path: root/program/localization/en_GB
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program/localization/en_GB')
2 files changed, 35 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/program/localization/en_GB/ b/program/localization/en_GB/
index 44f4d114d..7a36f007e 100644
--- a/program/localization/en_GB/
+++ b/program/localization/en_GB/
@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ $labels['to'] = 'Recipient';
$labels['cc'] = 'Copy';
$labels['bcc'] = 'Bcc';
$labels['replyto'] = 'Reply-To';
+$labels['followupto'] = 'Followup-To';
$labels['date'] = 'Date';
$labels['size'] = 'Size';
$labels['priority'] = 'Priority';
$labels['organization'] = 'Organisation';
-$labels['reply-to'] = 'Reply-To';
+$labels['readstatus'] = 'Read status';
$labels['mailboxlist'] = 'Folders';
$labels['messagesfromto'] = 'Messages $from to $to of $count';
$labels['threadsfromto'] = 'Threads $from to $to of $count';
@@ -96,7 +97,9 @@ $labels['today'] = 'Today';
$labels['checkmail'] = 'Check for new messages';
$labels['writenewmessage'] = 'Create a new message';
$labels['replytomessage'] = 'Reply to sender';
-$labels['replytoallmessage'] = 'Reply to sender and all recipients';
+$labels['replytoallmessage'] = 'Reply to list or to sender and all recipients';
+$labels['replyall'] = 'Reply all';
+$labels['replylist'] = 'Reply list';
$labels['forwardmessage'] = 'Forward the message';
$labels['deletemessage'] = 'Delete message';
$labels['movemessagetotrash'] = 'Move message to "Deleted Items"';
@@ -169,6 +172,7 @@ $labels['addattachment'] = 'Attach a file';
$labels['charset'] = 'Charset';
$labels['editortype'] = 'Editor type';
$labels['returnreceipt'] = 'Return receipt';
+$labels['dsn'] = 'Delivery status notification';
$labels['editidents'] = 'Edit identities';
$labels['checkspelling'] = 'Check spelling';
$labels['resumeediting'] = 'Resume editing';
@@ -193,6 +197,7 @@ $labels['maxuploadsize'] = 'Maximum allowed file size is $size';
$labels['addcc'] = 'Add Cc';
$labels['addbcc'] = 'Add Bcc';
$labels['addreplyto'] = 'Add Reply-To';
+$labels['addfollowupto'] = 'Add Followup-To';
$labels['mdnrequest'] = 'The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you wish to notify the sender?';
$labels['receiptread'] = 'Return Receipt (read)';
$labels['yourmessage'] = 'This is a Return Receipt for your message';
@@ -204,6 +209,7 @@ $labels['email'] = 'E-Mail';
$labels['addcontact'] = 'Add new contact';
$labels['editcontact'] = 'Edit contact';
$labels['contacts'] = 'Contacts';
+$labels['contactproperties'] = 'Contact properties';
$labels['edit'] = 'Edit';
$labels['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$labels['save'] = 'Save';
@@ -251,6 +257,7 @@ $labels['pagesize'] = 'Rows per page';
$labels['signature'] = 'Signature';
$labels['dstactive'] = 'Summer time';
$labels['htmleditor'] = 'Compose HTML messages';
+$labels['htmlonreply'] = 'on reply to HTML message only';
$labels['htmlsignature'] = 'HTML signature';
$labels['previewpane'] = 'Show preview pane';
$labels['skin'] = 'Interface skin';
@@ -259,10 +266,11 @@ $labels['logoutcompact'] = 'Compact Inbox on logout';
$labels['uisettings'] = 'User Interface';
$labels['serversettings'] = 'Server Settings';
$labels['mailboxview'] = 'Mailbox View';
-$labels['mdnrequests'] = 'Sender notifications';
-$labels['askuser'] = 'ask the user';
+$labels['mdnrequests'] = 'On request for return receipt';
+$labels['askuser'] = 'ask each time';
$labels['autosend'] = 'send automatically';
-$labels['autosendknown'] = 'send receipt to my contacts only';
+$labels['autosendknown'] = 'send receipt to my contacts, otherwise ask';
+$labels['autosendknownignore'] = 'send receipt to my contacts, otherwise ignore';
$labels['ignore'] = 'ignore';
$labels['readwhendeleted'] = 'Mark the message as read on delete';
$labels['flagfordeletion'] = 'Flag the message for deletion instead of delete';
@@ -308,16 +316,14 @@ $labels['insertsignature'] = 'Insert signature';
$labels['previewpanemarkread'] = 'Mark previewed messages as read';
$labels['afternseconds'] = 'after $n seconds';
$labels['reqmdn'] = 'Always request a return receipt';
+$labels['reqdsn'] = 'Always request a delivery status notification';
+$labels['replysamefolder'] = 'Place replies in the folder of the message being replied to';
$labels['folder'] = 'Folder';
$labels['folders'] = 'Folders';
$labels['foldername'] = 'Folder name';
-$labels['subscribed'] = 'Subscribed';
$labels['messagecount'] = 'Messages';
$labels['create'] = 'Create';
$labels['createfolder'] = 'Create new folder';
-$labels['rename'] = 'Rename';
-$labels['renamefolder'] = 'Rename folder';
-$labels['deletefolder'] = 'Delete folder';
$labels['managefolders'] = 'Manage folders';
$labels['specialfolders'] = 'Special Folders';
$labels['sortby'] = 'Sort by';
diff --git a/program/localization/en_GB/ b/program/localization/en_GB/
index ec4f6e70d..5c1286e6c 100644
