path: root/program
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'program')
6 files changed, 20 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/program/localization/fi_FI/ b/program/localization/fi_FI/
index 62c2d6b07..99ccb242c 100644
--- a/program/localization/fi_FI/
+++ b/program/localization/fi_FI/
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ $labels['importcontacts'] = 'Tuo yhteystiedot';
$labels['importfromfile'] = 'Tuo tiedostosta:';
$labels['importtarget'] = 'Lisää uudet yhteystiedot osoitekirjaan:';
$labels['importreplace'] = 'Korvaa koko osoitekirja';
-$labels['importdesc'] = 'You can upload contacts from an existing address book.<br/>We currently support importing addresses from the <a href="">vCard</a> or CSV (comma-separated) data format.';
+$labels['importdesc'] = 'Voit tuoda yhteystietoja olemassa olevasta osoitekirjasta.<br/>Tuettuja muotoja ovat <a href="">vCard</a> ja CSV (pilkuin erotetut arvot).';
$labels['done'] = 'Valmis';
// settings
diff --git a/program/localization/fi_FI/ b/program/localization/fi_FI/
index adcb36607..035ba411f 100644
--- a/program/localization/fi_FI/
+++ b/program/localization/fi_FI/
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ $messages['invalidimageformat'] = 'Virheellinen kuvamuoto.';
$messages['mispellingsfound'] = 'Viestissä havaittiin kielioppivirheitä.';
$messages['parentnotwritable'] = 'Kansiota ei voitu siirtää tai luoda valittuun yläkansioon. Ei käyttöoikeutta.';
$messages['messagetoobig'] = 'Viestiosa on liian suuri prosessoitavaksi.';
-$messages['attachmentvalidationerror'] = 'WARNING! This attachment is suspicious because its type doesn\'t match the type declared in the message. If you do not trust the sender, you shouldn\'t open it in the browser because it may contain malicious contents.<br/><br/><em>Expected: $expected; found: $detected</em>';
+$messages['attachmentvalidationerror'] = 'Varoitus! Tämä liitetiedosto on epäilyttävä, koska se ei vastaa ilmoitettua tiedostotyyppiä. Jos et luoda lähettäjään, älä avaa liitetiedostoa välttääksesi mahdollista vahingollista aineistoa.<br/><br/><em>Odotettu: $expected; löydetty: $detected</em>';
$messages['noscriptwarning'] = 'Varoitus: Tämä verkkopohjainen sähköpostipalvelu vaatii Javascriptin toimiakseen. Ota Javascript käyttöön selaimesi asetuksista.';
diff --git a/program/localization/nb_NO/ b/program/localization/nb_NO/
index ecbe8545e..4c7a307d0 100644
--- a/program/localization/nb_NO/
+++ b/program/localization/nb_NO/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $labels['junk'] = 'Spam';
// message listing
$labels['subject'] = 'Emne';
$labels['from'] = 'Avsender';
-$labels['sender'] = 'Sender';
+$labels['sender'] = 'Avsender';
$labels['to'] = 'Mottaker';
$labels['cc'] = 'Kopi til';
$labels['bcc'] = 'Blindkopi til';
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ $labels['quicksearch'] = 'Hurtigsøk';
$labels['resetsearch'] = 'Nullstill søk';
$labels['searchmod'] = 'Søke felt';
$labels['msgtext'] = 'Hele meldingen';
-$labels['body'] = 'Body';
+$labels['body'] = 'Meldingstekst';
$labels['openinextwin'] = 'Åpne i nytt vindu';
$labels['emlsave'] = 'Last ned (.eml)';
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ $labels['composeto'] = 'Skriv e-post til';
$labels['contactsfromto'] = 'Kontakter $from til $to av $count';
$labels['print'] = 'Skriv ut';
$labels['export'] = 'Eksporter';
-$labels['exportall'] = 'Export all';
-$labels['exportsel'] = 'Export selected';
+$labels['exportall'] = 'Eksporter alle';
+$labels['exportsel'] = 'Eksporter valgte';
$labels['exportvcards'] = 'Eksporter kontakter i vCard-format';
$labels['newcontactgroup'] = 'Opprett ny kontaktgruppe';
$labels['grouprename'] = 'Endre navn på gruppe';
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ $labels['edititem'] = 'Rediger punkt';
$labels['preferhtml'] = 'Foretrekk HTML';
$labels['defaultcharset'] = 'Standard tegnsett';
$labels['htmlmessage'] = 'HTML-melding';
-$labels['messagepart'] = 'Part';
+$labels['messagepart'] = 'Del';
$labels['digitalsig'] = 'Digital signatur';
$labels['dateformat'] = 'Datoformat';
$labels['timeformat'] = 'Tidsformat';
diff --git a/program/localization/nn_NO/ b/program/localization/nn_NO/
index 725919d14..e67f758e5 100644
--- a/program/localization/nn_NO/
+++ b/program/localization/nn_NO/
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ $labels['composeto'] = 'Ny melding til';
$labels['contactsfromto'] = 'Kontaktar $from til $to av $count';
$labels['print'] = 'Skriv ut';
$labels['export'] = 'Eksport';
