 2048);
- //echo "Got: $line"; flush();
- $a = explode(" ", $line);
- if ($a[0]=="250-AUTH") $result .= substr($line, 9);
- }while(!is_numeric($a[0]));
- if ($a[0]==250) return $result;
- else return $a[0];
- }
- function smtp_auth_login(&$conn, $user, $pass){
- $auth["username"] = base64_encode($user);
- $auth["password"] = base64_encode($pass);
- fputs($conn, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
- //echo "Sent: AUTH LOGIN\n"; flush();
- //get first line
- $line = smtp_get_response($conn, 1024);
- //echo "AUTH_LOGIN << $line"; flush();
- $parts = smtp_split($line);
- //valid reply?
- if (($parts[0]!=334) || (empty($parts[1]))) return false;
- //send data
- $prompt = eregi_replace("[^a-z]", "", strtolower(base64_decode($parts[1])));
- fputs($conn, $auth[$prompt]."\r\n");
- //echo "AUT_LOGIN >> ".$auth[$prompt]."\n"; flush();
- //get second line
- $line = smtp_get_response($conn, 1024);
- //echo "AUTH_LOGIN << $line"; flush();
- $parts = smtp_split($line);
- //valid reply?
- if (($parts[0]!=334) || (empty($parts[1]))) return false;
- $prompt = eregi_replace("[^a-z]", "", strtolower(base64_decode($parts[1])));
- fputs($conn, $auth[$prompt]."\r\n");
- //echo "AUT_LOGIN >> ".$auth[$prompt]."\n"; flush();
- $line = smtp_get_response($conn, 1024);
- //echo "AUTH_LOGIN << $line"; flush();
- $parts = smtp_split($line);
- return ($parts[0]==235);
- }
- function smtp_connect($host, $port, $user, $pass){
- global $smtp_errornum;
- global $smtp_error;
- //auth user?
- if ((!empty($SMTP_USER)) && (!empty($SMTP_PASSWORD))){
- $user = $SMTP_USER;
- $pass = $SMTP_PASSWORD;
- }
- // echo "User: $user<br>\n";
- //figure out auth mode
- global $AUTH_MODE;
- $auth_mode = $AUTH_MODE["smtp"];
- if (empty($auth_mode)) $auth_mode = "none";
- if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) $auth_mode = "none";
- // echo "authmode: $auth_mode<br>\n"; flush();
- //initialize defaults
- if (empty($host)) $host = "localhost";
- if (empty($port)) $port = 25;
- // echo "Connecting to $host:$port<br>\n"; flush();
- //connect to SMTP server
- $conn = fsockopen($host, $port);
- if (!$conn){
- //echo "fsockopen failed\n";
- $smtp_error = "Couldn't connect to $host:$port<br>\n";
- return false;
- }
- //read greeting
- $greeting = smtp_get_response($conn, 1024);
- // echo "Connected: $greeting<br>\n"; flush();
- if (($auth_mode=="check") || ($auth_mode=="auth")){
- // echo "Trying EHLO<br>\n"; flush();
- $auth_modes = smtp_ehlo($conn, $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
- // echo "smtp_ehlo returned: $auth_modes<br>\n"; flush();
- if ($auth_modes===false){
- $smtp_error = "EHLO failed\n";
- $conn = false;
- }else if (stristr($auth_modes, "LOGIN")!==false){
- echo "trying AUTH LOGIN\n"; flush();
- if (!smtp_auth_login($conn, $user, $pass)){
- //echo "CONN: AUTH_LOGIN failed\n"; flush();
- $conn = false;
- }
- //echo "Conn after LOGIN: $conn<br>\n"; flush();
- }
- }else{
- fputs($conn, "HELO ".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]."\r\n");
- $line = smtp_get_response($conn, 1024);
- if (!smtp_check_reply($line)){
- $conn = false;
- $smtp_error .= $line."\n";
- }
- // echo "after HELO: $conn<br>\n"; flush();
- }
- return $conn;
- }
- function smtp_close($conn){
- fclose($conn);
- }
- function smtp_mail($conn, $from, $recipients, $message, $is_file){
- global $smtp_errornum;
