#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bin/exportgettext.sh | | | | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2011, The Roundcube Dev Team | | Licensed under the GNU GPLv3 | | | | PURPOSE: | | Export PHP-based localization files to PO files for gettext | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ define('INSTALL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/' ); require INSTALL_PATH.'program/include/clisetup.php'; if ($argc < 2) { die("Usage: " . basename($argv[0]) . " SRCDIR DESTDIR\n"); } $srcdir = unslashify(realpath($argv[1])); $destdir = unslashify($argv[2]); $layout = 'launchpad'; # or 'narro'; // converting roundcube localization dir if (is_dir($srcdir.'/en_US')) { load_en_US($srcdir.'/en_US'); foreach (glob($srcdir.'/*') as $locdir) { if (is_dir($locdir)) { $lang = basename($locdir); //echo "$locdir => $destdir$lang\n"; convert_dir($locdir, $destdir . ($layout != 'launchpad' ? $lang : '')); } } } // converting plugin localization else if (is_dir($srcdir)) { load_en_US($srcdir.'/en_US.inc'); convert_dir($srcdir, $destdir); } // converting a single file else if (is_file($srcdir)) { //load_en_US(); convert_file($srcdir, $destdir); } /** * Load en_US localization which is used to build msgids */ function load_en_US($fn) { $texts = array(); if (is_dir($fn)) { foreach (glob($fn.'/*.inc') as $ifn) { include($ifn); $texts = array_merge($texts, (array)$labels, (array)$messages); } } else if (is_file($fn)) { include($fn); $texts = array_merge($texts, (array)$labels); } $GLOBALS['en_US'] = $texts; } /** * Convert all .inc files in the given src directory */ function convert_dir($indir, $outdir) { global $layout; if (!is_dir($outdir)) // attempt to create destination dir mkdir($outdir, 0777, true); foreach (glob($indir.'/*.inc') as $fn) { $filename = basename($fn); // create subdir for each template (launchpad rules) if ($layout == 'launchpad' && preg_match('/^(labels|messages)/', $filename, $m)) { $lang = end(explode('/', $indir)); $destdir = $outdir . '/' . $m[1]; if (!is_dir($destdir)) mkdir($destdir, 0777, true); $outfn = $destdir . '/' . $lang . '.po'; } else { $outfn = $outdir . '/' . preg_replace('/\.[a-z0-9]+$/i', '', basename($fn)) . '.po'; } convert_file($fn, $outfn); } } /** * Convert the given Roundcube localization file into a gettext .po file */ function convert_file($fn, $outfn) { global $layout; $basename = basename($fn); $srcname = str_replace(INSTALL_PATH, '', $fn); $product = preg_match('!plugins/(\w+)!', $srcname, $m) ? 'roundcube-plugin-' . $m[1] : 'roundcubemail'; $lang = preg_match('!/([a-z]{2}(_[A-Z]{2})?)[./]!', $outfn, $m) ? $m[1] : ''; $labels = $messages = $seen = array(); if (is_dir($outfn)) $outfn .= '/' . $basename . '.po'; // launchpad requires the template file to have the same name as the directory if (strstr($outfn, '/en_US') && $layout == 'launchpad') { $a = explode('/', $outfn); array_pop($a); $templ = end($a); $a[] = $templ . '.pot'; $outfn = join('/', $a); $is_pot = true; } // launchpad is very picky about file names else if ($layout == 'launchpad' && preg_match($regex = '!/([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})!', $outfn, $m) && $m[1] == strtolower($m[2])) { $outfn = preg_replace($regex, '/\1', $outfn); } include($fn); $texts = $labels ? $labels : $messages; // write header $header = <<<EOF # Converted from Roundcube PHP localization files # Copyright (C) 2011 The Roundcube Dev Team # This file is distributed under the same license as the Roundcube package. # #: %s msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: %s\\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \\n" "POT-Creation-Date: %s\\n" "PO-Revision-Date: %s\\n" "Last-Translator: \\n" "Language-Team: Translations <hello@roundcube.net>\\n" "Language: %s\\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n" EOF; $out = sprintf($header, $srcname, $product, date('c'), date('c'), $lang); $out .= "\n"; $messages = array(); foreach ((array)$texts as $label => $msgstr) { $msgid = $GLOBALS['en_US'][$label] ?: $label; $messages[$msgid][] = $label; } foreach ($messages as $msgid => $labels) { $out .= "\n"; foreach ($labels as $label) $out .= "#: $srcname:$label\n"; $msgstr = $texts[$label]; $out .= 'msgid ' . gettext_quote($msgid) . "\n"; $out .= 'msgstr ' . gettext_quote(!$is_pot ? $msgstr : '') . "\n"; } if ($outfn == '-') echo $out; else { echo "$fn\t=>\t$outfn\n"; file_put_contents($outfn, $out); } } function gettext_quote($str) { $out = ""; $lines = explode("\n", stripslashes($str)); $suffix = count($lines) > 1 ? '\n' : ''; foreach ($lines as $line) $out .= '"' . addcslashes($line, '"') . $suffix . "\"\n"; return rtrim($out); } ?>