--- a/program/localization/en_GB/
+++ b/program/localization/en_GB/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ $messages['cookiesdisabled'] = 'Your browser does not accept cookies';
$messages['sessionerror'] = 'Your session is invalid or has expired';
$messages['imaperror'] = 'Connection to IMAP server failed';
$messages['servererror'] = 'Server Error!';
+$messages['servererrormsg'] = 'Server Error: $msg';
$messages['invalidrequest'] = 'Invalid request! No data was saved.';
$messages['nomessagesfound'] = 'No messages found in this mailbox';
$messages['loggedout'] = 'You have successfully terminated the session. Good bye!';
@@ -46,17 +47,15 @@ $messages['sendingfailed'] = 'Failed to send message';
$messages['senttooquickly'] = 'Please wait $sec sec(s). before sending this message';
$messages['errorsavingsent'] = 'An error occurred while saving sent message';
$messages['errorsaving'] = 'An error occurred while saving';
-$messages['errormoving'] = 'Could not move the message';
+$messages['errormoving'] = 'Could not move the message(s)';
$messages['errorcopying'] = 'Could not copy the message(s)';
-$messages['errordeleting'] = 'Could not delete the message';
-$messages['errormarking'] = 'Could not mark the message';
+$messages['errordeleting'] = 'Could not delete the message(s)';
+$messages['errormarking'] = 'Could not mark the message(s)';
$messages['deletecontactconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete the selected contact(s)?';
$messages['deletemessagesconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete the selected message(s)?';
$messages['deletefolderconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this folder?';
$messages['purgefolderconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete all messages in this folder?';
-$messages['foldercreating'] = 'Creating folder...';
$messages['folderdeleting'] = 'Deleting folder...';
-$messages['folderrenaming'] = 'Renaming folder...';
$messages['foldermoving'] = 'Moving folder...';
$messages['formincomplete'] = 'The form was not completely filled out';
$messages['noemailwarning'] = 'Please enter a valid email address';
@@ -86,12 +85,13 @@ $messages['copysuccess'] = 'Successfully copied $nr addresses';
$messages['copyerror'] = 'Could not copy any addresses';
$messages['sourceisreadonly'] = 'This address source is read-only';
$messages['errorsavingcontact'] = 'Could not save the contact address';
-$messages['movingmessage'] = 'Moving message...';
-$messages['copyingmessage'] = 'Copying message...';
+$messages['movingmessage'] = 'Moving message(s)...';
+$messages['copyingmessage'] = 'Copying message(s)...';
+$messages['deletingmessage'] = 'Deleting message(s)...';
+$messages['markingmessage'] = 'Marking message(s)...';
$messages['receiptsent'] = 'Successfully sent a read receipt';
$messages['errorsendingreceipt'] = 'Could not send the receipt';
$messages['nodeletelastidentity'] = 'You cannot delete this identity, it\'s your last one.';
-$messages['addsubfolderhint'] = 'This folder will be created as subfolder of the currently selected one';
$messages['forbiddencharacter'] = 'Folder name contains a forbidden character';
$messages['selectimportfile'] = 'Please select a file to upload';
$messages['addresswriterror'] = 'The selected address book is not writeable';
@@ -109,10 +109,21 @@ $messages['smtpautherror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Authentication failed';
$messages['smtpfromerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to set sender "$from" ($msg)';
$messages['smtptoerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to add recipient "$to" ($msg)';
$messages['smtprecipientserror'] = 'SMTP Error: Unable to parse recipients list';
+$messages['smtpdsnerror'] = 'SMTP Error: Server does not support Delivery Status Notifications';
$messages['smtperror'] = 'SMTP Error: $msg';
$messages['emailformaterror'] = 'Incorrect e-mail address: $email';
$messages['toomanyrecipients'] = 'Too many recipients. Reduce the number of recipients to $max.';
$messages['maxgroupmembersreached'] = 'The number of group members exceeds the maximum of $max';
$messages['internalerror'] = 'An internal error occured. Please try again';
+$messages['contactdelerror'] = 'Could not delete contact(s)';
+$messages['contactdeleted'] = 'Contact(s) deleted successfully';
+$messages['groupdeleted'] = 'Group deleted successfully';
+$messages['grouprenamed'] = 'Group renamed successfully';
+$messages['groupcreated'] = 'Group created successfully';
+$messages['messagedeleted'] = 'Message(s) deleted successfully';
+$messages['messagemoved'] = 'Message(s) moved successfully';
+$messages['messagecopied'] = 'Message(s) copied successfully';
+$messages['messagemarked'] = 'Message(s) marked successfully';
+$messages['autocompletechars'] = 'Enter at least $min characters for autocompletion';
+?> \ No newline at end of file