- global $smtp_error;
- global $SMTP_DATA_REPLY;
- //check recipients and sender addresses
- if ((count($recipients)==0) || (!is_array($recipients))){
- $smtp_errornum = -1;
- $smtp_error .= "Recipients list is empty\n";
- return false;
- }
- if (empty($from)){
- $smtp_errornum = -2;
- $smtp_error .= "From address unspecified\n";
- return false;
- }
- if (!$conn){
- $smtp_errornum = -3;
- $smtp_error .= "Invalid connection\n";
- }
- if (!ereg("^<", $from)) $from = "<".$from;
- if (!ereg(">$", $from)) $from = $from.">";
- //send MAIL FROM command
- $command = "MAIL FROM: $from\r\n";
- // echo nl2br(htmlspecialchars($command));
- fputs($conn, $command);
- if (smtp_check_reply(smtp_get_response($conn, 1024))){
- //send RCPT TO commands, count valid recipients
- $num_recipients = 0;
- while ( list($k, $recipient) = each($recipients) ){
- $command = "RCPT TO: $recipient\r\n";
- fputs($conn, $command);
- $reply = smtp_check_reply(smtp_get_response($conn, 1024));
- if ($reply) $num_recipients++;
- else $smtp_error .= $reply."\n";
- }
- //error out if no valid recipiets
- if ($num_recipients == 0){
- $smtp_errornum = -1;
- $smtp_error .= "No valid recipients\n";
- return false;
- }
- //send DATA command
- fputs($conn, "DATA\r\n");
- $reply = chop(smtp_get_response($conn, 1024));
- $a = explode(" ", $reply);
- //error out if DATA command ill received
- if ($a[0]!=$SMTP_DATA_REPLY){
- $smtp_errornum = -4;
- $smtp_error .= $reply;
- return false;
- }
- //send data
- if ($is_file){
- //if message file, open file
- $fp = false;
- if (file_exists(realpath($message))) $fp = fopen($message, "rb");
- if (!$fp)
- {
- $smtp_errornum = -4;
- $smtp_error .= "Invlid message file\n";
- return false;
- }
- //send file
- while(!feof($fp)){
- $buffer = chop(fgets($fp, 4096), "\r\n");
- fputs($conn, $buffer."\r\n");
- }
- fclose($fp);
- fputs($conn, "\r\n.\r\n");
- return smtp_check_reply(smtp_get_response($conn, 1024));
- }else{
- //else, send message
- $message = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $message);
- $message = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message);
- $message = str_replace("\r\n.\r\n", "\r\n..\r\n", $message);
- fputs($conn, $message);
- fputs($conn, "\r\n.\r\n");
- return smtp_check_reply(smtp_get_response($conn, 1024));
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function smtp_ExplodeQuotedString($delimiter, $string){
- $quotes=explode("\"", $string);
- while ( list($key, $val) = each($quotes))
- if (($key % 2) == 1)
- $quotes[$key] = str_replace($delimiter, "_!@!_", $quotes[$key]);
- $string=implode("\"", $quotes);
- $result=explode($delimiter, $string);
- while ( list($key, $val) = each($result) )
- $result[$key] = str_replace("_!@!_", $delimiter, $result[$key]);
- return $result;
- }
- function smtp_expand($str){
- $addresses = array();
- $recipients = smtp_ExplodeQuotedString(",", $str);
- reset($recipients);
- while ( list($k, $recipient) = each($recipients) ){
- $a = explode(" ", $recipient);
- while ( list($k2, $word) = each($a) ){
- if ((strpos($word, "@") > 0) && (strpos($word, "\"")===false)){
- if (!ereg("^<", $word)) $word = "<".$word;
- if (!ereg(">$", $word)) $word = $word.">";
- if (in_array($word, $addresses)===false) array_push($addresses, $word);
- }
- }
- }
- return $addresses;
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file