-$labels['exportall'] = 'Export all';
-$labels['exportsel'] = 'Export selected';
+$labels['exportall'] = 'Eksporter alle';
+$labels['exportsel'] = 'Eksporter valde';
$labels['exportvcards'] = 'Eksporter kontaktar i vCard-format';
$labels['newcontactgroup'] = 'Lag ny kontaktgruppe';
$labels['grouprename'] = 'Endre namn på gruppe';
diff --git a/program/localization/vi_VN/ b/program/localization/vi_VN/
index 00d04b46b..eb20b8cc5 100644
--- a/program/localization/vi_VN/
+++ b/program/localization/vi_VN/
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ $labels['composeto'] = 'Soạn thư cho';
$labels['contactsfromto'] = 'Liên hệ từ $from - $to / $count';
$labels['print'] = 'In ra';
$labels['export'] = 'Trích xuất';
-$labels['exportall'] = 'Export all';
-$labels['exportsel'] = 'Export selected';
+$labels['exportall'] = 'Xuất tất cả';
+$labels['exportsel'] = 'Xuất mục chọn';
$labels['exportvcards'] = 'Tải dữ liệu máy theo định dạng vCard';
$labels['newcontactgroup'] = 'Tạo nhóm liên lạc mới';
$labels['grouprename'] = 'Đổi tên nhóm';
diff --git a/program/localization/zh_CN/ b/program/localization/zh_CN/
index 4c47f833e..31c6051f7 100644
--- a/program/localization/zh_CN/
+++ b/program/localization/zh_CN/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $messages['errortitle'] = '发生错误!';
$messages['loginfailed'] = '登录失败。';
$messages['cookiesdisabled'] = '您的浏览器不接受 cookies。';
$messages['sessionerror'] = '会话已过期。';
-$messages['storageerror'] = '连接到邮件服务器失败。';
+$messages['storageerror'] = '连接邮件服务器失败。';
$messages['servererror'] = '服务器错误!';
$messages['servererrormsg'] = '服务器错误: $msg';
$messages['dberror'] = '数据库错误!';
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ $messages['errornoperm'] = '无权限操作';
$messages['invalidrequest'] = '无效的请求!数据保存失败。';
$messages['invalidhost'] = '非法主机名。';
$messages['nomessagesfound'] = '此邮件夹内无邮件。';
-$messages['loggedout'] = '您已成功注销,再见!';
+$messages['loggedout'] = '注销成功,再见!';
$messages['mailboxempty'] = '邮件夹为空';
-$messages['refreshing'] = '刷新中...';
+$messages['refreshing'] = '正在刷新...';
$messages['loading'] = '正在载入...';
$messages['uploading'] = '正在上传文件...';
$messages['uploadingmany'] = '正在上传文件...';
@@ -42,18 +42,18 @@ $messages['checkingmail'] = '正在检查新邮件...';
$messages['sendingmessage'] = '正在发送邮件...';
$messages['messagesent'] = '邮件发送成功。';
$messages['savingmessage'] = '正在保存邮件...';
-$messages['messagesaved'] = '邮件已暂存到草稿箱。';
+$messages['messagesaved'] = '邮件已暂存至草稿箱。';
$messages['successfullysaved'] = '保存成功。';
$messages['addedsuccessfully'] = '成功添加联系人。';
$messages['contactexists'] = '当前联系人的电子邮件地址已存在。';
-$messages['contactnameexists'] = '已存在同名的联系人。';
-$messages['blockedimages'] = '为保护隐私,此邮件中的远程图片未显示。';
+$messages['contactnameexists'] = '已存在同名联系人。';
+$messages['blockedimages'] = '为保护隐私,此邮件中的远程图片未予显示。';
$messages['encryptedmessage'] = '抱歉!该邮件已被加密,无法显示。';
$messages['nocontactsfound'] = '未找到联系人。';
$messages['contactnotfound'] = '未找到指定的联系人。';
$messages['contactsearchonly'] = '请输入联系人的搜索条件';
$messages['sendingfailed'] = '发送失败。';
-$messages['senttooquickly'] = '您需要等待 $sec 秒才能发送邮件。';
+$messages['senttooquickly'] = '您需要等待$sec秒才能发送邮件。';
$messages['errorsavingsent'] = '保存已发送邮件时发生错误。';
$messages['errorsaving'] = '保存时发生错误。';
$messages['errormoving'] = '无法移动邮件。';
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ $messages['contactaddedtogroup'] = '成功添加联系人至该分组。';
$messages['contactremovedfromgroup'] = '成功从该分组移除联系人。';
$messages['nogroupassignmentschanged'] = 'No group assignments changed.';
$messages['importwait'] = '正在导入,请稍后...';
-$messages['importformaterror'] = 'Import failed! The uploaded file is not a valid import data file.';
+$messages['importformaterror'] = '导入失败!文件无效。';
$messages['importconfirm'] = '<b>成功导入 $inserted 联系人</b>';
$messages['importconfirmskipped'] = '<b>跳过已存在的 $skipped 项目</b>';
$messages['opnotpermitted'] = '不允许的操作!';
@@ -164,6 +164,6 @@ $messages['mispellingsfound'] = '检查到拼写错误。';
$messages['parentnotwritable'] = '无法创建和转移到所选的目录,权限不足。';
$messages['messagetoobig'] = '由于邮件部分过大无法处理。';
$messages['attachmentvalidationerror'] = 'WARNING! This attachment is suspicious because its type doesn\'t match the type declared in the message. If you do not trust the sender, you shouldn\'t open it in the browser because it may contain malicious contents.<br/><br/><em>Expected: $expected; found: $detected</em>';
-$messages['noscriptwarning'] = 'Warning: This webmail service requires Javascript! In order to use it please enable Javascript in your browser\'s settings.';
+$messages['noscriptwarning'] = '警告:本程序需要 Javascript 支持!请在浏览器设置中启用 Javascript。';