INSTALLATION ============ 1. Decompress and put this folder somewhere inside your document root 2. Make sure that the following directories are writable by the webserver - /temp - /logs 3. Create a new database and a database user for RoundCube 4. Create database tables using the queries in file 'SQL/*.initial.sql' 5. Rename the files config/*.inc.php.dist to config/*.inc.php 6. Modify the files in config/* to suit your local environment 7. Done! UPGRADING ========= If you already have a previous version of RoundCube installed, please refer to the instructions in UPGRADING guide. REQUIREMENTS ============ * The Apache Webserver * .htaccess support allowing overrides for DirectoryIndex * PHP Version 4.3.1 or greater * php.ini options: - error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (or lower) - file_uploads on (for attachment upload features) * A MySQL or PostgreSQL database engine or the SQLite extension for PHP * A database with permission to create tables CONFIGURATION ============= Change the files in config/* according your to environment and your needs. Details about the config paramaters can be found in the config files.